How To Get Rent-To-Rent Properties From Letting Agents? | Winners On A Wednesday 158

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i'm gonna be the person who helps me so then i can start helping other people [Music] hey what's up my name's samuel leeds i'm with ibb and hustling what's going down guys now listen if you've ever wanted to get into rent to rent start a renter in portfolio or get into property with very little money these guys have done it financially free yeah financially free in just a matter of months this is i'm going to be asking you so many detailed questions because i want you to be able to do the same thing too let's go well thank you so much for coming down to my house guys between the two of you you've gone from one property deal two to three to four your full-time property you've now got to the point where you don't need to work anymore um talk to me a little bit about your backstories when did you get into property how did it all start and we're gonna get some real nuggets today so we went to neck a birmingham event in um in birmingham to see grant cardone and gary vee so we were we were just like okay we need to go there and i was just going to him like there's this event because we never go to any events before so i said we need to go there grant cardone's there and he's like no it's a scam yeah he's like no like we shouldn't go to stuff like that because it was like 300 pounds at the time that's a lot for us so we i just dragged them and we went and it was an event called un unlock your potential and i feel like that's where everything started the world opened yeah what did you think of that event did you totally change your mind or we don't get to go 100 so we fell in love with grants after it we started watching those of grant cardone videos replacing netflix or just his videos yeah i got to a point where it's like it's good but it's not really relatable yeah so we googled uk version of grant cardone and you came out yeah we started watching your videos we was like binge watching your videos yeah what year was this 2019 end of 2019. we actually came to a crash course in end of 2019 i was reluctant to go i was like no let's not go it's in london we haven't got time we've got them we want to manage the kid and he was like no we're going we went down there we almost signed up we still like we had that resistance he wasn't sure we just kept thinking it's like too good to be true yeah and all the energy and stuff so we come to three crash courses wow yeah because we like it we just love the energy that we get from the events from you we're still like oh we do still hold the poor mentality we still hold them as what was that mentality that was making you think is too good to be true you know this isn't real what where did that come from i think him just telling ourselves we haven't got the money when realistically we did if we really wanted it right because it because it's not about whether you've got the money or not it's about whether you've got the deals or not because if you've got the deals the money will come exactly yeah so you were thinking i haven't got the money so what's the point in looking for the deals mine was just just because i've never had like rich family so i just thought you have to work hard and get make money you can't just make money that easily because if it is you have to pay something back one way or another yeah i mean i'm there talking about packaging and selling deals controlling properties no money down you it would just sound a bit like whoa really yeah yeah we i mean we tried it ourselves after it um but we didn't really have that kind of push and these basic things that we didn't know the answer to and so that just kind of made us step back even further and what we did at the time um we secured the lease option off the back of it wow um we ended up backing out of it just because we couldn't do sister accommodation on the plan b was just use it as a single let but we were just still unsure about it and we ended up backing away from it so you did a bit of free training you kind of success or property was almost at your fingertips and you felt like oh it was close um hadn't invested into any training um or paid for any proper education but i've done a bit of the free stuff i've watched a lot of the youtube videos what were you working on at the time so i was working full in a sports supplement company a new full-time mum full-time one-year-old and two-year-old wow busy yeah and and how did you guys meet i met in the gym we met in the gym like eight years ago well i'm feeling very fat next to you both but um so congrats on the success from the gym in fact i remember i remember at one of the uh meetings that we had like about about a year ago and you know you were kind of like your energy was great really excited ready to roll i'm sure thousands of people can relate to where you were at that point been on a few free courses watched loads of videos on the brink in shape happy successful good energy but there was just something that wasn't quite clicked actually you said to both of us you said to it you said you're going to be really successful i can see your future and you said to me just look at me wins you need to read your theory stop bro ouch and i was like what no and then the second video and then the second time what did he say to you he said to him like don't be a and i i fear like i was reflecting on it at night i was like does he think he is like saying that and then i reflect on i was like you know he's right like why am i getting defensive towards this quite an offensive thing to say though let's say you're gonna be really successful you though you changed your game both loved one it's a tough love and i don't think you're not gonna say that to everyone yeah but do you feel like you could it benefits interest as well because when i'm really hard on people if i say