How to get your dang 3D character onto your gosh-darn mocap data (w/ Sam Lazarus) | Eternal Ascent

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n what's up guys what's up good to see you happy Friday welcome to the stream it's going to be a very fun stream this stream is going to go down in history because Sam Lazarus from roko is joining us and and we are covering the the tricky subject of character retargeting guys we're covering it in every single program that ever exists in the whole world just kidding we're just covering the main programs we're going to cover blender we're going to cover c4d we're going to cover Maya we're going to cover Unreal Engine um Sam is going to be guiding myself and yall through the process of character retargeting for all these fun 3D challenges that we do specifically this one uh Eternal Ascent right it's got you guys you know putting your custom character on the mocap data locking up some steps so we're going to get you guys covered I know a lot of you guys have questions so here's what we're going to do here's how it's going to go down uh first off what's up everybody Welcome to the stream good to see you thanks for joining us on this Friday we're going to start um in blender cuz I feel like most of you guys use blender we're going to Sam's going to show you the all the tools and tips for retargeting and blender so Deonte he's also on Deck he's going to chime in if needed for anything um we're going to get through the process in blender we'll show you that and then if you guys have Q&A for blender we're going to do that Q&A for blender right then we're going to move on we're going to touch Cinema we're going to get in there Sam's going to show you the character retargeting set up in Cinema 4D same deal after the process we'll open up to Q&A for Cinema same for Maya and then same for unreal which we'll spend most of our time in unreal um you know and then after that we'll just hang out we'll do some more q& for you guys um let's see let's see so uh announcement wise before we hop over to Sam uh actually some really cool news for you guys so kit bash 3D is joining us for this challenge they're stepping up for bonus prizes for y'all freaking insane so the top five you guys are all getting 3 months of cargo Pro those top five winners right if you guys don't know about cargo it's their new like asset Library you can go through and pick individual assets whole kits whatever you know it's in down to the individual asset on cargo Pro it's amazing I've been using it in my art we'll get there later in the Stream and then the top 100 each of you guys get one kit of your choice of five kits right so um very cool super awesome for the people at kit bash there's a link down below the sponsor link if you look at I believe it's the third or fourth link under sponsors kit bat 3D hot head on over and I got you guys 20% off for cargo Pro using that link click that link Down Below guys get to it um so thank you to the good people at Kip bash 3D y'all are awesome thanks for thanks for joining us on this challenge um with with that I think uh there's only one other thing roko um not roko let's see Sam he gave us a very important file and it is a mocap skeleton file a mixo skeleton file that you can find on the Discord download that it's going to make retargeting easier we're going to get into it um but I believe that's the last update SL announcement and there's a bunch of resource links below for the you for you guys to follow for retargeting everything retargeting we got it uh split up into blender c4d unreal so without further Ado guys let's get to our guest let's hop on over Sam dude yes yes thank you thank you thank you thank you dude absolutely absolutely man I had to I had to pull out the beanie um dude honestly like got a few of those you know Beanie Baby's baby um yeah dude and thank you for like I remember um you know when we were getting the project files uhoh okay so they can't hear Sam oh it's fixed all right all right we're back what's up Sam how you doing dude okay the important thing I said is my biker gang is going to be called the Beanie Babies that was the most important information that you just missed I think yeah and thank you Clint for having me that too yeah boom that was perfect that was perfect um guys I want to hear the thumbs UPS I want to see the thumbs UPS in chat when we can hear Sam S Monte says we're fixed but just want to make sure I'm muted too sooda we good oh just me baby now okay Welcome to My Stream today we're talking I don't know about bees I guess s Monte where are you soda's gone h no I'm here I'm here I'm just this is our this is our all right we're set I'm seeing thumbs got it this means that nothing else is go wrong now we've got there's always it's always hopefully those the announcements you guys hear me on the announcements ooh we're good on the announcements can y'all confirm that you could hear me on the announcements see look every time that's why I get so nervous during these streams there's always one thing there's always one thing okay okay heard heard thank you guys thank you all right so beanie babies is the biker gang um what's up Sam good to see you we're talking character retargeting today um all programs um let's see what else are we getting into dude so yes I was going to say that when I was um so cypo put together the Unreal Engine file for this challenge I took that file and I was like hey Sam is this set up okay and you were like [Music] bro let me help you yeah and I was like thank God and you walked me through like the u4 u5 mannequin setup and I'm like dude this is so over my head would you just be down to come on stream and walk people through and you're like absolutely I wasn't going to ask you but yes thank you for being here this this stream will go down in history because everyone is going to be referencing this for all time on all these challenges cuz it's such a confusing subject why is it so confusing Sam yes I I well yeah and again and I thank you for having me as I as I might have been muted but like I am a huge fan I don't complete enough weekly challenges or you know but I'm like this is so awesome for me to be here and yeah I am also excited to be here because um you know Roco like we've made it very easy to make motion capture but that is such a mo mocap is tough it's something that most people don't have experience with usually in the Indie world people maybe have used mixo um to do it it's very automatic but when it comes to like getting your map animation onto a character for lots of reasons one being it's always been so expensive and Out Of Reach that's like slowly changed with roko but all the other companies um but that means that a lot of generalists haven't touched that world before and it's and it's a doozy of a world it's it's a lot of rotation key frame it's just it's a tough thing and it can be really confusing and so I'm happy to be here to like spread the gospel of it's it's totally manageable it's possible there are great resources online whether they're were coco or others like it's doable and it's really cool when you kind of unlock having access to that stuff even if it's like I've got your old moving meditations map like if you want to use that you know there's so many cool things you can do with map and I'm happy to like try to get people a little bit further to understanding how to do it because it is scary and yeah as you know you know yeah 100% And like it it's something that I am going to have a lot of questions like honestly this stream is selfishly for me CU I so much no and it's awesome it's going to be good to have you asking questions as we go as someone who is very focused on an end result right like that's the thing is you'll have hopefully really great questions about like not the Theory but the practice like how do I actually what are you doing there what tab is that like stop what is that let talk about that so let's do it all right so um like we talked about do we want to hop into blender first and talk about I want to do my quick Spiel firstview let's do the overview tell about the overview yeah yeah and I wish I had like a slide or something but I don't okay I think the so we're going to get into all these programs today I think Clint has the chat for questions hope there'll be questions that we'll be able to answer the first thing that I always say in my Spiel though is I am um I'm a generalist um there are many ways to do these things that we're going to be doing so what we're going to be going over today are what I think are some of the best ways to do it they're the ways that I do it personally but that does not mean they're the only way to do it and it also doesn't mean that what we're going to cover is going to cover any situation as everyone here knows CG every project is different every model is different so so this is won't necessarily be a cure all for all your problems I hope it it will be very helpful but there are many ways to do things that's that's a and b like I'm not a main blender user like don't come at me for not using blender hot keys I'm sorry like there will be things that I am only partially versed in as as we get into all this um so that's my cover my ass the disclaimer the terms and condition at the top the disclaimer which I think is is just true it's CG is so varied um okay but the other thing that I want to go through is just the overview of motion capture that we're going to be talking about because even though we're going to be in different programs today really Map works in a in a kind of a the same way no matter the program in the broad strokes and so I just want to talk about those like super briefly and the first step for motion capture is always definition so you've got your motion capture animation you've got your Rigg character and these programs are dumb they don't know inherently that the left arm bone on your map is the left arm bone and they don't know that the left arm bone on your character is the left arm bone so the first step when you're doing map retargeting which is what we're going to be doing today which is the process of taking motion capture putting it on a character is something we call definition bone definition bone Maps it's where we go in and we tell the program hey this is the left arm of my map this is the left arm on my character and we do that so that in the next step which is the retargeting it knows which is just copying animation it's just copying key frame animation from one bone to another like that's all you know map is that's all retargeting is it's yeah it's very simple it's very dumb it's it's just copying key frames um but you need to tell the programs which where the key frame should go right that's the definition stage defin Define then we copy our map to our character retargeting and then we have the editing stage and in with a lot of motion capture you usually sometimes you don't need to do any editing the file that Clint has created is actually really clean already it looks really good but you might get things where for example in the characters I've been working with the arms will be clipping through the legs right things like that yeah like you know and that goes all the way up to getting very detailed I want my character to be holding a shield or to be waving a flag right that's all going to be done in the editing stage and the key with editing is you want to do it non-destructively and there are tools in all the programs we're going to talk about today where there's a layering animation system which means we've got our base animation at the bottom but we can throw a layer on top of that and do additive animation on top of that cuz we don't want to delete the animation that's already there mhm right yeah so that's a key part of this as well and those are kind of the stages of motion capture so that's my Spiel and hopefully that made sense and so hit the three in what are the three steps definition you define then retargeting yeah and then editing those are like really at any level of map your Marvel Indie hobby it's all the same there's there's those are the steps that every everyone goes through and and uh and they're so they're broadly the same in every program right it's not like the only program that's a little different as iclone because you don't have to do definition really because you can just drag them in we're not going to talk about iclone today but broadly you always follow and we'll you'll see as we go I'm gonna Point these out as we go through these programs each stage um yeah so I think that's valuable to know I I think great that gets everybody kind of on the same page like where we're at no one's going to be so you're defining when you say the definition meaning you're making sure that the skeleton the map skeleton is talking with the character with the rig they they they speak the same language essentially right yeah you're basically and again it's it's it's a dumb process right we're just copying key frames from one joint to another but the program just has no idea inherently where that data should go so you need to tell it this is the left arm map this is the left arm this is the left forearm moap this and a lot of this is automated we're going to be using mixo characters a lot of these plugins and processes it's like you select mixo and it like autog generates you know but if it doesn't it's important to know that that's a key part of the process right and and it can be frustrating because it's like you're going through the skeleton and like left arm it's annoying to click sometimes but it's not that hard again it's like let's hop into it let's do it let's see what we got let's get into it um so blend right you got blender open I got blender open let's let's do it here we go again um apologies yeah we're on me and I'm using uh I'm using not industry hotkeys in blender so some of these things might be different from the way that blender native users are used to doing things Soo like call me out and if there are questions I'm happy to answer them again to the best of my ability but we're going to start really simple here so I've got a blank project but but if you're using the template project you can you you know I assume you'll be doing it in the template project um or something but we're just going to be in a blank project here because it's just cleaner um the plugins I'm going to call out today and and I think there are links to these in the in the description below but yeah we're going to be using the rcoo plugin it's a free plugin for the retargeting and the and the definition stages really good easy to use plugin it's free you need a roko ID you don't have to use Roco there are other ones for example the auto rig Pro plugin which we're going to be using as well because it has a really good ik control rig setup um and then also there's no animation in my scene so you can't see it but there is a great animation layers plugin on the blender Marketplace a lot of you probably already have it for one reason or another it's called animation layers there should be a link to it that's going to for editing that's going to be for creating layers and there's also a native tool and blender that you can use for that but this one is better so so we're going to be using that the other thing that actually I want to point out before we get started is we are going to be if there are things that don't come up today and you want to I have put together a bunch of tutorials on the roko YouTube channel go to the roko YouTube channel this playlist ultimate retargeting workflows this has guides oh sorry um for every uh for every software and like amazing this will explain things so go here if you miss something or if it doesn't clear and that's linked below correct yeah it should be yeah okay sweet okay enough talk talkie talkie so let's the first thing I'm going to do and and I'm just going to go through this and you ask questions Clint but uh we're just going to do it what I've got here is a mixo character we're going to be using a miimo character CU it's a good Baseline I think a lot of you will be using mixim characters this will also work with custom characters but for our purposes we're going to be using a mixo character whenever I pull