How To Grow Morel Mushrooms

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hello everyone I am your produce guy today we are going to show you how to build a morel mushroom habitat I picked up some supplies that we're going to use for this going to build a little wooden box about three foot by three foot square for nine square feet the instructions say to build it anywhere from four square feet to 16 square feet we're going for the nine that's the space have got available for it I've got some materials here I want to show you I'm going to make it out it's just really simple this is some 1 by 6 cedar fencing that I picked up at a local fencing project that was going on and they gave me their scraps I just need these in 3 foot lengths so I've got a bunch of those went down and bought a a piece of two by two down at the home store and we're going to cut that into one pardon me one foot or 12 inch pieces and that'll form the braces inside of our our box we're then going to stack two of these boards so we'll have approximately an 11 inch high planting area and I'm going to put the whole thing together with some exterior these are fencing screws they've been coated so that they don't rust up and will be great so let's go ahead and let's build our morel mushroom habitat we've got our box half complete now I've taken the two boards screw them to the the corner blocks I've got two of my sides done here we will be able to go ahead now and add the other sides on and slide this box underneath the lilac bushes here we'll fill it with some dirt and plant our mushrooms all right box is done all right I've got my box placed here in between my lilac bushes had to trim away this lilac a little bit to get a little more access in there I planted them here by the lilacs because they get shade during the day and afternoon shade from the house because remember these are woodland mushrooms they grow underneath the forest canopy so that's we want a area that has some decent shade for them now I'm going to go ahead and I've got some heavy cardboard here I'm going to lay this in the bottom kind of make a barrier between some of the grasses and other things that are underneath here and then we'll fill this in with our dirt on top I filled the box pretty well full now now what's in here is a combination of our native Utah clay soil some peat moss tell you bit of compost and that's mostly it you want soil and you need to make up your habitat needs to have 50 to 75 percent soil in there at any one time so that's where the the enzymes and little things going on there that help the mushrooms grow there in the soil that they need now these mushrooms are going to be fed with kitchen scraps such as peelings anything biodegradable peelings eggshells that kind of stuff no no meat no citrus none of that goes in here now we've got our our Morel spores right here in our bag I'm going to go ahead and open this up and just place it break it up break up the cube of it here and break it up just put it around and we will be done well there we are they're all mixed in ready to go now you can plant these any time of year that the ground can be worked these are going to grow inside this box until next spring and that's when we should see our first fruiting of these when they'll send up the mushrooms in the meantime I've got a feedom with the kitchen scraps and keep this going keep a little bit moist not wet but moist we've got some sprinklers around here that'll go off and then help us with that job so that's our Morel habitat we're looking forward to next spring to see the fruiting of this it's a little bit of a long project but I think it's going to be totally worth it thanks so much for being with us and watching I am your produce guy until next time remember fresh is best spring what a wonderful time of year just a beehive of activity here in the neighborhood lawns being mowed work being done in the yard cleaning up all that's exciting but not nearly as exciting as what came in the mail today yes I've got more mushrooms now you know I love mushrooms
Channel: YourProduceGuy
Views: 765,629
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Keywords: yourproduceguy, how to, Morel Mushrooms, your produce guy, grow morel mushrooms, mushrooms, mushroom kit, mushroom habitat, how, to, grow, home grown mushrooms, cooking, mycelia, mycelium, sponge, morel habitat, expensive mushrooms, morel hunting, gardening, home grown, expensive foods, health and wellness, food, dinner, lunch, meals, diet, restaurant, cuisine, vegetarian, vegan, eating, home made, recipes, garden fresh, magic mushrooms, meat substitute, protein substitute
Id: QxbjPGpVviQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2012
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