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So speaking of WhatsApp we're going to go into the online dating game now let me tell you the world has changed the world has shifted from many years ago when all Playboys made their approaches person to person there was no other way of doing it the internet didn't exist Instagram didn't exist and the best dating app that exists right now is Instagram Tinder this is where the ugly girls hang out girls who can't get a boyfriend they might download Tinder a hot girl might download Tinder and mess around with it for 5 minutes but dating apps are nowhere near as powerful as Instagram everyone who's anyone every attractive girl in the world is on Instagram and every guy who's in an elite elite level guy every guy with some clout some presents uh some money some Talent some skill something to offer is on Instagram too Instagram is the most powerful dating app in the world now if you've ever had a girlfriend friend what you should do next time you do is get access to her Instagram inbox I have Instagram inbox um passwords to all of my girlfriends all six of them so I can see the messages they get every single day 20 or 30 people are messaging them hi babe hi you look good now they don't read the messages this is the problem and this is why Instagram is important if you understand Instagram game and you understand how it works you could be the most handsome guy in the world you could be uh Ferrari driver you can be in super yachts in all your pictures and private jets if you have a boring profile picture and 200 people following you it's not that the girl likes you for the number of followers it's you are not going to be seen you're going to send a message to this beautiful girl she's going to scroll down her messages oh who's this this guy has 20,000 followers let me read this guy's messages she's going to skip right past you the importance of building up a nice Instagram page when it comes to game is exceptionally important in today's world right now I'm 40 something thousand followers I have a verified tick now I'm uglier I'm sure than lots of guys who are messaging these models and these girls who I do meet on Instagram however when I send a message it could be something as mundane as hello or a love heart reaction to one of her stories she's scrolling down her page guy more handsome than me guy more handsome than me billionaire ugly guy and then there's me there's a little Blue Tick next to my name it says I have 40 something thousand followers oh who's this guy she'll then click on my page and look at my page she doesn't look at anyone else she'll look at my page and think oh this guy decided to send me a message you know what I'm going to message back or I won't message back but my messages are getting opened and that is the key to Instagram game you need to have a powerful profile you know if you need to post photos of cars do it you need to post photos with other girls do whatever it takes to build up your likes to build up your online presence because it's almost as important when meeting women as your real life presence which we're going to get into later in this course so Instagram is the most powerful dating app in the [Music] world
Channel: The Hustlers Code
Views: 15,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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