How To Get Into God's Presence | How To Connect with God & Hear Him | Christian Video Devotional |

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hi everyone mel here from crossing the jordan ministries welcome back to our youtube channel if you're new here we do online devotions we do biblical teachings so if that is something that interests you be sure to like and subscribe and be sure to hit the bell if you want to receive i've got my daughter here she evidently wants to be part of the action today as i was saying if you want to receive content notifications as these come out be sure to hit the bell i do release content every week so today we're talking about online devotions um [Laughter] real life i'm sorry today we're doing online devotions i am in the middle of in the book of proverbs however the lord actually gave me a dream and told me specifically to speak about something different which i'll be talking about today um just to give you an idea of what i dreamed so that you understand i dreamed that i suddenly got given a piece of paper that had a message on it but the message was in shorthand and i could see that it was just a draft of a message not the entire thing and when this document was given to me i was told to call my father to get the rest of the message because he wanted me to declare what he what was on his heart i woke up out of the dream and i knew that god was asking me to get into the secret place with him because he had something very specific that he wanted me to share with you so i gave my daughter here over to my husband and asked him just to keep watch keep her with him for an hour or two while i pressed in and spent some time with the lord and so in this place of worshiping and quite honestly i was a bit of a mess um i don't want to sound like a flake but while i was just with him in the room i just felt his presence come on me so strongly and i remember i was just sitting on the floor and i was just weeping and it was in that moment when i heard the lord speak and he said i want you to show people how to get to this place and i realized what he wanted me to do was show you how to spend time with him how do you get into god's presence how do you spend time what do you do to do devotions how do you get into his presence where you start to hear his voice so that is what today's devotion is about it might run over five minutes i'm not sure um i do apologize if it does but it'll be worth it for you so here's the thing um you know when the bible is clear there's no method or formula on how to get into god's presence i mean different things work for different people but what i can say is that the bible shows us tells us how to get into his presence in the sense that it says you enter my gates with thanksgiving in your heart and you enter my courts with praise so that tells you the first thing you need to do if you wanting to spend time with the lord to really get into his presence you need to come to him with a thankful heart and with praise worship him thank him for what he's done you know i i was an atheist for 29 years i absolutely hated christians i'd grown up with christians and i'd seen many people talk about jesus but i hadn't seen jesus in anyone that was preaching him so i thought christians were hypocrites and i wanted nothing to do with them hey i've put millie down here next to me so if you hear her i'm very sorry this is real life nonetheless so as i was saying i was i was a christian i was an atheist for 29 years i hated christians and it really doesn't take me very long to get into god's presence because what i do when i'm really seeking to hear his voice and come into his presence is i start thanking him for saving me from that life because i i was so lost and i was so broken i didn't even know it yet he came and he touched me um for those of you who don't know my story um i was living a crazy wild life i hated christians with a passion as i said i didn't believe in heaven or hell or demons or satan or god and one night while i was living and working in the middle east i was all alone in my apartment i got attacked physically by two demons i was covered in bruises you can read about this in crossing the jordan there is a golden road for everyone i talk all about that demonic attack and how i got saved but that night jesus christ came and touched me in my bedroom and it changed my life forever i've never been the same and when i'm wanting to get into his presence i simply take that memory and i start to thank him and i remind myself where i was before i knew him so that is my encouragement to you if you're wanting to seek the lord and get into his presence i would encourage you to find a dark room for me personally i go into the study area i close the blinds i close the door i turn off all the lights so i'm not distracted i have a playlist of three or four songs that are worship songs and then i thank him i start to thank him and i start to worship him i thought i thank him for the smallest things the small victories the big victories the roof of my head the the breath in my lungs the little things that he does for me on a daily basis and if you take this approach i promise you now it will not be long before you feel his presence come down on you and you can start to hear his voice now when you get to that place and you'll know when you're in that place because for me the tears just flow when when he when he's there in that way i can't contain myself i just cry i just cry because it's so overwhelming when you get to that place if you're a journaler which is a fantastic thing to do take a piece of paper take a notepad and just write ask him lord what would you have me what would you have to say to me today and then you write what you hear and trust in your heart what you're hearing in your heart is actually the lord you know it says that if we ask him for for she won't give us a stone so trust that when he speaks when you hear that that thought or whatever it might come as that it's actually the lord um yeah that's that is the first step enters gaze for thanksgiving interest courts with praise and i would also say i would hold off on asking him for stuff um in those moments not because you shouldn't i mean the bible says give us our daily bread we're supposed to ask for provision and stuff that's it's not a bad thing however when you're wanting to get into his presence you know it's about thanking him you can ask him for things at a different stage it's the same with reading the bible these are all crucial things to your walk but when you're wanting to get into his presence when you're seeking breakthrough for something specific that requires something special it's an intimate relationship with the lord i'm sorry my daughters hey baby it's a very different thing that so i hope that's helpful if you are wanting to read the word the best way to start actually studying the bible is to first go through that process hey sweetie she just wants to be part of the action the best way to get if you want to study the word is to start by getting into presence like that and once you can hear his voice in that place you start to study the word and don't be afraid to ask the holy spirit lord shine your light on your word to me today so illuminated for my heart and you will be surprised at what the lord shows you in those moments and also do not be afraid to follow a bible reading plan if you skip a day here or there don't condemn yourself just pick up where you where you missed off i think she's had enough of recording today hey are you tired you want some attention well guys i really hope you enjoyed this as i said you can read about the demonic attack and how the lord really touched me in crossing the jordan i will put the link to that down below god bless you god bless bye
Channel: Crossing the Jordan Ministries
Views: 6,181
Rating: 4.9922028 out of 5
Id: dNmK-YhP3GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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