How To Give A Rescue Dog A Bath: Setting Yourself Up For Success

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today I brought home a dog from the shelter and she is in dire need of her bath so I figured go ahead and record it and along the way I'll give you a few tips as to the best way to give a brand-new dog a bath so I'm in a spare bathroom and we're gonna give this brand-new rescue dog that we just picked up from the shelter a bath looks like this is the first time she's ever seen a camera - so she's brand new to her environment we're gonna make this as comfortable as possible for her I literally just picked her up today and otherwise I'd give them a little bit more time for him before a bath but she stinks something fierce a couple of tools for you I got a Kong with some yummy peanut butter with no xylitol in there just to give her something fun to lick on in the tub some positive reinforcement I've got my treat pouch as well a couple of different treats for her in case she runs out of that and I'm gonna give her a little extra love for being a good girl tub it's how to drag her off I've got a mat for her paws and she comes out and then I also have just a washcloth there just a simple washcloth for her face I actually like using baby washcloths instead because they're much smaller and it's easier to safely get around their eyes and cleaners a couple of other tools that I have going on here just simple dog shampoo from Burt's Bees it's an all-natural shampoo I picked an oatmeal shampoo for her so I'm looking for no perfumes just simple oatmeal shampoo because it looks like she does have some wheat allergy dermatitis so along the back here you can see where she's all kind of brown from itching and scratching all the way down here she's actually a fully white dog this is as you can see is just from scratching please so I want something it's really gentle on the coat your skin which is why hips and oatmeal shampoo so if you're looking for a shampoo like this I'll put a link in the description for you so you can and the only other schools I have here really are a cup that and also I picked up this little gadget a couple of years ago this is the aqua PHA it just fixes to the showerhead at the top often times like a rescue dog if she's never had a bath before and I want this to be a positive experience you've tied on the showerhead and it just sprays out sometimes I can scare that you don't want their first experience being a great experience so I've got all my tools we're gonna get everything set up I'm gonna unstrap her because she's brand new she's tethered to me all new doggies gets hired the best way to start building the bond so let's get started with your bath before you fall asleep as I'm turning the water on and it's a little bit loud I'm just gonna give her a little bit of reward when I turn that on cause it's a loud noise I want to get it to temperature first you want it slightly warm but just like you would test a baby's bath water you want to run it past your wrist but this is a more sensitive area so be sure to test the water on your wrist and see how that feels this is gonna make a different sound so when I click it over I want to have some reward center as well all right so now we have nice warm water running through the polisher here click it off for a moment there we go now she's small oftentimes I'll encourage them to come into the tub if they're a larger dog with some food reward I'll give them time to get acclimated but she's tiny so I'm really just gonna kind of pick her up and pop her on in oh good honey hmm let's pop this water back on here it helps if you have somewhere that you can put them to the shower but most people don't have anything like that so you want to clip them back to yourself to a hands with a leash just something that they don't come flying out of the tub if they do get a little concerned about having a bath so I'm just gonna turn this on nice and slow spray myself with it there we go girl you see I'm gonna give her a little bit of peanut butter to calm and it being just over her slightly oh girl good see she's kind of unsure she's not really sure what's going on and then some all right good I'm just gonna gently call my with it [Music] she's I'm sure but she's not completely touching [Music] it's a great idea I'm really hoping they conserve their product now she has really short hair but most dogs have a couple of layers to their first you want to make sure you get all the way deep down I'm not gonna spend a lot of time bathing her again because this is her first bath so I'm just gonna really get all the main dirt off to start and gonna disturb her too much cuz I want to keep her it's a little more comfortable a bit of positive short experience for her and I think that happens a little bit she's a brand new dog I'm gonna go with the green up her for when I'm massaging her with the paul Washer get under her belly now you notice I did not put this in her face I'm completely avoiding her face at the moment because it's not fun to have a water spray in your face we're gonna use a wash back to wash that all right put that off for a moment I'm pretty liberal with the shampoo yeah her her tasty stuff mm-hmm I'm pretty liberal with this just cuz I want to get a good lather and as you can see she's in pretty desperate need of a bath she smells just as bad as she looks to no fault of her own now here I'll just start massaging it in just get a nice good sense we are going this is where I am it comes in hand they have the mitts that you can slide over your hand that have the kind of curry comb texture to it like this and you can just really kind of rub it in or scrub it in I'm just gonna use the top of the pot washer for right now to do that job that a minute would do now for dogs that have fleas or you have a concern with fleas you always want to start to the head and work your way all the way down the back reason being they're gonna go to the opposite side these little buggers are gonna run from the soap and such so you want to you want to start at the head or the neck rather and work your way down with suds so that they're more likely to go towards the back and not towards their face go girl she doesn't the side she doesn't mind the massage at all she likes this part here we go girl it does help if you do this with two people at first easy for those eight things that way one person can offer some positive reward better continue to lick her calm then the other person can focus on baby so I'm just gonna go lightly over her little feet right here again she's a brand-new dog so I'm about how she is enough handling her paws missed the time so I'm gonna be pretty quick with that but I want to push it with her she's been pretty cooperative tree - good girl all right and you still want another tail dogs can be praising it about their tails too so just a quick once-over for this part [Music] those little paws you've been licking alright I'm gonna go ahead and rinse her off so again same with starting the soap at the neck we're gonna rinse from the neck as well so they're already left over fleas or anything we're gonna push them down away from her face home to get all this deep soap you just pull out just to show you for a sec I'm going to turn this off cup method is super simple a little more difficult of course cuz you have to turn this on and off but all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pour this water and I'm just gonna work it section to section through her fur to get the rest of that soap out just so I'm pushing it all in the same direction and making the most out of this small cup of water that I have here and I think to is when you use the cup method you have to obviously check the temperature pretty frequently and make sure it's still okay [Music] when I go back to the paul Washer to finish your off she's still got some soap underneath here you want to make sure not to leave any soap residue on the body whatsoever not only can it attract and hold dirt but it can irritate the skin - last but not least I'm gonna go ahead and do her face and I'm going to keep this short and quick she's a brand new dog keep it a positive experience I'm literally just gonna wet this wash clock down again a baby wash clock works a lot easier [Music] thank you thirsty little cut on your head and your nose just a quick little wipe down one ear see how she does with it or have another ear make sure if you rub in the ear with anything wet and you also rub it in something dry as well all right you're all done let's get you dry it off good girl are you ready to come out with drying same with washing I'm gonna start with the face up here first I'm going to get out of this tub okay yeah this tub yeah off we go onto the mat what okay see ya shake it up good girl allow them to get a good shake in not only does that we leave or mediate some stress it's one of the ways they shake some stress off it'll help you also help your me [Music] start a little pause just to get all the excess water from standing in the tub off yeah if you liked this video please let me know hit that like button and hit the subscribe and the Bell notification if you want to see more just like it and this little girl is available for adoption at Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Care and Control but we actually brought her home to evaluate her as a potential service-dog candidate with operation sidekick so more to come as we pull more rescues and more tips as well if you hit the subscribing notification you'll get those right directly to your YouTube feed thanks so much for watching me bathe our brand-new rescue dog [Music]
Channel: Sara Ondrako
Views: 61,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rescue dog, pit bull, dogs, dog bath, clean dog, dirty dog, rescued, good dog, stress free, bath time, bath, giving my dog a bath, bathing a dog
Id: Zj9S9apdJN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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