How to Get to the Most Out of Interpetrain's Note-Taking Manual: An Interpreter Training Course

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thank you so much for being here it is my pleasure to introduce you to this workshop which is going to be on how to get the best out of your note-taking manual please allow me to introduce myself my name is Virginia Valencia and I will be your instructor it is my honor and my joy to introduce this workshop to you what we want to do today is we want to empower you to get the best out of your note-taking manual we want to give you the tools for you to take your consecutive interpretation skills to the next level so first we're going to start with some soon logistics zoom is the platform that we're meeting in today I want everybody to take note of this number you should already have it but in case you don't this is our company number if you have any technical issues please feel free to call this number and we will be there to help you and I want you to just become familiar with two basic commands that you're going to need on zoom' the first one is the chat so most of you I think already located the chat but basically if you click anywhere on the screen you will see that a one of the commands that pops up is a talk bubble and you can use that to ask any questions this is a very big group we have well over a hundred people so it creates a lot of technical difficulties if everybody has their audio one that's why we have muted all of you if you have any questions I want you to please use the chat let us know which questions you need answered by using the chat and just bear in mind that at the end we will have a question and answer session while I'll make sure that all your questions are answered and then the second command that you're going to use if you'd like and zoom is the gallery view so for you to use the gallery view what you're going to do is you're going to place the cursor on your screen you can click anywhere on your screen and you'll notice that usually on the upper right hand corner of your screen there are four arrows like an X and at the end of each one of these lines is an arrow you can play around with that command if you want to see full of you or if you want to see one of the particular students you can click on that student okay so let's jump right in I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself my name is Virginia Valencia I'm going try to do a very brief introduction because we have a lot to cover today I'm a professional psychologist a lot of what we're going to be covering today is based on my knowledge of psychology and how your brain works and how we learn I'm a federally certified court interpreter I'm also certified or approved depending on the state of California New Jersey in New York I have a combined certificate in translation and interpretation from Hunter College I have been facilitating workshops for over 10 years I am a published author of educational materials for interpreters we have manuals audio exercises videos and vocabulary study cards so we're gonna cover a few basic logistics I ask that you be fully fully present um please try to shut off all the distractions that you have try to fully fully be here because I really want to for you to be focused so you can get the most out of this time I am going to be offering you we want not just information but actual transformation so if you're focused and if you're here and if you shut off your phone and if you shut off any distraction you're going to be able to get the best out of this what I want to do today is I want to teach you how to fish I want you to walk out of here knowing exactly how to squeeze the very last drop out of that manual to get the best out of your to get your skills to the next level and then finally I want to make sure that everybody can feel free to exchange information here I don't want us to judge each other I don't want us to make each other feel uncomfortable as long as we can feel free to change information and we'll grow together so it's kind of like what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas I want that to happen in this class I want to make sure that at the moment that your a question or someone volunteers information make sure you that you are supportive and you're respectful to each other okay so let's talk about why we're here our main goal today is going to be to get you empowered to get the best out of your manual so you can improve your listening skills your note-taking skills your memory and all of that is going to have the effect of improving your accuracy when you're interpreting in consecutive interpretation let's look at some scenarios if you can identify with any of these scenarios or with all of them then this this class is really going to help you the first scenario is the person begins to speak you're interpreting consecutively the person starts talking and they haven't really been talking for that long and you already think oh I'm not going to be able to retain all this information now I'm not talking about those situations where people have talked for a long long long time which is good for you to intervene and for you to take turns and jump in I'm talking about those circumstances where a person has stalked a fairly short amount of time sometimes a very short amount of time and you're already feeling like I'm not going to be able to keep up this is too much and I'm going to have to stop this person much earlier than I wish I had to and I you're constantly having to feel like I'm sorry to interrupt so this has happened to you these tips are really gonna go a long way for you okay the second scenario is the person starts talking again you're interpreting consecutively you start taking notes but as you're taking notes you realize that you start wondering how do I abbreviate this word or do I write this down do I not write this down how do I represent this should I use a symbol should I use a drawing and then you realize that your notes begin distracting you from listening and then at the end when you're supposed to render you don't really know what the person said because your notes were really taking the attention away from listening and let's look at the third scenario the person starts talking you start taking notes again this is all in consecutive you keep taking notes you're very happy with your notes you're paying a lot of attention to your notes you think you got great notes but when it comes time to reading your notes you don't really know what your notes meant okay and the more you look at your notes the smaller you feel because you don't know what the heck your notes meant okay so if this has happened to you we're going to give you some great tips and today before we begin I want us to understand the psychology behind note-taking for interpreters I want us to be very clear on what's going on in your brain when you're taking good notes and therefore what's going on in your brain when you're not taking good notes so for that we're going to jump in very quickly into an exercise regarding phone numbers I want everybody to have pen and paper ready and we're going to do a little dictation with phone numbers but here's the catch I want you to challenge yourself not to use Arabic numerals these are the numbers that we usually use right these are the numbers that we're all familiar with from 0 to 9 so these are the numbers that you would usually use when you're hearing someone give you an address or a phone number but here for this particular exercise I want you to challenge yourself to use other alternatives other than the Arabic numerals so you can use Roman numerals for example this would be 1 this would be 2 this would be 9 this would be 11 this would be 12 so this is one of the alternatives that you are going to have in this exercise not to use Arabic numerals another alternative is to use letters so for example one would be an O two would be TW and six for the SI sometimes you have to use only one letter because for example eight is the only number that starts with an e so you can just use the letter E but if you notice two has a double unikz to it a teeth next to W and 3 has a T next to an H because we don't want to confuse the two with the 3 so this is another alternative that you have another alternative that you have is to use um the type of stick counting that we see in the movies that prisoners use when they're counting down the time to get out of prison right this is another alternative and finally little dots so basically what I want you to do through this exercise is I want you to not use Arabic numerals every time I do this exercise there's always someone in the group who forgets and use these numbers don't use these numbers ok you're going to use other alternatives try to choose one of the alternatives I said so here we go here's the first exercise everybody should have pen and paper ready the first number goes as follows 1 800 two two seven one nine eight three so this is the number that we took down oh I'm sorry before I do that I want everybody to go ahead and take your voice recorder everybody should have their voice recorder ready to go and I want you to get your voice recorder ready to voice record so I want you to use those notes you just took down you shouldn't have any Arabic numerals you could have Roman numerals or other alternatives and I want you to take your voice recorder I recommend quick voice but any recording app that you can have will do or any voice recorder will do it doesn't have to be a smartphone and I want you to read your notes out loud into your voice recorder okay so I'm going to give everyone time starting now you okay everybody should be done now I want you to play your voice recorder and I want you to compare it to this number and see how you did go ahead play your voice recorder you okay and I want some of you guys to use the chat to let me know how it went how did you feel how did it go did you have a good experience did you have a bad experience how did it go let's see some thumbs up if you did well let's see some thumbs down if you didn't do so well Oh some people miss the 19 some people use the letters and then one 800-number threw somebody off some people did well okay good we're gonna do that again one more time again do not use Arabic numerals okay we're going to do that experience one more time I want you to have