in an fbx and blender I like to check automatic bone orientation under Armature makes things look nice so I'm going to check that and import and look you know we're starting off we just got a mixim mo character boom it's in a t pose that is very important we want it to be in a t pose and that's because when we go and we pull in our motion capture and this is the file that Clint just added to the Discord right yeah it's on the Discord in the announcements under um Eternal ascent and then I also added it to like the whole project file if you click Download Project files it'll be in there too um and and last thing here A mixim Pose just to just want to um clarify when you're on miimo you can choose the character and you can choose the animation and the animation you want uh if you type in to pose you know oh password hold on now are you good we're on you yeah no it's fine it doesn't emails and passwords no you can see my email whatever uh you know don't spam me it just never loads but yeah you you you upload your character then it even if you uploaded it in a t pose you want to go to animations type in t pose and select it yep yeah so you do want to to do that yeah and this is like a custom character that you uploaded to mixo right this is the custom character that I uploaded the funny thing about mixo which is good information is that some of the characters that are just here especially the really old one the Legacy ones they actually have different skeletons than and what the auto riger will give you if you upload a character to mixo that's the best way to know that all this will work the right way some of these old characters have like slightly different skeletons for whatever reason but yeah we're going to be using this is a character I uploaded use the Auto riger Select T pose download boom and that brings us to here boom boom and it is O look it has a texture okay but it's in a toos right that is important so and the reason it's important is because when we bring in our map again check automatic bone orientation our map is also in a t POS and that's because when we do our remember we're just copying key frames right and and what that means is that you need the initial orientation of all those bones to be the same right if we're copying map key frames right like for the this this arm right the right arm it's like down you know the rotation key frames tell it like go down to the side on the whatever the Y AIS right if our character has a completely different orientation it's all going to be relative to the initial orientation right so so basically you want your character and your mamp to be in the same pose as close as possible when you do your retargeting because we're just copying key frames and if they're in different poses they're going to be offset by how different they were when you copy those key frames over does that make sense it's always hard to explain 100% yeah like let me let's see show a good example of of like an A Pose yeah let's see I know I have a video here of when I did the poor version of this and I retargeted it in the wrong way so like this let's see can this Loop does this Loop will this Loop and the hands are like in the body like this where it's like yeah you know it's like that was not um T to T pose that was some weird pose to some exactly yeah it was janky so the animation's on there the animation's on there but it's just not in the right position because it was offset by how different the character in the map starting poses were um the other thing to mention is this file that I that that you guys have because we want frame zero to be a t pose it goes up to 120 frames so if I shift this back by one frame in the timeline everything back by one yeah so you'll you'll have to do that right to get it to fit into that 120 frames for this project it's just something to know that frame zero is a toost that means that for frame zero to be the first frame of Animation you're going to have to move it back but it needs to be a t pose yeah exactly anyway let's get to the actual retargeting so we've got our map let's make sure our project is yep we're in 24 looks good we hit play we got the the map right all this is what we need this is Clint moap so to retarget this onto our character I'm going to open up the Roco plugin links below links links below for install and everything we're going going to go to the retargeting section here under Source I'm going to put in we can check it to be sure but it's Armature o1 their name the same thing which is a little confusing but it's Armature 01 source of our animation Target where is the animation going it's going to our character and you can see then we get this build bone list and because this is these are mixim characters it all fills out automatically so how nice is that actually it doesn't look the pinky isn't there so that might be something I'm not going to fill it in now but if there are missing Fields here you would go [Music] in oh it looks like there is no pinky on maybe there is not a pinky on my charact oh it's not rigged it looks like this hand didn't have a pinky bone anyway point being if any of these fields are blank or even if they're all blank you just have to go in and you're matching these up right this is that definition phase when we tell blender hey look hips of my map hips of my character spine of my map spine of my character right and so you go through and you define everything and this should be automatic if you're using mixo character if you're using customer character you might have to fill it out you can always hit save so you only have to do it one time but pretty easy right should be fairly automatic and we hit retarget animation so they don't need to be on the same level oh wow okay so in cinema it will like throw it off if they're not exactly paired in the same spot I guess is the best way I can describe that we'll get there we'll get there but we'll get there yeah yeah no but it it should be as long as you're in a te pose um it should be pretty easy and look and and this process unlike Cinema um this process what we've done is we've actually copied these key frames over so now at this point look I can just delete delete my moap I got my um you know got the so then what do you do about the clipping hands how do you move that and like okay so yeah so the clipping hand so the um the the the way that we can do it very simply and there's two ways to do moap editing there's FK and then there's ik ik is inverse kinematic FK is forward kinematic um what you want ideally is to have an ik control rig and we're going to be talking about that bit you mean forward my hand stays and everything else goes exactly like the hand stays put and then FK is like like this from the shoulder rotating from the shoulder yeah it's always difficult to explain these things as well but basically what it means is the way that you can think about FK and ik and for a lot of you this is something you'll know let's say I'm trying to position my arm in a good way let's say like this FK basically just means you're going down the chain you're moving forward through the end bone yeah you're moving forward right you're moving forward through the chain so if I want to move the position of my wrist I can't I have to move my upper arm then I have to move my this arm then I move my wrist right FK or ik inverse kinematic yeah means going backwards and what's really cool about that is say if I want to move the position of this wrist I can move the wrist and the rest of the bones will just follow where that wrist is going so ik moap editing is kind of the Holy Grail of map editing it makes it a lot easier to do the editing generally because it means you're just dealing with those end bones you're not having to go through a whole chain to move the wrist and it's often times the wrist or the foot that we're looking at editing right those are the things that usually have clipping issues whatever it may be um so the way that we can um go and do some FK editing on like the hands is first the shoulders on the hands yeah let's just try and fix this clipping we you can see that we have clipping here right like look at this yeah it's going in this one is a little bit worse right um so what we can do is I'm going to use this animation uh layer add-on again there is a native if you go to the um where is it it's called nonlinear animation in blender I'm not going to go through this workflow it's in my tutorial on our YouTube channel if you want to see the native tools this plugin it's paid but it's so great for so many things in blender it's kind of I think worth it for you to check out if you don't do map all the time so we're going to use this called animation layers it's on the blender Marketplace turn it on and you can see I've got look at all the key frames I've got down here on my character right if I hit plus with my Armature selected key frames are gone now does that mean the moap is gone no no no mo Cap's still there but what you can see now sorry my Cadence no no yeah my sham wow um Cadence but what this this is really amazing actually because again if we go to this base layer think about if you're trying to adjust the movement of the of an arm that's already key framed at every key at every frame you'd have to go every frame and adjust it it would be so frustrating yeah where as opposed to if we go to pose mode and again this is where my uh my blender noobishness shows and the way that I'm manipulating this but now there's no key frames on this because we're in this layer this anim anim layer which you'll notice is above my base layer and what we can do add a key frame we have not lost our animation the arm is still moving but it's persistently fixed it's it's going to persist and of course we can edit this right we could okay let's have it move not that way uh back down key frame now replay do it again do it again how did you do that again you selected let me do it on the head let me do it on the head better okay and you can see when I select the head empty timeline down here it's kind of hidden behind Clint's video but it's it's an empty timeline right let's say on my eternal Ascent I want the character to look up by the end of the animation right well I'm just gonna rotate down the head I'm hitting s to add a key frame I think it's sto what is it maybe I'm sure it's different on non-industry standard key frame whatever insert key frame right I'm adding a key frame to the Head yeah there's a lot of different ways to do that and then I think it's I if I'm not it might be I yeah that sounds right and I'm going to drag it so you can see it here's my the key frame I added right you can see the is pointed down the entire time by the end I want it to look up to the Future Hope frame look at that yes dude so simple and so simple and you can use this principle to do all the rest of your animation editing as needed now what we can also do really quickly or I don't how are we doing on time on blender should we move or I I mean we're we're moving at a good Pace we're going to hit Q&A and blender in a second guys so get your questions ready um get ready to hit me with at pisher when I say not yet not yet we're going to get there in a sec um let me set this up one more time and I want to show another really cool thing um so this is going to use the uh Auto rig Pro plugin and I'm just right now I'm going through the exact same steps we went through previously but instead of using the Roco definition you're using no no no we're going to we're going to do that too I'm going to use the roko uh retargeting same same exact steps I'm just I'm just getting a clean project here we go moap done delete my moap but this time what we're going to do is we're going to add a quick rig from Auto rig Pro on top of this so Auto rig Pro another paid plugin an amazing plugin I'm not the only one to this is not a niche this is probably one of the top plugins on the blender Marketplace very well established it also means there's lots of tutorial tutal out there from many people about how to use it Beyond Myself which is always good because I'm not a blender user generally but basically there's a quick rig add-on to Auto rig Pro you can see down here quick rig right and what we can do here is if I go to import there's a miimo preset now if there isn't if you have a custom character the thing I love about this plugin is it's it's one of the easier plugins to make a custom ik control rig um the way you do it I'm going to load in the mixim one because we have a mixim character and but you can see what it does is it gives you okay spine head leg right if if you if you aren't using a mixo character it's still very easy to just it'll give you these categories spine leg head all these and you just need to go and like fill them out with your character skeleton which is very easy relative to some of the other systems so in this case it did it automatically for us but it the thing that's nice about this this plugin is that again it's super hard to create custom ik control rigs normally this plugin makes it really easy um so big UPS to this plugin when I hit quick rig look at this I want to under animation bake animation arms I want to do ik not FK legs it gives me an option I want ik for the legs too okay I I click okay and look it has automatically added an ik control rig so when we were talking earlier about the difference between ik and FK this is ik look I can grab the wrist and the rest of the arm just moves ik inverse inverse it's going from the wrist in and then exactly going back that's going up the chain yeah right yeah depending on your but the important the important thing is you can grab the end bone and move it which is so great and look I've baked oh he's got a balloon super freaking cool I don't know why it I don't know why it twisted this oh it's the whole the whole oh no it twisted the arm both I'm not going to worry about that right now but in theory it should just be um easy to fix that okay it did some arm twisting or something but let's say we even oh yeah and it and it and it's persistent look because there's no key frames uh on this yet interesting I didn't think I'd be able to twist it anyway point being you can use the same thing that we just did um to create an animation layer right and then add if we wanted to this time at a key frame and like oh it's so much easier to I want it to go up and whatever uh like scratch his head or something right yeah and then we can like make maybe we have to make some adjustments I'm not going to spend a ton of time fine-tuning this but hopefully you can see yeah they get the point how much for sure yeah easier it is to do corrections when you've got an ik system and for a lot of people I imagine this is really going to come in handy when changing the terrain for their stairs right so this just makes it really easy so yeah if you guys need to do like fine adjustments to make sure the foot is stuck onto whatever you know thing onto that step perfectly then that's awesome you changed the the stair cuz you've got a custom environment obviously and this will this this will make it really simple and this is all it's I always say it's easy that's of course a relative term I think um you know it's it's complicated obviously but also it's it's really it is Achieve like this is super doable I think and it's really these are difficult Concepts when you when you start but they soon become rote and it soon becomes very easy and it's so much easier now than it was a year ago two years ago you know so it's really great these these methods that we have now okay so okay I'm I'm going to I'm going to transition here to Q&A so if you guys have any blender questions right now let's just take fiveish minutes hit me with at pisher in the chat in the live chat I'm looking at you guys right now um that way I can see the comment right it's a little easier if you do at pisher um while you guys do that um those three chapters that you you have or those three steps Define retarget edit that's like such a great way to think about it and I think that that helps me think about it in a in a kind of more of a step-by-step process so that's great um yeah yeah I think once you understand the the fundamental what's what's happening and