How to Grout Tile Backsplash

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[Music] while I'm nearing the end of my laundry remodeling project today I'm going to grout the tile backsplash they installed last week so follow along and I'll show you how a grout tile so because the cracks are so narrow with this tile only 1/16 of an inch I decided to use an unsanded grout and instead of using just water with the grout I'm actually using a grout additive this grout additive basically provides a higher strength and kind of maximizes it this is stain resistance so I decided I'd use that versus plain water based on my calculations of roughly only about 6 feet by one and a half feet of surface error I only need about a pound of the grout this is a 10 pound bag and for every pound I need roughly 5 ounces of additive I used a measuring cup to measure out five and a half ounces made a mark on this paper cup I used a small scale to measure out 1 pound of material and this this one-pound should do about 10 times the area that I've actually really got to do but it's the amount that I think it was sufficient up for me to be able to work with so I'm going to mix this up and then we'll begin to actually grab the top supper tools for this grouting project you need a float like this one here I'm using a large screwdriver to actually mix the grout you're going to need some sponges I've got a large sponge as well as a small sponge a bucket to put the grout in but you're gonna mix up a large bucket over here filled with cold clean water and then last I have cheesecloth one of the last things you do after applying the grout and wiping it off with your sponges is after its had a little bit more time to set up you've used the cheesecloth to kind of go off and just rub and wipe off any excess film grout film that may be on the tiles before grouting the tile backsplash you want to make sure you take off any outlet covers that you can grout all the way up to the edges of the tile now when I first do is put in the grout into the bucket then I pour in some of the additive but not all of it I want to give a chance to see what I have for a consistency before I accidentally put too much in now I've had plenty of excess material so I can easily just add more grout if I put too much liquid in but I've measured it out to what I think is the right amount I think I'm gonna be okay but always good to not to put too much additive or water in if you're using water and then just add it as you need it so after mixing it for about five minutes I've got the consistency I'm looking for and so I'm gonna let this set up for about five minutes and then we'll be ready to start the project okay so I'm not ready to begin a couple things I put paper down here across all of the counter top to minimize any of the grout getting on that also as I said to the last time when I was installing the the backsplash tile I've left about an eight inch gap on the bottom which I'm gonna fill with a silicone caulk to allow for any expansion of the countertop such that we want have to concern ourselves with the count up actually expanding up and pushing up and cracking the tile of the grout so I'm gonna make sure when I put the grout on I don't go down into that seam along the countertop all right I'm ready to start grouting and you'll notice here I'm going at a 45 degree angle to the seams this allows the grout to really get in to the seams nicely we go both ways and this will ensure that we don't have no types of open spaces in those grout lines when you're doing this you really want to push the plug hard into the seams so you really get that ground all the way to the base the seams are in between the cracks well I continue to work my way down the wall if it was much more surface area than this I would stop and go back with my sponge and clean off some of the work I already did usually I like to do no more than nine to twelve square feet at a time but this grout is fairly dry and I want to really get it on before it sets up any further and the whole interval will probably take me 15-20 minutes to actually apply the grout to this wall all right we'll continue to work our way around the corner I had to make up a little bit more I ran out of the other batch and made this just a little bit soupier so it spread a little easier and I can see that's going on right now much better than the material that I had made in the first batch okay now I finished the entire tile terms of grouting now it's time to clean up the ground and this is where the fresh clean water and the sponge come into play and this is something where you want to do initially one pass kind of lightly along wide strokes and take off the top layer of film and you want to do this about no more than about 15-20 minutes after you've put the the grout in and actually if you had a big project you do maybe 9 to 12 square feet take a break from the grout go back and with your sponge lightly wipe over the area to get some of the excess material off and get the initial film off now I'm using the sponge you want to again just kind of go slowly lightly and you don't want to sit there and keep going over the same spot multiple times with the dirty sponge so you're constantly having to rinse in your bucket to get the material cheap just collect it off the tile onto the sponge we're just going here nut lightly I'm going to rotate and then trying to get some of that excess material off on the top if you let it dig into deep you really want your sponge to be run out and you'll notice here I'm doing sweeps in one direction I don't want to go back and forth rubbing it come on again also using new edges each time I sweep to get an excess grout out and again I'm not trying to get all of it out right now I'm just trying to get the kind of top layer where I know I've got some problems I've got too much crap on the tile itself okay so I've gone through the first pass with the sponge what I'm going to do now is clean out the water replace the water with some clean water clean out the sponge give this about another five or ten minutes for total time maybe a fifteen minute rest between sponging and hit it a second time I'm going to probably do this about four times really to really clean up the grout lines and make them nice and neat thin and clean okay so it's been about 15 minutes since I cleaned the tile with a sponge I've got some fresh water and the sponge is clean we're going to go back and do it all over again so wrapping up my third pass on the tile and as you can see now my sponge is quite clean and is it looking at if there's any thicker spots I just kind of use my sponge to kind of clean out a little bit more on the ground in the lines at this point it's been about an hour and the ground is fairly secure in the cracks so I can be a little bit more aggressive kind of digging into the grout lines a little bit to get the finished look that I want so well gonna go make one more pass at this we'll let it sit for about a half hour and then I'm going to use the cheesecloth on it so the last thing I'm doing is I'm using dry cheesecloth and rubbing them over to each tile to get rid of any haze on so give it the nice shiny appearance of an a good tile project should do so that's the finished grounded tile backsplash went very well looks fantastic this laundry room remodeling project is just about done all I have left to do is paint the walls well hopefully this video provided some guidance to you on how to grow a top project if so consider it in a like button subscribing to this channel and hit you a little bell notifications that you get notified on the next home improvement video that I post also enjoy the next 45 seconds of this video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: HomeAdditionPlus
Views: 29,164
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Keywords: how to grout tile backsplash, how to grout a tile backsplash, grouting tile backsplash, types of tile grout, removing tile grout, removing excess tile grout, sponging tile grout, cleaning tile grout, how to grout tile, HomeAdditionPlus, Mark Donovan
Id: mN2PKmsGd-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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