to a dude you know you need to up your game you're being a i'll only say that to someone that i know can handle it that's what you said afterwards as well right because you you knew and then you like liked that or something you told me you know you want someone to call you that and like push you down it's about being someone being straight with you isn't it because most people will pat you on the back and say oh yeah you're great well actually you need to be told the truth and i won't say to someone you're being a unless i because some people have crushed them whereas i knew that it be actually he had a lot of potential smart good energy had a lot of greatness but he was holding himself back and he needed someone to shake him give him a punch in the mouth yeah come on you know which is what happened so when did you really start taking property serious and when did you guys say we're gonna go all in forget our limiting beliefs we're gonna get around good people we start we got to rent a rent before coming on to the dsm yes and but we had it for months wasn't really doing anything wasn't really pushing ourselves anymore and then in november i came to the dsm and the energy was amazing laying a lot of new things and that's when he was on stage during the role play yes um and i think again i don't think he would have done that to a lot of people oh i had complaints about that well i think that was well i'm happy for it i'm happy you've done it that was a big turning point for me so just for anyone that was wondering what happened he come to did the fe and i was in the hotel room looking after the kids like five minutes away and i was on stage was doing role play um sales right yeah sales role play and he just looked and i had a black badge on he's like you're not doing the academy and i was like no and he's like okay why not i said you want to be honest on stage he's like yeah go for it i just said why i didn't want to join the academy i felt like i thought i think i've got the knowledge on a lot of stuff already and i just want to focus on rent to rent i don't want to bombard me minded all of their concepts and strategies and he's like okay okay let's try a little role play then i'm going to sell you the academy trying to try it so in front of 150 200 people were on stage and you're selling me the academy but in like role play mode role play mall you're asking me questions and i'm trying to give her back a little bit and it got to a point where you just said no you've got money you've got you've got you've got you've established you've got enough for the academy and crypto you could afford it yeah my my point there was okay in my mind i was thinking the money for the academy what's my return on investments if i keep it in crypto best case scenario let's say 10 x's i'm still going to be in the same position working i haven't got enough time but have i invested into skills yeah and into expanding and trying to make uh give myself more free time i'm going to be in a completely different situation and you said to me yeah 200 return on investment's easy i said i want more than that and you went waste case scenario it's 100 retain on investment and i was like i want to get more time and the potential to grow a lot further so for me was 100 worth it and i was just like you know what it let's let's do it and since then it's just pushed us so much it literally has because you can you can be online you watch all those videos but it's not what you need and you're always unsure is this the right information but after joining the academy i'm so grateful like that happened on stage because if it didn't we'll just still be coming to you know crash courses and just going safe going safe and that was just like we got the right people around us and there's nothing going to stop us now and you've achieved so much in the last um sort of three or four months you know you've got now multiple rent service accommodation properties you've still got the initial rent that you had you've packaged and sold deals you're now looking to grow on scale up to do bigger deals development joint ventures um financially free yeah so congratulations congratulations um but i really just wanted to kind of pick your brain in this interview about 2022 okay you've secured a lot of rent to rents how do you how do you find good deals how do you work out where how do you know if it's a good deal or a bad deal what are the exact steps for someone watching this now you've invested a lot in yourself in your education if you have to summarize and condense everything that you've learned what are you going to do how do you implement and get um so when you're starting what we've done was just have a plan literally write it on what do i want to do this year what do i want to achieve and literally break it down and then from then on what we do is okay how can we add value to anyone even to the cleaners even to the estate agent so we'll go and speak to estate agents like we're building a relationship i don't care if i go to the viewing and we don't take on the property we just go in to get value add value how can i help here before i get money and that's the type of approach that we had with everyone what can we do to that person before i get my own so what you're saying is rather than thinking i need to get a deal i need to make money it's about thinking actually how rather than thinking from my perspective i need a deal i need money who's going to give me a deal right how can i help them how can i add to them because i think it's same with written tournaments a lot of people think i want a route around it's like no no let's think about what service this is who needs this service and instead you're almost thinking about how how as a business you can add value to others and then as a result you'll get what you want that's really helpful you've done that really well actually what i am started doing