How to get perfect roast beef, every time

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afternoon people welcome to another episode of Adams eats how we're doing and we feeling I'm feeling much better you might be pleased to know I also got my barnett cooked looks okay I suppose it's bit short but it'll do and I've got an absolutely stonking it recipe for you today it's gonna go on the sunday roast playlist and that's roast beef now people don't be a bit funny about beef they're not sure how long to cook it for it's gonna turn out dry not what cuts to get that kind of thing so I'm going to just show you a simple foolproof method how to make the best medium rare roast beef there's only two ways you should cook roast beef in my opinion and that's rare if you like that a medium-rare well done or anything above that don't bother just have something else because it ends up being dry tough there and that's why you end up with chewy beef so rare or medium rare in my eyes so I'm going to show you how to cook the perfect roast beef today super super simple just some seasonings on the top give you some time put with some Bailey's in there gonna push the beef with some mustard and I'm gonna roll it in paper forms and it's gonna be absolutely delicious so what do you need for perfect roast beef the first thing is you need good beef so pick a joint that's got plenty of fat running through the middle I know people get sort of bang on about fat paris-nice no good for you oh you thought about ITAT right fat equals flavor so make sure when you buy it you look at it end on and you can see nice sort of marbling because of fat running through the meat pan it's got a nice bit of fat over the top because that equals flavor and it keeps the meat moist as well so look out for that doesn't matter what kind of joint you're buying topside silverside whatever okay well if you really pushing the boat out forward I mean that is the king of beef roast I love forward but you're talking at least 40 quid for a joint so okay no one's got 40 quid to spend on a joint B I certainly haven't done these topside it's a great little fantastic chief roast enjoy ever cooked properly all year really nice soft succulent beef so no I talk about cooking times okay now it's very very basic I will put the cooking times in the description below and also if you click pause now you can note them down as well but basically you're looking for is for for rare you want 15 minutes per 450 grams which is a pound plus an extra 15 minutes if you want it medium rare you want to cook it for 25 minutes per for 450 grams plus an extra 25 minutes in the oven gas mark 4 so that's the cooking times that you'll need pop down here I'll show you what I need to prep up this beef and we'll get it in the oven as you can see it's got the beef out make sure your beef is at room temperature if you cook it it straight from fridge cold it's going to just mess with your cooking times and you won't get the desired result so make sure it's at room temperature leave out the fridge for say an hour or so to come to room temperature before you start so first I'm going to do pour ourselves a glass of wine so that Sunday and what we need to do first is get this beef nice and dry get some of that moisture off just using some kitchen towel okay this will just help the Dijon mustard stick excellent so the beef is nice and dried and the next thing we're going to do is just crush our peppercorns and put them in a pestle and mortar here don't worry I've got one of these we can do is just put the peppercorns on a flat surface like a nice thick chopping board just use the bottom of a heavy pan like a frying pan like that and just press them down and crush them like that or if you really you know don't want to do that you can just use a pepper mill to sort of grind them on and I like when I erased my beef I like my peppercorns quite chunky quite thick so I like to get that nice bit of pepper when I bite into the beef so that's why I'm gonna roughly crush them in this pestle and mortar so I've got about two tablespoons here you don't need to be too exact you know use your eye peppercorns are crushed that's what you want really so they're not too big not too small just nice rustic crushed peppercorns whose best way to describe it okay so now that that's done the next thing we're going to do is just add in our time this is fresh thyme you can use dried if you want and I just find that dry just gives a more pungent flavor again there's probably better tablespoons worth in there give that a light mix now you wanna get yourself a large mixing bowl don't pull that in you'll see why in a minute bit of salt in there as well I think not too much just probably six or seven times something like that and you can always add extra salt once it's cooked and remember salt does draw out moisture so if you put too much on they may end up drying the beef out say to give that a loose mix now what you want to do is taking a pastry brush and I'm going to take my DJ mustard just brush this all over the beef now you can use English mustard if you want to but that's quite a strong flavor so it might be a bit too much I don't know it's up to you give it a try so you brush that mustard all over not too thick don't need to be too thick with it it's just to help that that dry rub stick because what happened is it will form like a crust all over the beef so when you slice it everybody gets a nice crust on the edge which you know has lots of flavor just makes it a bit more exciting rather than just plainly roasted beef okay so that's Dijon mustard on now you want to get it straight into your bowl now a lot of people they'll do this to do it unlike a worktop or something but the problem with that is it tends to get everywhere so I just like to put it in an over a bowl now she's post-op big enough to be fair cuz it's kind of going everywhere but never mind I'll manage if you've got a bigger bowl here's a bigger bowl honestly