how really base it is right how dumb it is it is it is so I get all these questions all the time for instance about like can I do X Y and Z with map retargeting can I retarget it onto like a arm on the backpack at the end of the day these are just key framed joints like there's nothing special about this map animation it's just key frame joints right so you can do lots of interesting novel things um with that animation data but it's very opaque I think when you first start looking at retargeting um and I find it helps knowing that it's just like it's dumb data right you're it's just key fr and so you're just you're just copying them around right uh so we got some good questions um right now the ones I'm seeing doubled up are how do you do it without the animation layers plug in okay let's do it do I need to move my head here down here on the bottom left I know you are searching down there yeah maybe a little bit um Let me let me see if I can remember to the Top If if I'm just restarting just restarting this cuz again I'm so bad at blender that like I can't dude I wouldn't even be able to orbit you're good okay here you go you're killing it um it's it's an interesting thing about Roco work is that we um we work in all the different programs so I try I try my hardest to great so you're you're recreating the steps the roko plugin is free right for blender roko plugin free there's a bu of different plugins to do it though you do not have to you know I I like to hey I'm here to you know R's awesome use Roco but like there's a lot of different ways there's so many different circumstances like do what works for you man um okay first thing I'm going to do whoa uh yeah whoa is you can see I got my frame zero my border my border what happened to my clothes um my frame I'm just going to move this back start so that you know it it does start on the right thing totally and let's say I wanted to go in and just do some FK editing um the the principle be would be the same if you have a control rig um but in this case I'm just going to do it for FK so I'm going to go to the nonlinear animation panel uh up here and you can see what what the nonlinear animation typically does is it converts all the animation in your timeline to like these blocks these easily manipulated blocks where they're not really separated out by frame by body part it's like you got a block of Animation now that we're working with right like layers in like Da Vinci like video layers yeah yeah like yeah it's a layer of Animation right yeah I mean right it's a layer it's the nonlinear animation layer so what we can do is if we click this push down button you can see I got my my Baseline animation we've added a layer on top right so the same thing that we were we were doing before very simple we'll go to pose mode the important thing to know here is that for this layer we want the blending to be combined if you make it replace it's going to replace the animation on that joint if we do combine the goal is always to do additive animation we want to do nondestructive editing we want to add something on top of what we already have we don't want to delete what we already got right we have that nice walking motion we just want to change where the arm is slightly so I want to do combine and at this point let's just add a key frame and move it sorry let me let me go back and make it drastic do something really extreme so you can you can see it add a key frame hey there it is now it's uh over here and and what I always like to do too is uh and if we get into Maya there's a great way to do this in Maya but what you often want to do with with map editing is you're fixing a specific point where there's a problem but you don't really want the rest of the map to be in that position that you mooved you know usually it's like you're swinging let's say you're swinging your arm arm to uh with a sword right and it's like at a certain point it cuts through my my right arm is going through my left arm I just want to fix that one moment right move my arm so it isn't intersecting so what you can do is always grab that original key frame you made see if I can do it here I might have to do I go in and get it there should be a way to go in and get the original key frame I'm just too dumb we may have to go to the timeline again yeah so here's that key frame we made originally right the original position of the arm untampered I can yeah I can just copy that back yeah and it goes back to where it was originally right so that can be a nice like usually when you're fixing map clipping problems it it's like we just we would just do this let's let's delete this one in the middle so this is a key frame where things are ostensibly okay let's actually move it out a little bit and let's say it Clips right here move it out and then like we want it to go back to where it should be copy and and add the key frame back that was a bad example but get it you can kind of see what I mean yeah you you have your safe key frame at the beginning that you can just copy back sweet okay so that's how you do that um let's see other ones let's [Music] see all right so that that helps the animation if you guys don't have animation layers plug in um how much animation can we change on the character good question not Lawrence the answer is just the head just the arms um if you want them holding something for your story if you want them looking in a certain direction for your story yes but in in general the map data is there the animation is there to like link all of the renders together right so so you don't want to be changing all the steps and all this and that um let's see T pose or rest pose that needs to match what does that mean yeah this is a great question um so it means that basically sometimes you get characters I'm going start a new project again you can put me back down s mon yeah thanks man let me go and grab another character yeah this guy's a good example I think see if it loads in but uh so what this this question is uh concerning rest poses versus current poses now this guy looks like he's in a t- pose right now but if we go to the edit mode but don't be deed yeah normally this guy I set up correctly but let's go to another T POS or not t POS I don't know they look the same to me yeah you do want it to be in a it's basically that oh where is a badly set up guy um hold on I think this guy is O super cool yeah so here you can kind of see the difference so this looks like it's in a t pose right but often times what will happen especially if you're using mixo what will often happen is you load up a character in an a pose to mixo which is fine right miimo will love that and that means a pose just means the arms are down to the side like this right Yos to T pose yep a pose is the unreal pose generally and you rig it up and it looks great and you download it as a t pose and you import it into blender and it looks like it's in a t pose but when you go to do your moap uh editing or retargeting you get very weird results and that's because the rest pose will still be that a pose and that is annoying um in cinema there's a way to fix this that we'll talk about in blender the way I'm not going to get into how to fix it on here cuz I I I'm not a good enough but look up basically you want to apply as rest pose in blender there's a bunch of different ways to do this in blender I used to use a plugin called the cats plugin c a TS Capital cats apparently it's been deprecated for blender 3.5 I don't think it works in blender 3.5 anymore or above which is frustrating there are other ways to do that but but what you need to do is you need to go and apply the T pose as the rest pose of your character and that means when you go into edit mode there should be your character shouldn't shift like this right this this means that the rest pose this is the real pose of this character which actually is a t- pose which is ironic normally like this would jump into the a pose right um and and what that means is that when you do your retargeting it's actually going to be offset as if it was in an A Pose so it it can be really frustrating I have in the tutorials that I have on my YouTube I I there should be a way to to deal with that but really there's lots of tutorials on blender about getting your character into its rest pose and that's the key word you want to be searching for rest pose apply as rest pose blender sooda I don't even know maybe you have like an easier answer for this for me whenever I'm in blender and I there's like a there's a command that's called like how do you search and blender is it tab the right click I think so there's people in chat three but as far as I know you can just go to post mode and then on the top left menu click post apply post address post or something like that but maybe it's too simple I don't know it's it's really that is like how it should work oh God I see this is where my blender like Dum comes in I don't even know it's fine I think we can I think we can move on I think there some there's some options in chat people are giving some potential fixes in chat take a look at that you guys are stuck there um but I think we should move on if there's not a another question um let's see characters May glitch on the stairs uh see let's see any good questions we can hit here [Music] um ashin what's the difference between the blender files V1 versus V4 so um basically we only made one update to the blender file um and that is um sodon just added the T POS in the mocap data on frame zero as opposed to negative 1 so you see it on frame zero and then he deleted some data that just didn't need to be in there that bloated the file that's it um but I think just to be clear there's only two versions the four is probably because now we have the version one and the version two for blender 4.0 and 3.0 that's the last thing yeah um they were able to I think I cats did the 3.0 right um we split it upep yep yeah so for those of you in 3.0 all right moving on to cinema um let's do it to it okay how do you see now now we're into my neck of the woods but I still It's Tricky It's Tricky for me well yeah and the unfortunate thing about Cinema is that it is and I love Cinema I am a cinema guy I started in cinema it's still my my main um although unreal's coming for it the it's unfortunately Cinema 40 has the uh weakest retargeting tools it just kind of does and and part of that also is because for blender you have a blender Marketplace you've got all these plugins that people have made you've got all these free you know tools that people have created Cinema it just the native tools are not um the easiest unfortunately and uh it's just you're a little bit more limited in cinema so I think that's something good to know going in it might be more frustrating work in cinema it just is it's possible though it's just kind of yeah it's super possible we're g to go through it it's it's just more basic you're limited a little bit let's do it let's dive in okay so I'm going to go and we're going to do the exact same thing I'm grabbing my miimo rigged character uh I'm not going to reassign takes one thing I always like to do in cinema is make sure that this lock override is unchecked in the take system it can just cause problems I found in various ways so turn that off it's just a good idea unless you're using the take system for some reason um here I've got my character right mixim rigged character and let's be organized create a null alt G uh character so there we go we got our character mixo rigged and Cinema I think is another another good thing to mention is Cinema has a bunch of Integrations with mixo so if you're doing map retargeting in cinema it's the easiest if you're using a mixo character and it there's it everything kind of works better there's more options so it's great if you're using a mixo character it's it's a little bit easier um so I'm going to create alt G everything selected I got my map and I got my character and let's set my timeline to 12 frames we press play this again is that map file that that is now in the Discord right that has the T pose yep yep T pose at frame zero again so important to know that frame zero will be a t pose and in cinema we're going to use something called the character definition tag definition step one step one target step one exactly uh I'm going to get a t-shirt made of this yes um um so we'll start with our character I'm going to right click you want to right click or set this character definition tag which is under rigging tags character definition I'm going to put that on the topmost bone in my skeleton chain which usually is the hips it's almost always going to be the hips I might be able to put it on this null but I don't think that's very clean so put it on the hips and that's the best way to do it cool we click that tag you can see I've got open manager down here click on that and we've got a character definition list right we've got torso we've got hips spine neck we've got all the different bones for you to fill out now again because we're using a mixo character that we download from mixo I can just hit extract skeleton it does it all for me look it filled out all this stuff automatically it's got all my spine bones it's got my fingers everything is set up automatically for me again something weird about the ring finger in this model but if the ring finger isn't here if there's a blank joint section up here see ring control click to expand out the entire tree here of my skeleton I could just go oh there's only three bones on my character for whatever so you can actually in mixim you can choose how the hands are set up you can choose individual fingers you can choose like Mitten or you can choose like you know whatever I don't know this must be a mitten yeah um but anyway if if you're if you have to do this manually the the way that you do it is you just go find those bones and like ring finger you would go and you would [Music] grab your ring finger bones these these aren't this is index but you just drag them in now they're in right I'm going to delete these um but if you need to do it manually that's how you go through and you define for each of these things what's what because it was a mixo character easy we don't need to do it it does it automatically when we hit extract skeleton then I'll hit set reference pose that locks it in boom defined for our character yeah it's it's saying the orientation we want to do our retargeting is this this pose I have right here this T pose so boom then we're going to do the same thing for our map go to the hips rigging tags character definition open manager on the tag right with the tag selected we get these options this is a the map that take that we've provided is a mixim skeleton that means extract it all works perfectly for this one the ring fingers will be in there everything is good right so that's all good to go set reference pose now for our character we're going to click on that character definition tag and we're going to click create solver and as soon as we do that we get a new little tag up here this is a character solver tag and Target character we have our I keep saying character it can get kind of confusing but basically our our mixim character is under Target we want to drag in under Source the moap right so this tag drag it into source and now when we hit play HEK yeah easy peasy that's great um super great super easy looks great um so it's a pretty simple process and you again if you have a custom character you've got a character creator character you've got a Daz character you might have to under the character definition tag go in and manually set up those bones it's you can save a preset so you don't have to do it multiple times and but once you've told the program which bones are which this solver tag will work the same way and it should just work um so do you want to show motion tile or motion what is it called what is it called a motion clip yeah so let's let's talk about yeah I think what's important also to note is that if I click on so here's my character on the hips there's no key frames on this hip if we go in on my moap look these are all the animation key frames the reason there's no key frame on my hip is because this moap is being transferred it's