How to Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers on YouTube on 2024

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what is the most practical way to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube you've probably seen a lot of videos about how to get a th000 subscribers on YouTube and sometimes they're really frustrating because your channel feels stuck so in this video we're actually going to be talking about the best method for getting a thousand subscribers on YouTube even if you don't have any video editing skills you don't have Michael Jordan or Taylor Swift levels of talent you don't have any fancy gear or you don't have any experience that's okay because when you follow what you're going to learn in this video and especially some of the tips I'm going to be sharing towards the end you're going to see how practical it can be to grow your channel to your first or next 1,000 subscribers I'm also going to be sharing a tip that I learned uh for YouTube growth from Dave Ramsey Gary vaynerchuk and Marie foro that any of us can apply and it's probably GNA surprise you and then we're also going to be talking a little bit about keyword research and how to come up with video ideas guarant gued to get views all of that is what we're going to be covering in this deep dive training session on the asq method the simple path for gaining over a thousand subscribers on YouTube and today's session is brought to you by vid forth think shout out to them for sponsoring this video but more on them later now if you want to start a YouTube channel here's how I think of it it's kind of like building a house like if you want to build a strong house you need the right tools and if you want to build a successful YouTube channel you need the right tools well what do I mean well if you're are trying to accomplish a goal like if I'm trying to get this screw into a board it's going to be very difficult if I don't have the right tools I'm going to put a lot of effort into it I might be using that wrench as a hammer and I'm going to be banging the screw up it's like not really going in the wood's kind of getting torn it's going off sideways you could actually be putting a lot of effort into trying to accomplish your goal but having a ton of frustration because you don't have the right tools right and so ultimately if you have the right tool all of a sudden all the frustration goes away and you start to get results well ultimately if you're building a house you need a hammer a saw a screwdriver a tape measure a level uh well if you're building a YouTube channel you need the right tools now those do come with how do you make a video how do you do a title how do you create a thumbnail sure but what we've learned at TH media is there's actually like methods they're kind of like video strategies we've actually created 16 different video strategies that have helped our students get silver play buttons and grow their YouTube channels and go full-time and we're going to be talking about one of those methods today it's basically a tool that is going to help you reach your first or next a thousand subscribers and the reason people struggle to grow on YouTube is because they're ultimately making the wrong videos especially when starting out they're making videos about this and that but stuck and it's a ghost town it's like a tumble weed just rolled through your YouTube channel and one of the ways to fix that is not necessarily by making a better video the mistake people make is they think if I just had better editing if I just made a better thumbnail but if you're making the wrong videos then no the best editing in the world is not going to help you so that is where we started to develop What's called the asq method and here's a broad overview and then we're unpack depth for the strategy throughout this training and so the asq method stands for this it stands for answer specific questions answer specific questions the most practical way to start getting views on YouTube with no experience no fancy gear is using the asq method this is number one of 16 different strategies to start getting views but what I love about this one is it's also the easiest it's like the most practical to get started with and 70% of viewers use YouTube to help them solve a problem 70% of viewers that are watching YouTube use YouTube to help them solve a problem you could put that another way a problem is a question man how do I solve this problem how do I reach this goal how do I get a date with a a person how do I recover after divorce how do I build a video editing PC on a budget how do I beat this level in a game how do I lose some weight or gain some muscle how do I prepare for retirement or set up a trust people are asking questions and they're going to YouTube to ask those questions so here's something for you to write down what is a question that your ideal YouTube subscriber wants to know now we need to take a pause for this strategy because you might go well Sean I don't know who my ideal YouTube subscriber is I'm glad you brought that up because ultimately knowing who our ideal YouTube subscriber is is going to be a huge key to crafting the proper content and answering the right questions and so who is your ideal YouTube channel who is your channel for and what problem does your YouTube channel solve then you can start a answering the questions that people care about so let me give you an example on think media I started think media back in 2010 today it's multiple content creators it's pretty wild what it's turned into but I started it after I had started multiple other YouTube channels and i' had managed YouTube channels for different in at the beginning pastors and authors um I'd done small YouTube channels for small businesses in Marysville Washington like a local uh Mexican restaurant and things like that so then I started to realize people were asking me questions about what camera should I buy how do I start a YouTube channel how do I grow with video how do I do these different things and even more specifically people were wondering well how do I find music that's not going to get me flagged for copyright how do I find music that's legal to you use so that YouTube doesn't take away my monetization so I made a video on the best copyright free music for YouTube videos the top three sites now this is answering a specific question so if you go to the YouTube search bar and someone types in what is the best copyright free music now notice this framework the asq method one of the big mistakes people make is they just they just do the AQ method it doesn't work the answer questions method because you might go well Sean it's too crowded to do this it's too late to do this in a 2024 World does this work uh you know it still works but not if you just answer questions a lot of people are doing that you need to answer specific questions like if you're new to this you might be like I wouldn't even have used this language like best copyright free music even more specifically for YouTube videos is incredibly specific it's like what's the best music the music needs to be copi free what's the use case YouTube videos there's like four or five layers of nuance in terms of the specific question I'm answering well what were the results this will show you the power of answering specific questions this video was uploaded on June 11th 2018 Revelation number one you can upload a video answering a specific question five years ago and still get views today Revelation number two the V the video is still getting 1,55 views every two days it is five years old so this video is growing my channel Revelation number three YouTube search is where those views are coming from so remember we just saw the stats people are going to YouTube looking for answers to specific questions well there's the 1,55 people basically every day that are doing that still five years later and the video still gets views Revelation number four one video has earned me personally $3 37,2 37 just from Revenue so the objection someone might say well you know I do asq videos in my small Niche or my small channel topic I only get a couple hundred views off a couple hundred views you're not going to make significant money off of AdSense but I think the myth people believe is that answering specific questions can't be lucrative I don't know about you but this video has earned $37,000 this a decent amount of money like let me know in the chat if you if if like you could use an extra $37,000 you know Revolution Revelation number five doing this has also grown my channel 55,000 