How to Get Started With ZERO MONEY - It's NEVER TOO LATE! | Grant Cardone | Top 10 Rules

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every business i have five companies now we'll do a hundred million this year i started every one of those companies with no money zero money man just hustle and grit and courage i've called on people i didn't want to be with i've done things i didn't want to do okay it is not about doing what you love it's about doing whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality to be closed and stay closed if you're not closed on your product if you're not buying your own product why would you expect anybody else to man 400 bucks is a lot of money your prospect says to you 400 do it listen to me man you're 32 years old you've been trying to save money for 20 years and you hadn't do it and do it now i don't need anything special here i'm not going to be empathetic quit being stupid right to check i don't know if the compliance guy likes that or not but i know this look if you believe in what you're selling how many of you believe in what you're selling then close the deal then close the deal okay learn to close and you'll never be without work you'll never be without money you'll have an organization that is booming in affluence you'll have a pipeline full you'll have appointments filled up right i call it a a group called me yesterday i'm actually trying to do a deal with cnbc and the guy says i'm interested i said good i'll be there tomorrow call me back i'll be i'm flying into new york tomorrow what am i trying to do right now by the way i was supposed to be here today i'll fly into new york tomorrow i can be there tomorrow mr ackerman okay how does that work i can't do tomorrow i was going to be here anyway i'm trying to close the day let me close the deal i'll figure out how to be in two places at one time later right you some of you in the room they're like hey i can see it four o'clock on tuesday right and the customer says to you i'll see you at 4 o'clock let me look at my calendar like like you're so busy dude that is so old that is so old and it's dishonest [Music] it's dishonest man you want to see me tuesday four o'clock i give you tuesday at four o'clock agree today done done i'll call you if something changes if there's an earthquake between now and next tuesday tuesday morning there's a massive earthquake and i can't be there you think everybody will understand commit first they're gonna rest out later close the deal right now fill your calendar up your calendar's got the devil all over it white space on a calendar and you will meet the devil you don't need to die okay you go two or three days without anything going on how many of you start having doubts you're in hell oh my god this ain't gonna work for me there's nobody coming in i'm not gonna hit my target okay i know what i'll do i'll lower my target that's the devil doing that man that's a criminal never ever if you're taking notes never lower a target never lower a target never lower a target your mom and dad would tell you to lower a target a manager might tell you to lower target be reasonable [Music] be reasonable with yourself just bring it down a little bit no man criminal products are created like that a guy sees the girl that he wants that's the girl she says no he goes to another girl right gave up on his dream if you're going to give up in your own dream how are you going to build an organization need motivation watch a top 10 with believe nation hey it's evan carmichael and i make these videos because you are probably the most ambitious person in your circle but you know you're capable of more and you get that push by surrounding yourself with the best so today let's learn from one of the best grant cardone and my take on his top 10 rules of success enjoy [Music] rule number two let go of things that hinder you you will never ever experience great change in your life unless you're willing to give up something that you have right now every single time in my life i have had to give up something i wanted so i'm not talking about getting rid of the bad stuff you got to get rid of something that you actually worked for to get it might have been the house it might have been oh my kids are in the best schools now it's going to be something painful for you to get to the next place you have to give up something that you worked for really really hard so i sold my house one day i had this cognition hey to get what you want you have to give up what you have that has been true for me throughout my entire life i had to leave lake charles louisiana went went to houston had to leave houston once i got comfortable with my community and my friends had to leave san diego had to go to la la is a pit compared to la jolla nobody goes from la jolla california up to los angeles nobody does that you'll leave kansas city to go to los angeles because you want to be an actor i met elena within five minutes of arriving in l.a i sold my house i sold my house i didn't leave it vacant as a backup plan i left this house okay like i couldn't buy this house today if i wanted to it was so like it was a precious little treasure i had to give that up by the way i had to give up being the mayor of my little town everybody knew me it wasn't a restaurant i couldn't walk into i could always get a seat i could always get the best seat i had it right in my hand this is what i'm telling you guys you have to be willing to give something up and the moment you do you better have your partner on your side whoever's in your life mom whoever is the big influence that significant other person in your life that you're going to consult that everybody's going to consult every one of you are going to hey what do you think should i you better have that person on your side in my case i was by myself so my consultant was like you gonna do this dog i called my buddy dale dale you think i should he's like you're miserable bro you got everything you want and you're miserable he's like what do you have to risk sold the house went to los angeles lived in a hotel i went from a house on the ocean to living in a hotel the hotel room was probably like i don't know maybe the size of this stage so please please do whatever you got to do this weekend to figure out whatever you got to do to get rid of whatever is holding you back most of which is something you worked hard to get okay maybe before the weekend's over you could write down two or three or four things you worked really hard to get that you think you're supposed to keep you got him already you got it you already did that you don't have to keep it rule number three deal with life head on people say the dumbest things it could be family it could be your wife your husband it could be a a mom a dad a uncle an aunt it could be your kids coming from school people say