How To Get Tide Popper Fast (2024)

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welcome back guys to a brand new video and today we're going to be talking about the tide popper as you saw in the title of the video and fun fact before we start that the tide popper was actually supposed to be called the aqua popper before an it released it to the game so our first topic on today's video is going to be the Bucko Quest that you need to complete so the minimum requirement for this is 250 bucklebee quests that have to be completed and turned into the Buckle B MPC so basically the way you'd go around this would be by grinding quests you can use the natural macro which I'll link in the description I'll be going over that a lot in today's video and then just in general they normally just take time so you have to kind of play it by ear you know if you have a longer Quest you might want to go after that versus if you have a shorter Quest that you can incorporate in some others so the next item on our list is an acquirement of the tide poer which would be the 1,500 blue extracts now this is one of them that stumps some people that equates to 75,000 blueberries guys that is a lot of blueberri so this is how I would getting them so Sprout parties can help a lot so you can get the blue extract themselves or you can just get blueberries from the Sprout parties and I would go to the Pine Tree field or the stump field for this as it's the highest ranking Bluefield that you can go in the 35b zone does not have one as of the moment but maybe in a future update on it will add one which might be good for us another thing you can use is natural macro so this can give a lot of blueberry from you running around the field while you're macroing so it's kind of a twoin one deal so you can gain honey and you gain blueberries at the same time and for me I normally gain around 6 to 8,000 a day if you use it right and I do use it right and so the basic settings I would say are pretty good what it recommends for your field another thing I would say is the bucklee quests so for every one Quest you turn in you get one blue extract as a reward so it's not a lot but definitely helps you if if you're slacking just a few off another one is that the Bears can give blueberries so the bear and peases so if you turn in like a black bear Quest or a science bear Quest they might give you blueberries in Li of other items so that's just it's a small amount but it definitely helps and then another big thing would be your puff shrooms those help tremendously because they can drop blue extracts they can drop the blueberries they drop everything you need to craft them which can help you a lot in the long run so for the next item on our list we have The Stingers so basically you're going to want to grind out the vicious be as much as you can you can hop servers you check Discord servers there's a bunch of them that you can go in there's speeder on Stingers I know of that's just one that popped in my head but you can also buy them for tickets and I do not recommend that unless you're like some ticket God you have a bunch of them just lying around then you can go ahead and purchase them but by the time you have all these other requirements fulfilled you'll probably already have 200 from just doing vicious speed and if you have the natural macro you can set it to a setting where you can get your character to run around the fields at night and you can get any potential Stingers that you can find from any vicious bees that spawn so that can definitely help and then puff shrooms can also drop stingers and Planters as well I forgot about that one just but I just remembered it Planters can help you for all the stuff as well well and Cactus field I know drop some uh tokens for Stingers but planners in general can drop all of these things the next item on our list would come to tropical drinks so for this one like I said planners help you can grind the coconut crap that's a big thing but it takes time for it to respond like I just said the whole process comes with time so you can't really rush it too much but there are some things that you can do to improve how quickly you achieve of UN locking the tide popper puff shrooms can also drop tropical drinks so that's a very good way of getting them as well and then typically your rare ones all the way up to your Mythic ones can drop tropical drinks just depends how lucky you are with your RNG so our second to last item on our list comes to SW wax this is another one that many people typically get CAU up on so basically your uh epic and above drop your sword wax and that's for poms obviously but you could also as a side note you can craft them but you need a lot of items so as you see on screen right now there is a lot of materials needed just for one swed wax and you need 75 of them and that's no good so next thing on our list and the last thing as well are are super smoothies you're going to need 50 of these bad boys and they're paying to get I'm just going to come out and say it if you're not playing in Beast there's no catalog they're going to be painful so if you're not in a rush you can wait till Beast Miss it's about 2 months away but I feel like in 2 months you can get the super smoothies needed grind your macro if you do not grind Sprouts both are very good options and then you could offer deals except your own shop in the bastor simulator Discord server people will give you sprouts and Lou you get the rewards of the sprouts and then you can craft the super smoothies based upon that and if you can't do any of that then yeah you're kind of screwed and then obviously you're going to need your 2. 5 trillion honey for this purchase but if you're a blue Hive and you macro you should be golden on that it shouldn't take you too long you should get that in a day grind depending on how good your stats are and your amulets that's a whole another video and another side note I want to add is that you want to get Wy B for these Sprout parties your Wy B can drop a tornado token so basically the tornado goes around and grabs all the tokens in the field which is very crucial for collecting as much as you can and then I think I've emphasized this enough that natural macro is your best friend possible natural macro will do it all for you it is a very very good tool just a quick run through on all of the information that I've already about it this is a recap if you missed anything so you're going to need 250 bucklee quests 1,500 blue extracts 200 Stingers 150 tropical drinks 75 SW wax 50 super smoothies and 2.5 trillion honey now that's going to wrap up our today's video drop a like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video and if you found it helpful for you I mean I appreciate you guys clicking on the video to watch in the first place it really makes me smile I really appreciate it guys you don't know how much that means to me until the next one peace
Channel: richewstew
Views: 7,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UGfRVKmlf3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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