How to Get your FIRST 100 Sales on Etsy(without paid ads)

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your first CL on Etsy may seem like the hardest sale to get on your Etsy shop but arguably the first 100 sales may seem much much harder and from there you may see that you start getting daily sales more consistent sales multiple sales a day and at least that's what I experience in my own Etsy store is once I hit that threshold and I hit that first goal of one sale then I got a few sales that trickled in and then once I hit that 100 sale Mark that's when I really saw my store scaling on the Etsy algorithm so with that being said I wanted to make a video on how to get your first 100 sales with Etsy and whether you have a handmade business on Etsy or a print-on-demand business maybe a digital business either way it is going to be hard to get those first 100 sales and here are some strategies on how you can get those first 100 sales now if you're new to my channel and this is your first time here my name is Heather and I am a multiple six-figure at scene print on demand store owner my own Etsy Journey began in 2021 where I began with zero sales and I went all the way to multiple six figures in one year with my Etsy and print on demand business now it wasn't always like that because the first four weeks I had zero sales guys it was a lot of work in my first month of my Etsy and predoman business I posted over 100 listings and I wasn't seeing any sales I've seen people view my products I saw visits but I had probably 10 visits a day to my store and I didn't get that first sale until four to five weeks down the line then I got my first 100 sales I remember in February going into March of that year and then in March and April I began seeing over ten thousand dollars in Revenue in my Etsy and print on demand store and in the year of 2021 I saw a average revenue of over twenty thousand dollars on my Etsy print out to me on business so I just want to tell you that the first sale is going to be the hardest and then the first 100 sales is going to be even harder but it does come quicker as time goes on and you find those products that really work for your store and they just sell like hot cakes so to speak so with that being said how in the world do you get your first 100 sales I know I was really confused about that when I first started I was like okay I got my first sale but how do I keep that consistent income coming in how do I make sure people are buying and seeing my store and getting that traction when you first begin that was my biggest issue so with that being said I wanted to go over the strategies that I use to get those first 100 sales and that you can use too when you start off foreign [Music] so before we get into how to get your first 100 sales here are some Concepts to really get to know and questions you need to ask yourself before you start this process which is first of all conversion rates across all e-commerce platforms is two percent on average sometimes this goes as high as five percent but generally for Etsy in specific it's around two percent conversion rates so conversion rate is the number of visitors divided by the number of people who purchase who visit your shop so let's say you have 100 visitors and two people purchase that is going to be your two percent conversion rate so with that being said if you want to have a thriving and growing business on Etsy one of the main issues a lot of stores have when they first began on Etsy is that they have zero to no views or visitors per day on Etsy so you need to figure out a solution to your traffic issues when you're are new Etsy store and that's why I'm going to go over some strategies in this video on how to increase your views your visits and your traffic on Etsy so that hopefully you can get those sales here's another question I get a lot is hey Heather I'm getting hundreds to thousands of views on my Etsy store but no sales people are favoriting and what's going on here sometimes that could be a good indicator that your product is just not good enough for people to purchase and that's something that you need to re-consider your shop on look at your store and see what's going on and maybe ask a friend or a family member hey can you look over my shop would you buy from my shop do you think these designs are good and maybe some of the time it could be your pricing are you priced competitively there's a whole lot of other reasons why your store may not be getting sales if you're not having a traffic issue but for most stores on Etsy the number one issue I see is people are having an issue with getting traffic and that traction when they initially begin so now that you know this this concept we can dive into how to get that traffic and that could be through paid methods that could be through organic methods that could be through social media so we're going to go over all that today and more so in this video I wanted to focus on mainly organic scaling and traffic methods I don't want you to focus on paying for ads or doing Etsy ads doing Facebook ads or Instagram or Tick Tock I don't think that is reasonable if you're a new store on Etsy and one of the reasons why is because a lot of people will throw spaghetti at the wall in creating a lot of listings on Etsy and they don't know if that market is validated they don't know if it's a passionate enough Niche to go into if it is a good product type and design you may spend hundreds of dollars in ads and burn out your budget very quickly I've seen a lot of new Etsy sellers do this I've seen a lot of new Shopify sellers do this and I was in that bracket as well when I first began I was just burning out my bud budget for ad spend and I didn't really have any sales to account for how much I was spending so that's why I want you to really focus on these next few organic traffic gain strategies to grow your businesses rather than paying for ads I believe that ads can really Aid in your business's growth once you have those validated products that have sales that have a lot of favorites that have people returning to buy those items and it's one of maybe your new best selling products or maybe it's a popular Now product those are the types of products I would put ads on but generally when you're first starting out you don't know what's going to be the popular now badge item or the best-selling item so it's really important to focus on organic growth strategies in the beginning of your Etsy businesses so we're first going to go over organic methods and there are so many organic methods through Etsy and utilizing etsy's already built in traffic source so Etsy has a million of users that go onto Etsy every single month and this is the type of traffic Source you can tap into by just creating an account on Etsy and posting listings and what Etsy likes to do is they like to award listings that are doing really well by increasing the traffic that goes to those listings and the way that they do that is they will boost that listing in the Etsy algorithm