what they think and what they think will be what they say and what they say and think often enough long enough reinforced enough i promise you will be what they do okay so look at some of the dumb things you say like this here's one dumb thing people say time heals all things really you get a splinter in your foot and you don't pull the splinter out you don't look at it confront it and say i gotta pull that little booger out i gotta pull that little splinter out if you just leave it there you might get used to it yeah you'll get used to it 30 years goes by you still got a splinter in your foot who knows that splinter gets into your bloodstream goes to your heart spikes your heart kills you time does not heal all things folks you know what heals all things taking a look at it having the courage to look at it hey what happened to me how did i screw up here what what hurt or what pain or what happened that i had a loss i see people go through life with all these losses unwilling to look at them all crippled by the time they get older not old but they looking old because they believe that time heals look time heals when you confront it when you look at it when you pull the splinter out and take responsibility for it don't believe everything you believe you know what i'm saying cause some of the ideas you got they just dumb and dumb things will cause you to do dumb things rule number four get real financial education for me like i was always scared of money you know and and i was terrified of it so so like if you look at still today like i look at the bill of everything it's a bill of everything if something costs something i want to know how much it was and so like how much is it like i'm going to ask that question whether whether it matters or not um it doesn't matter where i get in my life i don't think i'm ever going to be free of how much was that how much is the dinner how much how much was dinner how much was the tip how much was the code how much was the jacket what did you know me me and elena like elena's like hey it's gonna be fine man like look what look at look look at what you've done we cannot spend this and i'm like how much was it i want to know how much it was because when i grew up do you had to know what things cost and so the point your question about money is it's a terrifying thing because it's the one thing in life that you know the nfl is not going to give me the ball and and i'm never going to get a chance to golf i can't win in those environments but with money everybody gets money it's the one place where everybody gets it and now what do i do and i could lose it now so it's a terrifying concept like like power you know very few of us ever ever get any kind of influence or power right once you get it you're like hey what do i do with this you know am i going to do it am i going to do the right things with it and so i think people withhold themselves because they don't we're not educated about money we don't know where it comes from we have a lot of misinformation about it our parents terrified us you know money doesn't grow in trees uh save your money it'll save you all these these these things our parents told us because they were enamored uh or are encumbered with the same kind of liabilities around money right i don't know how to get it i don't know how to keep it and the third the worst part that we're all at is i don't know how to invest it yeah so what i'll do is i'll some people get good at getting it very few actually fewer people at keeping it but probably more than getting it there's probably a big group in america that have learned how to keep money because they're afraid to lose it they don't want to invest it they don't want to use it they don't want to you know um you know kanye talks about this how white people how white people save all their money and they just keep it they just store it like i had an uncle he buried everything he ever made he went in the backyard wow the other uncle was was uh he was he was a guy that bought he he worked hard very very frugal italian descent and he would uh buy real estate but it was always buy low and sell high he actually never sold anything but that was the concept buy low buy the cheapest lowest get everything on a deal if there's food stamps to be gotten you go get those food stamps if there's a if there's a government deal get it if it's section 8 and the government will pay you pay it so both these guys different kind of mentalities were extremely frugal my other uncle was uh worked in a refinery he basically saved all his money paid everything off got out of debt that was their lifestyle my dad died when i was 10. so he paid all his debt off had everything paid and so that's all i had right everybody around me was like get money keep it keep it don't use it you know but but you should invest but nobody ever learns that third one and and so i think we're just a bunch of people walking around terrified of this this apparent apparency of it's scarce right and it's not and and you know it's not there's nothing scarce about it also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video i've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the lessons learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business i'll see you there rule number five attract success you know i'm always keeping it real with you what has happened to our country that we make our idols and our icons and our heroes rappers and entertainers and ball players and then we show disgust for a businessman that can bank 50 million a year or 20 million a year what is wrong look when a guy can go out and make passive investments great decisions execute show tremendous discipline okay and disconcert between good investments and bad investments and then make 20 million or 30 million bucks pay three or four million dollars in taxes three or four million dollars to his charities his churches his community helps out with groups of people and and we have discontent for the businessman that's out there year after year making great investments great decisions showing leadership in the marketplace look that marketplace out there that economy is the most savage most difficult playing field in the world to negotiate yet who do we admire in our culture rock stars look these guys got great skills kid gets out of school makes 12 million the first year and we make posters of them and sweatshirts and you put their kids in their jerseys what about the business people that make our economy work to pay the taxes that make the schools work the churches work that make the the fire department the police department because they pay taxes because they're out there making great investments look admire business people they're able to bank year after year admire these people study them learn from them don't be disgusted with them and turn off anybody