HOW TO GLOW UP *in 5 steps*

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hey guys it's me Dasha and welcome back to my  channel! and today I'm going to tell you how I   went from this to this and did I really have  that many plastic surgeries? I was broke so   I had to improve myself in other ways. and today  I'm going to tell you about them today I'm going   to talk about my personal tips that have helped  me number one why is no one talking about second   puberty I noticed my femininity and my beauty at  the age of 22 just recently you have to relax and   stop pushing yourself too hard you have to stop  thinking that you can change in a short period   of time also if you're a teenager now for example  you don't have to forget that you're growing and   you're changing I started talking about puberty  because after my first puberty it was like maybe   about 13 14 years old I changed so much but my  second puberty hit me so hard when I was 22 23   so now I look very different my face my body I  look more feminine I feel myself more beautiful   and you have plenty of time to change for the  better so stop worrying about it. sometimes I   receive messages from teenage girls and they're  asking me how can they be prettier how can they   become better. girls please just relax just live  your life eat delicious food study hang out with   your friends read books I know that many girls  at this age they're also on a restrictive diet   which is very bad very very bad. your body is  still growing you don't have to force yourself   to look super different right now improve your  inner beauty stay care of yourself but not try   to be someone else if you're doing good for  yourself you will change anyway my second tip   start mewing ASAP and the younger you are right  now the better it will be for you in the future   I firstly discovered about mewing and I started  mewing when I was 16 years old I decided to give   it a try even though by that time there wasn't  many information about it I so happy and grateful   that I started doing that because that really  changed my appearance it has made my jaw my   neckline and my profile more shapely and beautiful  it works also if you have problems with your teas   I advise you to go and visit a doctor and have  a consultation with your dentist when I was 14   years old I also started to wear braces and I wore  braces twice in my life braces also change your   face my bite wasn't correct so I fixed my bite  and that's why especially after the second time   that I wore braces my face really changed so as  you can see what can make you more attractive is   the health of your teeth maybe a year ago or two  I fixed my teeth and this was the best decision in   in my life just looked how it has changed my face  I mean number three start exercises from today if   you don't like to exercise you should find a type  of sport that you will be comfortable with weight   training yoga pilates or just walking or biking a  healthy body is a healthy mind and this is the key   of the body confidence it boosted my confidence a  lot and working out is my anti-stress every time   when I go to gym and come back home I feel so  happy when you see yourself in the mirror and   when you see how your body is changing for the  best you also feel so good you feel very proud of   yourself because you're doing such a hard work not  many people can work on their body you guys not   many people can do that not many people can change  their body can work on their mind and when you see   the progress you feel amazing the confidence boost  that I have is just crazy and I just love myself   even more I working on my body and it's looking  better and better just imagine how it will impact   you and how confident you will feel it's good for  your health it extends your life it makes you even   more beautiful number four I really wanted to talk  about this one I noticed that not only me but also   many of my friends they have this problem learn  how can you relax your face muscles for the first   time I heard about it from my dentist I was told  that my jaw muscles are so intense that I have to   wear some special orthodontic device and I have  to do some massage to relax this muscles after I   got a prescription from my dentist and after some  time my face got much smaller. I also learned to   do lymphatic drainage exercises every single day  it will help your body and your face and the last   one for today I didn't know how to take pictures  of myself and I hated that when my parents or my   friends wanted to take a picture of me and I  didn't know that I can actually look beautiful   in photos so what I want you to do I want you  to arrange a photo shoot for yourself with a   good photographer try to open yourself explore  yourself and look at yourself from different   angles it's very fun to play with different looks  with different photographers because each of them   they have their own look at you it doesn't matter  if you want to be a model or not it doesn't matter   if you have an account on Instagram or not just do  it for yourself go and print those pictures after   the photo shoot put them on your wall and look at  them yeah that's you and thanks to videos that I'm   filming thanks to pictures from my account I can  see my pluses and I can also see my minuses for   example I once noticed that the health of my hair  was really really not good so I started to take   vitamins I started to sleep more I started to  eat better I started to improve myself improve   yourself slowly don't forget about your inner  beauty if you want the second part let me know   in the comments down below and give this video  a like if I see many likes and comments under   this video I will make the second part I love  you guys so much and see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Dasha Taran
Views: 2,749,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashataran, taaarannn, tarankaaa, makeup, tips, beautytips, cosmetics, skincare, workout, health, fun, vlog, dailylife, style, outfits, tiktok, korea, seoul, 다샤타란, skincareroutine, skincaretips, travelvlog, dasha, koreanfood, fashion, realistic
Id: Lbw0xGfstHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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