it is easier I'm not making it up just I've picked a small bowl now also you want to get your oven preheated to gas mark for no sort of medium to high heat now what you want to do is just add a little bit of oil a tablespoon something like that get that pan nice and hot so that we can just Brown off this mean okay we're not cooking all the way through we just get a brown off now I'm going to cook mine in the oven in this same pan if you haven't got another one proof frying pan don't so you just transfer over to a roasting dish and then put it in the oven but I'm gonna cook it all in here oh just for simplicity okay so that oil is nice and hot I'm just gonna get the beef in okay that's what you want to hear that nice sizzle in that pan so you want to cook this brown on all sides on the ends as well get it completely browned and then we'll put it in the oven okay right so Brown my beef all over nothing too much nothing too black I just want it nice sort of golden brown like that just to start off the cooking pop it onto one side because now we're going to do is take our onions won't show you this bit but basically what I'm gonna do is just make like a little trivet so I'm going to cut my onions in half to down like that same leaf or the other one and then get your beef back on top what that will do I'll act as a trivet okay so that doesn't burn the beef I'm going to chuck in the bay leaves and this will help with making a really nice gravy okay which I'm going to show you how to make gravy another video but yeah that's why I'm adding the onions and the the Bailey's cut will have nice lots of lots of nice flavor now at this point you can add a little bit of water I'm just going out some wine cars too much just enough to get a bit of a coating on the bottom and to lift off some of those caramelized bits in the pan now I'm gonna get that straight in the oven so that's gonna take two hours to cook okay and then we'll take out the oven we'll rest it and then we'll carve it when our beautiful lovely pink roast beef hopefully so I'll see you guys in two hours when this is done right this is about 10 minutes before the cooking time is up gonna get it out of the oven as you can see lovely golden brown and delicious and the reason we're going to take out 10 minutes before it's fully cooked it's gonna go wrap it in foil and as it rests it will continue to cook so we're going to get this wrapped in foil now I'm gonna leave it to rest for at least 20 minutes probably half an hour don't worry it won't go cold it'll keep warm in the foil bat resting time just allows the beef to just reabsorb all that moisture and juices that have kind of gone like that through the meat as it's gone through cooking times and that just makes it super super juicy and delicious so let's get that wrapped up and for now wrap and leave that alone don't even think about cutting into it don't even think about slicing it because if you do that it's just ruined because all that juice is just gonna come pouring out it's gonna be dry as hell I'm not very nice to eat at all so you must must must rest it can't stress the importance of that enough so believe that I say 20 minutes 25 minutes we'll come back we'll slice it and it should be lovely and pink inside whilst that beast resting I just want to show you what happens in the pan all those juices and stuff that come out with beef have just kind of made this thick glossy viscous source just in a bottom there you can see those onions have gone soft gooey and delicious I mean there are just nice to eat on their own but that sauce all that liquid in the bottom there that is the base for the most amazing delicious rich gravy right there all about its flavor you have some flour to that at some rich beef stock some salt pepper and that it's gonna be delicious delicious gravy that's pure gold right there beef has been rested for about 25 minutes now I just removed it from the foil any juices that are kind of collected in the foil are pulled back into that pan all the onions stuff because I make a really fantastic gravy so let's have a slice okay see what's like inside now the first probably slice or two won't be completely medium-rare but I think as we get into it you'll be nice and pink all the way through so let's have a slice haha money shot look at that gorgeous pink beautifully cooked beef that is absolutely perfect serve that up with some really nice gravy some roast potatoes Yorkshire puddings the Yorkshire pudding and the red potatoes I've got that even the playlist as well serve that with some gravy absolutely fantastic delicious and again easy all it comes down to folks is cooking time get your timings right you're not perfect beef every single time no matter what cutter is it'll work well pepper thanks very much for today guys it's been absolutely awesome hope you enjoyed the recipe super super super simple I know it's so ridiculous easy to make the order poor thing is following those cooking times once you've got that nailed easy as pie make yourself a nice gravy roast potatoes Yorkshire puddings beef do some watching some peas and roasted carrots your guests your family will appreciate it tenfold honestly it's so so easy thanks ever so much for watching if you want to support me please subscribe to the channel because that's the best way you can support me thanks again I'll leave all my social media links in the bottom as well see you guys next time and bye for now
Channel: Adam Garratt
Views: 144,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roast beef, beef roast, roast, how to get medium rare roast beef, how to make roast beef, roast beef cooking times, beef roasting times, best way to get roast beef, how to cook beef, simple roast beef recipe, sunday roast, beef, roasting beef, easy roast beef, medium rare roast beef, roast beef recipe, best roast beef recipe
Id: IplYU3ReXrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2016
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