your voice recorder ready you're not going to be using numbers you're going to try to find other alternatives here's the second dictation everybody should be taking notes ready go two one two eight nine six one four five seven and I want everybody to record that use your notes to voice record now you you you and now we're going to compare that you're going to listen to your voice recording and you're going to compare it to this number so I want you guys to use your chat let me know how that went let me know how you felt somebody use letters again somebody missed one thumbs up good job you guys okay now we're going to do the exact same exercise and I'm actually going to go faster now but now you're going to use normal numbers the numbers were used to the Arabic numerals okay I'm gonna go fast but I know you can keep up here we go first exercise have pen and paper ready here we go nine one seven seven six three zero nine seven one voice record you you you now I want you to play your voice recording while you read this number and I want you to compare it and use the chat to let me know how it went go ahead you better this time better this time great got it okay good miss the last number perfect good okay so basically we're going to do one last one because I think you guys got the hang of it but we're going to do one last one I'm gonna go really fast and this time you can use the normal numbers the Arabic numbers were used to I'm gonna go really really fast so have your voice recorder ready to go and take notes here we go 8 3 1 1 3 5 6 4 2 9 voice record you you okay now I want you to listen to your voice recording play your voice recording and I want you to compare it with this number and I want you to tell me how it went the second time every somebody says got it perfect thumbs up okay good much easier so let's talk about why was much easier why was it much easier using Arabic numerals and this exercise really helps you to know how important note-taking for interpreters is first of all because you can automatically use these symbols these symbols these numbers are automatic to you when I say three you see the Arabic three when I say till you see it in your mind it comes out of your fingertips you don't have to think about it so that's one of the reasons why it's very simple for you to use that a system of symbols that you're familiar with same thing happen with techniques believe it or not you have techniques you're used to grouping phone numbers you're used to having the one on itself and then you're used to using the parenthesis for the first three you're used to putting a dash or leaving a space and then having the other four last digits grouped together that's a technique that you automatically use so when you're taking down numbers and you're not using Arabic numbers you're forcing your brain to say how do I write this how do I write that do I use a letter do I use how do I do this and you also don't have you can't listen and you can't really retain the information because you're too preoccupied with a note-taking so that's why it's so important for you to tackle those two fronts we're going to talk about how to acquire new note-taking habits it's not about learning the theory it's about acquiring new habits that pour out of your fingertips that are super automatic to you for you to acquire good note-taking habits you're going to tackle two fronts one are the techniques and these techniques must become second nature to you and secondly are the symbols so when you're taking down notes you're not even thinking about how do I write this down how to write that down it pours out of your fingertips that's what we want to accomplish the most important thing to realize about note-taking for consecutive interpretation is that it's done it's not a substitute for listening you to listen in order to understand the meaning of the message you're not going to be able to not listen but when you have good note it actually enhances your listening when you have good note-taking habits your notes don't distract you from listening they enhance your performance they really enrich your performance and they make you be a much better interpreter so good note-taking habits will help you in several ways first you keep your cool I don't know if you noticed when we weren't using the Arabic numbers you might have felt oh my god how do I write this down oh my god what do I do now oh my god what's coming up oh my god man I gotta be able to keep up when you have a system of techniques and a system of symbols that is automatic to you you relax it's like if I'm if I'm if I'm spelling something out to you you know the alphabet you don't get flustered if I'm going at a good rhythm you don't get flustered that allows you to keep your cool once you keep your cool that elevates your comprehension because you're not preoccupied with your notes so it allows you to listen all of this that we're going to learn all of this that's this manual is trying to help you to hone the skills is trying to help you develop it's for you to be able to chill and elevate your comprehension truly truly listen you can devote more attention to your listening because your notes are in the bag this increases your confidence you feel really good about what you're doing and you don't get flustered overall it increases your accuracy just like it increased your accuracy with the phone numbers you had a set of symbols that you know very well which are Arabic numbers and you have a technique of grouping those numbers that comes to your aid and allows you to be much more accurate and finally good notes allow you to achieve a smooth rendition once you're confident once your notes have taken you there the way you deliver the interpretation is much smoother and then we can be really faithful to the original tone to the original hesitations to the original repetitions which are crucial for any interpreter so no ticking for interpreters we're going to refer to it in this course as nti we're going to be using the acronym NT I now taking for interpreters and the things that you will see in this manual are is not my invention it's actually too big for fathers of notetaking for interpreters or sham phones for all son and Andrew Gillis now they started noticing that interpreters had certain techniques and certain symbols that they weren't necessarily sharing with each other but that many different interpreters had the same techniques and they started realizing they wanted to compile each one has their own separate book by the way it's no taking in consecutive interpretation and no taking for consecutive interpretation and this is in your manual in your bibliographical references in your manual they realize that interpreters don't have to reinvent the wheel there's no need to make up your own system because there's already all these established techniques that different interpreters use that we can learn from so it is really kind of sad that in many interpreting programs they don't teach interpreters how to take notes in a systematic fashion because these notes will really go a long way in helping you enhance your performance so I did not make this stuff up I want you to think of me as this woman standing on the shoulders of these two giants this is Jung Woon's raha son and this is Andrew Gillis and this is me and what I did was I read their books and I started applying some of their techniques and some of their symbols but the reason why I decided to write the manual is because at the end of that process with both books I still felt like it wasn't automatic to me like I understood the techniques but I wasn't necessarily applying them when I was interpreting and again we're going for habits for automatic habits so that's why I decided to create this manual and there's a technological advantage that I have just because of the historical moment that we live in back in the day when these two authors published their manuals they didn't have the technology to offer audio exercises so that's why I decided to create this manual that includes audio exercises so you can actually do these exercises repeatedly and then we have it pour out of your fingertips in a in a an automatic fashion for those of you who have the manual I want you to open up to the first page and you'll notice in that first page there's the link it says the audio exercises can be found in this link some of you have the CD that's great for those of you who don't just open up the cover and you'll notice on that front and that first page will have the link to all the audio exercises and for those of you who have an older version of the manual that doesn't have the link you can go ahead and get this link copy this link I'm going to share this link with you guys in the chat so everybody has that link these are free audio exercises for you to use and there it is so the advantage of this material is that allows it allows you to practice repeatedly so let's go into the techniques first of all let's talk about your steno pad this six inches by nine inches is the best tool for you to take notes for interpreters this is what you should be using anything else is really going to be cumbersome for example if you are using another type of notepad that doesn't have the rings over here but on the side sometimes the page turning is not as smooth the dimensions might not be as smooth or if you use the type of legal pad that doesn't have these rings up here you turn the page and the page doesn't want to stay back so all these are things that can be avoided with this six inches by 9 inches steno pad which also has a line in the middle the red line in the middle and those are your training wheels I want you to because in note-taking we're going to look at different techniques you're going to start writing more vertically you're going to start distributing your notes on the page in a vertical fashion and your training wheels just going to be this red middle line so you're going to try to avoid that middle line so you're going to be writing and you're going to try not to pass that line so if we look for example this is my real notepad that I actually used today in a deposition I would have taken down these notes and then when I finished I wrote this line this is what I call the bin they're done that line okay so when person finishes talking I write a line here that allows me to know which testimony has already