so they will start showing it on the home page related listing section and even on the first pages of the Etsy search this is one of the main forms of traffic gain that you can have organically through the Etsy platform so your next question may be how in the world do you tap into this organic traffic gain system that Etsy provides and that is simply by your SEO by the niches that you are in you need to find those high demand and narrow niches and then the third thing is your amount of listings the amount of products that you are creating it really all depends on how many products that you have in your Etsy business and while it may seem like a whole heck of a lot of listings over 100 listings that's generally when people start to see daily consistent sales on Etsy however if you were to incorporate social media or email marketing or some form of other organic traffic gain then you can do so and you don't have to upload as many listings and that is a another way that you can gain traffic and Views and visits per day without having to upload hundreds to thousands of listings on your Etsy store however to understand how to grow your Etsy store and get those first 100 sales generally speaking the more listings that you upload the more visibility you have in the Etsy algorithm to potentially have that one listing that may go to the front of the Etsy search and you can really rank in the Etsy algorithm and be recommended to different customers that login into Etsy every single day so in order to get your first 100 customers on Etsy the second strategy I have to get there is by utilizing social media and I've heard it time and time again that people say hey I don't want to show my face I don't want to be the face of my business and the beautiful thing about Etsy is you don't have to be the face of your business and you don't have to show on your store if you don't want to you could just make it a store and put your store name and just create a logo for your store you don't have to show your face at all one of the best ways to Skyrocket your views visits and traffic on your Etsy store is simply by creating a social media account and posting on it consistently and that is by far the easiest way to get your first sale and first 100 sales that's what I did when I began and I hear it a lot that people look on my YouTube and they say oh she scaled to multiple six figures and a lot of it was organically and the start of me organically scaling was actually going on Facebook and posting to friends and family and then I posted on Facebook groups and I went into some narrow Niche Facebook groups that skyrocketed my views my visits and then I started getting sales and orders on my store and that's how I got my first 100 sales was through social media so I can't urge you enough to get those first 100 sales through some type of outside platform that's not Etsy the one thing that a lot of people may not know is Etsy actually rewards stores that can bring outside traffic into Etsy and if you're bringing a lot of traffic from Facebook Instagram Tick Tock maybe even YouTube into your Etsy store Etsy will reward you by boosting you in their Etsy algorithm in ranking systems so you may show up on page one on the Etsy search because that indicates to Etsy if you're getting a bunch of sales on one listing thing that you had posted on social media then that can give you that best seller badge and get you a lot of sales going forward even if you stop posting on social media that's something that happened to my store is I posted on Facebook and I posted on Facebook groups I got about 20 sales on a few different listings and all those listings Over time became best-selling listings and then over six months they kept being bestseller listings even when I stopped posting on the Facebook groups so I can't tell you guys enough I can't urge you enough to create those social media accounts and no you do not need to post your face on those social media accounts there's so many different ways that you can create social media posts without your face and there's ways to create video posts now too with canva or playset mock-ups these are both really great resources and I have a tutorial on my YouTube channel on how to do that as well and how to create videos for posts for your social media accounts I highly recommend check checking that out at the very end of this video I hope that your main takeaway is to use tools and resources outside of the Etsy platform to bring in traffic into your own business whether that be with social media maybe even email marketing and also utilizing ways inside of that Z platform to increase your traffic as well by doing so would be increasing the amount of listings on your Etsy store and utilizing best practices for SEO in which I do have a video on YouTube about as well I will put it up above here and Link it down below but these again are really great strategies in order to get those first 100 sales and like I said earlier in your first 100 sales are going to feel like the hardest sales to achieve but once you get there it is amazing how quickly your Etsy store will scale up over time by just hitting that first Milestone of the first 100 sales on your Etsy stores besides that I also want to urge you to to not rely on Etsy solely for your organic growth and sales because although you could post hundreds to thousands of listings on Etsy and maybe get a few sales here or there if you're utilizing those resources and tools outside of etsy to bring traffic into your Etsy store that is going to be so much more control on trafficking and return customers on your business rather than posting listings on the Etsy platform besides that guys that's going to be all for this video today don't forget to check out my free training on how to earn your first 10K with Etsy and print on demand in the links in the description below don't forget to subscribe and stick around for that blooper reel because you all know one is coming and I will see you guys in the next video here working on demand business or an Etsy store that may be handmade I'm going to repeat that 21 and I started with a zero I'm going to repeat that were amazing they were incredible because besides that guys that is going to be it for this video don't forget to join me in my free how to earn your first 10K uh with besides that guys that's gonna be it for this video don't forget to join my free I can't speak for the life of me don't forget to check out my free webinar down below where I teach for that's not it that's not it either besides that guy no I don't know why I'm doing this it's like don't forget to check out my free training on how to earn your first 10K with Etsy and print on demand in the links in the description below remember to [Music] [Music]
Channel: heatherstudio
Views: 63,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passive income, printify, printful, pod, etsy pod, etsy
Id: NwzMppDphjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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