How To Grout A Tile Backsplash

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hi and welcome to another video if I get it done home repass today we're going to be grouting the tile that we installed a few days ago we let the glue on the tiles dry thoroughly before we proceeded to get the the grout into the joints so I'm going to bring in now I'm going to show you what you're going to need to do the the grouting what kind of tool is you going to use what I'm going to use here because I find this a little bit easier instead of working with the big sponges or big trows or anything like that to get the the grout in on the tight area like this sometimes a little easier just doing it with the smaller the smaller tool so I'm going to show you what I'm going to use with that I will tell you this any in the joints themselves in here in the joints if there is any glue that you see in that at this point is when you want to clean that glue out so that the grout can go into the joints nice and fill the entire joint you can get in there with a utility knife a small screwdriver or whatever you can get in there whip to clean the glue out you want to get that out of that all right so all right enough talking let's show you what tools were going to need and then we're going to mix the grout and we'll get this job started and completed I will tell you this when you mix the grout it is a little bit dusty so be careful don't add too much water because it you know you'll head blue water and the dust will come flying out so put a little bit of water in at the time mix it up and it should be a consistency or sort of like like peanut butter it should be really a fairly thick consistency so don't make it too thin because if you make it too thin and you put it in the joints it's just going to wind up running out alright so let me show you what we have and we're gonna get started alright this is an example of of what tools you're going to need to get this job done we're going to need a bucket with some clean water we have something here this is to just to put my grout in it because they do sell container to put the ground in but what I like using there's any kind of scrap container you have because when you finish you don't have to clean it out you just throw it away and you'll have to worry about it alright now you do have a float like this for doing large areas to get growth in between these joints right here I'm probably not going to use this because this is a little bit bigger than I'd like it to be you can use a smaller rubberized hard rubber type float like this to get the grout hit the joints as well or you can use a utility knife I mean I'm sorry hey yeah spackle knife to get the the grout into the joints here a utility knife to clean out any of the joints that have the the glue in it I'll give you an idea what I mean you see I have the glue inside here we're gonna clean that out before we go and put the new of the grout into it you possibly need a couple of screwdrivers we're gonna need some cloth like this to clean off the tile wants to grab this in there and of course we're gonna use a sponge to clean off any of the grout that's in between the joints so we have it a nice consistency what what I now there is much larger sponges than this but I find this is much easier working with on a real small area like this versus the big sponge because the big sponge is about ten or twelve inches in length and it covers a lot of areas so that's why we're gonna use something small such as this when you clean to the grout out of a joint you're pretty much just rubbing you're not gonna clean it this way in the joint here even the rubber the course of this way to clean the the excess grout out like that all right I will tell you this to make sure you take all your spacers out because these spacers cannot be left in there because obviously the space wasn't gonna be in the air like this you want to make sure you take these out so that way you don't have any kind of an issue all right this is what the grout looks like it's a very powdery type substance like this so what we're going to do is get gonna add a little bit of water and already mix it up and we'll get ready and and get started so let me get some water to this we'll mix it up and I'll show you what it looks like before we get started okay so this is the consistency that you want you don't want it so thin that it falls off your spackle knife or your tools you want to have a so as things on there like this and then we just it's a good thick consistency all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to we're going to start doing some of these tiles back back over here and we'll see how it goes okay all right so now you want to make sure you have something down on your counter so you're not going to make too much of a mess like I said you can take something like this and you could put the take some spackle like this and you just rub it in just like that you want to push it in so it actually fills in all of the little tiny crevices you want to push the grout all the way in you want to just give it a little bit of a pushing motion so that you get the graph into the tile in between the tile joints yeah that's how you would wind up getting the to ground into everything well when you get to the corners it gets a little bit tighter that's why I use my utility or my my spackle knife to get in here like this and just push the grout into each spot okay so that way after we have the the grout in the joint we're just going to come in here with a very dry cloth or a very dry sponge but we're just going to wipe it down like this just to clean off any of the excess you okay so we're going to continue with our grounding in here but you get the basic idea of how to grout I will only do a small section at a time once you do that small section get in there with your sponge and clean it off a little bit and then make sure your grout joints are exactly as you want them and then you proceed to the next section don't try to do the entire wall and then go back and clean the gravel off because it'll be very hard to get it off it dries pretty quickly so I'm after this is dried a little bit we're gonna take a clean cloth and we're going to come in and we'll get a buff off the tiles to get any of that that cement residue that may still be left on there all right so we're going to continue the rest of it get this just done here and then we're all done after this is dried for probably a few days to a week or so you're going to come back and you got to paint them with the waterproofing material but I will do another video on how to do that basically it's just get in there with a paintbrush and paint the tile joints and that seals that deep the grout so that moisture cannot get through it but that's pretty much what does that look like as you go along so we're gonna continue down here and I'm going to wrap this job all right as always thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Get It Done Home Repair
Views: 98,176
Rating: 4.7879858 out of 5
Keywords: how do i grout tiles, how do i install grout, how do i grout a backsplash, how do i grout a floor, how do i mix grout, how do i apply grout, how do i install a under the cabinet microwave, how do i install an over the range wicrowave, how do i attach a microwave, how do i replace a microwave, how do i put up a microwave, how to install kitchen cabinets, installing kitchen cabinets, grouting tile backsplash, how to grout tile backsplash, installing cabinets
Id: 2ttVtd4fjoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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