anybody that would suggest to you that making money in this country is wrong look don't envy business people admire them emulate them learn from them particularly these guys are doing it year after year after year not just on income but on wealth development because that's where you need to be that's where you need to be thinking that's the economy you want to create for yourself your family your household and your future rule number six create time don't manage it you know this concept of time management has been pushed off on me my entire life and i have never ever agreed with it i'm like why would i want to manage time why would i what am i going to do how do you manage time what do i do i like okay i'm going to watch these seconds dude i don't want to manage time i want to produce i want to be highly productive i want to squeeze time i literally want to take time and i want to turn 60 minutes into three hours of production that's the different thing that you need today not manage time now there are some tricks when managing time if that's where you want to come from like alan greenspan alan greenspan and his roommate in college his roommate's father taught alan greenspan a little trick that alan greenspan used his whole life and it was to break up the day into 15 minute blocks 15 minutes i have something and then fill up the next 15 minutes now the reason alan did that and i like that concept a lot is because he didn't what white space on that calendar he knew white space was a problem because white space nothing in the 15 minutes is a waste of time see before you start thinking about just managing time first i want you to do this number one i want you to make a list of things that you're doing every day that is a waste of time that is the way you create time not manage it the first thing i want to do is look at things that i'm doing that are wasteful those two or three hours a day that are wasteful moments things i'm doing on facebook that just a waste of time or maybe a game i'm playing that's a waste of time or maybe a newspaper i'm reading where i'm not really learning anything i'm reading about the the celebrities it's a waste of time okay second thing i want you to do is this i want you to then start thinking about these 15-minute blocks and filling that calendar up but the third and most important thing i want you to think about is how can you create time how can you literally take 24 hours and and pack more into it so that you can become more productive so that you can use that urgency concept and really blow up your your career blow up your life make the most incredible life for your family for you for the kids for your wife or your husband and for your clients so that you can take care of yourself materially as well rule number seven focus on discipline 12 years ago we had done maybe i don't know 20 million dollars over the internet we've done over a billion dollars in sales over the internet in the last 12 years okay thank you [Applause] [Music] like you guys got to learn how to use enthusiasm like when you use it use it like the more you use the more you get you're like i'ma save my energy now i don't want to give him too big a hand too early it's really early today come on look man when somebody's successful you ought to throw down that's what i'm talking about see you guys you guys got it y'all got y'all got to quit trying little tricks and gimmicks like if you got to walk on fire to get excited you are ramped up like like if you can't at will whenever you want to for any reason just get excited then you got a problem okay because in real in the real world you can't you can't be in the middle of a meeting and i'm trying to get her to give me like a hundred million dollars and i'm not i'm feeling a little depressed or bad right now or i got my attention on my kids and and i'm like okay [Music] everybody's gonna be like nah we weren't gonna give you 100 until you started pumping your chest right you can't say hang on a second man i got to go into a state change like that's not real you guys understand you have to be able to that's a gimmick and gimmicks take time okay and gimmicks cannot be duplicated what can be duplicated are disciplines and that's what you're going to be we're going to be sharing with you over the next three days disciplines can be duplicated if you've seen my children okay if you've how many of you see sabrina and scarlet those are disciplines okay if they were in here right now they could get on that stage and talk to you they know how to look you and eyes they know how to shake your hand because they have been taught how to communicate we spend less time on teaching them how to count than we do communicate connect with people okay we have them home schooled the home school teacher what do you want to learn you just keep teaching them what i'm teaching them you teach them confidence you teach employees you teach them the ability to communicate be dangerous not careful okay we teach our kids how to be dangerous i teach my kids how to meet strangers and greet strangers we teach our kids that strangers have everything they want and strangers are not dangerous okay is there danger in the society yeah that's what those guys are for over there so i'm gonna put my kids an environment where they can meet 99 of the people and feel safe to meet them talk to them communicate with them so i want to make sure that my kids can walk into an environment and have zero concern about him her or him and they can walk out and say hey i want to meet you because strangers have everything that you want the people you don't know and haven't met these guys these guys dressed in their robes what do you call the robes the condor okay i have one in my closet by the way i love the condor i put the condor on one time and i was like i'm a bad bad man dude i felt so freaking powerful it was amazing okay i grew a beard and i'm like now i'm a man okay give me a camel okay it was like it was like phenomenal right like but but you you guys need to have that kind of swag everywhere in life and regardless how old you are 25 and you're like i'm too young to have swag or 55 and now you're too old it's not true you just need to get the confidence the bravado not fake it you don't need to fake it you need to you need to get you need to get confidence if i could get rid of this right here in life if i could get rid of these downs man how confident would i be i mean like i'm going into every deal i'm a win and that is possible folks okay but it starts with who knows me because if i'm walking around this planet and nobody knows me i'm gonna be terrified rule number eight be who you are be a better guy man you know just be a good guy and be b you know the thing i'm proud of is i get to be grant all the time you know i'm actually getting to the point where i'm like hey man i finally