subscribers so we're talking about in this video how to get your first a th000 subscribers I hope that your self-belief is increasing because you might say Sean you've been doing this for a while you're you're an expert at video I'm just starting I'm nervous to get on camera well so what if you only got one 155th of the results that I got here that'd be a thousand subscribers from one video now when you're starting from scratch maybe you do 10 of these maybe you do 20 of these you're going to get to a thousand subscribers following this methods this method and over the next five days in our Challenge and if you are watching the YouTube version of this we're just streaming the first session I'll be tell I'll tell you a little bit more how you can join that later but but see the power of how to of how answering specific questions can ultimately generate massive results and think with Google revealed that 86% of us viewers say they often use YouTube to learn new things so ultimately you packaging answers to questions teaching people skills like showing people different things 86% that's wild it's amount of people to reach but you might say okay well but Sean isn't it too late to do this in a 2024 World isn't it too late to do this like and aren't all the questions already answered and the good news is no because there will always be new questions there will always be a need of fresh take on information and you'd be surprised there are still tens of thousands of questions that are unanswered all across YouTube you just need to learn how to find them in fact meet Larry so Larry is a chartered financial analyst he's faced a lot of challenges on his journey um his career was in history and finance and for several years he really struggled with comparing himself to others originally he actually failed the level three CFA exam which caused him to get super discouraged because he was getting passed up for job promotions but you know sometimes the setbacks in our life actually are the setups for our biggest opportunities because what he ultimately decide was you know what I actually want something different for my future I want more freedom I want to be able to express my creativity and so through perseverance through growing his confidence through developing the right mindset and through learning new skills he actually stepped out as an entrepreneur and as a Creator and he posted his first video on June 9th 2021 he didn't post it 10 years ago oh if I started YouTube 10 years if I only would have got into YouTube five years ago no he got into YouTube like like what less than two years ago okay and if you notice too no fancy camera no fancy experience he had no experience when he posted his first video no fancy editing there was very basic nothing fancy about his content but here's what's crazy about Larry is that in six months his channel grew 53,000 subscribers he actually got a th subscribers in one week and Larry actually joined our YouTube challenge our tube 1K YouTube challenge got a th000 subscribers in one week after six months he got almost a million views he posted 13 videos you know he's over a 100,000 subscribers now but one of the things that Larry does what's his strategy what is his methodology one of the big Tools in his belt answer specific questions helping his viewers learn new things and helping his viewers solve problems so if you're actually watching the public stream of this and you're interested in being a part of the challenge Larry was a part of you can register at learnv video22 if you're already in the challenge shout me out um we're streaming multiple places right now just for this first session and so we're going to be covering so much content this is session number one of five days of content and training totally for free but in this session we're going to be talking about new YouTube stats you need to know the powerful strategy I discovered from Dave Ramsey and Gary vaynerchuk how to use the asq methods specifically to get views and subscribers and then also this is probably the most powerful part of this entire video and it's how to unlock unlimited motivation and to overcome fear because no matter whether you're just a beginning or even if you're Advanced I know for me fear keeps showing up and and trying to talk me out of my dreams like that it's sometimes hard to get up get motivated in fact even as I was prep all weekend long I was I had a massive computer crash like on Friday my computer said boot dis is you know a needs a boot dis and and there was a fried circuit and I was like oh no now mind you my computer I was using it since 2015 so as an 8-year-old computer it was irresponsibly I had to let the dust accumulate on the inside like I'm sure the fans were just full of dust my fault so I I spent all weekend long rebuilding things and of course even this I was feeling insecurity I was feeling like fear is am I going to be ready like nervous my you know so whatever you're going through at the end of this training is probably the most important important part so stick around and then also um if you're sharing out you're part of this challenge tag me on official think media on Instagram and use the hashtag growth video uh post a story or something if you're watching this or you're on YouTube I love seeing your Battle Stations you hit that selfie battle station camera if you have anything even if it's just like your cat a notebook in your kitchen and uh tag Us official think media on Instagram hashtag growth video across social media Why YouTube so why YouTube right now as we are going into a 2024 World why Why YouTube well new stats actually just dropped YouTube continues to grow right now there is 2.7 billion monthly active users on YouTube and that number continues to rise you could see as it grows every single year but one of the reasons why this is an important stat is I know the mindset a lot of us have Man YouTube is so crowded there's so many big channels there's people that are ahead of me they got started before me but I want to encourage you and ask you this question you can with me who's the most subscribed YouTuber on YouTube who has the most subscribers what channel has the most subscribers on YouTube and I want to frame that question as you're thinking about that in light of is there anybody on YouTube that's reaching everybody on YouTube well if you answered Mr Beast you could say that maybe he's the most subscribed independent Creator I don't think that's actually true anymore uh because he's not really independent he has a team his team is massive he's spending Millions per video uh did davidy says the Indian Channel yep uh um t- series t- series for sure t- series is up there another one that you'll see is Coco melon this is the channel I'm an expert at right now I am an expert at Gracie's Corner blippy Coco melon and Jason like these five and then Lego build so so some of the kids channels are some of the biggest and uh yes living Fierce has Coco melon and so all that to say is that the most subscribed Channel something around 250 million subscribers 2 50 million now that's impressive but if you were to think Sean canel that's funny uh that's impressive but but compare 250 million to 2.7 billion what does that tell you it tells you that even the biggest Channel doesn't even come close to the size of the YouTube platform what does that reveal it reveals that people are different surprisingly enough not everybody likes Mr Beast surprisingly enough enough not everybody watches Coco melon or tea series big shocker right there's different people that approach YouTube because some people want to learn things some people want different types of entertainment some people have really Niche and specific H Hobbies some people are just a community of of a thousand subscribers or 5,000 subscribers and that can actually be incredibly profitable and we're going to be talking about the math here's the thing the competition thing is is a myth yes there is competition but I think you're underestimating the market Market size you're underestimating how big YouTube is and YouTube continues to grow and so ultimately in business you you'd call it supply and demand and the demand for good content is skyrocketing on YouTube people are hungry for good content for their specific passions they their unique thing that they want it's not just about oh the big YouTubers and the big companies running channels no it's about the opportunity to reach not even a million people to reach a 100,00 people not even 100,000 to reach 10 th000 people and we're going to be showing you