like referencing it's yeah this solver is like saying okay whatever the skeleton with animation is doing like do that what makes that tough is if we if I do this retargeting in here and then I go to my template file create a new file I paste in well I don't have any of that animation CU it was a reference to my motion capture so what we want to do is is we want to bake all these key frames we want to bake it to my character so it's not just saying calling back to my map right if that makes sense totally the way that we yeah the way that we do that and this is also how you unlock rudimentary editing is I'm going to go to my characters skeleton I'm going to select children select all the bones in my character skeleton mhm then I'm going to go to the dope sheet which I hate it docks it in here for some reason for me which is super annoying but this is the dope sheet window dope sheet shift F3 and with all my characters bone selected I'm going to go to functions fake objects and we want to uncheck create copy we don't want to create a copy we want to bake down all these key frames and it's going to do it for the length of my timeline so 0 to 120 it won't do it for more or less than what's here and if I hit bake it's baked it down now I can delete my motion capture I can delete my tags and I've still got see all the these key frames are actually on here which is which is really great that's cool so super cool I can now you copy this to a new project file it's all going to be animated still sick great Standalone yeah now the the the last bit of this the map uh editing bit of this is we are going to click on my hips we're going to go to animate add motion clip and again we want to uncheck remove included animation we don't want to remove the animation we want to uncheck that hit okay and you can see we get this little tag here and it's a motion clip tag and we can hit open andl and here now we've got this should look like what we just looked like in blender right all the broad Strokes of what we're doing in all these programs are similar right to do editing to do non-destructive map editing you want layers right you're adding layers on top of that base animation and here we have a nonlinear animation system again we've we've added all of our motion capture into this one block look if I move this thing around just like you're move yep exactly I can I will want to because again frame zero is my T pose I do want to move this by one frame over right so that it's actually on the on the right thing but what we can do now is if we wanted to make changes to our motion capture excuse my window browsing I just want you to be able to see the timeline here again we've got animation key frames on all of the frames we go to our motion clip tag we hit add it's going to add a new new layer in here click add and look again all those key frames are gone I'll move this layer up above our base and now we can go in and we can start doing FK uh changes so you know I can uh sorry let me how do I make this cleaner move this over here I can add a key frame and let's say what do the head again actually the head is a really good one sometimes I find that like it won't register the first key frame unless you actually move the head I don't know why but I moved the head slightly and added a key frame now as he's walking up I want him to look to the heavens add a key frame we just added that on top right so it's the same principle that we just looked at if I want to have him look up and then look back back down right I can always control click on this key frame uh Hey control hold down control it creates a copy I can just I could I guess control C copy it whatever but look the the head moves up oh no golly what happened um I will use this this time to say if you guys have any questions for Sam in Cinema 4D for character retargeting hit us there I'm not going to answer any rules questions I'm just going to try and keep it focused to character retargeting in c4d um I can answer that stuff a little bit later once we get through to the end I want to try and get through all these programs because we still got Maya after this and then we're going to hit unreal yeah and then unreal yeah um so yeah you can see here that it's looking up right and and what we just went through with that confusion of the key frames like that is a a symptom of Cinema 4D and the way that this system is set up it's a little bit messy you might run into problems that are confusing or don't seem to logically make sense like I added a key frame why is it not registering it's part of the cinema situation right now so it's just it that is to be kind of expected um so you might run into issues like that but again if you go to the Roco YouTube like I lay this all out in the tutorial it should linked Below guys all that stuff linked below there's a whole Cinema section whole blender section Maya and unreal section with a bunch of links from Sam down below so check that out um I'm looking at chat right now and um I'm not seeing any c4d questions um let's cruise it I say we move on let's hit Maya back but yeah let's do it uh I'll save this just in case we want to yeah thank you just in case we want to come back to this guy okay we're going to Maya um so I'm in Maya 2022 does not matter Maya has not changed and never will change in any it does it has bugs from 30 years ago and it still um it's a good thing or bad thing you know it's like uh St consistent that's nice it is extremely consistent Maya is the best program for retargeting it just is it has 40 years of being the main animation system in the whole CG world it is the best at doing retargeting there it it creates custom control rigs really easily it's amazing um is there like a student version of Maya like is there a way for people there's a yeah there is a student version and they have an indie license now too that's a 300 bucks a year or something like that which is much better than the 1500 Buck the year used to be jeez um but there a student is free they can they can do all this stuff on student I think it's I think it's for you need to have an email address from your institution though okay all right all right a little tricky maybe but hey we're here for the people that have Maya here we are yeah yeah so here I I I the Maya tutorial I have is is really great I'm not going to spend a ton of time on Maya here I've got a custom character uh you know set up use the tutorial that I have this is the definition way that Maya does it it gives you this map it will create a new character definition and you would go through and you would you would select the hip and look here's the hip on my guy right click assign bone uh here's the spine Bones on my guy I would like right click go down right right click assign sign you build up the map This Way shoulder Bend be in here there's no Auto really yeah certainly not for mixo what you can do and I think I've given it out in the Maya tutorial is if I have a character and actually let's use um let's use the same guy I've been using mixim rigged guy Maya also has weird scale size things that happen all the time it doesn't really matter for retargeting but if I were to create a character definition this is a mixo character I have a mixo preset I made so I did this custom one time I hit okay it's done um super easy the other thing I will say about Maya that can get really confusing is that it's got this weird name space system so what I like to do in Maya is if I were to import that mixim MO cap take that we've been using because this is a mixim mo character and it has the similar named bones it would like freak out um so what you can do is modify go to the actually go to the windows tab General editors name space editors create a new name space add this to it this is very Maya specific but for Maya people if you run into name space issues that's how you fix that then we would go and we would go and import our motion capture um here we got our map we're in the wrong FPS let's change this to 24 we got our map what we would do is we would go and we would create a new character definition for our map we would go and either Define it manually or load in a preset which I have then you just set the character to your character the source to your motion capture and we've retargeted I have really great tutorials about this process on the YouTube channel I I recommend going there if you want to know more about how to do this in depth Maya is like we could spend all day going through this but the but Maya is the best because what you can do in Maya is once you've done this definition and retargeting phase there's no ik control rig that I've made for this character but as long as you've done this retargeting I can go I think it's off screen but I have this option Bak yeah it says bake to control rig it automatically adds an ik control rig for me it's so great I can delete my my moap now Maya has a smoothing filter that's really amazing if I select all of my uh NS for my control rig I can go to Windows animation editors graph editor I could select all of these these these graphs it has a Butterworth filter it makes map look buttery smooth butter worth dude I need that on everything it I do I wish it was on everything and then if you're doing that editing system again it gives you an ik control rig really easily you go to the channel box layer editor tab up here it'll by default open up in display but we go to anim if I want to fix the clip thing I grab my wrist I hit create layer from selected it adds a new layer you can see all my key frames are now gone right and I can go and start doing editing right uh the same way that we've been doing in all the other programs um amazing it just comes with the ik rig for free Maya is like incredible yeah it just it as long as you've done the retargeting it like knows which Bones you've put as the wrist so it just it's so great and also the undo button in Maya corrupts corrupts projects like it's been a bug for 30 years it hasn't been fixed my look at this look at this UI it's like insane Maya is the best and the worst simultaneously um that's so funny without a doubt it's the best for for this I love it every program has its Jank you know um which is you know you can't get away from it can't get away from the Jank that's as as VFX artists 3D artists we troubleshoot that's all we do we troubleshoot a lot autodidacts baby YouTube is your best friend yeah get in that YouTube YouTube what was that big word you used what was it what does that mean autodidact it's like you teach you teach yourselves things you're able to teach yourself things okay yeah yeah I've never heard that word before and yeah CG is we're all autodidacts we all everyone teaches themselves everything in CG I found it's you know we're all like amped everyone's so amped and like down to explore and learn and stuff and things change program versions change every year and it's like you gotta continuing education it's like we're Architects um yeah so that's Maya I I think it's unless there's questions that we could it's it's so deep yeah Jack D says when you generate the rig through the add-on the character position changed and didn't match the positioning of the motion capture is that a Maya question I don't know probably it's probably just like a comment um I don't I don't know um through the add-on what add-on I don't know that was probably a blender question maybe the the reason that you get differences slight differences I mean the broad it should match broadly but the thing about motion capture that's really worth knowing regardless and this is something at roko we're always talking about because roko is a neral motion capture which means it's not the most accurate even if you're map basically if we go and we um you're saying you're saying versus like all the cameras set up looking at the balls all the camera right you do all the all the cameras right and you get the most perfect map ever of uh of smeagle Thanos what's Josh Brolin doing um yeah doing Thanos right yeah the thing is his map his body is different proportions than uh the map is than the character is rather look at this character this character has way shorter legs in my motion capture it's got differ sized arms it's got different positions of the shoulders you they will always have differences between the motion capture in the character that's relative to the differences in the scale of the joints between the skeletons right so if you clap if Josh Brolin claps and you get the most perfect moap ever but then you retarget that onto Thanos whose arms are two feet longer than Josh Brolin's you know proportional to his body thanos's map looks like this now because his forearms are just longer right so you get so a lot of the things that you'll see where the map is is you retarget it and the character looks different slightly um it's because the character's proportions are different and you just get that's why you get foot sliding often in blender you're going to get foot sliding uh because the the hip height relative to the ground is different in the map and your character like uh Maya is the only program where you never get foot sliding it's just one of the amazing things about Maya it's because it's doing a million things in the back end That You Don't See that help with foot sliding unreal we're going to run into foot sliding um every other system you're going to have foot sliding which is why it's nice to know how to do map editing using ik control rigs um I don't know if that answers the question no no but that was good though because that was not even something that we talked about yet um yeah that will be a thing yeah that's a thing we can maybe get into in unreal with the control rigs yep but um let's see I'm might open up unreal in the meantime yeah go for it go for it if you guys don't have any Maya okay can you go over Maya retargeting once again no I mean I it's like kind of weird I would just go check out my tutorial it's so it's l below it's link below right it's going to be better than this yeah it's linked below and again you go to the Roco YouTube channel and here it is actually um the Maya one but if you go to the main YouTube channel for roko uh it's this is the playlist ultimate retargeting workflows right here and Maya is actually the first one in it and I go through character definition I go through fixing the name space issue which can be a thing we go through the retargeting then we go through the control rig the whole deal yeah so this is really this is great it's actually one of the simpler ones Maya um but yeah so shall we get into unreal here um how are you doing do you need a break do you need I'm doing great man okay cool yeah I'm good Do It Let's Do It um I know I'm just talking am how's my ramble after I feel like no no you're good I'm keeping up and I think if I'm keeping up then then so are people in in the chat um but I say that know how you guys how's the chat do thumbs UPS if you guys are hanging in you guys are enjoying this thanking uh thankful for Sam being here giving us all this good info helping you guys make your art look good um I'm GNA be doing live streams every Thursday I do a live stream 11:00 a.m. PST on Thursdays on the roko YouTube channel we're going to spend every week doing this project uh if people have questions I will be there Live come and ask we can get into it amazing to the best of my ability you know that's always the caveat because there's so many things I don't know sweet no that's great so yeah you got Thursdays on roko I got Fridays here boom and we're all just freaking helping each other out and making awesome art I love it dude um man we got we got some thumbs UPS in chat guys I appreciate that nice nice good stuff cool very good stuff we're going to hit unreal right now we're going to dive into here and uh talk about all the things we've been talking about defining retargeting editing and all the specific ways that it goes down in unreal so mon could you move my big head once again cuz like there's going to be a lot of stuff going on down here that my big old head is just going to be blocking the whole time um we'll do but uh yeah Sam you want to you want to get into it yeah let me talk for another 30 minutes straight I'm so sorry