How To Get Started As a DevOps Engineer

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hello welcome back to my channel if you don't know me my name is sosa i'm a software engineer who talks about engineering things and sometimes finance and in today's video i'm going to be talking about devops getting into the field just some of the skills that you need in order to be successful and so if that's interesting to you make sure to stick around for the rest of the video so if you don't know if you didn't watch the video that i've made in the past i am a software engineer who specializes quote unquote in devops and release engineering if you want more context into what i do personally make sure to check out the video it's linked down below if you're just starting out your career or you're interested in transitioning your career into devops you should know that devops isn't necessarily a position title it's more about a methodology in a way a company or a team or team of teams goes about their processes when it comes to engineering devops is just this way to bridge the gap between development and operations there's an environment fostered of just like open communication and collaboration participation between these two sections and these two sections could obviously hold a bunch of different sub teams in some fields but that's just the general way to describe devops not necessarily a position but just a way to go about doing things in engineering but these days a lot of companies do have devops positions and opportunities and titles so with all that said there are some core responsibilities that most devops engineers usually take on so from my experience but my limited experience those responsibilities include infrastructure monitoring automation networking security and releasing deployment or ci cd obviously this is a lot to take in for just one role but you know not one person is going to have all this experience and super in-depth knowledge about all these things it's not necessary for you to be advanced in all those topics but it is kind of necessary for you to be at least proficient in most of them and maybe advance in one or two and there's no structured way of getting started in devops like there's not like you can get a bachelor's in it or anything like that so from my understanding there's usually two ways that people get into this subfield and it's either one it's a developer or software engineer like me who's interested in infrastructure and operations or two it could be a system administrator who has really strong development skills so regardless of whichever path you take think about the foundational knowledge programming cloud and operating system that's linux usually python and aws so those are the three categories that you really want to focus on if you're just starting as a person who wants to transition into this field so starting with linux so there's no law really saying in order to be a devops engineer you have to be only working in a linux environment that's not necessarily true but most of the job opportunities are linux based so linux is something that you'll have to learn and keep learning and the best way to go about that is just to install it at home and use it as much as you can if you have mac that's pretty easy just open up terminal and you know look at some man pages or try to look at some exercises online in order to learn more about the operating system or you can download and install fedora or ubuntu and do the same thing kind of maneuver the operating system not using the gui not using ui not using your mouse or clicking on anything like that but just using the command line and it's something that i want to do and i might actually start making videos about my process and learning more about linux so we can hopefully learn together and of course the programming language of choice for most devops opportunities is python and also python is really prominent in ai and machine learning so if you ever wanted to transition into that field you'd be set last but not least the foundational skill that you'd want to pick up on aws or amazon web services and this is a cloud platform i guess is the best way to put it without aws knowledge it's almost almost i say at least these days it's almost impossible to be honestly it's almost impossible to see a devops position or you know job description without seeing aws somewhere so if you don't have a solid understanding about aws and how the public cloud works then you could be sitting at a disadvantage compared to other applicants or candidates who are applying for the same position so if you want to get more knowledge in aws and the cloud in general i think it was actually has some really cool programs to kind of take you through each of their all their offerings so that you can get a better understanding of it you can also get certified in the cloud for aws and become a certified devops engineer that could be something that you could work towards if you wanted to be able to gain some skills while also getting recognized for getting those skills in order to gain more experience in this foundational knowledge you should try to set aside 20 to 30 minutes a day to learn linux python and aws and if for any reason you have more skills in one than the other then put more time or emphasis into something else or some other piece of it so if you're you know if you're better versed in python then don't put as much time into it if you're not going to be learning anything put more time into linux and aws just kind of allocate your time depending on your current skill set and build on that foundational knowledge and remember this is in addition to all the other things that you kind of have to pick up on but this foundation and this core will really help you in all of the you know categories that we were talking about earlier and give you a solid understanding of what's happening in the space of devops and then again from there from that foundation you can then move into some of the more advanced topics and tools we covered quite a lot that encompasses devops it can be really intimidating and i completely understand it honestly i still feel intimidated 99 of the time when i'm looking at you know positions and kind of even just looking at where my team's currently at because they're all you know senior engineers and what they've been doing so it can be really really really intimidating trying to catch up get up to speed when you're new in the field but once you have those foundational pieces and maybe one or two other tools that you've played around with don't be afraid to start applying to jobs because a lot of companies are willing to take somebody on to teach them not necessarily the foundational things because if you can't code or if you don't really know linux then they might not be willing to take you on but if you have that foundational knowledge and you just need to learn the tools and you have a good understanding of how everything works together companies are more likely to want to take a chance on you because they can spend maybe six months to a year kind of training you on the tools that they use and honestly six months is to a year is just a number that i made up but x amount of time and they can train you on whatever tools they use because the tools don't matter what matters is the concepts that you're learning because they're very much transferable from one tool to the next for example my company used chef when i first started and then which is i think it's the configuration management tool um so we started using chef when i first started two and a half years ago and then a year later we started using salt and now we're moving to ansible and so within two and a half years we've moved to to using multiple different tools and that's kind of what i'm talking about is like the tools don't necessarily matter what matters are the concepts from learning chef all the way to learning ansible what it does doesn't change like what we're trying to achieve doesn't change but the tool does so having that understanding and that basic knowledge will serve you really well baby steps you know it takes time if you're starting from scratch you're not going to jump into being a devrops engineer overnight but it's definitely doable for people who are still new in the field i mean look at me and so if you have any questions or concerns if i didn't clarify anything as well as i could have please as always leave a question down below questions comments whatever if you want a video series of like you know configuration management and ci cd and all those other things that kind of involve devops as i was talking about earlier let me know and i can work on a video series to take you from end to end of things that you should know but yeah i hope you like this video please again make sure to like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Sosa
Views: 29,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: early career advice for engineers, how to build career in devops, how to become a devops engineer without experience, skills to learn to become a devops engineer, getting started as a devops engineer, how to get started as a devops engineer, devops engineer, devops, devops engineer roles and responsibilities, how to become a devops engineer in 2020, skills required for devops engineer, devops engineer career path, being a devops engineer, devops engineer day in the life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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