how to do that obviously as we're talking about getting your first thousand and Beyond but here's the other opportunity is YouTube is localized in more than 100 countries and is available in over 80 languages I spoke at VidCon this year and one of the biggest talks on the industry floor was about the impact of YouTube around the world so if you live in a country that's not the us or Canada or Australia or whatever you have a big opportunity to get in on these different languages and the opportunity of YouTube being in different countries some of the biggest opportunities for growth are that I spoke in Panama a while back and what was interesting was I was at like an influencer event in Panama and they were like yeah basically we're tracking behind the us but we're about five to 10 years behind that is actually an opportunity because where sometimes it feels like certain markets you know are again more saturated internationally massive opportunity now there's also the tube filter article that revealed 200 million people are earning money from digital content creation and that was back in March and April of 2022 so this about a year and a half old stat and these numbers continue to multiply the financial opportunity on YouTube continues to expand in fact Yahoo finance put it like this the Creator economy is the fastest growing segment of small business this is something to consider if you're talking to a family member and they're like you want to make YouTube videos like I was I was made video where I was talking about like college compared to like blazing your own path compared to being an entrepreneur and somebody commented like you're telling somebody to like drop out of college to make YouTube videos and I was kind of like well that's not exactly what I said but I mean sir if you want to be literal Yahoo finance actually it's not just like oh I'm just making YouTube videos like what a dumb hobby this is the fastest growing type of small business sir like I don't know if you saw the Yahoo finance article this isn't just oh some hobby now this is a practical leading business model have you looked at the economics have you looked behind the scenes this is me like responding to a Tik Tock comment like just just like derailed I respond with like five paragraphs of data but this is what I think is important think about the data the Creator economy is the fastest growing segment of small business back when people thought like oh this was just like maybe a hype thing like no there's real skills to this there's realon economics to this there's a real business model to this and this is learnable you can learn how to make this a full-time thing you can learn how to make this a lucrative opportunity in fact Goldman Sachs said the creater economy could approach a half a trillion dollars by 2027 what like it's it's the total addressable Market is 250 billion right now it's going to double in the next four years so this is important to know because I don't want to if I'm starting a new channel I wouldn't want to start something if the market was on decline like because I wouldn't have the wind in my sales you know I think Warren Buffett put it this way he said if you're gonna be paddling the boat you might as well be paddling with the current like it's gonna be really hard to paddle up a river but if you're going with the river you're like man you ever done that you ever been in like a lazy river with your kids and you're like you're flying there you're flying through I was doing it with my son Sean bradle the other day and I was like man we are legends because the current was carrying us I didn't have to carry him with all my own energy getting into the crater right crater economy right now the current will carry you because it is going to double in the next few years this is my opinion this is Goldman Sachs research and so the truth is YouTube is healthy it's growing and it's the most profitable platform to establish your brand on right now but here's one of the things people forget in a 2024 World people really forget this you YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world still and yes suggested traffic meaning YouTube recommending your videos for YouTube Geeks meaning like oh no you know the new style of of YouTube is to write a particular title that's really curious based and a shocking thumbnail and go viral and I would agree with you but what i' would also challenge you with is if you've been studying YouTube and creating content for two years four years 5 years six years 10 years or whatever ever well then you understand that but as we're going to unpack in this training remember I said no editing no fancy skills no fancy Talent no fancy like when you tap in the powerful thing about search is it's powerful to get started not just because it's a a good way to get practical views but it's also a powerful way to get started because of its Simplicity let me illustrate like this I mean I remember when I met Mary from Mary's nest and by met she actually joined our program video ranking Academy me back five years ago okay now she's a former New Yorker living the simple life with her sweet husband in the Texas Hill Country and she wanted to become a content creator so she loves traditional cooking bone broth ferment sourdough and she wanted to share her passion on YouTube showing people how to be a modern pioneer in the kitchen no matter where you live but she didn't know where to start so she didn't know how to edit she didn't know how to film didn't know how to do YouTube Right didn't know how to make a video didn't know what videos to make Okay so so she started to shoot in her kitchen she started watching think media she eventually joined our program and she started to shoot videos in her kitchen and following our system she started to build her confidence and she started creating videos and what videos did she start with answering specific questions she used the asq method and because YouTube is a search engine she started to think about okay keyword research topic research what is it when it comes to tra traditional cooking what topics do people really want to see so one of the videos she made was a video on homemade apple cider vinegar with the mother now remember this is not just answer questions this is answer specific questions now if you're a kind of weird Health natural living kind of person like me like you're into weird stuff then you know what the mother is and if you don't you're about to be grossed out because just to be clear if you're making homemade apple cider vinegar with the mother that is like the slimy fermented mushroom that floats around in the beverage and when you're drinking it you get kind of it's kind drinking like a little slug it's kind of like slimy and you're like I think that's doing something good for me nutritionally I'm not sure it's kind of gross but I think it was good for my health so anyways it's not just answering a question think about how specific that is okay and you'll notice her title here's her video at the top we call that a ranked video okay so how to make homemade apple cider vineger with the mother DIY scratch recipe for beginners um and that is uh answering specific questions right and now notice this video has 847 th000 views what so these videos can get big views and this is what's Wild About Mary is she started doing YouTube when she was 60 she just turned 65 she just got a book deal from random house and she's about to hit a million subscribers she's about to get that gold play button so the truth is YouTube is the best way to impact the world with your message and content from wherever you are you know her vision is whether from the kitchen to in a city apartment or a house in the suburbs or a farmhouse in the country that anyone can join her and preserving traditional cooking skills and find Joy Living as a modern pioneer in the kitchen what's your vision for who you want to impact what is the difference you want to make in the world I know we want to go full-time on YouTube and we the problem with a vision like where there is no vision the people perish but where there is no money the vision perishes so we need money for the mission we need money for the vision but I know you also want to make a difference you know one of our goals here at think media is to help a million purpose-driven people create a full-time living doing what they love while making a difference in the world with YouTube and so that's why when we think about Mary we love her purpose she like wants to bring traditional cooking into urban cities into house in