I Discovered the Secret to US30 Trading (Strategy)

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I applied my trading strategy to us30 I'm going to show you how you can catch bottoms up like this then I'm going to show you what happens if you try and predict a reversal for a big downwards move so I'm going to show you all of that in this video before I break it down something very important is that us session right here goes from 1pm until 10 pm and this is in British time so obviously that's 8 A.M in Eastern Standard Time or whatever you are but the important thing is NYS e open which is important for us 30 is at 2 30 PM which is an hour and a half after the US Market opens so whatever time zone you're in this is an hour and a half after the US Market opens and what you need to know about this is that US Open we count all of the zones made the bank zones all of these made in U.S session so this can be from one until ten this is where we get our zones from from this whole period here but we only take entries from 2 30 p.m you need to know that before we get into it this is where us 30 differs from any other pair now you know that let's break the strategy down I'm only going to be showing you the lower time frames of how the banks actually use levels to move the markets in this video otherwise it would take way too long I've got other videos on higher time frames and I've got a full course on it which is the first link in the description if you want to know everything so this is just before 2 30 PM so just before you would be looking to enter into the market and at this point I've got nothing on my chart so you're thinking what am I going to be looking at in terms of lower time frames of where the market is going to move from and where it's going to move to so from this point we're thinking where are our us session Bank zones around this price so we're around the three three four zero zero Mark so we look left and we say what are previous Bank zones that we've had around this price and there wasn't anything there and then here we can see in US session so this was at 4 30 we had a Zone right here I'm just going to take it to the left to see if it actually was a true Zone we take it all the way to the left this price was traded and you can see right here again at 5 PM it was rejected as well so this is definitely a bank Zone every time in U.S session we tap into it we seem to drop off hard it seems to be a point of Interest so if we take this across and take it over today these are the zones that we're looking at to actually take trades from so we're looking for a buy off of this Zone once we can start looking for entries and where are we going to be targeting to well we've got to look at Banks onto the left again but up this time so initially I can see that in US session the previous day at 4 30 we had a bank Zone up there so we could Target that is there anything lower down we can see that in U.S session here right at the end of the previous US session before yesterday we had that banks on there that was the high that was created in Friday's US session so we now have two zones to go off we can Target each of these so we now have a plan going into the session all we're going to be looking for is a drop into our bank zone for them push into there or into there now yes you would often have to look for other bank zones but in this case the next one is so far down there that we wouldn't be expecting buys from that zone so this is the the only one of interest for this time so now I'm going to take it to the lower time frames and show you what happens so now we're on the five minutes it is 2 30 so we can now start to enter and remember what we were looking for so I'm going to play the market out now it pushes up a bit and then what does it do it then comes down comes down and it now Taps into our bank zone so we can start looking for ejections and just like that in that five minute candle there we get a rejection of our bank Zone that we were waiting for trades at so from that point really simply this is a really simple guide you can just put your stock below there by as soon as you've seen that big bullish candle and then your targets again like I said you could have targeted either of them zones let's just say you targeted that one there for one to 3.79 wrist reward you'd go break even at the current US High there and I'm just going to play this one out so it pushes it pushes it pushes ranges around a little bit then towards the end of the session it TAPS in and then it Taps all the way into the TP at the end of the session at 10 past nine so price moved exactly as we wanted it to for from our bank Zone but I'm going to show you way more examples of this from the next few days so you can see exactly how precise this were because I could have just randomly picked this Zone back testing randomly picked this on and said that was it but now I'm going to show you exactly how detailed and important these levels are I've actually brought it to the end of this us session here and you can see that the US high for that session the banks on high was this point which we had drawn on from the previous time so this area is most definitely a point of Interest going into tomorrow so I would draw this up like this and I would be looking at this going into tomorrow this is now just before 2 30 on the next day so we're about to look for entries in the next U.S session and the obvious ones we have were clearly bullish the higher time frames were also bullish and we had the previous days U.S High Bank Zone and this one from the last time the US traded that price so this is the cleanest Zone and pretty much the only Zone we'd be looking for but what we also have is this next Zone up here which I drew on yesterday which is just the next Bank Zone up so all we're looking for is either drop down to that zone buys up or alternatively we're looking for a push above and then pull back then push up like that break and retest these are the only two things we look for when buying drop down buys or break retest buys I'm on the five minute now and here is how it plays out so price drops down again it goes down into the zone and what do we see we're now in the zone we're waiting for rejections and we get one here we get the candle that goes all the way into the Zone comes all the way back up leaving that long lower Wick with the weak bearish body that's definite confirmation that we can't get to buying from that point stop just below there make that a little bit tighter stop just below there and just like last time we target the next Zone up as simple as that and we go break even at that point there because there is a chance it could reject that so let's see how it plays out pushes up pushes up pushes up pushes up Taps into the Zone it nearly hits TP and then it goes and hits TP again right at the end of the session so this was at 8pm this time it hit the zone at the end of the session it actually ends up breaking above where you already been out for a one to six point eight five risk reward very nice trade again in this uptrend that we keep catching so we caught the low down there and we've now caught another low in there but they are the worst two out of all four that we caught so you need to watch the rest now in this next day it was actually CPI