got to be when i i finally became what i wanted to be what was that me yeah you know that i don't have to apologize anymore and then i quit screwing up and i quit having to call people and say hey man like i said i went too far you know if i could just pull some of that back without that drug that that psychiatrist was trying to use right you know that if i'm less dependent upon aggression you know and i could i could kind of manifest more you know like you you talk about better let it flow more let it flow dude let it flow you know but but if i could get that perfect balance of aggression and flow that's a sweet spot yeah it's sweet dude it's hard to find that thing spot you know to be that i don't want to be i don't want to be the little stream that drips you know i want to be like but i don't want to damage anybody right i don't want to hurt anybody you know i don't want to i don't want to be in competition anymore mm-hmm but i also don't want to lose the edge right you know it's a dance dude it's a dance match you know like like your girl said to me the other night she's like she said something before she left she's like i really get who you are you know that and that hits me when people say that to me most people don't get who i am um that's beautiful you know and she said i really get who you are yeah and and a lot of people don't yeah and it sometimes it hurts right because i know who i really am yeah and but i also know the things i'm trying to accomplish for me you know like ryan ryan gets who i am you know ryan ryan never takes me on man you're you're the best queen you're the best he just he strokes me right right through it and and and you know my wife i can see my wife she gets she gets tired of the the the pounding you know but hey man i just you know i'm a right-handed hitter you know or i got i got a certain ball that i throw a certain shot i make and yeah it's my go-to you know and when i get threatened i'm going to go to that and now if i could develop some other set of skills you know that would be that would be a cool thing rule number nine avoid negative people the thing is not to just be positive not even to offer this no negativity policy that i talk about the way to avoid uh negative and distracting people man is to vibrate at a rate so fast okay that you're out in front of them once i got a speeding ticket actually here in miami and the police officer says why are you speeding why are you in such a hurry i'm like dude i'm trying to stay away from the crazies okay if i can just get ahead of everybody else i'm not distracted by anybody but guys like you and your job is to stop me but the truth is their job is to stop me distract me and cause me to turn around and and stop my mission see so i got my ticket and moved on and went to the head of the pack again see this is what i'm telling you man look if you want to not be bogged down by negative distracted people you need to take responsibility that you're slowing down enough to get caught up by this magnetic charge of distracted and negative people do you need to vibrate so fast that these people are distracting other people not you get way ahead of the crowd get so busy that nobody's gonna jack with you man because you're filling up your pipeline you're full you're busy and you don't have this stuff sticking to you look if you got negative people around you if you got distracted people and we all do but if it's causing you to be distracted and negative dude you need to vibrate you need to fill up your pipeline you need to explode blow up get busy so this isn't happening to you because you're partly responsible fill your pipeline up and rule number 10 the last one before some very special bonus clips is don't quit what are you willing to give up you guys got to keep assessing the situation and not be not be broad stroke about it and say oh i'm not going to be a dilite or i'm going to be a professional i'm going to i'm not going to no no but what are you going to give up there are times though again when i will give up that agreement see like one of the things i have on here being right you have to give up being right you know you can't can't want to be be right and be successful they don't even go together it's impossible so again i'm willing to give the up being right just kind of don't quit man if you don't quit if you don't quit you can't fail it's impossible failure becomes impossible for those that don't quit it's impossible just think about it if i keep moving towards the destination if i if i'm if i'm going through the alphabet a b c d e dude if you just keep going all the way to z you finish the alphabet you break your leg along the way somebody cuts your tongue out you get waterboarded you get a divorce you lose your dad you lose a puppy if you get the z you finish the alphabet period and boy when i heard that i'm like goddamn what was i thinking i was thinking i could fail i can't fail if i don't quit so so that means i got to get rid i got to dump people out of the car though along the way right but we had to get rid of a whole bunch of people i i have to get rid of people how many people have been have gone johnny i mean guys like if you saw the wreckage like so much you don't see it you know oh i'm not saying get rid of people i'm just saying like like like what are you willing to give up okay on my list i've given up a house i've given up money i gave up my retirement accounts i had millions of dollars sitting in retirement accounts i paid the penalty to get the money because it was a mistake years ago i got convinced by the banks to build an ira or a 401k because i was trying to figure out how to exit actually the people that were giving me the advice were telling me to figure out how to exit you're planning an exit when you're 30 and it's stupid think about what you're doing you're not going to retire until you're 70 and the rich people never worry about their retirement accounts warren buffett has not got a 401k he's got coca-cola see the difference see the difference in the think okay so so like like you you guys have to take a look at what you know that is now a liability what you know to be true that has become a liability for you and if you just study the middle class of america study the entire structure of the american economy you will see you will see where a lot of these liabilities exist that that are or are core values that you have not just for you but for the entire population of people and and like if you just look at the structure of america 311 million people most of them are not doing well you hear about it every day so the solution is let's give everybody college you know let's give everybody well college could be one of the problems look you know let's make sure everybody gets through high school okay could be one of the problems actually that it takes 12 years to learn