How To Get Good Gimbal Shots

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in this video I'm gonna show you how to get those really good shots when you're using gimbal because it's like when you're first buying gimbal is really hard knowing how to actually operate the gimbal but I am try to help you along the way so that you can get some really cinematic shots really fast and shake this out because this is probably the coolest thing that I've seen this year [Music] [Music] okay so you just bought your first gimbal you just put your camera on there and you are just like eager to get out there and start shooting different videos but there is a couple of techniques that you need to know when you're operating you mode to get those really really smooth shots and that is exactly what I'm going to try to cover in this video before we actually get to the shooting part with your gimbal one of the absolute most important thing in my opinion is definitely gonna be the way that you balance your camera on your gimbal because I see a lot of people out there that are just putting on the camera and then balance it until it's like okay and doing that is gonna put an unnecessary strain on the gimbals motor and is probably gonna make your gimbal to break a lot sooner than would otherwise so that is why I think that when you're balancing your gimbal you wanna make sure that you can just like balance it until perfection and you can leave it in any place and the camera is gonna stay there because you have balanced it's so good there's also gonna be a lot easier for it to get the shots that you want to have because the motors will not struggle when you are getting those kind of like really low shots or when you're moving forward or when you're moving the gimbal fast especially if you're in sports mode because if you're in the sports mode with the DJI Ronin the motors are working like super fast and if your gimbal is not properly balanced it's gonna be a risk that your camera likes to take some of the beating if the motors fail or if something fails with the gimbals and I'm gonna show you a how do you call it a game ball hack so as you probably know I do have this photo PL what is called like peel 200 plate I think and I've actually put this quick-release plate on my gimbal as well so instead of having this really long thing right here I just put the camera in that quick release and then I'm done so I'm gonna drop link to those things down below so you can just go in there you can hold them yourself and then streamline your workflow huh okay so probably the most important thing when you are operating a gimbal is going to be to do slow movements unless you're shooting something that is really action-packed you want to try to move as slowly as you possibly can I'm going to walk in with a gimbal you don't want to walk regularly just holding a gimbal like that straight up walking down the pier or whatever is that you're walking on because that is gonna give you this like bobbing motion up and down that you don't want to have in your shot and the reason of that is because we are not stabilized on that axis so what you want to do instead is that you won't try to walk as smoothly as you possibly can and that means basically like keeping your knees bent and walking heel to toe heel to toe because that will give you the most professional-looking footage when you're using a limo the warning comes getting those really really good gimbal shots there's like a couple of more things to think of than just how to operate the gimbal and one of them is definitely gonna be the use of foregrounds and this is something that I tell you in a lot of my videos but for ground will make your movement way more apparent than if you don't have any foreground say for example that I want to get a shot of this I know what that is like a castle house old building if I do not use a foreground when I shoot this it's not gonna look as interesting that if I were to use the foreground I'm going to show you an example [Music] [Music] and a couple of gimble moves that I always use no matter what kind of gimbal it is that I use of what kind of video it is that I shoot is gonna be these moves the first one is basically gonna be having your gimbal in a underslung mode trying to stay as close to the ground as you possibly can because doing this will give you a way more like interesting perspective than if you were to hold the gimbal like slightly off the ground and when you have the foreground in there it's kind of like really really good so try to frame your shots really good using the rule of thirds and that will give you some really really interesting shots that is going to look really professional another move that I really like to get those really good shots it's definitely gonna be like trying to stay close to the ground and then doing a fakie jib shot upwards to make sure that you like reveal what is behind the actual foreground that you have in your video and when you're getting these kind of shots it's gonna be easier for you if you set your camera to manual focus because then the camera will not like try to grab focus off the foreground and then hunt to the background and when you're using manual focus for a gimbal shot like this they want to try to like start off with the framing that is gonna be your end frame make sure that I set the manual focus so that everything there is in focus and then move back and then do the move all over again I am personally using the DJI Ronin S which has three different modes that you can configure and make exactly the way you want to have them and what I've done is that I've set my second mode to be like the main mode that I'm shooting in and I'm leaving that as is all the time and then I'm using mode number one and number three to play around with do some different stuff but then I know that mode two is always going to be the side same settings that I always use and what I've done here is that I entered that smooth drag on mode number two and that's at the pan to smooth drag with a speed at medium deadband at two and sensitivity at medium this is something that I think works really good for me to get those really cinematic like moving shots without the motors being like too responsive when you're using the gimbal leaning in is something that is really easy to do but it looks so good when you're like using a gimbal because the shot is really really steady and you feel like the moving subject is liable so when you're leaning with the gimbal like forward or backwards you can also try to find something to shoot through because if you find some kind of like hole in a wall or a window or anything like that it's gonna make your shot look so much better than if you're just moving in like that this is something that is really cool to do in like ruins or urban environments maybe you have like a I don't know you can use that whatever you whatever kind of hold that you're fine slide and pan is definitely a move that you can use no matter what kind of video that you're shooting because it's so good like it's literally one of the best moves that you can use and that is holding a gimbal like this and then moving to either right or left and then at the same time like turning your gimbal handles so that the camera is keeping like locked on on the center because that is gonna give you like the circular movement that you always like keeping the center point of the circle in focus and this move is something that I use almost all the time even when I'm shooting handheld because it looks so good it's not falling over here I do highly recommend you to go out and practice like the gimbal walk or the I know what you call it like the video walk or something like that a lot because when you feel comfortable with that there's like literally no limits to what you can shoot because the smoother you are in your legs the better your footage is gonna look so when you combine walking smoothly with gym ball and getting those kind of different moves in there it's gonna look really really good for something you can get a shot like this leaning in and then walking slowly backwards with everything that you've learned in this video and I mean like that shot looks really good I wish it were a better environment maybe a sunrise or something like that but I mean come on like it looked dope and if you're walking behind a person you want to try to move as slowly as possible so don't get that up-and-down movement and if you're shooting a static subject then you want try to have a foreground in that shot to make it feel really really dynamic revealing or establishing or something like that because it's gonna do it's gonna do it so much better when you include that in through the videos you can also use something that is called like the inception thing I think and that is basically like this spinning around looks good but I prefer doing those kind of shots entire the handheld instead and those moves are everything that you need to know to get those really smooth gimbal shots to make it look really professional and yeah basically shoot whatever kind of cinematic footage that you want to do so I really hope that you enjoyed this video and if you did please do give it a thumbs up because it does make a huge difference so thanks so much for that if you haven't subscribed yet that would be highly appreciate that it's not gonna be up here it's gonna be down here it's just a like call-out it looks good right yeah oh thanks so much for being here thanks so much for all the support that I'm getting and rather you haven't totally lost the words but oh my dear oon the boat oh boy huh so what Oh hurry yet okay
Channel: Peter Lindgren
Views: 959,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get good gimbal shots, how to get smooth footage, gimbal shots, dji ronin s, gimbal stabilizer, gimbal movements, how to take cinematic shots without gimbal, 5 cinematic gimbal shots, best cinematic gimbal shots, gimbal movement tips, gimbal tips and tricks, how to get smooth footage with gimbal, peter mckinnon tutorials, good gimbal shots, gimbal shots tutorial, gimbal shots video, gimbal shots tips, get good gimbal shots, best gimbal 2019
Id: vM0At-S8F3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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