data for the USD so that's inflation data it's the highest impact news event which can actually affect the market and the strategy is a bit different for this it doesn't matter on the trend but it's a bit different but I'm still going to show you the zones I've got plenty of videos on the strategy and again like I said on my course the strategy is all there with loads of examples but what I'm going to do is show you the previous day's U.S low there which is the bank Zone we look at let's have a look at exactly what happened so if I put on the five minute this is just before the news was released and let's have a look at exactly what happens you'll be amazed by this the next kind of what does it do it Taps exactly into it what's it do goes all the way back up an absolutely ginormous move and if you actually know the new strategy you could have caught this once you've seen it rejecting in and around there so say you've got in the that point you'll stop just below the Zone there you could have targeted all the way back up at the current U.S high for massive risk to Ward over one to seven and just like that it went straight through it took up your TP in only five minutes and you might be thinking oh well you won't catch that move well yes you can if you know how the banks move the markets at high impact news releases like I said I've got videos on that and I've got a call from that so I'm not going to break it down in this video but that is an example of exactly how these zones move time by time it tapped perfectly in before pushing to the upside perfectly into the Zone before pushing all the way up and you could have caught that knowing this strategy I've now brought it to the next day just before we were starting to look for buyers again because we were still up trending like I said we were catching all the bottoms we caught bottom there and there was another one in there that we caught yesterday during the news and now if we take it across what zones do we have where we have this Zone down here and again we have this banks on as well from one US session then two U.S sessions so if I drag that across we've got two zones here so at 2 30 all we're looking for is a drop down into this Zone buys or if we're looking for a break and retest of that buys all we've had so far in these three trades was drop down buys now it's about time we've got something else so I've put it on the five minute hit and let's have a look at what happens so the first five minute of the session of the 2 30 when we actually start to look for entries closes way above so now all we're looking for is a retest into the zone so we can start buying what's it do the very next candle goes into the Zone leaving that long low Wick after it Rejects and there's no upper wick on the candle so from that point we can say we are rejecting The Zone we've done a break and retest with a stop just below the Zone in there and then the target your target would just be if I go back on the 15 minute in the previous US session we created the high up there the bank Zone up there so you can just Target that next Point all the way up there from one to six wrist toward yet again if I go back on the five minute let's have a look at how it plays out so it pushes up pushes up pushes up pushes up all the way up you can catch some huge moves trading like this just off of these levels like this you can catch some absolutely ginormous moves because this is how the banks move the markets between each U.S session Bank zone so again you would have caught that low there that one and these ones down here so you're just catching low after low because at 2 30 is when the movement kicks in and you can actually start to catch the trades now next there was actually a session here so this whole point was a session but it was a bank holiday a U.S Bank holiday and we don't trade that because there's no movement in bank holidays you can see here there was literally no movement so it wasn't tradable but we still do have to use the zones from that session so what do we get we got a bank Zone up here at the high of the session like that and also at the low of the session down there at 1 pm we created the low there because remember you've got to be drawing zones from 1 pm till 10 pm that's when the session is even though we don't take entries at one we still draw the zones and that was the US low that was made at 1pm on that bank holiday Monday so now I'm going to move on to the Tuesday now for Tuesday was different now on the four hour it's just a more detailed version of the 30 minute the lower time frames so we can actually break down our bias what you'll see is that we were pushing up during the week and we were catching these big pushes but after these pushes they then have pullbacks like that and that's normal and then we just catch the next push but in this case it didn't actually push up it stopped there and then actually came down breaking below this low Point here and as soon as that low there was broken on the four hour we then went bearish which means we're no longer looking for buys we're only looking for cells because the market structure has changed so because we broke that low we are now only looking for cells going into the session even though all this time prior we were only looking for buys because it was doing that market structure but now we flipped so this is just before the session opened and what zones do we have well we just have the two zones from the day before the bank holiday so all we're looking for is bang sales or all the way up bang cells our candle confirmations are going to tell us when we're going to sell so remember this is a very brief overview if you want way more detail I've got way more info but I'm going to put it on the five minute now to show you what happens so we're on the five minute now and this is as soon as we start to look for entries what happens well the very first candle of the session goes in and stops just like that so that's a very definite rejection of the US session Bank Zone that we made just the day before so you could have got to selling from that very point the only problem with this was that the stop was huge because it was a massive rejection candle the stop was very very big so if you didn't get in earlier you would have had a huge stop but let me show you exactly what happens and what you'd have done is you'd just targeted the next U.S session banks on down which is the one we caught buys from before and if you just targeted that you could have still got one to three point two risk reward out of it and let's have a look what happens it smashes straight through but that's not it let's have a look at what actually happens overall it goes way way way down and that brings us to where exactly we are to day so you could have called the exact top of the reversal all the way down if you trade in swing form you could record it all the way down because we knew it was going to change direction as soon as this low here was broken
Channel: WealthFRX
Views: 171,943
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Keywords: us30 strategy, us session strategy, us30 forex strategy, best us30 strategy, us30 day trading, how to trade us30
Id: 8fuopVI0O_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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