how to count and still no product really so anyway i'm not saying i'm not worried about trying to change all that i'm just saying you might want to look at how some of that has influenced you you know the retirement accounts the life insurance how many of you got life insurance how many of you got some cash value sitting there somehow dude get the money don't wait till you die how do you build wealth and stay happy at the same time well number one is i don't think you know money will not make you happy like if you're not happy you're not happy so it'll make you jubilant and it'll make you giddy for a second you know if i dropped off 100 million you know at your feet right now uh it would definitely change your attitude for a bit but sooner or later you're coming back you're coming back to your your your happiness level i've never tried to get money to make me happy ever i have never thought oh i'm gonna go get x money this much money and i'm gonna somehow be happier i've never ever i don't even know where this concept came from the connection between the two you know i go to the gym i think i'm gonna build muscle i go to the water fountain i think i'm gonna quench a thirst i go to a football game i think i'm gonna be entertained i get money i never think about okay i'm gonna get 10 million bucks and i'm gonna suddenly be happy now i never i never even think about it like that i'm gonna get 10 million and then i'm gonna invest it and i'm gonna pick up 30 million on the next swing and i'm gonna take 30 million and convert that to 90 million i'm going to take that and convert it into 270 and i'm going to get to you know blah blah blah right and then what am i going to do with it but dude i'm never thinking about it it's going to make me happy best advice i ever received my mom said hey invest in yourself you'll never lose i have reminded myself of that so many times workshops i go to uh events that i attend where i'm going as somebody to get educated okay books that i've read i'm like it's not a waste of time even even if you don't think you learn anything it is not a waste of time you think you think you haven't that it was a waste of time or you didn't learn anything because you hadn't used it yet you may use that piece of data one day and so number one anything you invest in time or or or money and trying to improve yourself you're not going to lose that the beauty salon the restaurant the bar the bar owner the consultant we've all had the experience of resenting our customers starting not to like them and it's because we become dependent upon them we have too few if we're resenting our customer what is that saying about us that we're not building our brand that we're not growing that we're not selling enough yeah you didn't go you didn't you didn't build the top of your funnel out enough because this this part of it's easy even though you hate them they never pay you money this is the kind of stuff that goes on they don't pay me enough they always complain they never use the product no matter what i do for them they and complain okay they're never happy blah blah blah right well the truth is those are indications that you didn't build your your customer base wide enough because you now resent them your resentment is an indication that you rely on them too much and every time they complain to you it reminds you that i'm too reliant on too little and and we've all done it we all do it i've done it uh right now i'm doing it in my real estate i told my guy ryan the other day i said we're depending on this one guy too much and he's like why do you say that because i'm starting to resent him so what's the first thing we should do what are those what's the action steps after that when we resent our customers you got it you got you got to understand it's not about them it's about you it has nothing to do with them you need to go wide you need to go get more customers if you resent facebook if you if if facebook pisses you off it is because you are too reliant on face the book it's money's pretty simple too how do you get it how do you keep it how do you multiply it most people most people spend their whole life just getting it they never know how to keep it um i mean we don't even understand basic stuff that currency is basically uh comes from the word current where something is moving you don't actually get to have own money you don't own the money the money is going to go some other place and um so yeah it's unfortunate but we're taught nothing on that subject how do you maintain a positive opportunistic upbeat attitude during times like this you know i look i struggle with it just like everybody else this is not an easy time it's scary uncertainties everywhere bad news everywhere uh the thing the thing that i continue to do is i was just telling jared a few minutes ago we're just thinking too small you know let's let's we're thinking too small and so like i'm like where am i going where am i trying to get to uh because i could be seduced into a beach right now pretty easily i'm gonna go lay on the beach and i don't need to do all this you know and then i'm like wait a minute there's no beaches open either like there's the caribbean shut down the damn st bart's is shut down there's uh everywhere you go there's problems right so there's no getting away from that where am i going yeah so so i the thing i need to wake up every morning hey i'm still going for 10 billion worth of real estate maybe 20 yeah why not 30. so how do i do that got to stay relevant got to keep paying my bills got to take care of my properties got to show people that i know how to get through tough you can't expand if you if you fold every hand you can't win if you fold every hand so you got to play the cards you got right now it's tough and then but i have to keep making contacts with people that can actually benefit me in 21 22 23. i got i got to be i got to be a beacon of possibility and potential and future uh so so that when we go when things start lifting off and we can do deals um i'm relevant to the conversation and i got to cross my fingers dude and just believe that i got to believe that things are going to get better you take care of yourself every day you got to do the work some things you cannot delegate taking care of your body food you eat somebody can cook it for you you still got to put it in and then you got to take care of yourself and then you got to take your ideas and your dreams only you know what they really are and only you and you alone know what your real potential is your wife can't do that for you your husband can't your boss can't your manager can't god's not gonna even do it for you folks you to do that you want to be in good shape you can pray for all you want you want to get your money right you can pray for it but you got to do the work your destiny is waiting for you but you