is ringing landlords and say look i see you've got a room an empty room spare room i'll find the tenant for you give me two weeks rent but i'll find it for you and you would go in there take better pictures dress the room marked it a lot better and you you'd be finding all the landlords tenants because yeah i would keep them adverts online and when people start messaging us about all these good rooms it acted like a funnel to our own rental rent as well wow wow because that was like the turning point where oh my god i can actually charge a landlord two weeks rent just by finding a tenant and 200 pound it's like i just thought like whoa that's a lot of money at the time and it's like we can be creative we can provide value and get paid for it because dressing the room wasn't you know just go to a shop get dressed and take a nice picture and we'll rent it out easily um interesting it even let us know based in liverpool and known other people in their own areas you have assumptions about bad areas who would never invest there but it lends us to um golf facts rather than assumptions because some of these areas where he was founded tenants he was actually a really good demand there interesting i think as well what i found is when you uh are working in an area where you know sometimes it can be hinderance because like i grew up in warsaw and i used to think oh warsaw's horrible warsaw's terrible and i started investing in birmingham and then a few people some of my friends oh i'm looking at jenny morsel and i just thought oh horrible but actually i was judging it because it's got a bit of a bad and i think actually if you just look at the numbers it's not really that horrible there's some parts that are really horrible but actually i was almost just throwing it all out because i'm like oh no not warsaw um but yeah really important that the assumptions you've got to look at the actual facts how do you go about finding your patch how do you find your area because that's something that people get really really confused and lost in yeah so i think um you've got to figure out what you want to go for service accommodation or hmo personally i suggest so a lot of people to start off with hmos that's what you did yeah because what you can do when you're on the phone as well you can be like hi i'm looking at five bed house uh blah blah blah and then while you're on the phone you say actually you've got any studios or one beds while i'm here i might be able to take it off your hands that's not that much of a big deal so you can kind of target both at the same time yeah so figure out what you want to do for hmos you've got to find out the supply and demand within all the postcodes of the air of the city to find out which areas are popping which ones are you going to get tenants really fast um you could probably get a hmo in any part of your city if you market it right but if you just go down deeper and find out which specific area is going to pop even better then you can easily get a you can easily fill it and for us that that was really powerful because we still had that inclination of is it going to work isn't it and then when we've got all this data saying actually there's um there's a load of hmos already exist in there yeah let's target that hmo and we can easily fill the rooms talk to me about your first rent to hmo talk to me about that what how did you find that and what were the figures so it was a nine bed hmo nine beds licensed in liverpool okay so he's already ready um the guy the landlord had um rent a rent pacing managing it so he actually gave it to a company to manage it but that company wasn't doing well so the landlord gave it to him with i think six tenants yeah and then he was struggling so but this was during pandemic and he was just struggling really bad and he said he just he just had to give it back to the landlord wow with two tenants and he was there he was building that relationship with the landlord and we just kind of like you know adding value to him and then he was we just kind of took it on from him yeah just um you actually started finding tenants for that landlord oh yeah that's what i was doing so i was finding tenants for this landlord and then he had loads of these properties and because we was just doing you know finding landlords and he knew what kind of things we were doing he just said she want to take this on yeah so that property then if it sucked for the previous person doing a rent to rent why does it work for you so the previous person he didn't live in liverpool didn't live anywhere near liverpool and he had a letting agent manage him for him so 40 he thought it'd be passive income yeah be the middleman but renter enters some passive income it's only passive for the landlord that's so i'm so glad you said that because i often see people even like buying rent to rents off people and they just think oh i'll pay you three grand and you can find me a rent to rent and i'll just sit back and do rent to rent is a business exactly yeah it's like it's like why is it that a restaurant might not work and then someone comes over and it gets new management and suddenly it makes money because now it's under new management it's being managed properly in the same way rent to rents it's not sometimes a case of is that a good deal or is it a bad deal it's are you a good entrepreneur or are you a bad entrepreneur and that's how a lot of people think and how we used to think as well i just wanted passive income i don't want to do no work because i was just with that poor mindset but now after getting these properties i'm like i love working like i want to manage more properties it's like i love it yeah and the the landlord who owns it you know we say we always think of tired landlord a beating off property but this guy killed him he's like a property millionaire he's trying to expand his business by going to the developments