the suburbs farmh houses find that Joy have more vibrant have more impact have more life and so all of that different stuff it's the power of also just getting started punching fear in the face not having all the answers starting messy but starting with the strategy that works the asq method and you know this is my story of answering specific questions Sean how did you discover this and kind of what was the background well see I grew up on six acres an hour north of Seattle and everyone like in my high school growing up um wore car heart clothes at my school not because they were cool by the way because you know car heart today it's like oh it's fall let me get a pumpkin spice latte I got my car heart beanie I'm going with the girls like there's like you're not actually like working in in in high school everyone wore car heart because that morning they were bailing hay and like had to feed all the animals before they came to school and so ultimately I was like I grew up with goats horses cats dogs and um you know I also kind of felt like I didn't really know where I fit in because I'm if you see in this picture I'm wearing all skate hookups clothes in fact growing up I always felt like I didn't fit in because I would I was a farm boy but I also liked rap punk rock import cars and snowboarding so I was like trying to figure it out that's actually a fake ID that I made U there which didn't work you noticed my name was John blae like who did I think I was like what was even happening probably because of uh you know the wuen Clans influence on my past but here's eventually I got into video eventually I got into video I started a film video and um I actually got started in my local church 2003 I did an in internship at my smalltown church and I started making videos for my youth group and they were terrible like you'll notice here this are some of the interns in the church we were Balling on a budget and and you can see that by the Home Depot yellow lights in the scene there like our lighting was from lows like that and that green screen by the way was from Joanne Fabrics on State Street in Maryville a lady in the church stitched together the green screen Fabric and then boom we had a studio like we were ready to go when you have no money it's I this is actually a true principle it's really not about your resources it's about your resourcefulness it's about seeing the opportunities around you seeing what's available to you and being creative with whatever you have so I started to shoot some videos kind of for our church the First Youtube channel I started for our church was actually in 2007 and before I I I was still a little bit nervous to like start my own channel because there one thing to do it for the church it never really grew we had 45 subscribers you know what I mean like it never really this was way back in 20 7 but eventually I got the courage to actually punch fear in the face and record my own video in fact here's a little clip of it all right so uh this is I guess the first Sean thanks Vlog and uh I'm going to try to Vlog every single day um mainly so I can remember what I'm even doing um and what's going on cuz I just feel like I have a lot that I'm thinking about and I figured hey why not share it and if you find something interesting that's awesome now this is definitely ly uh as real as it gets so I'm not going to try to be energetic or entertaining um though maybe sometimes I will but anyways uh yeah I mean that's that's a that's a precious piece of history is it not I mean it's obviously a really bad video which I hope is encouraging because your first videos are going to be your worst videos and one of the things I learned was that you really do have to start before your ready you have to start poop your pants scared you have to start when you got sweat in your armpits and you're like worry what are people going to think but here's the good news the power of this session and the information we're going to be covering and also our five-day challenge is so you don't have to like you can shorten your learning curve from what I was doing here like I mean my plan to not be energetic or entertaining that's a bad plan like my plan to go in the video without a plan like right now grab your Journal because let's actually make a plan of the videos you should be making you know what I mean like I'm like listen I didn't have the asq method I'm like look I don't even know what I'm doing but I am glad I started because you cannot steer a parked car you know as you think about maybe starting or growing a YouTube channel going into 2024 like there's going to be a tension where you're like wait a minute Sean you're telling me like research come up with the right video ideas and like be really strategic and make my first video but then you also say like just start messy which is it it's both you should just start messy in fact during the challenge we're going to encourage you to post your first video it's going to be one of the daily challenges even if you've never posted a video and and there's part of just moving fast breaking things starting messy starting you know before you have the confidence because that helps you build momentum but you also got to learn you also want to like think about how you can make better videos so it's not either or it's really both but there are two essential ingredients I discovered about success on YouTube and we just hit one of them you do got to start before you're ready it seems cliche basic but one of the secrets I Learned was that the people who succeed on YouTube they upload videos on YouTube I promise you that that's that's a fact right you're like I don't know if I understand Sean's humor yet okay it's a joke like but it's but it's also not like it's really true like to start you have to start and you got to start before you're ready but here's another big one is you do have to commit to learning new skills yeah starting messy starting before your ready but also committing to learning new skills because I will tell you this as embarrassing and funny as that first video is obviously if I if I stayed there you wouldn't be here right now like if I stayed there and did not commit to getting better as a communicator to learning how YouTube Works to learning how to edit video better how to make better videos how to understand the algorithm and all of these things if I hadn't continued to learn new skills if there's one attribute that I've seen after interviewing over 350 successful entrepreneurs and and YouTubers that have crushed it with YouTube over getting three silver play buttons I think I think uh this light went out but I think that uh um this over play button think media podcast video influencers um my Sean Kel Channel and then think media got the gold play button after learning that and talking to different people the common habit attribute of those that succeed on YouTube versus those that don't is those that succeed keep learning new skills they keep learning they keep leveling up they keep studying they keep investing in themselves and so that's what I had to do at that time I dove deep into the trenches to master everything I could figure out after that bad video like okay now I gotta I gotta like obviously that was a good place to start but now I gotta level up so I started to do like what you're doing I started to you know invest in listening to podcasts watching videos now back when I started I didn't have stuff like this but I started to buy books by online courses to get educated not just about YouTube but about online business online marketing all of those things and in doing so I began to see the power of answering specific questions I began to see the power of answering specific questions in blogs which ranked in Google and I started to think wait a minute what if I did that on YouTube would it be powerful and would that get results and so I worked at Red Robin for 10 years um and uh there's a picture of me on Halloween I was Wayne from Wayne's World um as a server at Red Robin Smokey Point Washington but on the right side of the screen what you can see is this is where I started to answer specific questions and what I actually did was I set up in my Ford Taurus this sketchy Dash Mount the shot composition reveals how sketchy the D like my face is in the weirdest like lower right corner of the video but on my way to work because I was just finding a way to get videos done messy no editing but I did have some experience I did have some knowledge I did have some results I had edited video by the time I posted this one around 2010 I've