been interpreted and which testimony has not been interpreted yet and I do urge you to make that line horizontal some people like to make a diagonal line and then some things might look like they're inside the line or the beyond the line so to avoid confusions just go ahead and write it a horizontal line as soon as the person stops talking or when you interrupt them okay that's what I call the been-there-done-that line to not confuse the chunks of speech and then another technique which is very simple for you to get the best out of your time is to only write on the front side of the pages so you're going to be writing writing writing the person stops talking you do your line you interpret and you begin writing again respecting this middle line again until you finish the whole page so first you're going to be using the left side of the page and then when you're finished with a full left side you begin using the right side of the page when you're finished with that full page you're going to flip the page and you're not going to flip over to the back so again you use the full page and you flip it and you don't worry about the back that saves you time because it is much faster for you to do this and for you to do this and then turn and every second counts it also makes you feel more comfortable knowing you're going to be able to keep up okay um a question that I get asked very often is what if I am going to be writing writing writing writing writing and I run out of space because the red line is there but I want to continue going this way you're basically going to continue writing next to the red line and we're going to look into a technique called shifting and I'm going to explain about that okay um and then finally there's a technique that I like to use which is using a rubber band a medium rubber band so that allows you to basically put all the pages that have already been used within the rubber band so even if you close your notepad you're already ready to go ready to be on the page to start writing and you don't have to wait you know every second can feel like an eternity when you're searching for that page okay now let's talk about in note-taking what we write note-taking the most important thing for you to remember about note-taking as a system is that it's a very flexible system it's meant to be tailored to your needs so I don't want you to look at note-taking like a straitjacket you're actually going to adapt it for whatever works for you so when you look at the page of an interpreter who's taking notes and has a good note-taking system you're going to find symbols like for example there's an eye here you're going to find some letters you're going to find some abbreviations you're going to find some numbers full words okay so it's a very flexible system don't think I can only write down symbols okay these are all the things you're going to find on the page another important thing to keep in mind about note-taking for interpreters is that you should take very selective notes the most important lesson that you can learn is what not to write what to leave out the only thing we're doing is we're writing down key units of meaning so I want you to look at this image over here let's imagine that the person's speech is all these light bulbs but there's one light bulb that is late because it's the most important light bulb so if we were saying that all of these are words there was one word out of all these words that I wanted to write down to make sure I didn't forget in some instances that might be a verb okay in some instances it might be a noun whatever works for you but if you're writing down things like V and to and on you are probably not letting your brain fill in the gaps I want you to think of note-taking as a very selective system then would you choose what you're right and you omit a lot of things because your brain is going to fill in those gaps and if you're paying attention if you're listening you will be able to connect the dots but you don't want to be right down writing down everything because that'll distract you from listening okay how to write we're going to be writing vertically and diagonally we're going to go into a dictate into a technique called verticality and shifting that explains why we write this way so if you look at this message over here this is a full written out message and here on the right is the way the notes have been taken down okay let me go back okay I don't want you guys to look at the read left side of the page on the screen I want you to focus on the right black text okay I'm going to read the whole text but I want you to follow with your eyes this I'm going to be reading the red text and I want you to follow with your eyes the black text so eyes over here on the right side of the screen I went to the store and bought oranges which were huge apples pears and bananas then I went home I did the laundry swept mopped and wash the dishes so if you noticed I is written on the left and then went to the store is written below this and a little bit to the right and I bought the symbol of purchase the symbol of dollars is right underneath the store and then when you're specifying what you bought you're going further to the right so anytime you're giving additional information you're going down and to the right if you're still staying in the same category you go down so I went to the store and I bought this all happened in the same place but then you're giving more additional information you're giving further information so then you go out to the right I bought oranges then you're giving additional information about the oranges you're going further to the right the oranges were huge then I'm continuing to list the things that I bought apples pears and bananas so all of these things go under the same category so basically I'm shifting to the right every time there's additional information I'm shifting to further to the right if there's even more detailed information notice what happens when there is a new idea then I went home then goes back out to the left and it goes back out to the left to indicate that this is a new idea that is not related to anything that happened to the store then I went home at home I did the laundry swept mopped and did the dishes okay so shifting allows us to be able to know how the message fits together okay notice for example that went to the those three words were not written down anywhere it just says I and store and you should be able to fill in those gaps notice also that a lot of words are abbreviated a lot of words for example dishes mom swept laundry trust your brain that if you write the first few letters and maybe some consonants you can take you can eliminate the vowels and you will be able to have the full picture in your head so basically the technique of verticality and shifting is there to help you know how the message is weaved together now I do want to UM share with you guys the original way that rasaan and gillies had suggested that this work so let me just go to my blackboard okay so originally Jean Francois Hasan and Andrew Gillis had suggested that interpreters divide up their page in subject verb and object okay so basically it would be something like this I went to the store okay and I bought oranges apples and pears okay so what they're suggesting is that you divide up your page into these three categories now I don't like that method because I feel like my brain is already busy when I'm listening and I don't want to have to on top of that be thinking what is the subject what is the verb what is the object it's too much there's already too much going on cognitively speaking too much going on when I'm interpreting for me to also worry about these grammatical categories so what I have decided to do is basically do shifting I went to the store and I bought let's change the message a little bit I bought a car toy for my son and I bought a suitcase and the suitcase was beautiful and then I went to the bank and I took out some money okay so by shifting I don't have to worry about subject verb and object all I'm worried about is if I'm giving additional information I go further right if I'm giving new information I go back out left if I'm talking about the same category I go vertical so again I went to the store and I bought a car a toy for my son I did not write for my son but I remembered I bought a suitcase right underneath the car which was beautiful then I went to the bank and I took out some money okay this is verticality and shifting so a lot of times it's gonna start looking diagonal that's gonna going to allow you to weave the message back together that's going to allow you to know how the message should be connected again when you render it fully because your note should be dots and you're connecting the dots okay one of the most important things is to know how your notes work relate to each other somebody's asking why is a toy on the right side of the car because the car I was giving additional information it was a toy for my son I bought a car which was a toy for my son so the car is the information I'm giving and I'm giving additional information about that car this is a toy for my son so I go to the right then another thing I bought was a suitcase it's in the same category as the car that I bought and then I'm giving additional information which is it was beautiful okay if I had kept talking about the suitcase and I had said the suitcase was beautiful and expensive and green I would keep going out to the right because I'm giving additional information about that suitcase okay if I'm saying and I also bought cereal that I would go down here so this allows me to know when I'm looking at my notes what is are the main ideas and what are the supporting ideas when am i offering additional information about something and when am I going on to a new idea some of the most important thing when it comes to our notes read them how to weave them coherently again okay so that's the technique of verticality and shifting okay now verticality one of the advantages it offers is that it allows you to quickly skim your previously written notes and this is gonna come in handy for other techniques that we're gonna look into it allows you to apply many note taking techniques we're going to look at the recall line and the shifting and it allows you most importantly to know which ideas belong together sometimes