HOW to get the CORRECT LOUDNESS for VIDEOS only using AUDACITY – TWO FREE PDF Downloads

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hi I'm Paul so this is going to be another one of those getting the correct loudness videos so this is uh the 21st of January 2024 few weeks ago I've did some videos uh about using audacity and da Vinci resolve about getting the proper loudness and and really good sound quality but I also realized that uh not everybody wants to go through all those steps so I I've been playing around with it so I'm going to show you how you can just use audacity which is a an audio editing uh program that's open source free to download I'll put links in the description of this video I also did a video about how to set uh the basic setup for audacity uh it there's a PDF I'll put the link to that video and a link to the PDF in the description of this video you don't have to provide any information for the PDF all you do is click on it uh it'll open up in your browser and then you can download it so I've already created a sample video it's it's approximately 30 seconds long and I'm going to open audacity and just drag and drop it into uh audacity the the the entire video clip it'll extract the audio and then I'm going to show you how simple it is to get the proper loudness for your video when you upload it to YouTube I've got audacity open so I'm again I'm putting the link to the video and the this uh uh the PDF U for the basic setup but as long as we're here I'm going to show you a couple things to look at come up to edit come down to preferences and with the audio settings selected I'm recording this in my mono that's optional if you want to record mono or stereo want to make sure this project sample rate and default sample rate is set at 48,000 Hertz the default I believe or at at least it used to be was 44,100 this will give you some uh better audio quality the default uh sample format it's the default is 16bit you can use 24bit 32bit might be Overkill but that's that's what I'm using so once you made those changes just click okay and the other thing you want to have uh is the uh come over to view and make sure show clipping in waveform is selected that means if the if the audio is clipping it'll it'll show up in a a red hash marks so I'm just going to drag the raw video that I created this 30 something uh second Sample video into audacity it'll extract the audio then press control plus the letter A or command a if you're using a Mac that selects everything on the track if you if your track expands past the right side of the uh video screen or your your monitor screen come up here to this little icon says fit project to Wi or contrl F and just click on that and then it'll it'll you'll see the clip from beginning to end and so the first thing we want to do is we want to come up to effect volume and compression loudness normalization and I sent this to minus 14 LS that's loudness units full scale and you want perceived loudness not the RMS these are the default settings I believe when this the default is minus 23 that's for broadcast television -4 is for the standard for internet platforms just click apply and you see that little red hash mark That's means it's clipping right there but that's not a problem because we're going to fix that come back up to effect volume and compression compressor everything is the default settings except I change the ratio to 4: one and I uncheck this makeup game gain for zero DB after compressing because in the past I had it C FP off some of the audio from the beginning and end of the audio uh track which means when I brought the wave file which I'll show you how to create an audio file back into my video editor it wasn't matching up because it was shorter than the actual length of the video and I had to play around with it to to get it to to sync up so other everything else is the same uh is the default settings and if you come up here to presets and settings you can come over here and just go under factory presets and defaults and it'll reset it to the to the uh whatever the um the default was and I believe it's 2: one I Chang this to 4: one and again uncheck this and leave this box unchecked click apply now I'm going to come back over to file and or to effect volume and compression amplify and I'm going to change this to 6 DB and allow clipping for now I mean we're going to fix that so now you see even more clipping I'm going to come up again effect volume and compression limiter and I'm going to set let me just put it back to the factory presets it's set to minus - 3 DB I'm going to change this to minus1 DB and then click apply and that's it so now what you want to do is you want to save this as a project file so this is not an audio file this is audacity's uh project file so you can come back back into it and um edit it later if you want to so I just call it project file so I know it is a project file and it's not the uh the actual audio file now come back up to file export audio you can come down here to the metadata and then you can you can um add uh copyright information if you want that's explained in that uh PDF in the other uh video just click on browse and then I'm going to change this and make sure you're in the correct folder and I'm going to change this and just call it the wave file so this will be the actual audio file that I'm going to drag in to my video editor I use the Vinci resolve but it won't matter just you'll you just won't use the the audio on your that's with your video you'll you'll remove that in your video editor and then replace the audio with this wave file and then just select export and now then you can close this out and now that wave file here's the project file we created and here's the wave file that you're going to drag in to your video editor so now I'm going to go over to YouTube because I published this to YouTube and I want to show you the loudness level okay so this is the video that I published to YouTube and I've got the um volume turned off but you want to start playing your video here's the you know just move the slider all the way to the right the video doesn't have to be plain so I'm just going to pause it anywhere inside the video Just Right Mouse click and then come down here and select stats for nerds and this is what you want to see the important part is where it says volume sln normalized when I move the slider you can see that it it it changes from uh 0 to 100% so the first 100% that is for the volume slider the second 100% is how it was uploaded at least the loudness was uploaded you want it with that slider all the way to the right you want to see your video with 100 100% if it's less than 100% that means you uploaded your video too loud and over to the right of that where it says content loudness and I just got lucky with this one it's zero DB and that's that's perfect if it was a uh a little bit less I don't mind if it's anywhere between minus 2.5 and zero DB but I don't want it to be more than zero DB because if it if you and you can check other people's videos a lot of times they'll upload their videos too loud and it'll be like minus5 minus 10 I've seen them as as much as minus 20 which means you really have to turn the volume of your speakers up in order to he hear the video if it's if it's a if it's above if it's in a positive number then it was uploaded too loud and what YouTube and other plat forms do they push the loudness level down which could cause your video to be distorted so you'd see that where it says zero DB or minus Z DB it will be a positive number and then that second 100% that uh for the loudness will be less than uh 100 but I like it anywhere between minus 2db and Z DB is is is fine with me I don't mind keeping it around minus minus two but again I just got lucky and um I didn't think it would be at the exact level but this is the way you can easily and simply um get the correct loudness level for your YouTube videos by just using audacity so I'll put a link in the description for audacity again it's open source totally free to use and and it's and it's easy to use and then I'll um I'll include that that the uh other PDF the link for that in this video so uh I'd appreciate it if you would uh give the video a like if you uh found it useful or helpful and thanks for watching
Channel: APSC – Amateur Photography
Views: 6,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audacity, Correct Loudness, Proper Video Loudness
Id: OzRHkL-SYg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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