I feel like water no I got water I've had a boatload of coffee I'm good man all right yeah um no it's not a it's not a complaint about how I'm feeling to complain I just feel like I'm just talking so much but guess that's good um okay so unreal unreal is again I I I know I keep saying this but we have to we just put out a bunch of new two new tutorials on the roko channel covering retargeting and unreal they're an hour long each one is for General retargeting one is for metahumans and that's because there are a there are two main ways to do map retargeting when it comes to Unreal and so it's a little bit different than the other programs so uh that's why they're longer but there's so much good information in there and there's also links to some free resources that we're going to be using um for control rigs which is really cool unreal finally has good control rig workflows which is really awesome so I think we'll start by just saying similar to the other softwares we are not going to be using this if we go to the template and we go to the sequencer right shift C to uhoh shift C to to go to the camera and the sequencer we're not going to be using this guy as our map base this guy is their I mainly as a reference again I I might be wrong maybe some people are using this animation this guy right here to do your retargeting to but what we're really going to be doing and what we're going to be doing right now is if we go into the Eternal asent files in content and we go down to map here we have the moap hey Sam one sec and it's one sec so we are lagging a little bit stream laging so maybe we hang for like a minute or and we see if it doesn't fix itself cuz this is good stuff that we want to touch on um let's see all right y'all um see if the internet fixes itself stop lagging H come on YouTube yeah I'm not getting the warning anymore um I'm playing it just for reference cool yeah you guys should be seeing smooth butter what is it Butterworth Butterworth filter isn't that a great name for smoothing filter butter it sounds like it's very un Maya it's it's like super cool I love it Butterworth so descriptive okay we're back we're back um um we're in let's see what's time get these chapters 125 19 let's do it so we're in unreal let's restart without the lag how you doing we're in unreal okay and what we're talking about is we are not using what's in the scene to do our map retargeting instead we're using if you go into the Eternal Ascent files in content there's this map folder and Clint has already provided you with the animation on uh the ue4 mannequin and the ue5 mannequin now this animation obviously has this weird you know moment when it's adjusting to the spot you just have to fix that and right we'll go through that right but here's the animation yeah it's already set up well it won't be set up when we when we use it on our character actually we're GNA have to do this because this is the animation we're going to be using now the reason that it's so cool that this animation is already on the ue4 and the ue5 mannequins is that it means that this is already compatible with any character that is using a ue4 or ui5 mannequin skeleton now if you go to the Epic Marketplace for example and you are getting your character maybe you've made ma your character um maybe you're using a character you've purchased from the Epic Marketplace maybe you're using a character that you put purchase from another Marketplace that was rigged with the ue4 skeleton but any of the characters and there's even free ones on the ue4 uh Market on the on the onreal marketplace will be rigged to be compatible with the ui4 UI 5 skeletons you can see this if you go into the character definition uh description here usually rigged to Epic skeleton yes right it'll tell you and if it is already rigged to the Epic skeleton it means we don't have to do a lot of that retargeting stuff that we were doing in the other programs we're going to talk about how to retarget to a mixo character which is not rigged to an epic skeleton in a little bit but first let's start with characters that are rigged to the Epic skeleton so for example I have got a character that I purchased on the Epic Marketplace looks super cool comes with physics that already work right it's very nice uh when you have a character that is already made to work in unreal now I have to tell this character that it's compatible with the ue4 skeleton it it is but we still have to tell it and the way that I do that is I go and I find the the uh skeletal mesh that I'll be using I open it up it usually opens up in this this window right here we're going to go to the skeleton tab and then under window asset details we open up the asset details panel and in here you can see we have a slot compatible skeletons so there's nothing in here right now but if I hit add element I can go and I'm going to select the ue4 mannequin skeleton that's what this character is already compatible with I'm going to slot it in I'm going to hit save so how do you know if it's u4 or u5 so uh um it should be both is ideally uh it should be both uh no it it should be listed on if you purchased the you know character it's usually listed there but you can just try both right and uh and and just kind of go by trial by uh you know just eliminate it um Yep looks good and so what we can do now is let me add this guy to our scene boom in my in our scene add it to our sequencer here you have to move me again Soo oh yeah sorry no no no yeah we're going to be down here a lot um but we'll add it to sequencer Right add it into that template that that we got and let's go to frame zero and if we get there's an animation slot right here let's hit plus look EA map ue4 added and if we play it you can see it's going to do that weird thing at the beginning when it when it just so we're just going to go by the way that is simply for any simulations or motion blur over the and also it wasn't on it wasn't on frame yeah the positioning is a little weird you'll just have to line up the positioning that's all yeah we're also going to have to because I just threw my guy in but but then you can see I just lined up the end of the animation with the end of the template timeline here right and he's locked in so that is I mean perhaps you can we've gone through all the other uh programs and this is really nice uh if you are obviously using a ue4 ue5 compatible skeleton that is much simpler to do right look it's already in place it already looks good we just have to go in and uh make sure this guy is actor hidden in game or delete him hey buddy and look we got it done oh man alt uh alt s to enable our physics boom working s enables physics uh I'm just simulating alt s that's cool yeah you can you can if you go up to the um play yeah and then simulate is just all s i I'm such a noob when it comes to Unreal as well I'm sure I'm doing things weird wrong but um no that's huge that's that's amazing so what do you what do you well it'll play when you use the movie render queue it'll simulate so this is just a way to simulate beforehand yeah um clipping how do we deal with clipping clipping okay yes okay great question so okay so now we're getting into it here so okay there's the first way to do this remember we talked about FK versus ik yeah ideally what we want is an ik control rig now epic provides on the Epic store if you go and you search for uh let's go to control rig we'll get this control rig mannequin ue4 um this control rig only works for your mannequin it doesn't work for a character um it's weird it is weird it's unfortunate the ue5 one should work like for the mannequin and your character cuz it's more procedural but that's okay because we have an ik control rig asset and this is this is going to if this is confusing again it's all in the tutorial I know I keep saying that but it just I I don't you know link below yeah I go yeah link below um but but let's say we we want to do it FK it's easy to do FK and that requires no control rig and we just want to move this arm so it isn't clipping that's easy what we're going to do is in sequencer I've got my character here for some reason it's named ue4 mannequin skeleton but whatever it's it's here's my character I've got it selected if I rightclick on my character um I can go to and where is this oh golly Ed it with FK yeah okay so I'm going to right click on my character and go to edit with FK control rig I'm going to click it and what this is going to do is it's going to bake all this animation for the length of our timeline no more than the length of our timeline very important it will only do the In-N-Out point on the sequencer timeline that's what it's doing I'm going to hit create and look it gave us this FK control rig that now and and unreal 5 has this whole new animation mode layout where here we've got our rig here look if I want to grab my this arm upper arm oh no upper arm left that's the left one and I want to change it look we can change it again look at I've have already got key frames on this upper arm so if I make a change nothing's going to happen we need to add that layer again right again these these systems are the same in everything it's just how you do it is different so we need to on the FK control rig right here Plus additive so ad TR we have additive track same deal right we've got a layer it's got no key frames on it that means that we can do additive animation Boop add a key frame beautiful wait did it did it work so yeah it's yeah it's it's changed if we want to do um you know do key frame over time there we we go now the arm should like go up so there you go so that's the principle to do map editing when it comes to FK right again which is kind of annoying let's say we want to fix these and the great thing about this layer system is always of course I can delete this layer if things go terribly wrong and like the reset which is always so nice um let me hold on I want to okay yeah no key frames on here so but let's say I want to fix um my foot sliding which I have very slight foot sliding because this character is very close to the original moap but you can see there is foot sliding or or maybe I've got a rock here in my scene and right I need to adjust the position of the of the foot well going FK is going to be pretty annoying because we're gonna have to go okay there's a big rock right here so when this foot lands I need to okay I'm going to do this and I'm going to move the thigh up and then I'm going to have to go and find the calf and set a key frame for the calf and as this goes up I need to rotate it back down and set a to totally doable just annoying right not ideal so not ideal what you want is an ik control rig system so let's delete this layer FK and I'm actually going to have to just delete this and drag him back shift one to go back to this normal mode here I'm going to I deleted him out of sequencer because it just got messy I'm going to re him back into sequencer I'm going to read the mo cap I'm going to uh sorry I need to go and make my guy visible again and so I can position my fellow in the right spot I'm just doing the same thing we did at the beginning to add the motion capture to my guy put him in the right spot right let's get him in here here we go great looks good yeah he's in the right spot boom looks awesome um okay so now what we're going to go do is use a control rig that is free um it was made by a roko Discord Alberto Flores super nice he made this amazing control rig asset that you can use to add to any ue4 compatible character and it and it automatically works with any ue4 compatible character so following the workflow that we've done so far um you can find this download it's azip it's in the Roco tutorial yeah it's link below yeah it'll give you this folder and what we're going to do is we are going to go and add this folder uh we're going to go show in Explorer this is the folder of my project that I'm working in right now right this is the content folder of the project I'm I'm currently in I'm just going to add the Roco resources folder in here into content cool into content uh as soon as I do that do I have two versions of this open Jesus um but as soon as I do that you can see Roco resources we got this folder in here and we've got this mannequin control rig Auto setup um so I'm just opening it up I I like to open it up compile it just to make sure everything's working correctly I probably shouldn't have hit save now we have to wait for it to save by the way guys if you have any um tips that we're not hitting right now or any like hey this is good to know leave it as a comment in this in this video please leave it as a comment cuz I want this to be a great resource for people to Branch off from and go find the answers to their problems um so please do that I see a lot of helpful stuff here in in chat so if you leave it as a comment that'll be very very helpful guys I appreciate it um sweet we're good to go we're compiled good to go we're compiled so we've got this resources folder added and again because this is a ue4 compatible character now when I rightclick on my character and sequencer and I go to bake to control rig look I've got this mannequin control rig I can bake to and I'm going to create it does the same thing it bakes it down right and look at what it did it automatically added all of these NS this is the one fabrio used right or was it another one this is not but it's similar um this is for ue4 compatible characters right the one that Fazio used was a mixim control rig one which we're going to talk about when we do this for a miimo character but same same deal right I've got ik controls so great if I want to do actual edits I don't like these key frames right we got to add that additive layer this is my mannequin control rig layer let's hit plus additive let make sure that it's the entire time here and now I can go in and I can start doing much easier uh edits so I got this foot and I've got a rock in my scene that he steps on actually boom just move that up at a key frame so easy and then go back look it it's it sits right there and okay at the second one there is no Rock so I need to have it go back add a key frame go copy this original key frame oh I cut it that was not good right click copy paste so way easier that would be a rock right and then it goes back to normal so so much easier using ik control rigs whenever you can to do um things that that that are that are custom for your editing right and again if I don't like any of this I can always just delete these and I've got the original amazing animation yeah super cool um there's also a function in this particular control rig I'm not going to show it off because I want to get to your project and playing around and we still have more unreal stuff to go through in a second but you can can slave the left and right uh hands together so really cool if you wanted to have a character waving a flag you can just animate the left hand waving and then slave the right hand to it and it will just follow go check out the tutorial for how to do that it's it's really cool and easy and it's a unique feature of this control rig sweet okay so that's ui4 um is it ui5 time how do you feel yeah U is the same deal uh it's same and when I say by the way when I say ui4 u5 obviously we're in ui5 right now yes we're talking ui4 mannequins u4 rigs right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um let me delete this delete this delete this um yeah if I had a ue5 um compatible character instead I would just go when I'm setting up my mesh in that asset details panel I just would set this to be the it's kind of hard to see them but this is the ue4 one this is the ue5 one I would just set it to say hey you're compatible with the u5 one and then when you go into sequencer you'll see this animation show up so it's it's the same process if you have characters that are compatible with the ue4 or the ue5 skeleton really makes it easy and unreal if you are working with characters that are already compatible to these skeletons and the way that they're like in unreal the reason that you have this system of compatibility is because it's a game engine right so like on the unreal Marketplace there's tons of assets that are animation assets firstperson shooter