you have all the elements there but you don't know quite how to weave it together shifting and verticality lets you do that so again you're thinking of hierarchical values meaning what are the main ideas and the supporting ideas and then even more supporting ideas and shifting to the left and to the right to differentiate these main ideas from supporting ideas now for you to practice this because this is all theory and we don't want it to be eerie we want it to be automatic the pages that you would the dictation that you would be looking at would be dictation x' 1 2 3 and that's on page 17 and 18 I don't want you to get scared when you do these dictation because you're not gonna hear at the beginning real words and real messages you're going to hear things like shapes and letters and numbers it's going to sound something like triangle triangles or 7 & 4 and commas are big Florida is small things like that the reason why I created those dictation like that is because at this point I don't want you worried about symbols I don't want you to be worried about abbreviations I just want you concentrating on the shifting if it's an idea you put it down to the new idea to out to the left supporting ideas to the right further information to the right same category just go down and come back out to the left when I know idea comes up and you don't have to be rigid with it as long as you don't go back out to the left you know that it's not a new idea ok so don't be don't feel don't feel like you're constrained oh my god did this go to the right does this go to the left of this go down as long as you don't come back out to the left you shouldn't be confused you should know that you're giving further information ok so let's talk about the method to study I created this manual with the purpose of you guys having a method why I have a method because you can get the most out of your study sessions so this is the what I want you to follow if you guys want to take a screenshot of this we are recording this so you can look at it again but if you want to take a screenshot or a photo of this this is the basic coca-cola formula for this manual this is how you're going to do all the dictation okay first you're going to listen to the track every time you look at an exercise it has a corresponding audio track with that link I shared with you guys and as you listen to the track you're going to be taking notes trying to apply everything you've learned so far it should be cumulative so if you've already covered two techniques you should be applying those two techniques if you're on the fourth technique you should be applying everything you've seen before that okay so you're going to be listening and you're taking notes secondly when you're finished with that exercise you're going to read your notes out loud into a voice recorder that's the second step okay you're gonna read your notes and make sure you record them and that allows you to listen to yourself and that is a very important step for you to evaluate your progress okay when you listen to your recording then you compare it to the typed out text okay so again first thing is you're listening and you're taking notes secondly you're reading your notes and your voice recording them reading them out loud into a voice recorder and finally you're listening to the notes you to the recording you created and you're comparing it to the original text that's how you know if you got it right or wrong okay another important thing is to repeat each exercise many times until you feel very comfortable with it don't worry if you start learning the content of the exercise and memorizing it and learning it by heart the fact that you are doing this exercise repeatedly and your brain doesn't have to worry about what information is coming up next because you know the information lets you focus on the particular technique or the particular symbol that you want to drill remember repetition is what creates automatic habits so do the same exercise over and over and over again until you feel it pours out of your fingers okay the next idea that I want to share with you another technique is connectors connectors and links so there are certain words that we use in all languages which basically have the purpose of connecting ideas together some of these words are for example furthermore mmm-hmm I want you guys to please use the chat and tell me which other words you can think of that are connectors or links which words do you often hear people using in court for example scene embargo in Spanish however but besides in addition very good you guys these are all connectors so therefore very good good job you guys notwithstanding according to a good job you guys are sharp so whenever you hear a word like this that is connecting ideas together and it's telling you that a no idea is coming up I want you to jot it out to the left ok when somebody says something like for example I'm supposed to eat vegetables and fruit but I only want to eat hamburgers and hotdogs ok that butt is telling me that there's something new coming along ok or for example I'm in love with my husband he's a wonderful man he is very good to me we've been together for a long time however I suspect he's cheating on me ok that however is telling me something new is coming along so anytime we hear a word like this that tells us something new is coming along we jot it back out to the left and it's gonna be an indication that we're going to go back out to the left and start the whole process again which is going to hopefully give us that diagonal layout not all words that sound like connectors are connectors in the sense of announcing a new idea ok some words don't have that that strength for example if I am saying something like my doctor has told me to have vegetables but I'm allergic to them and fruit and exercise that but I'm allergic it's not really announcing anything no it's complementing what I'm already saying ok so I like to tell my students that not every bud is a jello but not everybody is a Kim Kardashian but so you have to kind of select which ones am I going to be writing out to the left so let's take a look at this this particular message again I'm going be reading the red I want everybody's eyes over here on the right I love pizza pasta and cheese however my doctor has told me to stay away from these fatty foods additionally I have to eat mostly fruits and vegetables so here we had examples of two different connectors two different links that announced a new direction of the speech okay first was the word however and secondly was the word additionally so let's go through it again I love pizza again we're writing as few letters as possible so we can keep up pasta and cheese however we came back out to the left and however became H e this letter the the least amount of letters but the better however my doctor has told me quotation marks were told me to stay away just this arrow to ended arrow from fatty foods additionally all I needed to prompt my memory was a plus sign additionally I have this is a mathematical sign an E facing in the opposite direction is a mathematical sign oops however I have to eat this is my lips this is my Picasso version of lips mostly fruits and vegetables so again the two links the two connectors here were however and additionally and we jotted them out to the left to make sure that we knew that we were weaving in a no idea together so to sum it up connectors and links are things that you jot down to the left to mark the fact that a new idea is coming out in the speech and then when you read it together you can weave it together coherently okay how do you become how does this become automatic through dictation is fourth-rate on pages 19 to 21 okay so you do the you do the same thing we already talked about you play the audio you take notes while you listen then you render your notes onto the voice recorder and then you hear what you recorded comparing it to the text when you compare what you record it when you listen to what you recorded and while you read the text you're going to be able to spot if you made any mistakes that's when you learn so don't skip that last step and again you do these exercises until you feel comfortable with them repeatedly now we're going to talk about the recall line the Ricoh line is a great way to save time because it allows you to refer to previously written notes to save time it allows you to not have to write things down again so for example in this message that I have here I bought meat I want everybody's eyes over here when I'm reading this over here I bought meat rice which was rice a roni and vegetables then I went home and cooked the rice a roni which my wife loves so if you know it is the recall line allows me not to have to write down rice Cerrone again the recall line allows me to save all of that because I already have that available on that same page so all I'm doing is I'm dragging I'm making a line that I'm dragging down to where I need it the most important thing about the recall line is where it begins and where it ends okay so we have a question let me get this clear out of here okay question do you take notes in English with Spanish speaker or do you come up with a difference do I take questions in English when somebody's speaking Spanish or do I take questions in the same language okay yes that's an excellent question now um I tend to I notice in myself that I tend to take notes in the opposite language and the target language that's just how my brain works it just happens naturally if I'm listening to somebody speaking and they're speaking Spanish I noticed that the words and the abbreviations are going to be in English that's just again what happens naturally I don't set out to do that of course a lot of them are symbols so symbols don't have a language the same symbol will be for Ghassan for house so in that sense they're unilingual but um I don't want you to feel like again you have a straightjacket that you have to take your notes that are in English or you have to take your duh notes down in Japanese or you have to use the source language or you have to use the chart language your notes are there to serve you so if you notice that your natural tendency is to take notes in the same language as the speaker is uttering that's how you do it if you notice that your natural tendency is to use the target language to take