so he he can't manage that he can't be bothered he'd rather make 800 quid a month and have zero but have to go out a few times a month and do bits and bobs and there's letting agents keep letting them down yeah it's same brilliant so so pro figures how much do you pay him per month 1700 and then you then rent the whole thing what does what's the gross turnover of the property uh gross turnover is i don't know but it's one thousand profits in one three four fifty at the profit a month it was actually lower it was like seven seven hundred and fifty but we've like figured ways out how to push that profit up even further yeah during the pandemic and obviously we struggled the first couple of months to find tenants and that's where i had to just try all different things to figure out what he created what did you do how did you push how did you push it up i've dressed the rooms so his pictures would just um take a you know just mattress so i went and dressed the room and it's so cheap go to range get nice pillows bedding but the tennis keep that as well yeah we we just give that to the tenants but i know some people you know just take it back after sign the contract but we just add value to the tenants and we also give them welcome pack so we give them you know shampoos toiletries fruits healthy landlords and so we do stuff like that and also let's start on airbnb we also list on airbnb we contact um go on facebook market so we literally put leaflets everywhere as well with the airbnb we'll have a room we'll list on airbnb with a minimum stay of 60 days 90 days and what usually happens is we'll get international students or people moving from different like for example we've got one guy in there from uzbekistan coming over to liverpool to work in a hospital but he doesn't really know about a spare room he's familiar with airbnb so for him it's just a lot easier yeah and we charge him everyone else in the house pays 350 a room he pays 500 to 550 a room from airbnb so we're getting a good tenant but also to pay more as well we also contact people international people because it's hard for them to come to new countries settle down so we help with that so we give them because they need the address for the visa so we'll go okay sign pay your deposit this is the contract this is what you need to you know show your visa people and what we just helped them like this is the cheap taxis we literally just hold you know the experience of coming to the uk we help with that so it's kind of like you're very you're very proactive with your marketing then rather than just sitting back and thinking oh just let a letting agent do it you're literally pushing the rents up all over it which is why you make a grand a month profit now whereas the previous guy wasn't making any money and we also increased the rent every time someone leaves not when the tenants are in but when someone leaves by 5 or 10 pounds yeah what makes sense everything goes up so that's your first property your serviced accommodation properties what is rent to service accommodation and why would a landlord not just do it themselves so basically rent-a-service accommodation is where you take a whole property and you just let out on short-term stays um for the landlord they want a guaranteed rent do you want to fix rent instead of having someone in all the time they could be losing money with letting agents paying their management fee tenant finding fees every time someone boots out there's void periods they have to kind of do like refurbishment every time someone moves out so if they get someone in there doing rent or rent and taking it all on it takes off all a hassle and they've got a fixed rent coming in each month they can walk away basically like the advantage of commercial property exactly yeah where the tenant is responsible for everything and you become not the tenant but you become the point of contact for the landlord do everything but then you then list it on airbnb and and you know how to run that business for the landlord as well we don't have any tenants rights so it gives him that extra security if we're not paying rent or anything like that goes out and the guests that have turned us either so effectively there's no tenants in all of this yeah exactly which is brilliant and it's kept to a much higher standard as well and i like i like how you like you know agree you agree with us and saying this is what you do but all of this information we've got to offer you yeah but you know what though you've got it off mate but then you've lived it and now you're sharing it back from experience so it's it's it's it's incredible how do you how do you know how do you do your research before you take on a service to accommodation rent to rent and how do you know if it's gonna be profitable or not and how accurate are your projections you've done most of the research with service accommodations wasn't it you just follow notes yeah samuels uh blueprints on your online course every every week you whatever you say i just do it because i believe in you like 100 i'm just like yeah i don't need to be like smart and try and like use my brain i'm just going to copy what he's i'm just going to do yeah i'm just going to copy and paste what he says every time you say go to receptionist go speak to them i i went and done it in a hotel yeah in a hotel i even went to i even went to a hotel room dead confidence and i was like yeah i want to speak to someone here because i want to take on some of these rooms myself and my company and they're like okay yeah come back tomorrow and i was like we just come out like what we what did we just do is like actually talk me through what happened when you went to the hotel and asked about their occupancy rights because that is i don't think most people actually do that i told them not to go don't go but firstly so people can understand why did you do it so i went in there um