How To Get The Gorilla Tag PLUSH In GAME!

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[Music] I have some huge news welcome back to a brand new video and make sure join the Discord if you haven't already cuz you get early access to co when I stream and also do it the scientist if you want to cuz I'm so close to 2K um and also I'm going to be talking about this guy right here this booty fat guy you know I'm kidding I'm kidding I love [Music] you oh you didn't see that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I literally I literally just smashed my PC Tower as I went like cuz I tried to grab and it was right there but anyways it's your turn give him kisses okay anyways he's a moderator yeah um so if you don't know this little guy right here he's also right over there as well right over there yeah and guys I'm right here that's a little too close isn't it okay well this little guy he's part of the makeship thing if you don't know what the makeship thing is you've probably been living under a rock but the makeship is like a website like a gorill take collab well not really a collab but like a makeship is a website where you can like sell campaigns I I also said I almost SP I almost said cocaine I said makeship website is a website where you can sell cocaine that's almost what I said but I meant to say makeship is a website where you can sell your own campaigns well I don't know if you can do it yourself or whatever what you have to do I don't know but gtic did it and that's all that matters and so basically they did this monkey plus which you can buy in the game and I'll put a picture on the screen for you guys to see it it came with the top hat came with the top hat the party hat and the stick in the in real life so you got this black monkey the only colors that will available was black so um the only colors that were available was black and it came with three Cosmetics the party hat the top hat and the stick and um yeah you could take the party hat off put the top hat on you can put the stick on I I don't know if you can actually put it on I don't know but as as of right nobody has got the monkey plush in real life yet because it doesn't ship until like um it doesn't come to you till like June I think or may I I I don't know I think it's June honestly I don't know just keep track I'm pretty sure the website will tell you but I'm pretty sure it's like June so there's still whils away um it's a couple months um actually may maybe may I want to say may but I pretty sure it's June but um yeah so you can definitely do that and uh it's perfect and yeah so but don't I just want to say maybe you bought it off Amazon but I recommend maybe you bought it off Amazon or you bought it from Walmart or you bought it from any reseller website or anything don't well I guess you can buy that but it's probably going to be poor quality and you're not going to get an in-game code because basically how you get this guy is from a code so if you were wanted like the 54,000 people if you were one in 54,000 people that if you were one of the 54,000 people that bought it you would have received you should have received an email by now that um asked you about this guy if you wanted it and then you had to I think verify you have to fill out this form or something whether you want it on Quest what whether you want it on meta or steam so yeah I I would have got if I got it I would have got on Oculus um but yeah I only have this guy cuz I have all the cosmetics in the game it is only client sided but the only reason I got that mod was again to so I can record with my Cosmetics on but yeah I got this guy on Steam because I have all the cosmetics in the game and uh yeah so this little guy he's pretty cute honestly I wish I had him so much I mean I guess I can kiss him cuddle with him but it's only client sided so it would just look like I'm kissing the I mean what okay what so basically you will and then if you don't fill out the form I'm pretty sure if you don't fill out the form it's if you don't go in check your emails it could be in your Spam folders just check your email that you use to so whatever email you put in with your makeship account or no whatever email you used when you purchased it with your order um whatever email was with your order when you purchased it just check that email and you should have some girl take email in there and if you don't verify if you don't verify that you want it on steam or meta then they're just I'm pretty sure they're just going to automatically put it they're just going to send you a code for meta and for meta I from if you and then later on once you get the code for meta if you ask for the code for meta or you just didn't do it they'll just automatically give it to you for meta because if you put girl take everyone has meta right but not everyone has steam right so so met meta uh if you ask for meta and you got the meta code then it's a you got to go on the Oculus website or app and then you got to go on the Steam app and go in the redeem thing or whatever but yeah that is how you get this plush this cute little guy he's awesome he's also a moderator so yeah um let me know if you got plush I'm really curious if you did I did not sadly um too bad I didn't because I would really love to cuddle and kiss that thing and J before I go to bed I mean what I'm just kidding don't check my search history I'm kidding I'm kidding okay um yeah so let me know if you did get the plush in the comments down below and uh like And subscribe or he will give you kisses unless you want him to give you kisses then don't [Music] subscribe also we're still close to 2K which means honestly means the world to me you guys mean a lot to me so uh yeah like and subsscribe [Music] we nothing
Channel: CarsVR
Views: 8,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #carsbb09 #roblox, gorilla tag, #CarsVR
Id: 02X9vjrKRK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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