notes that's fine I do notice that my again natural tendencies to use a Turkic language with the exception of when I'm stuck with what to do about an interpretation so for example let's say that I'm taking notes a person speaking Spanish I'm taking notes mmm with symbols and doodles and abbreviations but most abbreviations of words are in English okay the person says something an expression that I don't quite know what to do with I tend to write that down in the source language I don't say okay I'm gonna wait until my brain realizes what to do with that and then I'm gonna take notes know if I don't know what to do with that information I'll go into the source language and I'll write down whatever the person said and funny enough our brains are so miraculous once you it's time to read your notes often what happens is your brain has worked on that it's been marinating on that expression I don't know if you've noticed this phenomenon and by the time it's time to read that you already know how to solve that but you took it down in the source language because you didn't know how to do it in the target language so again don't force yourself if your natural tendency is to work with the source link with the same language that people are speaking go ahead and take your notes out in the same language if your natural tendency is to write your notes in the target language go ahead and do that just a tip if you're like me and you write down your notes in the target language always remember that if you don't quite know what to do with something leave it in the original language and your mind will have worked on it by the time you get there okay does that answer your question okay great now I want to talk about the recall line because the recall line is so so useful so let's say for example that this is the way our page is laid out remember we're using our beautiful steno pad and this is that line in the middle and the person said something like I love sports basketball and football and tennis [Music] but um my doctor said that tennis can hurt my back okay so here we already route road down tennis in this case this is not such a good example because hey if I'm gonna write down a tee it doesn't take that long okay so actually Virginia give you guys a terrible example so let's let's do something else with that let's imagine the person said I love sports basketball football and tennis and where's my writer here we go and I adore Vanessa Williams said her name again okay yeah I love Vanessa Williams okay but my doctor told me that tennis can hurt my back and Vanessa Williams has terrible back problems okay so I already wrote down Vanessa Williams and that's something that takes a while to write I want to take advantage of the fact that that's already written it doesn't have to be on the same side of the page okay Oh Venus Williams okay shows you how much I know about tennis and sports okay but I'm not gonna write this down again because I have the RICO line again the most important thing with a RICO line is where it begins and where it ends because if I don't pay attention to where it begins I might write it down I might not know what I'm what I'm trying to remember so again here for example I'm saying I love sports basketball football and tennis and I adore Vanessa Williams because but my doctor told me that tennis can hurt my back and Vanessa Williams has horrible back problems okay if I don't make this line clear here if I don't make this line clear that it's beginning here again from Venus sorry I won't know if I'm trying to remember tennis if I'm trying to recall tennis or if I'm trying to recall Williams but if my line is clearly starting here I'm not gonna get confused of what I'm trying to recall the same thing where the line ends if my line ends in a way let's say my line didn't end here but ended here I don't really know it's supposed to be go after terrible or is it supposed to go okay so when you're trying when you are drawing your recall line don't worry about arrows just worry about where your line begins and where your line ends where your line begins is what you're trying to remember you don't have to write it down again where your line ends is where it's going to go where is going to be inserted sometimes you're going to want to draw a circle if there's a lot of things that you want to remember sometimes people say things like this let me erase all of this sometimes people say I did not see him I did not see her I did not see them okay so in this case I'm trying to remember these two things I did not see so if I draw one single line and I don't do a circle I'm not really remembering what it was that I was supposed to recall so again I did not see him this is a symbol for the male I did not see her so I'm not writing this again all I'm doing is I'm doing a circle around what I need to recall and I'm bringing the line down I did not see her and I did not see them okay so it can be a line or it can be a circle if you have several things that you want a group to remember okay somebody's saying they can't see the bottom of the page try to go fullscreen okay that should take care of it okay so that's the recall line okay that's your recall line let's go back to the presentation again this is the theory and we don't want it to be theory we want it to be coming out of your fingertips so to practice their recall lines you can do dictation nine ten and eleven and that's found on pages 21 to 22 okay let's now talk about verb tenses verb tenses are very important for you to remember where things go I'm sorry what what tenses people use when they spoke okay so to write down verb tenses you can use an arrow for example to remember that there it's the past or the future let's look at this message again everybody's eyes I want you here on the right I'm going to read the message on the left so here we go I needed to see bathrooms I'm sorry let me repeat that I needed to see the bathrooms the bedrooms the kitchen which is very important and the living room so I could get an idea of the market I will buy a house by January of next year so in this case we have I needed okay I needed to see so I drew a little arrow pointing to the back to show me that this is not future this is past and just an end for needed and then next year the arrow going forward okay so when you're noting verb tenses you want to be able to refresh yourself on what the person said and there's many ways to go about that one is it straight arrow an arrow to the left says means past an arrow to the right means future and an undulating arrow is ing okay another way to go about it another method is curved lines and I'm gonna show you on the blackboard another way is intersecting lines another ways are dots and you can also weave lines to the left and to the right and you can also use endings of words so let's look at that on the board so we can take have a better idea of how that works and there's many ways to skin a cat so let's look at the different options okay so let's say that we're using this as C okay method number one this is saw and this is we'll see this is the first method that we have okay now let's go to the second method that we have we can use a curved arrow just because curved arrow is only used for verb tenses and it won't confuse me when I'm using arrows for example for the verb to go or to arrive or to get there you might use an arrow to say that so an a curved arrow the beauty of a curved arrow underneath the symbol is that it tells you it's only indicating verb tenses don't confuse it with arrows that you're using to indicate movement okay so the second method is curved arrows all right now let's look at the third method the third method is intersecting lines I'm not too crazy about this method now let's change colors I'm not too crazy about this method but don't you don't shoot the messenger I'm just showing you the different options here this is the other method people use intersecting lines so this is my eye wait I always get confused cuz this confuses me okay let me erase that okay so this is my line this would be the past this would be so and this will be we'll see okay so again intersecting lines and it depends if the line if the horizontal line is ending open-ended on the right or on the left to me it's confusing some people like it so there you go don't shoot the messenger another method that you have for the exact same thing to recall verb tenses is this one just a dot a dot on the left means the past a dot on the right means the future okay if you're going to use dots I do urge you to make very big dots so they don't get lost on the page okay it's much more economic but it has the pitfall of it could not be visible so make sure that you make your dots visible saw and we'll see okay another thing that I've seen students do and change the color once again I've seen students also do this they integrate the line with the symbol they're creating that way they don't have to pick up no actually let me do that one again they integrate the line with the with the symbol they're creating or with the abbreviation itself because we can also use these for abbreviations so this would be saw and this would be we'll see so they just put a little line you can even do an arrow if you want or without the arrow this would be song and this would be we'll see okay another method I've seen my students do and then finally I'm gonna draw the other method down here I hope everyone can see it some students use the ending of words to indicate to themselves so for example a D would indicate the past and it doesn't matter if the verb is regular or irregular so it's not sod right but we know that a D means the past because in many regular verbs II D is the past this would be the future we'll see okay so saw and we'll see with the endings of words and finally what I was talking about the squiggly line is this for ing okay this little curved line at the bottom for ing so again look at all the methods we have this is my favorite because it allows me to just do it simply and not get lost and I know that if it's a curved line its mean its meaning verb tenses but I want you guys to pick one to pick whatever works for you and stick with it don't try to do combinations of systems one system will do okay so if you're learning this verb tense method I want you to I wanted to become automatic and how does it become automatic through repeated