How To Get Started In Sim Racing

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hey guys Jimmy here and welcome back to another video in today's video I'm going to be answering a question that I have been asked a ton over the course of my youtube air quotes career both on stream and on videos and that is Jimmy as a simple prep how do I get into simracing it's been my opinion for some time now that simracing can be quite intimidating to get into firstly because of the community some people in the community are quite elitist and monkey for the time of day if we don't know what you're talking about those people suck by the way and also because there's a lot of hardware and software involved it can be a little bit overwhelming if you go to Amazon or something type in steering wheel for PC and you're met with pages of pages of responses so I'm hoping maybe I can help out a bit with that today but rambling introductions over let's get into the video now the footage you're seeing on your screen at the moment is probably a gamer you will recognize if you're watching this video the clip you're watching in the background now is taken from a recent Super GT stream as in the youtuber not the racing series Steve is a really cool guy and does a great job of highlighting the simulation elements that can be found in both Gran Turismo and Forza using a gamepad of all things now as I've already alluded to there are people in the sim racing community who would scoff at somebody using a gamepad and driving in the chase can but I want you to look at the footage of it more closely in this stream Super Duty was trying to eke out as much time possible from his Corvette c7.r at Sebring he was hot lapping in order to go fast in any racing game you need to learn how to control oversteer how to control understeer when to hit the throttle out of a corner when to brake and of course very importantly what line to take through the corner and games like Gran Turismo and Forza do a fantastic job of teaching this more importantly all this theory of driving can be learnt whilst using a gamepad and I say that for experience I personally used a gamepad up until 2012 there were lots of console games I I played the absolute hell out of the ground Christmas series and it was during Gran Turismo 5 frame that I thought you know what I want to upgrade to a will and all my experiences with a gamepad really held the transfer to the wheel and gave me a good basis and a good sort of set of building blocks to start with I actually recently had the opportunity to compare myself to superduty in a racing sim with a will as opposed to a controller and bear in mind that I Drive exclusively with a will and Super Duty sort of goes between the two we both drove at the same circuit and even after hours of practice I was only about seven or eight tenths of a second faster than him around the same circuit in the same car so obviously those skills transfer in some way in my mind games like Forza and Gran Turismo are a fantastic springboard into a more serious simulation such as AI racing or R factor 2 basically console clubs are best clubs so we're now at the point of transitioning between a console and a PC sim and it can get expensive here but it doesn't have to be as pricey as you think it's worth remembering that sim racing is a niche within a niche racing games on console racing games on PC sim racing games on PC so the equipment is quite specialized and can go for a lot of money for example my current racing rig excluding PC is probably worth about three and a half thousand pounds and before you close this video and think oh nope nope nope definitely not you don't have to spend anywhere near that amount of money to be competitive in fact I think my first set up my first rig setup cost about a 10th of that amount about three hundred and fifty pounds or so and even that 350 pounds at the time of purchase could be considered mid-range I did a video recently where I went onto Amazon and just onto eBay etcetera to try and find a good simracing set up or a good weird and peddle set for under a hundred pounds I think the best one I found was 17 pounds so there are options at every price point I will give you guys a couple of recommendations however if you are struggling to find something that suits you and your budget the first and the wheel that I recommend the most pretty much anywhere is a secondhand logitech DF GT if you're lucky you can pick this up for under a hundred pounds and it includes a sequential shifter paddle shift buttons in the and pedals so that's probably the best bang for your buck at that price if you want something new then consider the logitech the g9 20 or g29 the most recent project release or its rival the frost master t-150 both are very good wheels to start with and will have you feeling immerse in your favorite sim in no time which brings us very nicely onto our next point which is which similar software should I go for now this is the part of the video that will divide a lot of people in terms of opinions I'm going to just give you mine from someone who works with Sims pretty much every day of course you're all entitled to your own but this is how I would go down via choosing of the sim route when you're starting off I think it's very important to drive as many different cars as possible to sort of find what you're interested in what you enjoy driving for example I really enjoy driving things with lots of power because that always fun and with lots of downforce which is why you see a lot of lmp1 content a lot of f1 content on my channel because those are the cars that I enjoy driving the most however that's only one small part of sim racing and racing in general of course you have gt3 cars which are more based on the mechanical grip historic cars which you slide around every corner and fight with to go in the straight line which can be a lot of fun of course and even road cars as well they exist in various Sims for that reason I would recommend you for choosing assetto corsa or project cars to is a place to start because both include a lot of content both tracks and cars and will give you a nice idea of what you are into as a driver however if you want to skip all that and just race people online then maybe you consider a similar like a racer that I racing is very expensive there is no way around it I'll let you go and check out the price for yourself in your own spare time but the reason for this is because it offers an unparalleled on the line racing experience so if you want to race people in a PvP sort of atmosphere then iRacing is the way to go if money was no object I'd say go out there and get all the sim because they all offer something different they all do things better than each other and do things worth to each other as well and now someone like me who is just a complete simracing fanatic whenever anything new comes out in the sim I'm on it straight away I did that even before I had a new Pew chapter but of course I understand that that's not really going to be applicable to everybody and last but not least I want to talk about community now I make it no secret that if I didn't have the awesome community of friends that I have in the simracing I don't think that I'd still be driving now or I'd still be as interested in the hobby as I am it's really great to sit down and bounce ideas off each other for car setup for maybe a different way to take a corner and when someone understands that really nerdy thing that you enjoy it's a really great feeling I'm sure some of you will know already so my recommendations to get involved in communities would be to get involved in forums don't be afraid to ask questions there are a lot of people out there who are very accommodating for that sort of thing to name a couple of places there is race department which is a really nice place to get mods for games and just discuss various sims in general the GT Panic forums which sort of started on Gran Turismo but as branched out a bit recently and again a nice friendly community over there and lastly in terms of community I'm going to recommend my own discord server the reason for that is we have nearly 2,000 sim racing fanatics in there now so we have quite an expansive shared knowledge of our hobby so if you have any questions about your will your PC etc there's likely going to be someone there who knows the answer we're very friendly Bunch and we pride ourselves on being as accommodating as possible so feel free to drop by if you want to but I think that's actually it for our very basic guide on how to get into sim racing if you found the video informative at all or enjoyed it in any way then please help me out by hitting the right button and maybe subscribing to be notified of my future releases I'm very curious to know what you guys think of this video because I've been meaning to do some more introductory stuff the sim racing for a while because I feel like this content doesn't really exist on YouTube and others has at the start live video I think it would be quite intimidating to get into a hobby when there's so much to learn and to quickly add to that before I go if you do have any questions about anything that I've said today or just about sim racing in general just pop them in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer it but thanks so much for watching guys take care have an awesome day and I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Jimmy Broadbent
Views: 992,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onboard, crash, iracing, rfactor, NASCAR, FORMULA ONE, sim racing, thrustmaster, t500rs, logitech, schumacher, senna, nurburgring, alfa romeo, bmw, lotus, ferrari, Spa, Porsche, BMW, MCLAREN, FORD, How to, VR, Oculus rift, guide, tutorial
Id: QFvuukfmozw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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