420kg Giant Firework Shell Story | The YONSHAKUDAMA ★ ONLY in JAPAN

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[Music] so here we are and cut the guy and you got the prefecture this is a festival that's been held for over 400 years in this town they take their fireworks seriously in fact there's a shrine dedicated to it and in Japan we have something called Tanabe Tai Chi which are major festivals for fireworks often going on for over two hours this one goes on for over three in Tokyo the fireworks may be this big here in Catholic I they're this big this is the young shock Adama over 400 kilograms was in the Guinness Book of World Records a few years ago as being the biggest in the world and tonight we're gonna see this go up into the sky just how big is this thing Japanese fireworks eyes is very marked by their number numbers three and four the most common in the cities because of the tall buildings and dense population but when you have more space you can get to the shock Adama which is number 10 and much larger then it goes into crazy mode the young shock Adama invented here in cut Akai is four times bigger than that and that's what we'll see tonight it's fired from a cannon buried in the ground that's this big let's look at Japan's Bioworks town of kata Kai and Niigata first you can see in Tokyo how dense the buildings and population is such a crazy idea for super-sized fireworks is impossible here there's no space large enough but if you cruise on over to Niigata Prefecture on the Sea of Japan side down there you'll see the kata chi-town is perfect for this kind of insanity the town is small only 4,000 people and the area around it is all rice paddies and fields [Music] the 400-year kata Kai festival is the event of the year in town people from all over Japan come in buses to experience it it's also televised nationally because it's the only festival where such a massive firework artillery shell is shot up annually the love of fireworks can be seen all over the town like here on the manhole covers do you see that vending machine over there it's wrapped in you guessed it the massive young shock Adama it also has an impressive lineup of cheap drinks there's also young shock Adama Japanese sake and models of fireworks which make great piggy banks I visited the inventor of the young shock Adama in his factory office to learn more kono kata kite to taka unique atacama trick to Matt Sorenson Caraga also known as little too touchy Aloha Hanavi maturity to you who you are is anything this Cara Cano material due to Suzuka you are G mutiny Hanavi asanga night Oh Dicky night Matsuri you can see all the sizes his factory produces the models show the insides the one I'm holding is most commonly fired in urban environments they can't fire bigger ones than this the Kotik I Matsui fired up the Sun shocked Adama for the first time in Japan in over 80 years in 1969 in 1986 Masanori Honda challenged that with a young shock Adama the biggest ever he took me into his factory storehouse to check out what will be used in the festival we started with the small ones she's a die-in you're young Nassau they're about the size of a grapefruit our eating good the Magna can you torture I won it or whatever same won't ask of you the information like color is written on the label here's Honda son's team manufacturing firework shells [Music] here's the other finished half of the firework bomb they look like melons ready for transport to the supermarket these number four fireworks are being taped up when finished the next one starts staff needs to be trained and licensed to make fireworks here taping them well ensures that they'll survive the cannon blasts and make it into the air before exploding the number fours look so small compared to the number 10 shock Adama [Music] Bokashi no subpoena no kotoba deva na meeting over at to yonder Kurumi Syrians so na HELOC a renegade Pomona's oh no naraku's Vedas token a pseudo Anna Oct Madhavi so no Java muni maha tanto give you a vivid scarlet otra curve in each character Tokido so you know me navara Deven deity so no Kakaako Boras calendar demo Jokinen dakara sala de la la paz Oconee Dylan toka Giacomo Casanova tonight Oh Tom Edison took noir Erin Hannon antique imbeciles escapetherace chicken Domino us cutters we got to go into the locker where the finished Shaka Damas for the festival are located and the yunxiang Kodama it's so big they stored it outside in another area it takes about a year to make one right away you can see just how ridiculously big it is I know you know something you have to this we're not great butts too big butts I was a little hesitant to enter this room which has kept warm at all times oh no no no every night yeah ah look who's you Chuck units in the Roku's you young buy them don't buy go kazooie on by 64 times more powerful than the shack Adama these four hundred and fifty kilogram balls filled with stuff that explodes might make anyone nervous but they're very well protected power no no ma Paco had to talk to me so I need not do that yeah the Casa de casa no buckets video quiet mood to chitchat I'm going to it again artists toka entertainer doji suddenly the Surrey bar jack 18 and under that torture there although it's more hmm still go to see God move oh no God are you know can it has to be that they were let's Cristo yeah so they got Kings head up tomorrow the morning of the festival it was quiet but the town was ready this festival is held annually ever ninth and tenth day of September the program for the event is as big as a newspaper it lists each firework sponsored with a message from the buyer people can propose for marriage celebrate a retirement from a company remember a loved one with fireworks many are the number 10 shock Adama sighs several hours before nightfall a truck with a crane enters the factory to pick up the young shock Adama I headed out into the farm fields with a