practices so you do dictation is twelve to fourteen on pages 23 to 24 another technique that you're going to find in the manual or negatives and opposites so when you draw one single diagonal line it tells you that you're either doing a negative or you're doing an opposite so if we use the heart for love the heart with a slash is to hate again everybody's eyes should be up here I'm going to read the message and I want you to follow along so here we go I hate buying furniture we saw sofas tables beds and chairs I didn't think furniture was so expensive I'm never going to the mall again okay so I want you guys to use the chat and I want you to tell me when you are identifying in this message here when you identify either negatives or opposites go ahead and use the chat and tell me where you see the use of negatives opposites Oh let me open up my chance okay hate very good Lewis when I said I hate I did this negative I don't think I did this I don't think I'm never going to the mall again all I did was cross out mall okay so look at this I am never going to the mall again all I did was write the word mall and cross it out that's the principle of negatives and opposites so it can be either the complete opposite of a word or it can just be don't didn't does not will not things like that I do urge you to just write down one slash instead of I see some of my students doing excess the more traces you can save yourself the less your writing the more you're listening the more you're open to absorbing that information so again negatives and opposites you draw a diagonal line over the word or the symbol to indicate the opposite meaning for this to become automatic you're going to do dictation 15 on page 25 emphasis when people speak and they repeat things or the emphasize things we can underline them so in this case the person said I really hate watching TV and the cool thing about emphasis and I neglected to say also negatives and opposites is that you don't even have to wait for the person to finish talking you can already go ahead and start doing your your lines so for example if the person says I don't see him did you notice that as soon as I heard the word don't I made my / I didn't wait for the verb I don't see him first I'd made my / and then I waited for what was coming and then I filled it in okay same thing happens with emphasis if the person says I really really really love my son I don't have to wait for the person to tell me what they really really really what as soon as I hear really really really very very very all these words that are emphasizing I draw one underline for each one of those okay so underlining helps me know that emphasis and that's a very very important thing okay all right let's go back and that's done when the person repeats or when they emphasize okay okay now we're going to talk about abbreviations which are very important not every single word can be written down with symbols so abbreviations are really cool because they let you take out a word and find the smoothest way the shortest way to note it down so you can remember it so the way that strengthens our house on and andrew.galea suggest is that you write on the prefix of the word the first or the first few letters of the word you usually omit the middle vowels and then you superscript the suffix the ending of the word so let's look at for example at the suffix eyes the typical way many many words end is with eyes instead of writing eyes we just write as e and we superscript it we write it a little higher so monopolize would become mo and P and we superscript the Z which will become eyes same thing with scrutinise same thing with sympathize okay so I want you guys to use a chat and tell me how you would use this technique for the word general eyes how would you abbreviate the word general eyes see some nice people good job you guys excellent very good so G en and then you superscript to the Z you don't need anything more than that okay just GE n would probably do the trick um how about this word um in doctrine eyes go ahead and use the chat and tell me what you would do with the word in doctrine eyes very good just in doc and then a Z good job you guys you've got the point that's how it works okay and you're trying to omit the middle vowels okay you're just trying to put enough in the page to prompt your memory okay another very common suffix is words that end in Y on it can be tion with a double s can be shunned with a tion or it can be shun with an S so there's different ways as long as it ends in that IO n okay so when you have a word like institution you would take those first few letters I and s T and you would superscript just the letter N and the letter n stands for shun same thing with Constitution we're just saying Co NS TN and same thing with probation okay just the superscripted n tells me what it is but here's the kicker you have to pay attention because if you don't pay attention then this could be construction Constitution can be construction so if you're not paying attention it's going to throw you off but if you are paying attention if you are listening if you're writing very little you can really absorb the message and you're going to remember it so it'll fill in the blanks you will be able to fill in the blanks okay yes hisses it's all about context okay so Constitution and construction are very different things you probably don't confuse them once you've heard the full message okay the next one is I've I ve and the only thing you're going to do with that is the letter V super scripting the letter V so executive would be abbreviated like this super scripted V exclusive like this again super scripted V and the same superscripted beam with reclusive okay words that end in it e would have the super scripted why okay and again omitting as many letters in the middle as you can so you can go ahead and fill in those gaps and the words that end in meant you superscript the letter T the words that end in a bowl you superscript the letter B and this has to become automatic so the way for this to become automatic is through dictations doing dictation 16 and 17 on page 28 repeatedly until you know this by heart until it flows out of your fingertips okay now let's talk about note-taking symbols this is one of the juice things that we can get into no ticking cymbals now most important thing to remember is that most symbols for note-taking are based on meaning okay so they're not going to be based on sound they're going to be based on the concept of the meaning of a word okay many symbols also have multiple meanings so if we look at the heart I want you guys to use the chat and tell me what different uses what different meanings can be represented by that heart good job you guys like love desire want neat one need I wouldn't use it cardiac heart very good now so if something has multiple meanings we want in some context prefer very good wish desire very good so we can get different meanings out of one same symbol so we have to pay attention but because we're trying to get different meanings out of one same symbol we want to think of it as an umbrella we don't want to stretch that umbrella out too much we want things to fit nicely under that umbrella so for example this is a symbol that I use the exclamation mark I use it for think but I also thinks falls right under that umbrella but other things like idea understand believe realize look at the word figure out figure out it's a little bit out of that umbrella but it's still in within that umbrella the word comprehend falls nicely neatly under that umbrella but if I try to make this symbol also mean excitement or if I try to make this symbol of the exclamation work also stand for sexy I'm way out of the umbrella so because a symbol can have different meanings we don't want to stretch it out too much because then it won't prompt our memory so again if we're talking about the heart we might want it to mean want and love and feelings but we might not want it to mean health if you already have it for that that's perfect don't try to reinvent the wheel now but if you're learning the meanings to a symbol try to keep it nice and compact so when you see that symbol it's easy for your mind to fill in those gaps okay remember that symbols for note-taking for interpreters are unique to each interpreter so if you study the manual and you realize you know what I already have a symbol for that don't try to relearn that symbol for an omec for that same meaning that new symbol for that same meaning that you have with another symbol keep things if they're automatic to you keep them and just say I'm ignoring you Virginia I already have a symbol for that okay they're unique to you and they should work for you or if I'm suggesting a symbol that when you try it it just simply doesn't evoke that some people don't like the exclamation work for think someone my students simply don't like it so I want you to think of something else I want you to come up with another symbol for that it should work for you and not the way around okay so let me give you guys some alternatives for the word think because I have seen my students complain about that they don't like again this is my thing this is how I write think an exclamation mark and it comes out of the fact that in some cartoons you'll see when somebody's thinking the little thought bubble comes up and there's an exclamation mark in there but I have also seen this and a lot of people like this this is think like a little face right but the Picasso version of a face and then an undulating line think the word know which is a little more certain is a straight line so this would be to know and this would be to think okay whatever you're going to do make sure it works for you it should be evoke in that meaning for you so again if me if if I suggest things that don't work for you or if another teacher suggesting something that doesn't work for you I want you to find what works for you or to stick with what you already know that's the most important thing that when you see it on your page it evokes that for you another important thing to remember for symbols is that they should be easy to draw for example this symbol for me means beginning and this symbol means end again if we have the philosophy of each symbol means several things what else can this symbol mean go ahead and use the chat for this symbol what else would