How to get started in React Native - Your First App in 2024

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what's up guys in this video I will show you how to create a first application in react native very easy and very fast this video is just going to be covering the project setup so we can create our first application I recommend using visual studio code for editor which is very easy to use and it's completely free now in Google we're type in react native and we're going to go to the first link which is react native. DV this is the website of react native with which we can create mobile applications for Android and iOS and more using react this is Javascript code rendered with native code we're going to click get started and going to the documentation because that's going to tell us what we need to do to set up the project there are two ways to create react native application One is using a thirdparty plug-in is Expo which makes everything very simple for getting started and then there's the more official one which is more bare and more complicated for getting started I definitely recommend using Expo to create an app with Expo first you need to install node joys it it's very easy to install just by clicking next until the end end I also recommended you to install git git is the same as CMD or command prompt it's very preferable to use it in react native projects because it is much easier to use and can be connected to GitHub in the following videos we will talk more about git and [Music] GitHub git is also very easy to install just by clicking next until the end when git is installed there are three parts of git git bash G guy and git CMD we will use git bash in git bash there are different commands CD is used to to change the direction LS is a list command that shows us the files and folders located in this directory CD takes you back One Direction ECT now we are opening Visual Studio code create a folder for react native projects and git bash can also be used within VIs ual Studio code by clicking on the toolbar terminal new terminal and clicking get bash now in git bash we Mark the command to create an app in react native using the easiest way through Expo the command to create the application is npx create Expo app and the name of the project the creation of the application may take a few minutes due to the installation of all the necessary packages before opening the application we are first opening the Expo website as you can see you can install Expo go on both Android and iOS mobile systems in both mobile systems the use of Expo go is free the command to open the application is npx Expo start oops we forgot to enter the application directory now again start command after we have installed the expoo application on mobile phones we can open the application using the QR code that appears above well we will open it on the web by clicking W in keyboard while you can open it on your phones without any problem just make sure that your mobile phone is on the same Wi-Fi as your lap laptop or PC oops to open it on the web you need to install another package link above this is the view that opens to us at the beginning appjs is the main file the code in this file is jsx Javascript XML also the tags are not HTML but they are special react native tags the tags we use must be imported from The Librarians that are in the node Jo J's package that we installed at the beginning in react native the CSS annotation is the same as it is in JavaScript but here you cannot create a separate file with the suffix sty SS if we Mark something in the code the change is executed immediately on the web or on the mobile phone here are some of the react native libraries that are inside the node bz package photos or videos or other materials can be placed in the assets folder app Json tells us the data about the application this is also the folder for the Expo thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dev Solutions
Views: 7,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dt3B7W-dFi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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