because this was after we done we we've seen a really luxurious apartment to take on for an essay and we was just like you know let's go to a rich cafe you know we want to manifest and let's go to a rich cafe and there was a hotel next door and we're like come let's go speak to them see if we can take on some of the rooms from them and you was going like what like no we can't do that and i was like no we could do that like samuel told me you'll talk so it's fine i'll go in but they were just receptionists and they said like come back speak to my manager but they were like open to it wow yeah that's incredible sometimes i feel like walking in is more powerful than over the phone because you've got that rapport that connection um so how do you how what's the most the best way that you found success because i know there's like many different ways of getting um rent-to-service accommodations where do you find them where are they coming from um so for us it's been through an agent um building a rapport with someone and i think just realizing that the letting agents they're just human beings so what do you say when you call the lining agent i'm the letting agent hello best of weaves how can i help are you okay i see there's an apartment available on church road um could the book of you and please sure absolutely what's your uh what what's your situation also i have an accommodation business somewhere and a house working professionals and international students have he's only got that one property ideally i need about five in that area oh wow um yeah we've got this one at the moment but if anything else comes up i can let you know would you like to book a viewing okay perfect can we do tuesday or wednesday oh wow um wednesday yeah wednesday works we'll do the viewing on wednesday around 12-ish if you do get any more um properties pop up can we just book them in before 12 or after 12. what did you say your situation was you provide housing for people what what's the uh what's the name of your company how does it work so my company is your property investment and we house international students and sometimes you'll have working professionals as well okay i'd have to check with the landlord to see if he'd be open to doing that sort of so who would be living in the property so international students as i said before um we do have working professionals coming in so did you say you'd have to check with the landlord is this something that you i've done before um yeah no i just have to uh you know i think um you know have to speak to the landlord just to see whether he'd be okay with that sort of arrangement but um yeah i mean we can pencil in the viewing for wednesday at 12 and um i'll drop you an email over and i'll it never any problems beforehand okay what was your name again my name's samuel pfx samuel can't wait to see you all right see you soon bye cool respect hi um can i add my pot so what i do is i tell them um i work with these big companies i don't want to say the names just in case it's big companies in liverpool i i've i've went which is true right yeah i've caught i've contacted them and said look we provide accommodations and they've said yeah sure they said yeah right right so then i'll speak to state agents and say i work with this this companies and we provide accommodation to their staff or anyone who's yeah that's brilliant and let me see your question why do so many latin agents hate rental rents i think one they just i found that a lot of the agents have been told no it's evil we have our own properties they're trying to get one over on us right and then some yeah these some just think it's subletting they don't understand it and some have had bad experiences as well right i think with our script as well it's not just everyone says watch your script watch your script we just have facts and then we just flow with the conversation and you've got your style i've got my style we just do it as like okay if we actually set this business up how would we go about it without your teachings or whatever like online teachings so we just try and change a little bit stand out a little bit you don't stamp on it yeah don't just say the same script as everyone because everyone's ringing judy corporal let you do corporate yeah but we just want to say this is the business that we created this is our model how can you help us how can we help you yeah and i think just back to the ad and value part which is very important we used to ring up like it's who can we do a rental rent well actually we're providing a really good service yeah a lot of less agents and property management a lot of them are useless so we're going in we're providing a really good service and even if they're good even if they're a good leading agency you know i mean i used to run a letting agent say i've also worked in an estate agency countrywide and even if they're a good letting agent it their landlord that they're they're representing wants rent their landlord's on empty property and wants rent if you're coming along and saying we want to rent your property on a contract with extra bonuses because it is also a numbers game right yeah if if an agent says or a landlord says no don't worry that then you just you don't have to check it personal some people will ring up trying to i mean you actually want me over but but but some people will ring up a landlord or an agent and the agent will shut them down or say no don't deal with that don't do comedy let's can't do that and then the entrepreneur on the phone will feel rejected hurt but they're not rejecting you they're rejecting your business concept they're rejecting the idea they're not rejecting what i found useful as well it's like the the art of sales and conversation where when you're talking to them don't expect and don't get sucked up onto their story for example even if you're ringing up for a uh you want to buy a could