got to do the work what's your biggest um tip for anyone who you know they obviously have all intention purposes to to want to collaborate what are some of the the the best ins or the best ways around money money of course pay money pay the price money works yeah pay to play yep universal language planet earth pay to play you know whatever people i was doing before our last conference and maybe we wrapping up with this before our last conference a guy came in my office from a big bank and said hey i want to uh i want to talk to you about lending you some money for multi for your apartment building so i'm like great have you bought a ticket to my conference no i haven't i said i don't have time for you so it's like pay to play man it is the simplest hack on planet earth i'm gonna take garbage pieces of paper dumb little pieces of rectangle paper and give them to you to speed up my process i don't know why i don't know why i didn't know this for 45 years yeah and and i don't know why i was so hung up on trading paper for access it's what all the big players do yeah i mean i even had this arrogant thing i'm not paying i'm not paying to connect up like dude this is how everything works on this planet rule number eight get big every city i've ever been to when i work with ceos they say number one problem here is the people i said then you need to get better so to the degree that you're having problems with people you got to get better and it starts with you and you're only going to hire the people like we we have people come to us i'm turning resumes down i'm like i can't see enough people like i got people that too so so many people want to work with us because we're successful right and if you want good people get big yeah everybody wants to work at facebook okay the average person at facebook makes 250 just under 250 a year which by the way if you do any kind of financial literacy you would know that guy walks away with 60 grand 250 in silicon valley converts to 60 000 bucks after all his expenses he's broke he might not have 60 by the way so um you know just you're going to have to go through a bunch of people recruiting should be the number one thing for every company out there every entrepreneur first thing you should look for is not a sale that's what i did wrong i was looking for a sale i should have been looking for a recruit um so focus more on team building than just sales sales sales now now well you need to recruit recruit recruit recruit and that means you need to pay people now we're back to that other ugly problem that nobody wants to talk about i need some money everybody wants to be the boss nobody wants to pay the invoice success is a contact sport you cannot be successful if you don't make contact you guys interview people and then you never follow anybody up man nobody follows anybody up i spent i spent two million dollars with a lawyer that's never called me back same thing for the bar birth same thing for the cosmetologist same thing for the plumber same thing for the roofer dude you guys don't call people back because you think they're not interested do you think i'm only going to have one car accident people that have one car accident end up in three of them okay divorcees guy gets a divorce everybody here knows somebody's got four of them but he ends up with four different attorneys like you guys don't follow up you are a business not a lawyer the chiropractor has the same problem he goes and spends all this money on equipment he knows how to do an adjustment he doesn't know how to build a business do you think from a marriage perspective or from a partner perspective where you've got this hunger to go and build a business because i i speak from my own experience here in the sense of if i'm not in a good space with my wife or we might argue or something's not right i couldn't give a about building yeah yeah big business right like that i agree with that i agree with that what advice do you have if i didn't care i mean if my marriage was falling apart right now i would still care about my business because my business is like my business like my my dreams are so native to me meaning they're innate they're that they were with me before the kids and before her i'm not giving those up and that's all i told her when i got married to her i said look i i will give anything up but i will not give those up she's like i don't want you to i want i want to see if i can make them bigger i'm like now you're my girl so so that's what i want like i don't want to give up and i don't want her to give up on her dreams right and then if the two dreams can come together right yeah and then and then the marriage is going to be cool there's going to be bumpy spots and working all that out and who's doing what and you said this and we correct each other all the time and i wish you wouldn't have said that and whatever you know i got a big mouth um but you know i think the spiritual condition it should be first and and and then that'll that'll handle the marriage thing because for me my dreams are a spiritual condition they're like the things i want to do the things i've always dreamed of the things that satisfy me and make me feel with filled like of a spiritual nature it's not really about money for me i respect a hundred dollars so if you give me a hundred dollars you know i respect that as a lot of money now that being said it's not gonna be a lot for very long and if you got two kids that need to eat today it depends on what your needs are right i got a wife and two kids so i mean a hundred dollars probably gonna last the whole day uh but a hundred dollars for a minute that's a lot of money now if i could if i could figure out how to get more money coming in the it's only a lot of money if you got more money coming in i understand because i can all i can probably exhaust almost any amount of money this is this is the problem with the the nfl the nba the mlb the the the rappers when they move on they got a pile of money but what they don't have is more money coming in gotcha and and so now you know a million dollars is a lot of money if you got a thousand dollars every day coming in because you can't get through it i always tell elena i said dude as long as we make a dollar more because of my net worth if i make a dollar just one dollar every day i mean one dollar today is a lot of money because it me it means i never go backwards no one thing no one thing will blow a good relationship there's not one thing i can tell my wife my wife says hey you're getting fat okay what is that how's that gonna hurt me y'all gotta get hard man y'all to practice being hard y'all got to practice telling people the truth you all got to practice being hard on yourselves you got to practice maybe not taking every weekend off okay i had a bunch of people leave my office the other night at six