How to Grill Salmon in Tin Foil

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[Music] hi i'm farm to table chef teca thompson and today we're talking about how to grill salmon in tin foil so i have my tin foil here i like to double foil because i feel like it holds up better and it's more durable and then i have my salmon steak here so it's already clean and deboned beautiful salmon steak so i'm just going to olive oil the salmon steak add kosher salt little black pepper and then some neighborhood lemons that i picked off our tree so i'm just gonna do two small lemon slices and take out the seeds because i don't want them on the top of my fish so one two and then i'm just going to take the salmon skin side down and i'm going to set it right in the center of the tin foil and then what you want to do is you want to create like a little tent for it so that's what's going to steam and cook so we're just going to pick it up like so and fold it over into a little tent making sure that you leave air but sealing it at both ends voila and it's ready to go on the grill so we're just going to add this to our grill and we're just gonna let it cook on here for about um 10 to 15 minutes depending on how thick your salmon is all right so let's get a plate out and let's check on that salmon all right so as you can see it's just made a beautiful pocket and it's allowed the stamen to steam and cook indirectly but on the grill and it's got all that infused lemon flavor and olive oil so i'm just going to take the salmon out place it right on my plate and then drizzle some of that beautiful liquid that it cooked in and then i'm just going to garnish it with a lemon wedge i'm farm to table chef teca thompson that is how to cook salmon in tin foil on the grill thank you for [Music] watching you
Channel: ExpertVillage Leaf Group
Views: 25,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ptvKOo2J-G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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