be a rundown property it could be a renter rent anything when you ask them straight away you might say no because they don't understand it yeah so whatever they say just open up that conversation and it opens up a lot more doors as well so profit-wise what kind of profit would you be expecting to make or what would you say is average for your properties with your service departments um well you said 50 break even at 50 percent right what does that mean break even at 50 okay so 50 whenever guests come in for one month at 50 occupancy so guests only come in for 15 days and then you should cover your costs in other words if you have 50 occupancy rate which is terrible because average is 83 if you have 50 you should not be losing money you should be breaking even anything above 50 is profit so okay but our deals we don't just break even at 50 percent we make profit on that wow so 55 on one we're making 1800. 1800 on one yeah and on the other one it's 20 1200. it's four five oh my goodness i know a lot of people do apartments but you can't do essay the whole house as well did you think it was too good to be true before you signed the contract yeah i still think you even think that now but you know the moon's coming in yeah we was at your event the other day and we were just sitting and then my phone like a notification come up and it says three nights three nights 4 50. someone paid already and i just like wow i'm just making money while sitting here things that we manifested or the things that i wanted it's coming true like even on being on winners on wednesday it was like unwritten goal but we just coming on here so soon it's like surreal i think um one important thing i'd like to share as well that's helped us a lot and kind of visualize what's a good deal and what's not a good deal is something called what we call a 3ms so you need to work out whenever you go to any renter and deal what's the maximum amount of capital that you want to put down so for us it was five thousand we don't wanna put more than five thousand into a deal so for the uh furniture first one's rent deposits decorations we don't wanna put more than 5k yeah so the next one is the minimum amount of profits what's the minimum amount of profit you're willing to make on a deal so for us it's 500 if it's below 500 we don't want to touch it and the last one is the months how many months do you get your money back so we want to get our money back under six months yeah so using these three things if the deal doesn't stack up straight away maybe it's not making it we're not getting our money back until 10 months but like okay well how do we figure out how to reduce our initial capital maybe we'd get a grace period maybe reduce the rents maybe we're being too conservative maybe we need to um get the finish out on a lease like what can we do and all of this we figured out a strategy for to make the property work and then we use that and put that into the offer if that makes sense yeah that's awesome like that's how you when i said have a plan and then break it down yeah yeah that's how it gives you a lot of clarity yeah with anything not just to say because a lot of people look at deals and go oh it doesn't work well how can we make it work how can we increase the rent how can we reduce the monthly costs and that that it all comes together in the offer that we send to there guys um obviously part of the academy which is amazing but you've been such an asset to the academy you know you give so much in fact you know within your whole business the way you are with your landlords and tenants and agents you're always thinking what can i give and um you know i know you've um you've set up a group where you're helping moms in property on social media which is just amazing and ibby i know you dream one day you've got a fire to be to be to be a trainer and to be to be a speaker and to write books and to help people and pull people up which which i understand because that's that's what i do where does that come from and and where does that passion and desire to to want to sort of help others bring others into the community and the amount of people that you've brought into the academy as well like you're bringing you're almost like um a financial evangelist you know so where does that come from and what what that that passion and desire so my one my experiences when i had the kids we both planned our kids but i just thought i was going to be really good mum like i look after them really well but i really struggled and i just couldn't get out the house i was just in my bed and i just went through like really low stage because it's like lucky right to have a kid and it's like almost like you shouldn't struggle and i try to do things myself as well you know do everything by myself and still try and do property on the side so i wasn't getting no help and because i just thought it's my responsibility i have to do this but i was just struggling and struggling and i know a lot of mums go through this as well like they just can't like i couldn't cook and i was just breastfeeding my kids but everyone was saying oh you're so good breastfeeding but i was just doing that because i there was i just felt lazy procrastinating but it was to do with my mental health but once you fix your mental health not fix once you help yourself and work on your mental health then everything started changing like i don't get that now i wake up excited and that's what i want to help other parents because i know what they go through and i know that thing where you know you should socialize and just cancel push everyone out and literally mine i was like oh my god property actually helped me get out of this how did property help you how did it help you because i was really struggling financially because i just felt like i was stuck and i just needed to you know i was just gonna go crazy like i just couldn't be a stay-at-home