whatever so it's all set up so that all those animations are done on the mannequin and that's why so many characters are natively compatible with the mannequins because it means that if you're playing if you're setting up a game I can just use these animation assets from the mannequin on my character it's very circular I know when I'm talking it can get really confusing but no no no I'm following 100% okay yeah no worries cool um so do we want to do a a u5 character and show the control rig there like get people as far as that or what what what do you want to do I think it's better to look at how we would do a mixim character because a miimo character is a is a different way of doing this so so let's go and we're going to go grab that same mixo character and we create a folder mixo character and I'm going to go import that same fellow that we were using uh Taurus miimo uh mixo rigged when I'm importing it I want to import the mesh right I don't need any animations import all so here I've now got oh God it's like a different size so this is a whole thing should be okay oh no it was the right size um but here I've got my mixo character now obviously this character it has a miimo skeleton and not only that it it's in a te- pose so very different from your unreal characters the way that we do retargeting to custom characters that are not compatible with the u4 ue5 mannequin is by using the ik retargeting system now this is a new system in unreal it makes it easier than ever to do retargeting in unreal but it is a little Annoying especially compared to the plug- Inplay system that we just looked at but it is very doable and the way that we're going to do this is we are going to rightclick in our characters folder and we're going to go to we're just going to search for ik you can just right click and then search for ik right we want to create an ik rig I'm going to name this rig ik miimo character I like to put ik in there so that I can find it to search in the search bar but we're going to create this ik asset here now this is what it looks like when I open up that ik asset and under preview skeleton mesh I'm going to add my mixim character yeah here we go and what we're going to do now is a process and you might want to move Clint down now cuz we're going to be up in this left quadrant now yeah Soo if you can move me scoop my booty oh no this is a more annoying process but it's also easier than it's ever been so it's a bit of a mixed bag but basically what we need to do is we're going back to that character definition stage right remember that character definition stage and all the other programs stage one same thing in unreal right stage one we need to tell unreal hey these bones are these bones so the way that we do that in unreal is for the hips we've got our our whole skeleton uh hierarchy here I'm going to right click on the hips set retarget root so this is the root bone for our character then I'm going to go to all my spine bones I'm going to shift click select all my spine bones right click new retarget chain get this popup chain name spine that's what we want add chain and now we've added a chain down here in this ik retargeting panel it says the the name of the chain which is spine it says the start bone and the end bone right and we're going to go in now we're going to select the neck and the head new retarget chain head we got a new chain then we're going to do the left arm left shoulder shoulder down to the left arm and so these are these are all the different chains in your character right we got the spine we got the neck we got the left arm we got the right arm we got the left leg we got the right leg new retarget chain left arm add chain I'm not going to do it for the hand the fingers because I don't want to right now we're trying to move a little faster I'm going to do it for the right arm new retarget chain right arm if you do do it for the fingers it has a tendency to not name them correctly see this is the middle finger but it doesn't say left middle it says left arm so you might need to go in and you're doing the fingers like type in left middle and I'll talk about why we're naming them this way in a second but now I'll do the left leg which is the left up leg all the way down to the left toes new retarget chain left leg and we'll do the right leg new retarget chain add chain so we got these chains that we just created and for the hip we set as retarget root MH so this is now done we're going to save this and the great thing a little bit about what is already in this project file for you is that if we go to characters and we go to ue4 Manakin there's already that ik rig set up for you and this is remember the map is on this guy so we we need to tell unreal to find this guy Define our character so that during retargeting unreal knows hey left arm to left arm right right arm to right arm we we need we're telling it how to do this process now this is already set up for us but the way that unreal does it is a little bit different it only does for the left arm from the upper arm to the hand so I'm going to go in and do it from the shoulder the clavicle bone I'm going to change this on the left arm for the right arm I'm going to change it to the right clavicle so I'm and again I'm moving fast tutorial link down below um I I'm I'm changing the right and left arms because and then I'm there's a bunch of twist bones I'm deleting all these twist bones we don't need these there's actual clavical dedicated chains don't need those so once I've deleted those I've made uh changes to the left and right Arms This Is Now set up I don't need to go and Define each each bone and that brings us we've now defined our map we've defined our character right so now we're going to go and we're going to create an ik retargeter asset okay boom so you've set up the character in the map to be speaking the same language and then this is going to be the bridge Yep this is the retargeting time yes exactly so we open this guy up and Source remember it's the same nomenclature from the other program source and Target source is your moap target is your character so source is going to be our ik ue4 guy right remember the map is already in our project on this guy we could use the five as well it doesn't matter I'm just going to use the four and then our Target is our miimo character now they come in on top of each other you can use this target mesh offset to just make them be side by side and if we go to chain mapping you can see same thing that we had in blender right we got our source chains and our Target chains and so it's nice when these are remember when we were setting up our our mixo character and it was like spine head left arm these if these match it will automatically be set up together but you could always go in and change these if you needed to but but basically these chains are talking to each other they are defined and they're talking to each other and that means means that under asset browser you can see we have this EA moap which is the moap for the for the the contest double click it look it's it's working it's retargeting now some things are wrong here look at how weird this looks okay and that's because if we notice I mean class what do we notice about these two things one is not like the other one is not like the other right this is why it's so important for us to both be in a t pose because this animation is being copied but the relative differences between the base poses are are throughout the entire animation right yeah so what we need to do is just correct this and what we can do is we go up here and these three little hamburger dots edit retarget pose we're going to go to Source I like doing it on source source means this this guy and I'm just going to go and I'm going to move his arm into a t- pose a little bit annoying to do sorry for the fast motions but let's put him in a t pose do the same thing for the upper arm and I wish that we didn't have to do this stuff but this is just the way that it works in uh in unreal it's a little bit messy uh and I'm also going to move These Arms forward a little bit okay I'm eyeballing this but you know you can get more deep and um again I go through it in the in the tutorial a little bit but um can you move the the feet together a little bit to yeah I could I would I want them to match so it looks like on our character they are a little bit closer so I might I'm going to turn off snapping and just like maybe I'll make this a little bit closer the closer they are the more accurate it this system is going to work so like you can see there are differences here in the hands I should be going in and doing this too I'm just not going to right now cuz I don't think we need to for the purposes of this but the the the map will be different by the amount that these are different right it's all relative to the base pose but anyway now that we've done this oh here we go done yeah so generally looks way better right obviously we didn't do the fingers for time yeah I didn't do the fingers remember you'd have to go in and and make those finger chains yeah in the ik rig super annoying you only have to do it once though and it just is what it is and sweet yeah I mean this is you know why I think a lot of people who use unreal they're they're also blender users they're also Cinema users and maybe you do your retargeting in those programs and you bring it over right if you don't want to deal with this this isn't that bad um but it's you can see it's a little so annoying yeah we this get in we yeah yeah what we do from here is we select this animation and we have to export selected animations I'm just going to export it to my top content folder there we go you can see if I pull it up look I got my animation on my guy and at this point we're going to follow that same process we normally do we are going to drag our mixim Mo character into the scene how do you know the difference between those three of the same looking dudes you know what I mean go back to your content browser your characters oh yeah yeah yeah how do like I always get mixed up like they're the same to me yeah so they are the same in a lot of ways they're different the way that you can think about these is they're different uh sides to the same mesh so if we open up this one the the difference is let me let me go here it will open this up you can see that we're in the skeletal mesh tab if we click on this that is just opening up this one the skeleton one see skeletal mesh skeleton and then this one is the physics one so if we click on the I'm off screen if we click on this tab that would be the same as if we opened up Al so it's all the same but just different windows it's just different it's different tabs of the same model and you do different things in in right here there's an animation tab um so how do you know like which one's the right one to drag in uh the one to drag in is uh not the physics one you can usually do either the skeleton or the skeletal mesh I always do the skeletal mesh the skeletal mesh is the most one that's just like your model with there's like a skeleton in there there but it's the it's just the it's the it's the overarching one essentially I don't yeah that's good to know so I drag in that one but I could I could probably drag in the physics one it wouldn't matter um but once we drag it in I add it to my sequencer I go to plus animation look here's the exported animation from the ik retargeter and we do the same thing we did before mhm there we go and we'd have to go and um where is that guy match it up match it up and then you could do the whole additive stuff as well and then we could do the whole additive stuff uh with the FK um or because this is a mixim character there is actually a mixo ik control rig and you can see this guy's got super long legs so we got like real differences Happening Here on these stairs right um which again we could always move the stair or the object up to match but let's say we wanted to do ik retargeting on this guy there is a uh and this is linked in the description from Gabriel paa pava uh on Art station a mixim based control rig so if I drag so here it is this is I downloaded the zip right it gave me this folder if I drag this into our content folder like I dragged that roko resources folder in yeah oh no Auto SAE well good there we go um because this is a mixim mo character we used go back to my content browser control rig folder this is the folder we just Dragged In you can see if I can open up this mixo control rig take a hot second for it to open hopefully it didn't crash here it goes in the preview scene I can just select my mixo character and look at this oh mama ik oh wow control rig this I found really only works for characters that like you directly like this character went I downloaded from mixo and imported it right in yeah I've I've pulled it into Cinema and then exported it from Cinema and then tried to pull it into here and like something changed with the the naming convention somewhere along the way so sometimes it like won't work automatically but if you're pulling it directly from mixo it will just automatically work which is so freaking crazy because then same way we did with the uh the ue4 skeleton control rig I can right click bake to control rig why is it not showing up I can uncheck this filter asset by skeleton if it doesn't show up for whatever reason mixo control rig bake it and then we do our additive layer right sweet make sure that this layer is long and now we got those we got weird leggies happening right so let's go in and fix those this guy right here so let's add a key frame boom oh dude yes so amazing really incredible and this is a shout out to Fabrizio Moray winner of two of the Clint challenges the only one one two he showed me how this works um that's sick uh super super cool and this is a free asset thank you Gabriel paa whoever you are Distributing free control rigs so awesome so all the same things we talked about apply here amazing there you go that's it dud all right look I'm going to switch I'm going to switch us back to a little full screen situation oh that was that was crazy you just got the I know it's a lot dude yeah that's it though that's like that's the freaking stream for the ages because we touched on blender we touched on c4d we touched on Maya we touched on unreal both UEI the ue4 um mannequin or skeleton rather also applies to ue5 and the miimo a miimo skeleton um holy crap uh we talked on what is it uh defining the three steps to retargeting Define retarget and then edit and we talked about that oh not we let's be honest here guys Sam schooled us all today um merch coming soon Define retarget edit yes I want to see it dude that's a a good one yeah um do you want to do let's see we're at the point now where I think I think a a push-up break a jumping jack break of some sort could help um shake up Shake the bones a little bit and um hyck break Dude down you want to you want to play some hacky sack got my got my mograph the cograph yes yeah boy all right so I'm so terrible at it but we'll try you got your hackey sack shoes on I don't all right I'm going bar I got my slippers on actually maybe I'll do on my slippies here's what we'll do we'll leave it to chat um yeah push-ups or hacky yeah what let's see let's do a poll and then I think we'll just take I don't know 15 let's let's take okay how about this we'll take a turn each um I'll start cuz you did a lot of talking um um not that that's a bad thing you just need a break you need a break I'll I'll take the ball here for a second and show off my unreal scene um where I'm at in my render and then we'll pass it and try to get a character you should try to get a character and see if you remember we just talked about and if you have questions let's go through it let's try and like get a character into your scene use a control rig yes and like see you do it perfect okay that sounds good and then we'll switch over to you see where you're at like you're working on Art too for this aren't you yeah I don't really have much to show I mean besides getting 8 million MOA characters it's cool you just we could exit or we could close it out on that to show us where you're at and like what you're thinking maybe you don't