this beginning symbol mean other than begin what other falls under the umbrella let's see we have initially start very good from then on good job you guys at the beginning okay good work how do you keep I'm somebody made it a question ambrosia how do you keep subject pronoun straight who said what subject pronouns are very important and I like to have symbols for subject pronouns so when you say things like for example let me clear the screen this would be I for me this would be you this would be she remember this is the symbol for a woman I have made it a little simpler like this I omitted the horizontal line so I you she he for we I just ride we cuz it short enough and for them I write by this M or for they okay so this is I do like to take note of pronouns because it's important to keep your facts straight but again if somebody is speaking and they're saying um they're saying something like I went to the store and I bought apples and I went to the supermarket and I bought this and I III you don't need to write that I because everything the person is saying belongs to I but if the person is jumping all over the place I went to the store and my husband told me that I should buy sneakers and she said that I shouldn't buy that and we think then you should be getting your pronouns down so you can know exactly who said what okay so if it's if it's repetitive and it's the same thing don't worry about it if the person's jumping all over the place make sure you do get that okay and the symbol for people I actually tend to write the same symbol for people but for some reason I don't confuse it it's like supposed to be a full body okay you use the Chinese character for people a person Jackie mm-hmm at the end I want Jackie to show us what she means by the Chinese character that's interesting okay you guys let's go back and look at her presentation so again oh actually I forgot to make this point so symbols should be easy to draw so for example this is one of the most complicated symbols which is open the door or open I used to draw it like this but one of my students one of my brilliant students I always learned so much from you guys he taught me that she basically emits that last line any time you can save yourself a trace that's even better for example the symbol for mail is this but if you draw it with a curved line it tends to be quicker or when you're drawing a heart don't get too perfectionistic some of my students feel like this heart is hard for them so they end up doing things like this that's fine as long as when you look at it you know what you meant to say okay you shouldn't have symbols that are too complicated so for example this is your eye this should be your eye but if you've decided that your eye is supposed to look like this and you the eyelashes and everything and you want to make sure you don't forget the eyebrow then this is gonna be way too complicated and you're not gonna be able to keep up so you want your symbols to be very very simple okay all right very good so let's go back to the presentation okay we need symbols to be simple now this is the most important thing I can share with you guys tonight for you to learn your symbols everything you need to learn your symbols is on page 35 okay everything you need to get those symbols to become automatic to you to get them pouring out of your fingers to look at them on the page and know exactly what you meant is on page 35 of your manual so a little memo technique if you ever forget what page did Virginia say I want you to remember that you do an okay sign and you do a high-five okay page 35 okay so everything you need to know is on page 35 that's going to allow you to follow the sequence very nicely so let's take a look at page 35 now this is page 35 in your manual and if you notice I give you a study sequence here the first thing can everyone see this now now oh wait wait silly me I haven't shared it with you guys how are you gonna be able to see it you see sometimes your teachers not so smart okay good everybody see it now okay excellent so now we're looking at first before we even go into the cycles which are down here I'm going to talk about the study sequence okay because this is the same sequence you're going to be going over and over again okay for this you're going to be using post-it notes or you're going to be using index cards or if you have either and you just want to use regular paper just cut up your paper into this type of size okay and the first phase is to get to know the symbols if you don't remember how that's done it's page 30 to 31 but I'm going to give it to you here in the first phase you're going to take each one of those symbols that belongs to that cycle and you're going to create study cards for them now if you will notice a cycle is composed of five symbols we're tackling five symbols at a time again we want it to become automatic we don't want you to be thinking how do I break this how do I write that or when you're reading it what did I mean by that we don't want that we want automaticity and how does something become a habit through repetition so to tackle these symbols we have divided them up into five into groups of five every group of five is going to go through these four phases and you're just going to repeat these phases okay the first phase is again everything you need is on page 35 the first phase you're just going to say okay what are the symbols in cycle number one okay the symbols in cycle number one are speak okay so this is the first card the second symbol in that cycle is you need so this is my second card the third symbol in this cycle is work and this is my third card the fourth one is think and for those of you who don't like the exclamation mark you can do the little baseball looking one think and my last symbol is going to be wand okay so that's the front of the card okay now the back of this card you're going to put different meanings to it and I do want you to I actually I'm writing it a marker because I wanted to be visible for you guys but I want you're using pen I want you to use something that doesn't bleed through the page that doesn't bleed through the paper so you can't see it from the other side okay so which um someone asking who who wants the the manual we'll send you that information to get the infant will send you the link to purchase the manual and that comes with a link with the audio link so we'll send you that information for you to purchase the manual if you don't have it so what would we write here on the back of this card go ahead and use the chat and tell me what we would write on the back of this card very good love like want okay this is what we would write on the back of that card okay now what about this card you can't see me okay let me stop the share okay what would you guys write on the back of this card think very good what else think believe there's a very good question from Maddie Maddy's asking if we write it down in both languages no you only need to write it down in one language because if you are working with a concept it doesn't matter if the person says pensar or the person says think it's the concept that matters okay so what we want you to do is we want you to memorize this concept okay so realize idea believe all of these words you're going to write them down in the back you're going to take pen and you're going to write all of these words in the back okay think believe and all that good stuff okay how about this guy or this one we already saw okay same thing goes for this one what would you guys write on the back of this card understand on for the previous work very good what else what else other than work job gig oh good job gig Carla employment good job good job hey Suz employment what else employee might be stretching that umbrella a little bit much how about um type of law starts with an L labor good job Maddie Labor job gig employment all of those things are going to go in the back of this card and you will go and do that same thing with all of the cards in that cycle okay and once you have finished all of the cards in that cycle you're going to drill them and you're going to drill them like this this is phase number two drilling the symbols and if you want a refresher on page 31 to 32 I refresh your memory on how to do that so basically you're going to refresh you're going to drill them like this you make sure all the cards have the symbol facing you and then you go through the cards and you call out the symbol as so think want work need say and you're going to do it timing yourself so each time you're going to go faster you're trying to attempt a shorter timing and then you're going to take your cards and you're going to shuffle your cards and then you're going to go through your cards again each time calling out only one symbol I don't want you to say say declare stage speak talk love what no I want you say the most obvious meaning and move on to the next one because what we want is speed we want to train your brain to be able to look at that symbol and immediately evoke the meaning okay so that's the first activity you do it until you can no longer beat your own score and you write your record you write your timing you take your actually use your phone your smartphone or a timer or watch anything that indicates the seconds and you write down your times and you try to do it faster each time okay so that's phase number two phase number three you're going to use those symbols with dictations and if you don't remember how that's done in pages 33 to 34 refresh your memory on that so basically what you're going to do is if you notice here in cycle number one i'm telling you which pages that is on and which are the tracks so you would get ready with your pen and your notepad and you would play track 18 and as you're playing track 18 what are you doing you're taking notes very good so you're listening and you're taking notes those are the dictation okay what do you do after you finish taking notes what is the next step once you've taken notes and your dictation is trakax 18 is done what do you do with your notes recording I'm sorry what do you do with your notes very good your voice record I gave you guys that one okay so then you took notes then you take your notes and you read them out loud into the voice recorder okay and then what do you do with that voice recorder you created you listen to it as you're reading