been editing videoos since 2003 so I had seven years of experience on what I was helping people with so what was the question I answered how to get started in video production and video editing and I shared my knowledge answering a specific question I got 7,000 views whoa if you're if you're sharing helpful information it's not about the tech and all that stuff it's about a good title good information and answering specific questions and then I kept doing it and my best performing videos how to build a video editing PC how to record Skype interviews which by the way as you can see on screen 12 years ago that was impossible like it was so difficult back in those like it's it wasn't like oh streamyard or zoom and like oh record video podcasts online it was so challenging so I got 22,000 views watch because I was answering the right specific questions in fact this video is brought to you by vid but I wanted to share something with you that's really powerful because one of the things that vid IQ can help you with and there's other tools out there as well but this one has is amazing is their keyword research tool well how would you use this well I'm going to show you a video in just a second I did on greens powder what is that best greens powder so it's it's it's like green juice that's put into powder form so that you can buy it and it has a good shelf life and then mix it with water like when you're traveling and when you don't have access to fresh juice to get some Fiber and to get some uh different ingredients ashwaganda and spinach or kale or whatever right and all these different things well why would I make a video like that well on one of my channels I talk my personal Channel I talk about like Health stuff now I'm really into it so let's say you type in something like uh green best greens powder now why would you do this when you're answering specific questions well what I'm actually doing is I'm using this tool and you could this is in the description too or I'll post in the chat you can get a 30-day trial of VI iq's boost plan for just a dollar and this isn't even their most powerful tool it just kind of aligns with this session there's all kinds of there's their AI coach and a bunch of other stuff but what I want you to see is on the right side it says related keywords it says the best greens powder supplement and what I'm actually doing when i'm doing keyword research is one I'm wondering this is my initial video idea but could my research lead me somewhere else look athletic greens 22,000 people are looking for athletic greens a month which you probably hear that sponsored on all kinds of different podcasts but maybe you want to do a video on athletic greens versus something else it's also athletic greens is incredibly expensive maybe you want to do athletic greens versus uh a different brand and you're G to use athletic greens to get the awareness because that's what people know but you're going to connect it to a brand that's maybe less known but the reason I'm able to then come to these conclusions is doing this keyword research and if I if I do it by search volume I can look at uh videos on superfoods and this also this is probably going to lead me to four or five video ideas and I'm like okay I do want to do my review of ag1 athletic greens I also though maybe I want to do amazing grass green superfood and that's on Amazon and over the next 5 days of the challenge we're going to be talking about multiple ways to monetize because in doing keyword research and in planning and preparing my videos according to the asq method what I was able to accomplish was I made a video called best greens powder so once I dialed the video in you'll notice it got eight 100 it got 186,000 views answering a specific question of what's the best greens powder okay and I just shot this video sitting right over here in front of the window just put a camera upside the window light like no fancy lighting needed or anything and I talked through my experience with the product I had personally used based on something I was personally passionate about but here's what's Wild is this video is earned $20,000 not from YouTube ad Revenue it's only earned about a, or $1,500 from YouTube ad Revenue but it's learned it's earned another 188,000 from affiliate marketing we don't have time to get into that now but I just want you to to see answering specific questions and learning the skill set of coming up with key like topics and different things and then putting those into videos cannot just get 186,000 views and grow your channel and get your first or next a th000 subscribers but over this challenge we're going to be teaching you multiple different ways of earning ,000 doar this particular video earned 20,000 it's pretty wild right now uh here's another example I did a channel for a while called think International this was on Christian business success with Andre Olivier from South Africa and like again that would be a question would be advice for Christian business owners tips for Christian business owners a lot of key like knowing who you're talking to what is it you're talking it about and here's the crazy thing about answering specific questions is that when you master just this method it can open up so many doors of opportunity to you like I always kind of looked ahead at what we're doing now at think media thinking about like what would be possible but I didn't realize that on the other side of learning how to do the asq method learning how to rank videos learning how to create passive income that it would ultimately lead to where today now it's literally our company's full-time mission to help people build their influence with YouTube again launched multiple channels that are have crossed a 100 thousand or a million subscribers it's led to being featured in places like Forbes and entrepreneur and success and getting to speak on some of the biggest stages in the industry you know as a guy who's been doing video for 20 years since I started at my church 20 years ago I started doing video I've been doing YouTube for 16 my first camera I ever used at the church was a Canon hv30 with mini DV tapes fast forward to today and now we work with Canon and they pay us and they give us free cameras like it's just crazy to think about what is on the other side of starting punching fear in the face taking massive action and answering specific questions what brands might want to work with you what doors of opportunity can open I'm not trying to say it's easy and this certainly is not a get-rich quick opportunity this is hard work skill building but when you have the right strategies it can open doors to money Brands Partnerships it was pretty wild CNBC did a mini documentary about me it's like this smalltown kid this College Dropout had a month of almost $40,000 in profit from doing what's called affiliate marketing and again we'll touch on that a little bit later of how it's one of the coolest ways to make a win-win-win situation for you the viewer and everybody involved if you do it right have had the opportunity to meet with and interview and connect with some of the biggest names in this kind of online Entrepreneur Space and just the business space in general whether a Gary vaynerchuck or a Patrick B David and wrote a book called YouTube Secrets uh Second Edition I think it's the most bestselling YouTube strategy book in the world the second edition is out now like 110,000 copies sold and this is why a lot of people know me as the YouTube guy or Mr YouTube and now there's a team and so one of the things I want to also encourage you with is that you would know since growing up on six acres and starting to shoot videos in my bedroom that I built every piece of these this as a solo Creator to start because the worst mistake you can make now is number one comparing your activities or trying to imitate what I'm doing now there's like 30 people working at think media now it's a whole different era and so that's cool and inspiring but what I'm going to be sharing with you in this challenge is what I would do if I'm star is what I would do at the beginning because chances are I'm thinking you don't have 30 people on your team right and and I want to encourage you that I can relate to having to figure it out on my own having to be the videographer and the editor and to figure out the editing software and all those points but everything is figureoutable friend everything is learnable and I'm Al I'm sharing some of this because this is what the U asq method led to and waiting for you on the other side maybe you don't love