10 Best Places to Get Rent-to-Rent Properties in 2022

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hey what's up my name's samuel leeds and one of the best ways to create financial freedom through property starting with very little money is rent to rent now maybe you don't know what rent to rent is in which case i would suggest you watch this video that flashes right up on the card and i'll also leave it in the description and you can learn what a rent to rent is if you know what our internet is but you're just struggling to get one this is the video for you i'm going to give you the best 10 ways to find a rent to rent deal and to find it fast i'm not just going to tell you what to do i'm going to show you live right now you're going to see my laptop screen and i'm going to find leads and show you the best 10 ways to do it if you like my videos hit like you're going to enjoy this one so the first way to find rent to rent leads is is you can go to a special website called open rent now open rent is the equivalent to right move but it's landlords direct so let's say you're looking for a rent to rent in i don't know manchester just search and then boom shakalaka straight away studio flats studio flats these are all opportunities to be turned into serviced apartments and the great thing about these types of properties is you click on them and you can literally message the landlord direct here we go his name is call deep so that is one way open rent a second way to find rent to rent leads is you can let's say you're trying to get a rent to hmo and you're looking for tired landlords that might have hmos you can literally let's type in birmingham let's say i'm based in birmingham birmingham hmo license list look at this public register of hmo licenses you can go on the council website press download and this will give me right here this is absolutely shocking you can get a list bang this is a list starting with 40 hamster road it's still opening but right now we can see every single hmo in the entire of birmingham here we go personal road i've got houses in personal roads you're about to find some of mine you can see how many bedrooms everything's here all the way down you can literally just write a letter to these landlords and say hey what's up if you're interested in renting out your property and getting a guaranteed rent or if you want to sell give me a shout too many to even go through absolutely crazy next you can go to a website called spare room and again if i type in let's do coventry and i'm looking for rooms bang so all these these are existing hmos you're going to find the ones generally speaking that are a little bit tired maybe not the boosted ones the ones that aren't advertised very well the ones that look a little bit tired the ones that aren't renting out and if you click on these now let's try this one because this isn't furnished very well let's face it it doesn't look great it looks like a 17 year old bedroom look landlord bang call you can get their number immediately and say hey if you want to rent out the whole house to me i potentially could be interested in the rent to rent boom next we're gonna go to another website called gumtree country.com i want to find landlords on gumtree let's try uh properties for rent and let's do somewhere completely different let's try york bang 950 for a two bed flat that could be a serviced accommodation property one bed flat all bills included these properties and again the great thing about these is that you can rent them you've got the number of the um of how to speak to the agent direct they're all different don't spend too much time doing due diligence on the properties just call them and see if they're potentially open there's ron bang ron could this be a nice little holiday let maybe let's speak to ron so gumtree is an absolutely incredible way one bed flat in york there's his number boom shakalaka there's his number and here's the property let's see whereabouts it is there should be a map on gumtree yes there is bang right in the center of york so here's a property a one bud flat for a thousand pounds a month you could probably rent that out for a hundred hundred and twenty pounds a night make a nice little profit especially if you can negotiate the price lower because you're offering a corporate let there's a rent to an opportunity uh next there's just so many there's ten next is if you go to facebook bang facebook now listen you might not you might think this idea is a bit whack but you can just type in a facebook post and to tell your friends and family if there's so many people that are probably connected to you that are in property might be landlords you don't even know the average person's got 2 000 friends on facebook you just say i am looking to rent a house on a corporate lap any landlords here bang i'm sure i'll get a lead off that maybe even a deal i'll let you know another thing you can do is you can go to the facebook marketplace marketplace here and you can look straight away um we'll type in an area let's type in um we've got doncaster at the moment let's do leads if i'm looking for somewhere in leads apply i'm looking for houses and leads so i'm going to search properties for rent on facebook marketplace would you look at that two bedroom four bedroom these are all properties two bedroom apartment that could be a service department rent to rent right there and we can message the seller shaka maybe i should maybe not maybe i'll leave it till later i'll do that later because right now i'm trying to give you the 10 ways how to find rent to rent not how to secure a rent to rent first you've got to be able to find loads and loads of those leads next i can go to rightmove let's say i'm looking for rental rents in kent looking for some rent to hmos in kent okay so i'm gonna do for rent and i'm gonna search this area only houses in kent number of bedrooms minimum of five and let's see what we've got so these are all big five bed houses these could be perfect hmos this could be a perfect hmo right here let me look at there's no floor plan but there's five bedrooms you could you could rent that off of the landlord for 1700 and then rent each room out for probably five six hundred pounds a month make a nice profit of course you need to check the rules and regulation in the area you need to get permission from the landlord but bang right move great way to find leads next let's say your area is london if you're looking for rent to rent in london you can just put london letting agents london letting agents and literally just phone these agents there's absolutely hundreds look acorn so many ring them up and just look pages and pages and pages sometimes i like to go to the like the eighth page and find the agents they're a little bit smaller not such big agents so these guys have only got like 18 reviews okay so some of these smaller agencies supernova um noah's london maybe you'll ring up and you'll actually speak to noah i'm not sure but you're going to ring these small agents and tell them what you're doing tell them your company's looking to rent company let's how it works bang agents another thing you can do next way is walk into agents just go to a town center and just walk in we call these walk-ins walk into the agent letting agents go in person dress nicely build rapport tell them your story next way to get rent to rent and then the final way number 10 is networking events go places where landlords are and tell people what you're wanting to do rehearse a 30 second elevator pitch get around get out the house so those are the top 10 ways to find rent to rent i hope you found this video useful also maybe now your problem isn't finding rent to rent leads maybe now you know how to find rent to rent leads but you need to know what to say and how to secure them and how to carry out your due diligence and how to make sure it's legal so guess what i'm going to be running a one-day training program teaching all things rent to rent it's called the rent to rent revolution and i'm desperate to see you become financially free through rent to rent so that then you can come on my youtube channel and i can interview you on winners on a wednesday and be part of your success story so i've got tickets below and guess what tickets right now are completely free they are limited so get booked on right now to the rent to rent revolution i'm going to be touring all across the country so find the location that's closest to your house get booked on i'll see you there let's get some rent to rent together this year again if you don't know what rent to rent is check in the description i've done a whole video on what rent to rents are and if you want to see stories of hundreds of people that have become financially free through my training which is free check out this video playlist right here get booked onto the rent to rent revolution i can't wait to see you win let's do it man hey [Music]
Channel: Samuel Leeds
Views: 33,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: property investing, uk property investing, how to invest in property, property training, property education, property entrepreneur, property investing tips, property investing news, real estate, real estate investing, millionaire, property millionaire, rent to rent, passive income, serviced accommodation, how to be a property investor, RENT2RENT, 10 Ways I Find Rent-to-Rent Properties, Finding Property Deals, financial freedom
Id: FR_Y8SxIz8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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