the text and which text on pages 36 to 41 is the typed out dictation so you're going to listen as you compare it to these pages and then you move on to track 18 and you do the same thing you do the full dictation you listen as you take notes you voice record and then you hear and compare to the text so let's say we finish cycle number one okay we would move on to cycle number two in cycle number two these are the five symbols were working with in cycle number two which are the tracks which tracks would we use for cycle number two you can use a chat to let me know which track which audio track which is the first audio track for cycle number two very good track 24 to 29 are the what you're going to be listening to and then when you're taking notes and you render it into your voice recorder when you hear yourself you compare what you said to the note to what's on these pages so let's look at that page let's look at the page 36a first dictation is very simple this is the dictation so you would hear what you record it and you compare it to this you could also look at what I wrote I always give you my possible notes then you move on to the next dictation page 37 you would listen to what you recorded and then you would compare to this text over here and that's how you know if you got something right if you got something wrong and you can also look at my possible notes okay then we move on to page 37 and as you can see the dictation get harder and harder they get progressively harder as you as we as we move on okay so you listen to what you recorded and you compare to the typed out text and you stop and you take note all I omitted such word oh I changed such word oh I said this wrong okay and you do the same dictation until you get it until you get it super smooth until you get it perfect and again you can look at the notes that I'm suggesting I'm always gonna give you the notes that I'm suggesting so get which page is the secret magic page that will give you everything you need there 5:35 very good in page 35 these are the faces you're going to be doing creating your cards every time you move on to a new cycle do it cumin cumin cumin cumulative ly oh my goodness I'm not very good for that word do it with the previous cards you created too so if you're in cycle 2 you should have 10 cards by the time you get to cycle 3 if you feel like you know what I already know these cards let me just focus on these that are still giving me trouble so go ahead and practice your full stash of cards that are still giving you difficulty for phase number one okay so you create your cards that's phase number one you drill the symbols time-limited activities then you do your dictations and each cycle will tell you the pages and the tracks and then you grade your performance by listening to yourself and comparing it ok that's the whole deal that is the way to master these symbols and again you do it repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly until you know it by heart ok so page 35 is the way to go now I do want to urge you guys to study with someone I want you guys to find somebody to study with you can study with someone on FaceTime you can study with someone over the phone you can study with someone in person actually meet with a person you can study with someone on skype or on zoom' but there are many ways technology allows us to meet with people and - and - and to have a study buddy a study buddy will increase your motivation it's been proven time and time again if you have somebody to study with you will be motivated a study buddy will give you new input you can learn a lot by exchanging ideas seeing the way people take down notes seeing what works for them and I want to talk about some additional educational tools for those of you who want to get to the next level we're going to be offering a consecutive interpretation bootcamp level one it's going to be offered on September the 6th the 13th the 20th and the 27th it's going to be from 5:30 till 7:00 p.m. we do have relatively small groups so if you want to sign please let us know as soon as possible because we we don't keep it open-ended so enrollment is going to be time limited and we meet on zoom' this same platform but the beautiful thing is that because it's a smaller group much smaller group you're able to interact with the students and with the teacher the great thing about it is you can take the class from home so you can be in your pajamas if you want to as long as you're decent from the waist up we don't care what you're wearing you get all the perks of being in a class but you don't have to commute you get to interact with your classmates and with your teacher in real time you get to ask any question that you have and you get to have your answer your questions answered immediately being part of a group increases your motivation increases your commitment you know sometimes we're a little tired at the end of the day and we say I'm gonna study today but knowing that you have a group that you have to meet that you have to show up really makes you stay the course you can learn a lot of cool tips from your classmates every time I teach this workshop I learn something new my students are always teaching me cool things you get personalized feedback every time we have an assignment I'm going to give you feedback that is tailored and specific to your progress and to your particular notes so I'm going to help you tweak those difficulties that you may have and also enhance the things that you're doing well the zoom course will help you get to those hard-to-reach places and again we're going to be offering on September 6 to 27th we meet from 5:30 to 7:00 Pacific Standard Time we also have continuing education courses check out our website which is I was going to show us the symbols that she uses which was symbol that she says she used for people is Jackie there I don't know if Jackie's still there she might have left okay so we're going to open it up for questions if anybody has any questions go ahead and let us know oh it jackie says it looks like my house symbol oh so let me share with you guys my house symbol this is my house symbol let me clear this this is my house symbol so this is people this is the people that jackie uses is that right okay cool excellent okay so we will be sending you the information for those of you who want to buy the manual don't forget that once you get your manual it includes that that link for the free audio we also will be sending you guys the information to the bootcamp I know you will enjoy the bootcamp and get a lot out of it we have a question here I purchased the book on a saman son but I don't have the audio okay the audio again is let me give you the link I want you to copy it go ahead and copy this link and you can use the link to get those free audios if you want to have the CD you can purchase it of course but you can get the free audio with these when where will these notes be available um I'm not sure I understand what you mean by where the notes will be available every single thing that you need is already contained in your manual okay and for those of you who don't have the link included in the manual again go ahead and copy this link that I go ahead and just step on your you know put your cursor on your on your chat and copy that and then any time you put it in your search it'll take you there okay any tips I'm not letting your notes spill to the center line um I mean I wouldn't worry about it too much if it spills over a little bit the only thing that I would say is that if you notice that you've reached the center line and you still want to give further ideas you just keep going down so for example let's say you're writing here and the person said I went to the zoo and their word arrives and elephants and the elephant was fat and beautiful and big and even though that person is still describing the elephant because I have reached this middle line I'm still going down by not going out to the left I will know that I'm still talking about the elephant but don't cross that line because that's what allows you to get vertical and when you get vertical you can use the recall line and you can get you can scan your notes easier and you can use the shifting technique okay are there certain contexts or job which do not use notes for Canseco always take notes I always take notes I find that taking notes is is a way to be very precise I'm always a little bit surprised by how both doctors and lawyers and judges are so grateful that I am I tried to be very faithful to the original meaning I believe that the only way you can do an accurate interpretation is by conveying every single um and oh the person is giving you a good clinician wants to hear if their patient is hesitant a good lawyer wants to hear if if their client if a witness's is is sure themselves or not so I find that notes are the best way for you to render the message accurately and faithfully okay so I would say yes always take notes and you guys thank you so much for joining us we're so so happy that you were able to join us we do hope to see you guys in the bootcamp just make sure you keep studying even if you don't join us for the bootcamp this manual is everything you need just stick to page 35 okay remember what is like that thirty five keep working keep working and repeat things repeat them repetition is the key to mastery okay so I want you guys to give yourselves a round of applause you guys have been an awesome class thank you so much for joining us you can always reach us in through our Facebook do check out our Facebook page you can also email us at info at interpret train and we hope you get a you got a lot out of this course and keep at it keep at it and I promise you you'll see progress okay good night everyone have a great evening thank you so much for joining us goodnight
Channel: Interpretrain
Views: 87,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Court Interpreter Training, Consecutive Interpretation, Consecutive Interpretation Training, Court Interpreter State Exam, Note-Taking Training, Note-Taking Training Course, Improve your note-taking, Note Taking Training, Note Taking Training Course, Court Interpeter Training Course
Id: EZ_6-xHaxHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 13sec (5653 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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