- Hello, I'm Mike Russell
from musicradiocreative.com. In this video, I'll
show you how to get rid of white noise in Audacity. (upbeat music) If you're creating an
online radio show, podcast, radio imaging, or simply wanna make your
voice sound different, you must get hold of my Audacity presets. Head over to mrc.fm/presets. Go and get them now at mrc.fm/presets. ♪ Check the mic and make
sure it sound right, boy. ♪ (techno music) ♪ It sound right, boy. ♪ - Okay. White noise. What is it? Well, it's any kind of background noise that you don't wanna be there. So white noise could
be generated by a fan, by the sound of a street nearby. Anything like that. It's generally sort of white
noise, background noise, that kind of thing. Something like this. Now, if you've got headphones
on, you can hear it. You can definitely see on the level meter. It's going up to about -36DB. And there is our speaker. - [Woman] Yeah, um. - But that white noise is really competing with the speech. Now to get rid of it, it's very simple. Select the noise only, go to effect, noise reduction, get the noise profile, this will get the exact profile of the noise you're trying to remove. Then select everything,
effect, noise reduction. Let's preview this on default. That's pretty decent.
- [Woman] Yeah, um. - Click okay. All the white noise
gone, speech still here. - [Woman] Yeah, um. One of... (keyboard tap) - And then when we play
back this audio here, (keyboard tap) nothing on the level meters. White noise eliminated using
the noise reduction effect. It's a really easy thing
to apply in Audacity. Let me know if you have any
questions in the comments down below. (upbeat music) Check out my Audacity
Ultimate Course for beginners. If you are a podcaster,
YouTuber, voiceover artist or audio editor, you need this course. Head over to mrc.fm/audacity. That is mrc.fm/audacity (upbeat rock music) ♪ Thumbs up ♪ ♪ subscribe for more ♪ ♪ musicradiocreative.com ♪ (upbeat rock music fizzles out)