video editing or you don't love if you're a business owner watching this you might skip the video editing step because you already have money you could hire somebody or you could divert some cash but I want to encourage you even if you don't love all the little details about YouTube you can figure them out you can learn them but get a Clear Vision for the day that you delegate some of the things that you don't love the most so you could focus on your strengths but out of all the different success we've had from using the asq method I'm most proud of our students many of which started at zero and now have the silver play button or the cold gold play button and how did they grow well they grew from uh the 16 different tools that we teach but of course foundationally all of them use the asq method so can I really get a thousand subscribers though using the asq method let's go a little bit deeper as we land the plane we're going to land the plane here so the asq method let's just Define it it's the fastest way to create predictable growth on YouTube the fastest way to create predictable growth on YouTube is to make clear clear and concise videos that answer specific questions if you're just starting if you want to grow even if you're Advanced there's a big opportunity to do asq from your advanced level and crush it and making clear and concise videos that answer specific questions here's some examples and these are some of our V students so you've got Christina Patterson who has like a female Bible study Channel how to meditate on God's word three simple step process for scripture meditation answering specific questions here's a video that Nolan did and actually this was a part of my research so I was using I'm only we've shared a couple tools with you today in the session we have like 20 tools and as you learn to use the tools you can spot crazy video ideas I know we got to speed up but I want to get you these nuggets of information you might say Sean you know I feel like my Niche is crowded well consider my Niche I'm not the only person talking about YouTube teaching YouTube but here's what's Wild is about a year ago I discovered a video that was so basic and so simple and I was like hey Nolan you should you should make this video man it's gonna crush and and that once you learn like on the other side of learning this that you can start like printing videos that crush it because you discover the idea you're like oh my gosh like there this isn't really covered and it was on how to turn on comments on YouTube like so basic it's a three minute video the video is 1.4 million views answering specific questions the video grew our Channel by 6,000 subscribers earned $66,000 simply from being able to spot the right asq videos here's a short did you know shorts can be searchable they can Rank and they can get views for years later like Omar made this short on our Channel years ago and it still gets 776 views every two days so Fact one asq video video can grow your channel thousands of subscribers and earn thousands of dollars I I suppose I should say this one YouTube short grew the channel 175 subscribers this one video from Nolan grew the channel 6,000 subscribers so can you get a th000 subscribers from an asq video for sure and if you start like with absolutely no skill like your first video is like better than mine but still really bad because any video could be better than my first video but if you're like hey I'm just getting started I'm not energetic or entertaining and I have no plan you know like just start but as you start doing asq you do five of these 10 of these 20 of these you're going to get a thousand subscribers and remember this video got 55,000 subscribers from one video and I want to encourage you also that all niches are different one of the biggest mistakes people make is they'll look at someone's Channel and they'll be like oh like she's not good at YouTube she only got 15,000 views she only has 2,000 subscribers so we're looking at Stacy Tel for example one of our students right so she got 15,000 views on this video you know only has 2,000 subscribers but the mistake that 99% of people make is they don't see the iceberg behind people's channels so they see some some whipper snapper getting millions of views off YouTube shorts that dude made 800 bucks last month because YouTube shorts pay you nothing meanwhile Stacy tuel makes multiple millions of dollars a year as a business business owner that has products and programs and services so she doesn't need a million shorts views she needs the right views from the Right audience what gets interesting is Let's Be Careful chasing vanity metrics let's chase the right subscribers the right viewers for the right business model now you might say Sean but yeah I just kind of want to entertain people and I'm more of a comedy channel well then you're going to probably need to go really Broad and really wide and go really viral but for the service providers and the loan officers and the real estate agents and the business owners like let's go viral as well but let's first lock in some videos that just attract to us our ideal Target client because this to Stacy is a grand slam bringing her leads and clients which brings us though to a deeper level so you even know that we could go deeper than the asq you might already thought it was kind of simple well I hope I can offend you with this next point because what's even better than the asq method is the asq method the assq the asss SQ method it's not a joke this is for Real it's funny though but it's for real you ready answer stupid simple specific questions you might be wondering Sean I think I already got it like why are you continuing I actually don't think you got it yet like the really smart creators are going to continue to roll with me in this video because as we unpack layers of this it's like the blooming onion at Outback Steakhouse like it just continues to until you get to that juicy core like we're going through layers to this thing I'm trying to make a point one of the biggest opportunities with answering specific questions is answering stupid like what does stupid mean you they seem so stupid you wouldn't even make the video that's kind of what like how to turn off comments on YouTube it's like well wouldn't I just Google that like I wouldn't make that into a video and that's what 99% of the competition did for us at think media they didn't make it into a video we did we got 1.4 million views 6,600 due subscribers and thousands of dollars in ad Revenue because we were willing to be stupid see everybody out here trying to be so Advanced and so smart and so oh I'm such an expert and all this stuff I'm trying to be a beginner it's called the showan mentality I'm trying to have this beginner approach let me really get into my target audience my ideal viewer let me get into their mindset where are they at and how can I connect with them so think about the book series Facebook ads for dummies how to be a parent for dummies how to play baseball for dummies one of the bestselling book series of all time you might actually start having more success in business in YouTube If you get Dumber you really might like if you actually get less fancy and less sophisticated you stop worrying about what other people think and you start answering stupid so simple it seems like it shouldn't be a video so specific it seems like it shouldn't being made well prove it to me Sean that the ass sssq method works well enter exhibit one the video on how to drill into your wall 1.7 million views so we coach a lot of different people that are in our video ranking Academy program some people are like Carpenters DIY build stuff at home uh Home Improvement home you know rehab all these different things so we got people out here like trying to go how to make a Celtic etched Oak dinner table my 176 step process how to sustain it and how to go through like that's the video they're making the most difficult Advanced like calligraphy etching and their video got 77 views meanwhile somebody used the assq method on how to drill into a wall and got 1.7 million views all right you you decide like how hard was this video to make not hard that's what's all crazy is remember this is only one of 16 tools the cool thing about asq though is that it's pretty simple and sometimes the video is only take a matter of minutes and can get disproportionate amount of views you know as Bruce Lee who said Simplicity is the key to Brilliance wow what if there's a simple path forward to making money online to getting a thousand subscribers Leonard