mom i know like people love that but to me i just couldn't there was something in me i just had to leave this house but i couldn't leave the house so i just one day i just said you know what i'm waiting for someone to come and help me i'm waiting for you know eb to make money and to get become rich and i just said to myself do you know what i'm going to be that person i'm going to be that rich person i'm going to be the person who helps me so then i can start helping other people and it's and then telling myself i deserve this as well because i kept going you know it's i don't know some reason i just thought i don't deserve it because compared to my relatives or someone else you know like there's in poor countries they're doing worse than me so i just said like you know this i shouldn't deserve this but then i started going no do you know what i actually went through so many things and yeah wow that's powerful you realize that you're the person that you've been waiting for yeah and i didn't have no friends i yeah i didn't really have any close friends like loyal friends and i just said you know what i'm just not going to wait for them i'm just going to be that friend to myself and property i've i've met so many amazing people and like it's making me money it's making me friends it's you know it's i've got different lifestyle now yeah that's amazing it's just realizing that money and property is a tool and that's like it just helps deserve everything you've you know you've achieved you've seen i deserve it and the more things start coming and then the more i help people like in the academy group i used to i i'll sometimes go oh guys come on i'm sending positive affirmation let's see you get that keys let's see you sign the contract tomorrow and i didn't realize i was doing that and then i'd look back and like all the things that i send out is coming back to me as well so karma karma yeah it really is i think for me um anyone who knows me i'm always kind of just genuinely trying to help people whether it's on a small scale a big scale i've just got that thing giving me that just i just like helping people and i found as i'm doing it more it's it creates a positive peer pressure i'm helping everyone else build up and advance their property journey and then when i see these people doing well i'm like oh i need to i need to step up i need to raise my thermostat yeah and i need to open myself yeah and so it's i think people you know me i'm just i just like to help and i'm just genuine like that but the benefits of that is it literally creates a really positive and i think as well when you when you push other people up i mean in property it's not like someone else's success isn't your downfall actually the more your people around you succeed the more you succeed as well so everyone wins together do you really surprise the amount of people who have that mindset where they don't help with the people and keep other people down but the more people you bring up yeah can i elevate yourself as well absolutely well i'm really excited i know you've also been doing a lot of other stuff you've got some deals going on in the background you've been packaging and selling deals how many deals have you got four deals now yeah four and a half yeah and on average what kind of fee are you charging three grand some of them a little bit less some of them a little bit more but we've been called people as well where they bring us deals and then we connect them to the investor so you've been selling you've been doing ideal selling you've been doing rent to hmos went to service accommodation what's next for eb and hustling over the next 12 months okay so i've created a plan and i just said um this year we're going to have 12 essays and what he wants hmos but i want 12 essays 12 essays and 11 000 profit a month because the 1000 i want to spend on fun things um yeah amazing beyond ours as well that we're gonna do oh yeah so we gonna do brrs as well so one or two bros this year so we've worked on them so we're so deal source and we're finding deals for the people but what we're doing is we're looking for deals for ourselves and we didn't realize how many people have got money anyone invested in us and do a joint venture so uh which is local we have we have loads of investors now yeah being active on social media we have investors asking us have you got deals and we're like um no so we need to get more deals incredible well guys huge huge respect and it's been a real pleasure working with you over the last few months and um i'm really excited to the next stages and thank you for such a valuable interview as well with so many golden nuggets i appreciate it guys i hope you've enjoyed the interview with ibi and hustling what a packed gem filled interview with so many golden nuggets if you enjoyed it let me know in the comments below drop a comment don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you want to connect to ibby and hustling i'm going to leave their details and website in the description as well you can subscribe to the channel right up over here and if you want to come down to the property investors crash course then don't forget to get booked on free tickets right here and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Samuel Leeds
Views: 99,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: property investing, uk property investing, how to invest in property, property training, property education, property entrepreneur, property investing tips, property investing news, real estate, real estate investing, millionaire, property millionaire, rent to rent, passive income, serviced accommodation, lease option agreements, hmo property, below market value property, how to be a property investor, how to get a rent2rent, Ibby and Huslan
Id: uSZ-pXkpwkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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