have to if you don't want to it's all good i' love to I love you I yeah I'll use my time like I'm a I mean I don't think I'll I can win but I but I uh just because I'm a part of the company that's helping the sponsor but but I want to I want to be I've never made top 100 I'm want it I got you so I'm just going to abuse my yeah position to get advice from you perfect perfect all right so here's what we're going to do um let's put a poll to chat and see what workouts we want to do um all right what workout shall we do question mark okay we got throw me some suggest some suggestions what do you got uh push-ups that's one right squats push-ups uh squats are good I could use some squats how about like could stretching be in there Mobility yeah yoga let's do some or hacky sack umy and I'm going to start this poll cuz we need it we've been sitting here for 2 hours um yeah I know I I got to say man I my um I like I'm pretty good with my posture or the way that I normally sit at my desk but when I'm working on trying to get my stairs looking right for Eternal Ascent the last few nights I like I must to like Lean Forward yeah a terrible way hunch dude like hurt's my back in the back of your no neck it's like over your head yeah it's not good yeah we need it posture is everything all right here let's just do this do you have a standing desk or or can you where you at okay I don't I can kind of get a little uh little heart opener get the I can do one of these going oh chest oh boy everyone everyone on stream at this point sorry SoDo hopefully I'm not sping up that no you're good you're good join us in these stretches join us in these workouts we've all all been sitting down for the last two hours let's do a little stretchy stretch oh yeah little uh side stretch yeah dude I'm not just I can't believe it's been 5 years since 2000s like I'm getting so old I know just two 1999 was five years ago can you believe that wait what what' you say in my head it's it's 99 man that's funny imagine we just did this for the whole stream just two grown men just stretching like this just generally stretching good all right um the chat has spoken they want push-ups and then I think we can get some hacky sack after that and then we'll get into uh some art and then we'll close out yeah um what kind of push-ups do you want to do you want to do tricep push-ups do you want to do the hardest push-ups normal no I can't do diamond push-ups I got to do my normal wide all right what what I was doing a I tried to I was trying to do a 100 a day for a little while that thing and which I could not I mean I just I can do but it's I yeah that's um what's his name freaking that anime everyone yeah it's like a thing I think I think it's just a good goal it's a great goal I'm trying to do 50 a day now I I I that I'm not cocky I do not have good form I'm not you call the number tell us what's the number we're doing them like 12 okay 12 man we're doing 12 um you guys join us let's do 12 all right I'll I'll see you back here and then we'll we'll do hacky attack 12 push okay let's do it good be hey yep yep um for those of you in chat who joined us on those push-ups let me get a thumbs up please I want to see oh you know what Give me the give me the the the the muscle the arm give me something let me see where yall at where my push-up people at uh we got hacky sack next let me throw on my shoes cuz it's impossible without shoes well yeah I'll be right back I my slippers cozy fuzzy slippers here I will entertain let's see if I was watching Clint do this on the stream last week and he's so good at it it's just a lot a lot of practice man um every day I would try and wake up and play hacky sack for a little bit for Lego all right I'm me see if I get see how many things I can see knock over 30 I can get 10 no it's hard dude it's hard so hard I just need a soccer ball 15 not bad four four Four's good dude Four's good all right here let's keep keep it up keep up that that blood flow that's Prett good [Music] oh all right good sesh good sesh yeah good sesh all right I feel um re rejuvenated yeah yeah let's see if I can get a character in my UI scene let's see if I can take what Sam learned or taught me and uh apply apply it um all right let me reconfigure all right get back so okay all righty bo bo just doing a little reconfiguring dude this I'm watching this live stream right now it's just us playing hacky sck is the goofiest looking I know that's so funny I'm just pleased I didn't knock over like water all over my computer that's that's a good move yeah good move um all right let's hop in let's do it man let's see what you got okay teacher is watching so um oh let me move this one so I'm bringing this over to my main screen just so I there's not an Infinity just a heads up sure um all right so this this is the scene I got so far looking awesome man yeah I got like this um that is that easy fog for the what's the deal with the clouds No it's just like VDB Cloud pack thing oh cool um what was that shortcut for hopping into the camera and out of the camera oh man shift c yeah yeah I know right that's that one's good that's a good one you have to be in you have to have the sequencer selected or something so sometimes it won't work like if you're in the content tab yeah but yeah these are so these are my photos scan Mountains from that video where I was like how to photo scan a mountain um kit bash assets here I'm playing with like these different things little kit bash pirate pack um yeah cargo is amazing I don't want to like it's the best I won't but K bash is great I'm okay brown nose and kit bash they're awesome they're so lovely cargo is actually really cool I the very first version of it you you had to import that test Castle which was super annoying but now they fixed that it's like so it's so great it's insane I love it yeah like they're adding Vehicles the Interiors like you can grab like any anything so like this Enchanted Castle mhm download and then you make sure that like you're unreal is referencing it boom you turn the cargo light on Bing and then yeah you should be able to just like once this is done downloading do a little bit of by the way guys you can youall get 20% off cargo um yeah right now with the link in the description jump on it now when you got the discount yeah cargo Pro and that should pop in here we should have a giant castle up here um momentarily it should be importing yeah it takes a second sometimes or whatever but it's so great I love how I always thought think thought of Kit bash for big buildings but they have like barrels you know like I go to quicko and you so often you want something that you see in the collections photo that they have on quickel you know and then it's like there isn't the thing and um this has so many good like yes like these little guys amps like they have a whole they have good they have every instrument is on cargo great I don't they have one gun guns we'll see how long this takes to import but um shoot so yeah you know like the this like giant grassland is literally one mesh from quickel it's called like the they have a couple of these and they've been adding them recently these giant Fields um or these massive scans this thing back here all these mountains same deal it's just one photo scan um from quickel it's ridiculous I'm using uh what do you call it uh Ultra Dynamic Sky plugin for the lighting up here um these vdbs are like uh they're just like Cloud V generic cloud vdbs and um I'm using like I figured out how to do that uh with like the heterogenous volume it's so such a weird name um um but I followed some wind Bush tutorials to get that going and I'm writing a whole list of like I had this troubleshooting log going I I started doing this where like every project I when I run into a problem I will write the problem and then the answer and then it helps me write tutorials and it also just helps me like troubleshoot my own crap when I'm like five projects ahead like how you know I solved that problem in five projects ago but but then since I have a log of it you know I can just boom it's right here there's the answer that's that's great that's very organized of you I just started doing it like a couple projects ago and it's it's a game changer for sure all right cuz I imported it twice it's importing twice now of course um what else other things to mention um what is so what is your uh what is the the moap what's the guy what's the deal like the character which character am I going to do I'm going to I'm going to try and bring in the pirate just as a test yeah yeah so I wish this was easier to like find your stuff um pirate oh you can yeah you can yeah it's also a good uh if you go to category you can just select characters okay cool got it oh he already exist I already brought them in right so that's how you do it you go to your library you add them to your project you choose the project right um but since he's already added all right material assigning material 01 02 yeah and again any any I mean there's a lot of usually on the marketplaces if you're getting your characters on the marketplaces sometimes they'll say game ready usually what that means is that they are rigged it's either an unreal or Unity skeleton often times there will be an unreal skeleton and although you won't be able to add it from the Epic Launcher the way that you just add of that pirate which is very nice you can import it and it should work with the UI 4 mannequin workflow or the ue5 mannequin workflow and that control rig that should all that should all work and then anything from the marketplace will work almost definitely with the map that you've already that you know it all worked natively in the first example that we went through which is um same thing with metahumans they they work natively with the ue5 mannequin meta humans yeah that's good to know yeah all right if this thing doesn't import just cuz we're on stream right now force quit a force quit you can switch to mine you want you want to see mine yeah let's do that let's do that let's flip over um all right we're ready for you whenever you're ready I'm up I'm up baby let's do it oo I mean this is the most well whoa I mean speaking of cargo this is one cargo asset that I dropped in so what my plan is is I am going to and maybe you can tell me if this is allowed I think it is I want to extend these stairs out so they there's a wider bit around here so I think the the main thing is to maintain the um yeah the what is it called the uh visual weight so exactly I wouldn't go too far out with them but I do think just a little bit more maybe a little bit is cool like I'd say within as long as long as you're staying within like 80% is of like the vibe um but yeah people are filling it out in nice ways they're making it unique to themselves as long as they're not going like completely off to the left side of frame you know um totally I think there's a little wiggle room there yeah okay good to know this is why this is the reason I agreed to the stream is just I want but yeah I'm going to so I'm going to have it's like a a guy but then there's is going to be someone up front like protecting him from guys coming down the stairs that's kind of what I got and then yeah kind of a Warhammer Vibe I think I love it got some cool monk guys so that's my plan are you um are you what are your plans for the background um I think like just I'm a lot of cargo has these amazing Neo I'm kind of the my my main reference is from the new uh Space Marine 2 trailer that came out which is so amazing okay um but it's just like it's they're fighting among the ruins of these Neo Victorian kind of um ruins and so uh on cargo has these uh oh cargo has this uh Neo Victorian and Victorian kind of here let me go off the side um so I think I'm just going to grabb a bunch of those and then Ultra Dynamic sky is so freaking amazing it's the best um and uh fer foucher I never know how to say his name amazing yeah the are unreal God easy fog and just fill it up with a bunch of maybe it'll be snowing oh Ultra dnamic sky has Ultra dnamic weather too which is really super cool um yeah a lot of these type of towers I think in the background this kind of vibe let me get your screen back yeah there you are cool yeah I love it I love it yeah this this kind of thing oh sick dude it reminds me of like a dark souls a little bit of Dark Souls going exactly yeah that's that's the that's kind of the the vibe yeah Dark Souls yeah so I don't know I think that'll be good the moap uh I got handled yeah but it's the uh the rest of it yeah um let me see dude I think I imported like freaking three of the same thing you imported the big yeah I imported the biggest one three times on accident so well here I will I can I can keep things I'm using so I'm going to use this let's say I wanted to get a guy in from my library um where is my and I want to add it to EA Sam and I've got this cool heretic guy I think this is going to be my main dude um man so much respect for people out there who are creating their own characters I am such a generalist I'm such a you know I I I'm a make a collage of other people's work which is fine you know um but I always have so much respect for people who are doing making their own characters and rigging them from scratch it's crazy I I just don't like I'm not made that way hey Sam Sam Sam when you guys can you say when you're announcing the winners of the roko challenge um I think it's next week because yeah thank you we just had the our judging panel with you and Ian and Tim uh Tim Fox which was awesome Ian always a blast um and yeah so it should be next week and then we're going to do best breakdown and Community favorites after we've announced the the um the best render God there were so many good ones it was so cool thank you anyone In This Crowd we spent like we spent an extra like hour just on the top five like from top eight to top five like an hour just figuring that out it was it was painful which was so nice that there were so many incredible submissions but man I did not envy you guys it was really hard hard yeah all right so what are you doing you bringing your skeletal mesh okay so I yeah I I went and I you know went to my skeleton tab assigned asset details right you're going to this is a good refresher for you you're about to do this I'm about to do it yeah my skeleton uh ue4 which you can kind of see that the ui4 one is like it's kind of got a white material on it and the ui5 has a silver so I always you want to grab the ui4 for this character that I'm using save it and I can close this out I'm adding him into my scene shift C oh so great uh to get out of that camera view and now I'm going to add him into sequencer hit plus add in that EA moap ue4 super easy right boom set it up then I just have to move him into position let's just if I let's we'll set up some Ultra Dynamic Sky we'll get it going here in a second we'll make this look cool yeah but here we go this should look okay let's let's move him up a little bit looks pretty good like this I think yep um I'm going to grab my template guy I'm going to make him hidden I'm also going to go hidden uh hidden in game so that when I simulate it it he will he will actually be hidden um another good thing in unreal that that took me a very long time to figure out actually I'm going to replace this guy with another version of the heretic you just do that you can just replace the character oh we have to move it yeah yeah I well he's got he's got a couple different versions uh of him yeah no no no but what I can do is also a good keyboard shortcut to know control e just opens up the editor for that character I don't want this cape on my character so I'm going to go down to if you ever want to remove parts of a character in unreal it can be kind of tricky because it's usually one it's not like in cinema where you have a bunch of different separated meshes you want to do in unreal which this is not news to many people I'm sure but you go up to the skeletal mesh tab right here we're in skeletal mesh here you can see all the different materials we can highlight but if I want to enable or disable one of these sections here is the the hood for example disable that I don't want that hood I also don't want