Leonardo da Vinci said it like this Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication so actually maybe somebody's like why doesn't Sean share some Advanced tactics well by the way over the next four days on the challenge it's going to get crazy you better buckle your seat belt but number two maybe Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and maybe it's not about getting crazy Advanced information maybe it's about executing on a simple strategy that works Maybe here's a video on renting versus buying a home very basic the 5% roll 3.8 million views and listen I was shocked when I actually realized this about Dave Ramsey Marie foro and Gary vaynerchuk like when I started to study their channels for example Dave Ramsey you know cut up your credit cards get out of debt I looked at his channel started to look at what he now and the other personalities on the channel do which by the way he gets around 13 million views a month a lot of you wouldn't know if you a Dave Ramsey fan like Dave Ramsey is like one of the biggest personal finance YouTubers and and you would never be put in that category so you'd get you'd go okay so what's Dave's strategy 13 million views a month what is the advanced tactics that Dave Ramsey is doing he's answering specific questions and honestly many could argue that he's answering stupid simple specific questions like hey Dave they call into the show and Dave's on there uh yeah I'm here H how you doing better than I deserve and then he's like so I'm thinking about buying a new truck um it's a brand new electric Ford thinking about investing in it and he goes well what's your financial situ well I am about $50,000 in debt and I do have $25,000 of student loan debt do you think I should buy the the the truck and Dave will go no that's stupid okay Dave thanks so much for the advice and we'll hang up they'll put that on YouTube and it's 46,000 views like you're out here like critiquing but Dave's just answering specific questions not only that he's been doing it for 30 years honestly answering a lot of the same questions if you were to study what Dave is really doing I'm simply trying to prove a point and the layers of this Outback Steakhouse blooming onion they're real because once you start to look under the surface of what ramsy Solutions has got going on answer specific questions is maybe more powerful than you first thought is my money still safe in the bank should I force my kids to stay home until they're 25 by the way one of the reasons they can get these specific questions is by getting audience questions in their case it's a call-in show you could actually go to you could eventually when your audience is big enough you'll get your own comments and they'll give you specific questions to answer buy a solar panel so I won't have any more bills how do I kick my mother-in-law out of the house that's a specific question like that's a really how do I kick my mother-in-law out of the house there's five of you right now that are like that's my exact question like I didn't know I got to go watch that video it's a good question you know so ultimately answering specific questions but then I realized wait a minute that's what Gary vaynerchuk does too oh he even has a show called The Ask Gary ve show he's using the asq method and and even when it's not the show how do I charge more for your services well that's a specific question and then I realized well Marie forio that's what she's doing too how do I write a book and actually finish it with a guest on a video podcast is email marketing dead three marketing myths that will destroy your business she's answering specific questions so here's my question for you what is a specific question you could answer on your YouTube channel what's a specific question you could answer on your YouTube channel this is where we should take action because it's not just about taking notes it's about making notes we're going to make your battle plan for dominating YouTube in 2024 what is a specific question you can answer on your YouTube channel remember 70% of viewers use YouTube to to help them solve a problem but as we have landed the plane and as we are taxiing to the gate I had that one promise I shared at the beginning of staying motivated what is the secret to keeping your spark alive when launching your YouTube channel because the truth is so when you start yes there's the Larry stories where we get a thousand subscribers I think some people are going to get a thousand subscribers this week during the challenge but YouTube is a marathon and not a Sprint takes time to learn strategies sometimes we want to order a light we want to order a microphone all that stuff is fine so how do you stay motivated when you're just starting before the momentum kicks in before the views kick in you know my best best answer to that question was something that I learned back in 2009 and if you haven't heard my story in 2009 is the year my wife almost died her name's Sonia at this point we've been married 18 years but at that time she was hospitalized for six days because of a medical error where they put a beeding tube from her nose into her stomach they put it in J junam and instead of the liquid going into her stomach it filled up her body cavity which will suffocate your organs and kill you quick and I will never forget that night where we had to rush her to the hospital and we got her in ever Washington stabilized in the ER and then they took her in an ambulance Dark Night raining in Seattle I was following in our Honda Civic as we went to Virginia Mason and stayed there for six days and so I had a long time to reflect on life long time to worry like and to to make matters worse during that era we actually were losing our home because of the big short so in 2007 the housing market crashed and in 2009 some senior leaders at our church had a m moral failure stole some money and so the church was falling apart so I actually found myself like sitting in the hospital room seeing my wife on that bed with all the little beeps and noises from the hospital thinking about the fact that that um we're losing our house and like what is going to happen with my wife and what's happening in our world and to make matters worse as well is I also was struggling financially I was sted my video business waiting tables at Red Robin um Ben Sony was actually the main bread winner like and she couldn't work at that point because her health had deteriorated so much but she was the main bread winner working at Ivers and mleo waiting tables she was nannying for our friends TJ and Kevin and then she was doing the finances for my parents so I felt like the whole world was falling down around me the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I wanted to share this lesson that I learned during that era because as I was worrying honestly but as I was I was as I was praying I was like God like what should I do like what am I going to do and I felt really challenge in that hospital room that Sean you need to step up you need a man up you got to fight for your family you got to fight for your future and I almost felt like God gave me a vision of two paths and one of the paths was just giving up and just being like man everything like what's the point of fighting what's the point of trying just give into the depression just give into the discouragement just give into the bitterness but then I saw like the other path which was the path of no I'm not going to give up I'm going to step up and okay my wife's uh sick right now but I'm not so I'm going to fight my wife is going through some challenges and our church fell apart but I'm gonna fight for my faith like I I follow Jesus I didn't I don't follow a person ultimately like on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand like okay we're losing a house and I see no hope because our credit's destroyed but we can buy another house because we can figure this thing out we can fight our way forward and what I ultimately learn and I want you to write this down because I think it's a takeaway for all of us is I learned that reasons come first results come second I need you to hear this and I know we're going a little long on this session but I've learned that YouTube is not easy like it's gonna take work it's gonna take time it's G to take energy it's going to take focus and I would imagine maybe your circumstances right now are not as harsh as mine but maybe you've been in circumstances like that or worse or maybe what you're facing right now regardless your pressure is real what you're going through is real