massive cannon was buried to watch them loaded in the shock Adama is now in route from Hondas ons factory and you can see down there that is the cannon where they're gonna be putting the young shock Adama and then launching it around 10:00 p.m. but it takes a little bit of effort because this thing is so big it requires a crane to lower into the cannon of course great care is taken when transporting it honda-san directs the truck to the launching spot I was situated on top of a hill that shields the blast during launch which gave me a great view of the loading fireworks in the distance go off to announce the loading of the young shock Adama around town it's carefully lowered into the cannon where it'll be launched around 10:00 p.m. the finale for the festival again it weighs about four hundred and twenty kilograms nine hundred and twenty-five pounds will be fired up about eight hundred meters two thousand six hundred and twenty five feet and have a width of about eight hundred meters it's been about 20 years since there's been a misfire or problem that's an incredible record considering the massive weight of the yogic Adamo which is the largest firework in the world shot up by a cannon we've just seen Honda's on putting the young shock Adama into the cannon I have to be honest with you when they removed it from the truck and started to put it into the cannon I was a little bit nervous because you know you never know there's always a chance that it something might happen but we have helmets on which were probably protect us anyways I'm really even more excited after seeing it put it in the cannon what its gonna look like in the sky tonight we just have to wait about five hours it's a street food the shrine has gotten quite festive food stalls are up and the audience is making its way into the town from all over the country you won't go hungry here [Music] [Music] the sunset lights up the sky a preview of the amazing colors that will light up the night here the town is very quiet most residents watching in open spaces are at the shrines event viewing area each boom echoes across kata Kai the shrine is the live Elise plays in town but why does this fireworks festival take so long three hours from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. so every couple of minutes they'll announce the sponsor of all the fireworks that are going up up there you see so that's one of the reasons why this event will take over three hours for all of the fireworks to be launched each one of these is sponsored or has a message attached to it so you'll see some massive fireworks taking place above me there'll be about five or six of them and they'll be a pause where they announced the next one and that's the reason why this event takes three hours and it will be until about 10:00 10:30 that we see the young shop Adama to just be patient I put a camera in the rice paddies it's nice to sit a little further out and get a more open view you get a different feeling here than at viewing in the stands by the shrine let's speed this up and move on to the main event as we drank and ate and enjoyed the announcements of family friends and work colleagues sharing a moment with fireworks 10:00 p.m. quickly sprang upon us it was time for the young shock Adama the announcement is exciting [Applause] it's accompanied with a loud alarm through the town any calls everyone out one local and meters away they own shell Kodama didn't fire into the air exploding at the ground [Music] the few seconds before the launch seemed like an hour [Applause] wait that's not right this is the first time in 20 years the young shock Adama didn't launch properly there's only is a risk of this the first of two during the festival did not launch into the sky still impressive but to see it all it needs to travel at least 700 meters into the sky from the rice paddies about 2,000 meters away it looked like this and this is what I saw well I felt it that was a big one I felt that it didn't quite get into the air but Wow yeah the young Chuck Gotama didn't go up into the air explode and show us all of its glory but there is a risk that it won't happen and it's quite amazing that every year despite that risk they just keep doing it and doing it and doing it to me that's pretty amazing I like that spirit that they have but because you watched all the way to the end I cannot not show you right this is what the young Chuck Adama would have looked like had it gone off this year [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on September 10th success a year's work becomes a very satisfying 15 seconds lighting up the Kathak I night sky yes CIO so they're doing my say that also did not only Yan Chicago's have good schools and you began your night honda-san calls his creation crazy but I see it as something else he has the courage to think bigger and take risks to show something impressive every single year and the effort a year to make it but less than a minute in the sky has earned the respect of a nation and yours truly if you liked it hit that subscribe button and check out another one of our shows don't miss my second live streaming channel only in Japan go and check out location photos on Instagram matinee [Music]
Views: 16,263,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, fireworks, japanese, manufacturing, factory, fireworks festival, world record, biggest, largest, how big, rocket, katakai, 片貝まつり, 四尺玉, yonshakudama, street food, takoyaki, crowd, safe, dangerous, best, rare, launching, making, process, shakudama, vending machine, wrapped, style, job, masanori honda, why, where, guinness book, weight, design, inside, contest, national, international, tournament, blast, fail, fortnight, battle, game, size, tickets, in the world, footage, accident, 420, John Daub, heavy
Id: Txq3NM35_C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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