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hello everybody I'm Mr Barlow and today I'm going to show you the easiest and most in-depth tutorial on YouTube on how to get mods in gorilla tag on Standalone Quest so that means no PC needed for this and we're gonna get mods so let's stop wasting time and get right into it so first up you do want to go to meta Quest browser right here whenever that loads up you can either search up YouTube or I have it right here so I'm gonna click on that and I'm sure you can guess where this is going but I'm gonna search up my YouTube channel which is just Mr Molly want to search up Mr Mala I should be the first one up and thank you for 8 000 subscribers guys I really appreciate that but anyways uh if you see just click on my one of my latest videos and gonna like the video because why not go down into the description and you will see join wow okay just interrupt my video anyways you'll see join my Discord server right here so I'm gonna click on the link and it'll pull up the invite and we just want to join the server accept the invite and it will open the Discord app once you select your roles and you officially get into my Discord server just like this you will see a whole bunch of stuff on the front or on the left side over here because like he's anyways you'll see um help right here guys if you go to create a ticket you can click create a ticket and right here you'll see your ticket if you have any problems during this video and you need someone to help you you can create a ticket and it'll appear right here and you can type whatever your question is and I or one of my mods will be here to help you mod gorilla set anyways if you go down you will see G tag modding at the bottom of my server you'll see start modding PC and start modding Quest we're doing quests today and you'll see this forum right here which may look a little complicated but it's not you'll see a couple things right here you will need CX File Explorer for this so I do have like tutorials and other stuff but to get CX file explorer you'll also need a maze file explorer it's super easy you can do it with your phone computer School laptop even anyways moving on you'll see Quest only mods right here if you just click on that anywhere this will pop up on the sides and you will see this link right here you just want to click on it just like that and it'll load this page right here MediaFire and you just foreign but whenever that downloads we'll go on to the next step so for the next step you want to go to your apps down here and you'll see gorilla tag click the three dotted button and we'll need to uninstall it guys disclaimer here you will not lose any of your cosmetics in your shiny rocks everything will still be there when you reinstall gorilla tag so just click on install now after you have done that and you have CX file explorer you can go to apps and you will see all right here you want to go down to unknown forces and scroll until you see CX file explorer just like this and you want to open it up now if you haven't been ucx file explorer pop-up will appear and you just want to allow access to whatever I asked from you and now when you have it open you want to go to downloads right here and you will scroll until you see Quest only mods on zip all this other stuff is personal stuff so don't even worry about it now that you see Quest only you just want to click on it and you'll see the file in Just click on that now whenever you get in here you'll see four steps one two three and four these are the four steps of getting mods on grill tap super easy so first up we're gonna do is just click on the top one and you'll open it and you'll see app.apk now what you want to do is just click on then it'll say gorilla tag and it'll install and do you want to install this app and click it and now I'm gonna wait for this to install now that it's done we're gonna move on to step two so you just click the back arrow and you will see step two right here step one is just downgrading your game to a moddable update and now we're moving on to this which is mod data which will pretty much include the mods so all you want to do is click this check check mark right here and then you want to click copy and then you want to go back back back all the way to the home page and you want to go to main sort and then all you want to do is Click paste it'll say copying and it'll start downloading and I'll get back to you when this is done download so now it says my data copy to storage that means that you've successfully done step two so you want to go back to downloads back to Quest only must stop zip step three main now you will see Quest picture you want to click on this box right here and we're essentially doing this except a little bit different so don't skip to that now go back to main storage and then just click paste now that is done we're gonna go all the way back to Quest only then in then time first step four you'll see com dot another axiom.real attack click the check and click copy now you want to go back back and go to main storage again but instead of pasting it you want to go to Android and then you want to go to data now onto here then you want to click paste you will get a pop-up that looks a little something like this and whenever you see that pop up just click apply to all folders and click merge and then you'll get another pop-up that looks like this just click apply to all folders and click overwrite now whenever this done you will see it appear right there and you've officially installed mods for gorilla tag so I'm going to show you what it looks like in game so now that you have loaded in you will see that your editorial and your rainbow and you'll see this little watch right beside you and if you click on that banana OS will appear also this can be a little finicky so just try to open it with that point on your hand right there and it'll open up right up also platforms are always going to be enabled you can turn it off and I'll show you how in a second but open it up banana OS click enter and you'll see a whole bunch of stuff and you'll see some mods right here you'll have platform monkey and if you click enter you'll see your size your platform colors so I can just make my left platform way bigger and I can make my left platform white so now it's bigger and is white also I can go back and let's test out grab monkey now you'll enter and you'll see grab monkey is disabled so you want to click enter then click back back or you can just tilt your wrist over and it'll go away but grab monkey might see that low grab doesn't actually do anything so let's go to Forest and also let's say you're struggling with tutorial because you know of course you're a new monkey into tour and you have grab monkey enabled well instead of trying to side bounce you can actually just jump to the wall and you'll see that you can just walk up the wall just like your spider monkey but there is one flaw with the mod it changes gravity of the world of what you touch so I jump and now I'm just here to fall but right you can catch yourself of course on this one but if you climb at the top you can just jump off and you can catch yourself with platforms so you fall right anyways as you may notice the fall update is here which is pretty cool and you'll see unable to connect to the internet please check your connection that's all right and you may see um your fan and definitely that means as soon as you uninstall the mods you'll be unbanned so the sad thing is is that multiplayer does not work for this but I can find a way I always can so if you guys want me to make a tutorial on that please like And subscribe and if this video gets 500 likes that is a lot of likes I'm gonna spend every second of my day finding a fix for this all right and I will make a video so anyways I'm kind of getting ahead of myself as you can see there's a giant red thing in The Jig that you've never seen in real life before this is a teleporter because there are custom maps in this you'll see right here that there's the monkey computer those are games outdated but no one cares about that just click back and you can go down and you can change like settings there's custom backgrounds there's game settings you change your color name all that stuff but there's also map loader as you can see here there's the beginner map Lost Woods Museum New York City Subway Surfers swamps Fortress super cool stuff so oh I'm stuck on the roof try out Subway Surfers oh I see those Tick Tock videos if you want to make one you can do it so I click enter and I click enter again it'll say map loaded and as soon as this thing turns green you can full send it into Subway Surfers as you can see we are now in the world of Subway Surfers with this stupid guard yeah screw you no one likes you pal anyways oh my God grab monkey goes crazy [Music]
Channel: Mr.Mallow
Views: 293,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sz9QbvzCgzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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