the pain you're feeling is real the person who betrayed you is real the marriage conflict and the fights are real The Chronic pain you're experiencing it's all real so what is the difference between those who just go ah man building a side houseold and actually doing the work like I just don't want to do it and those who who do the long nights when necessary and go and stick through the challenge and don't just give up up after session one but watch all five and take the notes and learn the skills what's the difference the difference is the reasons so I'm asking you what is your reason for wanting to start and grow a YouTube channel and here's the unlock for me I think writing them down is a good idea that's a good time to write them down in your Journal writing down like I'd love to have a new car I'd love to like send my kids to a better school I'd love to like I'd love to have a dream home I'd love to have a vacation that stuff's cool but I do think that when you start to write as many reasons as possible but go really deep sometimes what we begin to discover is like there's something that really hurts you that's happening in the world and you want to see change this is kind of like figuring out your why why do I want to start a YouTube channel and you know you're getting close to your why when it makes you cry when you get sad or mad at what you see and you're like there needs to be people need to learn something different maybe maybe you're sad or mad about even the state of the YouTube content in your Niche that like there's no creativity or innovation you like you're passionate to see that happen or maybe there's a cause or some kind of nonprofit or maybe you want to make big money so you can give away big money to a cause that matters I think this is important and and why why this may not be tactical thumbnail editing information this is the real stuff because the journey from 2009 in that hospital room to today wasn't just like a linear trajectory of of no more hardship from then on out are you kidding me it was you know highs lows setback challenges this that but what I kept coming back to was my reasons and for me it was my family it was I got to figure out how to pay these medical bills it was I got to figure out how to fight for Sonia it was if we have kids someday which the doctor said we couldn't how are we gon to be able to take care of them if we if we're going to build a business could we ever I mean daycare or Nannies like how are we going to afford that stuff I started thinking about all that in the hospital I was like literally thinking ahead and I started to get a fire I started to get reason so strong that the results were inevitable because it was like I'm not going to quit I'm fighting for these reasons reasons come first results come second and keep telling me your reasons and our whole think media team is inspired and we like to capture those and like kind of just see because it's so inspiring to hear the stories but now fast forward what happened on the other side of starting on YouTube learning new skills and not quitting because I was driven forward because it wasn't Fame and Fortune by the way I'm not like some Saint I understand the upside of building a personal brand so I was pumped of course for the financial opportunity and yes it's like cool to you know have more followers or subscribers but sometimes that stuff I found is like really not that's a cool byproduct it's not a good main reason man when you get those strong main reasons for us now 13 years later 14 years later it's been cool to see through Medical Treatments and a lot of prayer my wife Sonia still has challenges but is flourishing powerful mother CFO of our business powerful leader Discerning incredibly beautiful human my best friend 18 years and then we get this miracle boy John Steven I don't even have time to tell you the story I mean Sean Bradley I'm already at the I don't know my kids names I don't know what we're doing I haven't been sleeping we got our three-year-old Sean Bradley who's just amazing and then God blessed us with John Steven and fast forward my other reasons were I want to teach I want to make a difference in the lives of people I think I have something valuable to share and to see the reach of the message it wasn't overnight it wasn't without hardship but I didn't quit and the videos got crispier you saw my first video like you know what I mean think about like all right so uh this is I guess the first Sean thinks Vlog this you know like just lights lightsaber in the background 1% better at a time one video at a time think media growing is a team on the other side of reasons come first results come second all the students and here's my question for you and I and I'm done here I'm GNA give you the recap but this is probably one of the most important things who is waiting for you to show up and take your dream seriously who is waiting for you to show up and take your dream seriously I I had two paths I could have quit and honestly people around me probably would have said the average person would be like it's reasonable you I mean you were going through it like I don't blame you and I don't think that's even the point it's not about blame or shame but it is about choices who's waiting for you on the other side of taking your dreams seriously because if we look just at who's here on screen and who's inside of video ranking Academy and subscribers on our channel it's crazy to be like what if I kept my dream locked up what if I gave into fear what if I I just gave into the discouragement it's a weird parallel universe so who's waiting for you to show up and take your dream seriously and why do you ultimately want to succeed on YouTube I want you to rally on that question be because getting clear we are Purpose Driven entrepreneurs you want to get clear on your purpose clear on your why because reasons come first and results come second and so here's our recap YouTube is healthy and growing I want you to use the asq method to get 1,000 subs and Beyond remember we have our plan what are some specific questions you can answer write down your goals and reasons that you want to succeed on YouTube is number three because we want to build upon those and man just the the chance to buy whatever camera you want go on vacation get all those captured as well well how much money you want to make a month what's your ideal income write all that down as well but also what is your why and there is a there's a framework for that of asking why seven times well I I just want Financial I I I want to make 10 grand a month why well because I want less stress why well because I I don't want my wife to be under the pressure of the bills why well so that we might have an environment where we could really wear these kids why because we really want to ultimately create a legacy why because ultimately Generations see how like it might take some time and this is even some homework as we do this challenge of why is it that you want to succeed on YouTube Remember commitment is the foundation of all Great accomplishments committing to start but before all that I want to challenge you to commit to not missing one of these challenge sessions we're just getting started we have a quick tip every single day four more days we have four more Deep dive sessions we have special guests joining us and so make sure to if you haven't actually joined or registered or you're not fully in the Circle Group learnv video22 to be a part of the tube 1K Challenge and as we land the plane on the YouTube video um click or tap the screen to watch another video smash like if you got value andjoy join the challenge at learnv video22 my name is Sean canel rhymes with YouTube channel we're going to go over to the group now where we have got some extra giveaways and some daily challenges and things like that so I will see you in the next video
Channel: Think Media
Views: 103,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get your first 1000 subscribers, how to get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube for free, how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube, how to get your first 1000 youtube subscribers, how to get 1000 subscribers fast, how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube fast, get your first 1000 subscribers on youtube, getting your first 1000 youtube subscribers, think media, sean cannell
Id: eDSzwjtAfWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 8sec (4028 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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