o'clock dave robarts is walking out of here all these guys walking out at 603 natasha's leaving at 6 00. i'm like oh you guys are all rich now huh why do you think you got to leave why do you guys think you've earned the right to leave at six o'clock right why do you guys think you've earned the right to charge over time for everything that you do over time well i need to get my overtime no you don't you need to add value is what you need to do you need to get hard on yourself i have belief now i know i know what i can do now once you know what you can do then you can do it a second time and that's why so many people can go bankrupt and then come come right back because they know now the first time you do it you don't know the second time you do it you're like i think maybe the third and fourth time you're like i know for sure i could do this before you diversify go go bang on another door yeah you need to become the freaking doorbanging of the universe so i want to talk about that right because can i use that word here you need to become like you need to go bang yeah you need to go bang on the door they tell you to get out of the neighborhood and you go figure out how to bang on it again and not get arrested yeah like if you can figure that gig out i guarantee you you will be the most successful person your genetic code has ever generated yeah anyone in your family everybody i know says man learn how to cold call i i have the career i have today because i'm because i learned how to cold so if you took everything away from me right now the things that are most valuable to me you can't take away so you take the plane away you take the money away take the real estate poor the portfolio away three years from now i'll be bigger than i was because now i have courage if you guys can just find your courage man and that that's a muscle you got to go build a muscle of courage i have courage nobody can take that away from you can't steal it from me can't beat it out of me what were the lessons you learned uh you know starting from essentially zero having no money no context no uh relationships no opportunities in a town that you went to for this show what did you realize were the keys to actually making money even if you didn't have any well as you see the show you see that i actually never make any money right so uh the two girls they they actually they follow three of us and the two girls went out and got a job in the first week and and i'm not saying that's right or wrong or my way is more better or worse but but they are strategies okay they're different strategies i was not there to get a job or to earn money i was there looking for one thing opportunity i never spent time looking for money ever the entire uh 90 days okay i'm not looking for money i was actually looking for contracts through the contacts i wasn't looking for money because i knew the evaluation of the company in the last um segment an evaluator will come in and determine what my company's worth my new company right that i created and at that point i just need to validate to him dude my company's worth this based on that the entire 90 days i never touched the first hundred they gave me and this was to prove to people do you do not need money like it's just it's not true you need money you do need contacts you need people you need people you need people you need the right people though the right people that are already in play okay just because the guy's got money i remember a a billionaire friend of mine uh you know he could buy a jet and i said hey bob should i buy a jet he said you should i shouldn't meaning grant should because and he's way wealthier than i am he could have bought 40 of them he's like i don't have a place to go in mine you have a you can use yours every day so you've got to find somebody that's in place somebody that not just has money but somebody that wants to do more with their money so you'll notice in the first uh 10 days i don't spend a hun any money i don't spend money on shelter not on food and not on water nothing then what i do is i end up accumulating assets and it's unfortunate that the viewer doesn't see this within five days i have two vehicles one was given to me by discovery and the other one was a forty thousand dollar jeep that i basically used uh from ryan this guy i met and told him i'm gonna sell your jeep i'm gonna drive it around town and put 10 miles a day on it and i'm gonna sell it well that's a forty three thousand dollar asset uh my truck was worth four grand i still had my hundred dollars i lived in a forty six thousand dollar rv that i was trying to sell so yeah and then what what's the other thing i did and i picked up ten thousand dollars to do in a 15 partnership in the equity of the upside of this guy's company so literally in 10 days i was accumulating contacts that could get me equity and the important part of that story is man go get you some equity you know jay-z talks about this you're getting you know so many of you young brothers are getting in advance while i'm picking up the equity when uh kovit happened in the country shut down i flew in i told i told my guys i'm like hey guys i want to get rid of an entire department 43 people and they're like you're overreacting i said good sleep on it we'll talk tomorrow okay so that next morning i called him at eight o'clock i'm like are you guys ready to let kill the department no we're not i said well good kill the department it's not your call it's my call wow i don't need your support on it eliminate the department there was two reasons i did that number one i needed i needed our attention by the way it is the dream department of this company i've tried to put this department together for seven years and failed and i'm still gonna do it it's a big dream of mine so i had to give up a dream of mine now this is this is one of my principles of success dude if you want to move give up something give something up surrender something you love like 43 people did lose their job okay it's terrible 40 million would lose their job in the next four months my 43 were the first i was probably the first person to let people go in america one of the things i built my entire career over one thing that probably has me responsible for more deals more closes more companies more business than any other single thing i've done in my career write the deal up okay when i'm buying real estate i've bought and sold 750 million dollars worth of real estate every one of them every property i bought was a sales game it was all a sales game first i had to get my finances right second thing i had to do was make a call follow the guy up he's trying to sell a property i gotta find out why would you sell it to me how can i get in his circle of influence okay how can i get their attention how can i then follow them up to keep their attention every