this is this is this helpful very yeah I know it took me so long to figure this out and then you can right click disable and now in this mesh those things are gone so helpful so helpful thank you yeah um and I'm hitting saving packages so now I'm going to be in a save state for I'll switch we'll switch to me we'll switch to me yeah switch to you switch to you okay all right let's uh let's do this all right so wait what oh God dang just crashed no it's just still going cuz I like I imported 30 I thought I was like I I imported three of the same one I thought I was good to go okay well mine's done okay all right switching back to you here we go freaking funny okay so we got our we got our gu shift C look at this it's looking pretty cool that's amazing so I think I'm G to have him be holding um a flaming uh like um Talisman thing he'll be holding so two hands together which I'm going to use the control rig workflow to set up to move the hands into position and then he's going to be holding like this thing so he's like a religious dude and there's people coming down the stairs that get knocked off um by his protector guy try get some Ultra Dynamic sky going yeah let's do some Ultra Dynamic Sky baby I hadn't you used Williams fog stuff does it work with the UDS well oh man it's so I'm gonna I'm GNA add it in right now let's let's go I hate let's go I hate that hate how we're all saying let's go now it is overused I get it yeah I'm gonna grab easy fog it is overused man let's party um but the way the easy fog Works which is so freaking cool so here's easy fog and I'm going to go back to sequencer uh shift C get out of that thing um but I go to easy fog and I go to Blueprints and it all works off with this blueprint system and you just drag this thing in and it's just a this is it what it's F cards that's literally it's just F card it's an animated fog card so you just go in and you it's so amazing and you just you know I got to move this what I've been doing actually now too here's another hot tip I don't know if they're hot tips but it's something that I've been doing um go to the hamburger and if I go to um layouts to pain I want this pain to be my perspective and then this pain can be my thing and then I can go in and dude you know move this around and it just makes it really easy such a good technique good workflow let let's add our our Ultra Dynamic Sky another blueprint based deal so William fet's easy fog is specifically for animated 2D fog cards it's it that's all it is it's animated 2D fog cards it's really great and there's he has wind settings it's just noise um you know it's just noise uh things uh noise get animated noise on on a card and it just uh it it's super cool it just works really really well and then I love Ultra Dynamic weather this [ __ ] blows my mind excuse me I use bad word oh no potty language is is allowed in moderation I know potty language po language okay Ultra dnamic weather let's have this be I love the snow it looks so freaking cool is it snowing can you get like cuz like Ultra dnamic weather goes the extra level right cuz can't you have snow accumulate on the ground and stuff you can I have not figured all that stuff out um cuz it's it gets pretty deep they have great tutorials um dnamic sky and it it comes with ultra dnamic weather um it's so great if if people are looking for um or just an easy way to kind of get stuff in their scene on target where are you wait by moving that it changes the direction of uh you can you can have it set up that way oh God screwed it up though oh finally my unreal is here is working okay we should hop to you um no finish your thought finish your thought are you you or are you just you just messing around at this point I'm just messing around okay all right I'm going to see if I can't get a character going um let's do a little flippy flip uh one second I got like 80 screens there we go got our oh yeah we got our snow going freaking cool so easy amazing all right ums so we have a giant castle this is very fitting actually let's see there we go this is very fitting for this scene holy crap oh nice yeah there you go perfect I love how it comes in at the right scale definitely get it in like the fog back here like peing out like this oh the reveal oh yeah the BB clouds are awesome yeah love it oh Justin with the Super Chat we might have a card draw soon s mon I don't know if the card draw is on or not but Justin says since since potty language is allowed do you guys care to comment on how poo poo time is also PP time but PP time is almost never poooo time that's a great um that is gendered I I had this I've said this realization too and my wife was like not for you man oh man I'm still trying to make sense of this comment that's what I'm trying to do it's well it's that you're if you're peee time if you're poooo time you're sitting down and you're probably peeing I think but if you're peeing if you're a dude you're not sitting down so why are you pooping dude sometimes I will sit cuz I'm just trying to chill well if you're well then maybe then maybe uh trying to play the switch a little bit you know it's like but yes I I it is often um not yes but and then my wife was like like wow how we got thank you Justin SOA let me know know if there's a card draw I'm trying to keep my my eyes peeled on both of these sides oh I see I see yeah all right so we're in the scene um we're going to try and get a character on here let's get the little pirate guy going let's get him let's get him I am flying through this all right let's bring this down okay so the way to do this um so you might want to move me up to the top left please and then we'll wrap this up pretty soon here so pirate all right I got the it comes in both I'll probably use the u5 cuz I think u5 comes with control rig uh full or SE should good now I can switch these out want when once I get it set up right yep yep fully hot swappable should be let's grab this version so here's another weird thing this is so weird you see how the snapping what is this uh surface snapping should work right like he should land on the steps but he's not apparently the fix for that is so dumb I think it's a bug if you open the a new level you make a new level and then come back into into this level it'll work so that's weird there's so many things like that in unreal still all right I drag this in I find oh fail nope um okay so the first thing we need to do is you're going to go open up his meshesh and although it is compatible control e you could do okay yep yep yep yep yep and we need to tell unreal hey it you are compatible with that skeleton so you go to the skeleton tab top right get skeleton yeah yep yep oh maybe it already knows it but still I think you go up to window window asset details yeah here see compatible skeletons and in this case it's the four the five skeleton it's the five all right got it yes and save boom saved now it's done now you yeah now you drag yeah well now I won't I'll shut up no no no no this good it's good so I'm going to drag it in no you you do it see that's so annoying you have to drag it on top you have to drag it on which makes no sense oh what the heck all right all right and we're going to add a animation y but there is yeah so you you yep that's fine but you did there was already an animation track there so I like to add it to the one that's that's already there it doesn't matter no no no this you can delete yeah this is good that's what I like to do thank you keeping me on my toes mhm then we align yep so annoying that it's never the pivot point which is so impossible to change I know I set up some hot Keys cuz it's like the worst the The Anchor Point business yeah it's annoying looks good yeah looks great yes dude there you go and then how do you do the simulate contrl s uh alt s you might not have cloth abort uh to so that's interesting yeah because when you do movie render que that will happen it's all good it's all good I'll figure that it's because of the yeah it's cuz I have hidden versus invisible um yeah oh right right so I do need to turn these guys I could probably just get these guys out but I'm just going to turn it's nice to keep them in yeah because you you'll probably end up using them again and then all right so we got the pirate guy in yeah and if I wanted to do any like tweaking then it so I don't know this is this is something that I'm always a little unsure of in theory you should be able to rightclick on your pirate guy sequencer go up to bake to control rig yeah it this should work I don't will it work we'll see good this is the yeah yeah hit it mannequin B oh this yours was doing this weird thing where it didn't show you the null on screen yeah why was that happening there it is g gy g there you go it does work that's so awesome so the body I just do an additive exactly and and um o um I brought it down I would drag it yeah yeah um and so the big difference here why this is so cool is because for ui5 compatible skeletons you have this control rig which snaps to your character so this is your character has different proportions than the mannequin does for ui4 there was never this they didn't have this yeah but look at that so cool awesome um per beautiful yeah and I think you have to turn on ik there's a there's an FK ik switch so let's say you want to do the yes so this is FK currently yes yes um if you want to do ik there's a switch uh field that you have to go find and you have to trigger that uh it's like at the top I think Global ik FK I think it's at the top of the things anyway it's fine in this case because you just want to sorry I was I was actually stuck here because like it's not adding the key frame for some reason like when I uh when you click oh wait what this guy oh that's that that's why I'm on the wrong you might have been on yeah yeah you were on the wrong is there auto key frame in uh there is it's the uh left two this one Auto okay yeah remember that it's on yep copy paste out and in yeah that's great so the FK ik switcher that's at the top I believe top what you say what do you mean no no it's in the it's in the thing it's in like this list go down um maybe it's not at the top okay never mind it should be if you type in switch into tracks because you can search through the sequencer in that search bar type in switch yeah see this you need to see how see how it's keyed you can actually key between I and FK which is really cool so you you would have to you have to go and delete these whole tracks if you want to switch which these aren't really doing anything so maybe for the feet you could try doing it for the feet like yeah let's see uh leg FK i k yeah so if I delete the these key frames I forget which one is on oh maybe it's actually already on though maybe you don't want to delete it grab the grab the foot the controller the blue one move that around oh yeah oh never mind that's already that's cool already set to so you don't need to for the arms you would have to delete all those key frames mhm click on and then it would be I see I see um let's see all right yans with the Super Chat how do you resolve clothes clipping in uee is that even a thing like you just have to pull it out a little bit or what oh man so I I maybe this is a question about the cloth system itself so one thing so I don't I I don't know I mean if you have a hand you resolve clipping if there are no bones for the cloth if the hand is going through the cloth I think the easiest way to do it is is use one of these systems to edit the hand so it doesn't do that right yeah if it's if it has to do it um and and it's uh I don't know if there's a way to like resolve it at the cloth level now one thing that will often happen is that again when you use movie render queue it jumps into to simulate mode and that means the first five or six frames the cloth often goes crazy um because it's jumping on now what you can do in the movie render queue is you can set the engine warmup time uh so you usually you add antialiasing load right yeah use your your settings click on the anti-aliasing and advanced nope if you tick that Ender engine uh warmup time to like 100 100 frames it will render it will it will warm the engine up it will it will give you 100 frames of the engine working so the cloth will settle if you're using Ultra dnamic weather often times the when you start simulating the snow hasn't fallen yet so you want to kick this up to 500 frames so it has 500 frames of the snow falling before you're render start so that is how and it's engine it's engine warm up not Rend this check box would be to to render those frames that's if you want to if you want to render those which I don't know why you would but I always yeah you want to have the engine warm up so that's that's one thing and then also I know and I don't know how to do this but they added a cloth caching system in unreal 5 now so you can because it's nice to know what your will look like you can cash out your cloth Sim in the sequencer so search for cloth cashing in the unreal documentation or in Google you'll find a method and tutorials to to do that but you can do that now I forget how you do it good question y I hope that answers the question yeah no that's helpful um cuz I wouldn't know super pertinent yeah um and also shout out for that fifth Super Chat man that's sick thank you thanks for the support um let's see the ik switch should be in global control Global control yeah probably oh yeah that makes sense yeah Bo yeah good call thank you thank Youk you um I mean dude other than that like I think I think we're good we we've been streaming for a while um I know man I know we did a real nice overview we learned how to add characters and all the major programs um freaking thank you so much Sam I really really appreciate you being here hanging out with us and giving out that info so much fun um so yeah for those of you guys um who are watching the stream now you missed the earlier stuff this video will be on you know forever so you can go back I'm going to go through time code it make sure you guys got the blender the May and the c4d parts um if you didn't hear kit bash 3D is now a sponsor of uh this challenge they're giv out prizes right so top five get cargo for cargo Pro for three months top 100 get a kit of their choice between five kits so thank you Kip bash much appreciated um dude I other than that uh I think we're good Sam do you want to touch on anything else before we call it I'll be trying to join your live streams in the chat to help out I will be doing mine Thursdays 11:00 p.m. PS 11: a.m. PST uh on the roko channel if you have questions about your map you know I will do my best to help you out we can talk about specific problems and um yeah again I just want to call out we've spent I've spent so much time in effort uh trying to put out good tutorials on the Roco channel for map if you have questions that's a great place to start that ultimate retargeting uh workflow playlist probably will answer a lot of your questions and if you're an unreal we have links to the resources with that control rig which is now in this video and everything and and so yeah hopefully I hope this was thank you for having me man thank you SoDo for being so awesome as always and um it's it's it's I I'm so it's really uh I really appreciate it because map is scary and intimidating so many people have not worked with it before and I do hope this helped demissy I know you did because I had questions and you answered them and uh I really appreciate it thank you Sam thank you for being here man and uh yeah guys check out Sam's live stream on roko right roko YouTube channel Thursday at 11: a.m. this whole month right the do Jaber walk on instram jabber walk on Instagram go follow Sam check him out yeah thank you Sam you're the best thank you much appreciate thanks for having I'll see you guys later [Music] peace
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 33,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pwnisher, 3d, render, challenge, vfx, tutorial, cg, cinema 4d, blender, unreal engine, ue5
Id: oGaV_x8PN7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 40sec (10060 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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