How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

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hi I'm Walt this is Ken we're from do it yourself pest control we're gonna talk a little bit about mosquito control ken would you agree with me we ask somebody when they come into the store or they call on the phone they have mosquitoes first question is where the sand and water is and everybody says there's no standing water in my around my house and they're very well might not be but chances are there are the could dead Ghadir it could be a drain so that's the first step and when we find standing water of course if we can we dump it out if we can't we'll use some of the products like mosquito beds I like mosquito bits a lot the bits are really useful when you've got some small pockets of standing water that you need to treat that has a bacillus base so it it basically destroys as an organic product yeah stories the mosquito larvae and it's safe for even using bird baths and things like that fish ponds it's not toxic at all really good product for larger areas we would go with a product called out to sit on there that would be for large shallow areas and that works on the the stomach of the larvae basically basically prevents those larvae from ever maturity so in a lot of cases if you do that you you won't need any of this stuff I mean these are and these are insecticides we do have a green product eco beer made by Rockwell Labs that's that's a really good one doesn't last that long but a lot of people going that way there's a hundred mosquito companies out there right now that they use different equipment they use different sprayers backpack sprayers there's several different models you can do this happens to be one of our best is called a bee ng backpack sprayer fits really nicely on the back now what do we put in it what's our most common four years it's been by fan IP that's been the gold standard for industry it's economical it works I mean you should get maybe two to three weeks where you want to treat it would be in the areas where there's heavy foliage and the heavy foliage could be ground cover IV not necessarily grass but small trees shrubs we do like to be careful when we're treating and I can go up we'll go over application later but I like to be careful when treating especially with flowers why honey bees yeah honey bees bumble bees butterflies all the pollinators yeah you can stay away from blooming plants that's great and we also tell people to spray late in the day so that the bumble bees and the honey bees and everybody's going home for the night yeah and as the summer goes on and we're midsummer right now most of the flowers are falling off so it's a little safer to to treat but the Pythons are standard on there now there's been a lot of new products that come out that include some of the growth regulators can you want explain why we do growth regulators or growth regulators are interesting chemical they're not really poisonous they they're a hormone or synthetic hormone and they basically keep immature insects from becoming what or that's really useful with mosquito control because when you're treating foliage and vegetation the mosquitoes that are resting on that vegetation especially the female mosquito will pick up that chemical on their on their legs and their feet when they land in the standing water to lay their eggs that are not long and essentially when you're using a growth regulator the exciting thing about is you you get a treat that the neighbor next door exert their water there you can't normally just go over there and treat or across the street maybe they got a wheelbarrow or something and you're not in good terms with them so let the mosquito carry the growth regulators on there so normally a lot of people will mix the two like they will use something like pivot or these are basically the same products right here they would use that into the by phone or lately there's been a lot of products that have come out with with it already in it in micro encapsulation with a different product an upgrade from - and I would you want tell them a little bit about profile X Pro flex is a really good product it's the first and and this one too hard to bear assembler similar products they both contain lambs si Howell 3 which is a chemical similar to by fin there in the same chemical family lam does really really effective but they've got growth regulators in mixed already in the formula so you don't have to buy them separately the pro flex in particular is interesting because it's the first product come along with a micro encapsulated growth regulator they they last longer they just last longer and we think they're gonna be really good they're relatively new so we're kind of you know have a wait-and-see attitude but they look like they're really good they're a little bit more a little bit more pricey but for me and my house I don't want to do this every other day I'm gonna go with the best material but that later will show some application equipment and thank you very much for joining us [Music]
Channel: Do-It-Yourself Pest Control
Views: 104,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tiVzKVhO1zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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