real estate deal i've ever bought required me to follow up just to buy the deal which is a sales job three i had to use my mixed pass to get the deal for i had to write a deal up i can talk till i'm blue in the face there's a there's a guy i wanted to buy his property he wouldn't respond to my phone call so what i did was send him an loi a letter of intent to purchase his property number four if you don't get to the write-up nothing matters you guys in retail you guys and gals in retail if you're not writing the customer up you're showing the product presenting the product walking around the product and you never write them up you will never close the deal every deal you have ever closed in your entire lifetime guarantee you wrote it up you didn't talk about it to close it you had them on a contract on a proposal somebody had to sign something to buy it you wrote them up i was married to my business i was not going to do this until i had money was that a good decision one thousand percent or like if would if you had a relationship you're not accelerating no no no no explain that because i was the dream and i believe this i told my wife when i got with her i said look i'll do anything for you except one thing i will not give up on that dream if i got to surrender my dream i'd rather be alone because if i abandon my dream i'll abandon you i truly believe that i see so many people man they give up their dream for the wife they give up their dream for the husband they give up their and then and then the wife and the husband get together and they have kids and then they give up their dream again because of the kids and i said the day we have kids we cannot blame the kids for not going after our potential and our dreams if we ever have kids when we were getting together and she wasn't ready to have kids she wasn't even ready for me and and so i knew she was the right person for me and i'm like look i'll give you anything monogamy i'll never cheat on you i'll never jack around on you i'll take care of you i'll provide you with a life that you can only dream of this was 12 years ago i mean this is way before grant really hit full grant and which she's really um added to and made it easier but um i said look if you if i got to be less than who i'm meant to be to be with you that's powerful can't give you that that's strong so i said i got books in me this was before i'd ever written a book i said i got books in me i'm gonna do the biggest events in the world i'm gonna do a tv show okay i will i will be known by millions if not billions of people and i will leave a legacy and and and that that has been with me before i ever met you amazing and i'm not giving that up because if i give that up i'll give you up i mean different people have different ways they invest but they tend to be more focused on the long-term appreciation of an asset rather than give me money this second and and i think they get they're they're not stuck in this get rich quick thing it's a delayed gratification yeah they're more like yeah i'd rather have wealth tomorrow than rich today and they do have a distinction between the rich and the wealthy the you know the super wealthy are looking to create wealth beyond their own means and needs like they're not thinking about their kids their boat their plane i know people think that but that's not actually true they're actually thinking about how do i create wealth for a lot of people amazon's got a million employees yeah now most of them only earn minimum wage but there's some people at the upper level of amazon that are making fortunes training if you're not going to train then put a sign on your desk i quit learning a long time ago and see how many people want to buy from you tell your family go home and tell your wife and your kids i quit learning i quit reading i quit studying i quit training i can't get any better put on there done i'm finished i'm in retirement early i'm going to purgatory i'm going to wait it out cross my fingers and hope they bring me to sales heaven look you're done if you don't train okay now i know you know this you've heard it i hate to tell you this my boy mcgregor connor conor mcgregor or mcgregor my boy conor mcgregor okay i went and saw him fight in new york i went and saw him fight for one reason because i saw him say i'm not the best this isn't about talent it's cause i'm obsessed i out train everyone else i have to win so bad i train look if you're not training that says something about your obsession or lack of obsession with winning i want you to win i know your your wife or your husband your spouse your family members your kids your mom and dad want you to win at the next level no matter what they tell you even if they tell you you're doing great pat you in the back you know the truth you know the truth the only way to win is to train the only way to win is to read the only way to win is to learn learn more listen more learn something new look we're in a we're in a time like we've never been before technology's come and go faster than people do things are changing like this whether it's video you're using or social media or snap or or short videos or videos that disappear or videos that say or text messaging that you can create to push and market and brand yourself called text messaging which i've been using a lot look the world's changing and if you're saying to yourself i'm too old to learn that well then guess what you're too old to learn that if you can't learn anything new just put i'm ripe and i'm about to fall off the tree and nobody's going to want me look man you got to train every single day like your life depends on it train every single day i am here today i own these four companies that i own the studio my reputation everything is because when i was 25 years old to when i was 30 years old every single day i trained watching video every day i'd watch the video i'd walk in and then i would role play and then we would do a sales meeting every single day if you want more top 10 videos they're not on this channel anymore i have a dedicated channel just for it go check it out the link is right there next to me continue to believe and i'll see you there
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 11,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, grant cardone, success motivation, #Believe, work to your potential, grant cardone motivation, best of grant cardone, grant cardone top 10 rules for success, grant cardone advice, evan carmichael top 10 rules, evan carmichael motivation, grant cardone interview, entrepreneur advice from grant cardone, real estate, motivational video, how to become a millionaire, real estate investing
Id: RY6eSW9fBX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 6sec (3366 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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