How to get into coding for beginners #shorts

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what's a mistake you learned the hard way that you can now help people to avoid it was really hard for me when i transitioned from medicine to computer science the comps i work can be super confusing to beginners and my advice is when you first start off try to learn one programming language and i would suggest java or python cs50 introduction to computer science is the best course online for learning java that's free is a really great resource for learning python and a bunch of other material after you learn a programming language i would suggest the first class you take would be data structures and algorithms because it's super crucial to interviews in order to do that go to lead code make an account go to the explore panel and go to the learn section where you can learn the different data structures and algorithms for free also you can learn data structures and algorithms through in their data structures section follow for more tech advice
Channel: Ray Fu
Views: 281,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zNq4dB2FzcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 45sec (45 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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