How To Get Sleep Paralysis In 3 Steps

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Baguette739 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
so uh this video is gonna show you how to get sleep paralysis possibly tonight if you follow all these steps and if it doesn't work the very first try it's gonna happen pretty soon trust me if you do these things it's only a matter of time the key to entering sleep paralysis is to trick your brain into thinking you are asleep and you can do this by using a 3000 iq play that is proven to work you might be wondering why would you want to willingly paralyze yourself well it's kind of like jailbreaking your phone you're expanding the limits of what the device can do and unlocking entirely new areas the only difference is your phone can be replaced and your brain can't but uh i'm not here to tell you what you should or should not do these are the steps follow them at your own risk let's get started step one prepare you can skip this step if you're already in bed ready to go to sleep but preparing for sleep paralysis will increase the chances of it happening one way you can do this is by deliberately messing with your sleep schedule get up early in the morning take an evening nap for about an hour or two stay active for a while before going back to bed and this should do the trick step 2 set an alarm sleep paralysis can happen at any time but it does occur more often in the middle of the night during the rem stage of sleep this is when you dream and the reason you're paralyzed is so that you don't act out those dreams based on the dream it could lead to some very awkward scenarios so i'm glad the developers added this feature pull out your phone and set an alarm four to six hours after you normally fall asleep then go to sleep step three enter sleep paralysis it's now the middle of the night you've destroyed your sleep schedule your brain has no idea what's going on and this is the perfect time to give yourself sleep paralysis when you wake up keep your mind busy for about 30 minutes don't use any technology like your phone an ipad a calculator just read a book or something when it's time lie down on your back in a comfortable position and close your eyes this is the best position to induce sleep paralysis based on several studies done on the internet you also want to have your limbs separated if your arms and legs are touching it will only make it harder next you want to relax your body as much as possible focus on your breathing and imagine with every new breath the tension being released from your muscles step three and a half wait yeah so this is the hardest part where most people give up if you can push through this then i can assure you that one of these times you will experience sleep paralysis in order to trick your brain into thinking your body is asleep you need to lie still and resist all urges to move every time you feel an itch or an urge to scratch your eyelid that is your brain sending signals to check if you are asleep if you can ignore these signals for long enough your brain will activate sleep mode and you will become paralyzed to make sure you don't actually fall asleep you need to be focusing your mind on something like your breathing once you get far enough you may start seeing hallucinations behind your eyelids hear strange sounds or even feel sensations on your body these are completely natural so don't worry if this happens you are very close to entering sleep paralysis just stay calm and don't move after a while you might feel a tingling or vibrations surging throughout your body some people don't feel anything but this is usually what happens to me and most others and it means your body is entering sleep paralysis congratulations you can no longer move now believe it or not many people induce sleep paralysis on purpose like this all the time because there is a major benefit if you know what you're doing your body is now halfway in between the real world and a dream and if you know a few simple steps you can enter directly into a lucid dream within minutes or even seconds and start controlling anything you want i made a video on this it's in the description so go check it out if you're interested but yeah this is how you get sleep paralysis of course there are many different ways but if you follow these steps you will be using one of the most effective methods and eventually it will work if you enjoyed this video smash like and subscribe to let me know and of course if you have any questions leave a comment below and someone will help you out that's it for today's video good night and good luck
Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 289,522
Rating: 4.9432788 out of 5
Keywords: how to get sleep paralysis, sleep paralysis, is lucid dreaming dangerous, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, is sleep paralysis scary, how to induce sleep paralysis, how to enter sleep paralysis, sleep paralysis explained, sleep paralysis animation, sleep paralysis stories, how to get sleep paralysis more often, how to stop sleep paralysis, sleep paralysis lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis demon, how do you get sleep paralysis, what does sleep paralysis look like, sleep paralysis pov
Id: d-HMkcIfqAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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