How to get mods and gorilla tag No PC (updated) 😁

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hello what's up guys we're back with another video and today I'm gonna be showing you how to get mods in gorilla attack no PC you don't need any laptop no phone nothing just straight from your straight from your Oculus no PC you don't need anything first I'm gonna show you all the Cosmetics y'all can get and stuff this game this game unless you have uh this that barely anybody buys uh that's it doesn't give you that oh it's supposed to be though what's it called hat thing but it it's not just it's just not showing the hot thing or is that supposed to be I don't even know what that's supposed to be but yeah that's what I'm wearing right now all right and once I show you how to get this so you're if you want this cosmetic you're going to want to come right there click that and you're gonna see like oh let me go click it again so I can give you more detail all right so you're gonna see Rose that's what you click and they might um so once when you get mod well when you get the game you're going to want to come over here the codes do work and it's online so it's really good actually really good uh so you're going to want to come over here and click mods um oh frick why is that on uh ah [Music] Jenny don't hit him because you're mad all right um camera mod it's not really a camera mod it's just like um bone stick but here's all the mods like platforms fly it's a pretty cool fly car monkey doesn't work speed boost oh how does that keep on enabling no clip I forgot how to turn on no clip I guess no clip doesn't work all right it does all right no clip does work um Ghost Monkey does not work Iron Monkey works very well a very legit Iron Monkey um this works only when you're joining a code like when you're not in a room not connected to a room no tag freeze works third person has also that I was struggling with a whole lot um those are all those are all the mods um yeah pretty cool yeah and here's how they get the game so we're going to want to go to your Oculus Crestor um you're gonna search bones and then tag it should pop up is it pop up oh then just started on reception on side quest and I'm gonna show y'all how to get um side quests right now uh well not right now in another video but here's how to get mods in gorilla attack bye and sorry I haven't posted in so long I just school's been starting up and I've been taking my summer and enjoying it so bye everybody
Channel: Jayce and Journey gaming
Views: 18,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cWFrnwFn6Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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