How to get around The Netherlands with Public Transportation

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hey everyone welcome to this week's new video at visiting the desk countryside for the ones who are new here my name is manol and i am dutch and at visiting the dutch countryside you'll be discovering the netherlands beyond the crowds with me your favorite local in case you didn't know it anyway this week's video is going to be all about public transportation in the netherlands which is you know pretty useful when you're traveling here or when you're planning on living here anything so yeah let's head into this video [Music] so one of the main things that i love about the netherlands is how good our public transportation system is and if any dutch person is watching this they will probably be thinking like oh my god what are you saying is that a great it's always late no honestly our system is really good even the small villages most of the small villages have buses that run once an hour or sometimes a few times a day but most of them have even bus services and under bigger towns and cities they all have at least one train station we're really spoiled over here and people do not realize it but public transportation is really good in the netherlands but it's not cheap i will tell you that it's pretty expensive but it works really good just so you know add a bit of extra budget to your budget if you're traveling to the netherlands and are planning to use public transportation and i will also always recommend you to use the website or the app i always use the app um it's called netway or for the english version yeah it has the prices of the journey that you want to take a public transportation journey it shows the fastest route yadda yadda so use that download the app do not let it out of your stuff and yeah you can use that one to budget as well and playing your trips a bit so first thing first if you're traveling by train in the netherlands there's no need to reserve a spot unless you use the ice train which runs to germany or the thales which runs to paris or the eurostar which runs to london then you need to reserve a spot in advance for the normal trains and things like that in the netherlands no need to reserve you buy a ticket or you check in and then you're in the train so [Music] [Music] [Music] i can highly recommend you to buy an ova chip card when you're in an endless and when you're planning on using the public transportation you know if you think of just visiting amsterdam then you can use a travel card if you're planning on using a lot of transportation but if you're planning on visiting more than amsterdam which i would recommend you to do because this country is so much more than amazon trust me honestly i would really recommend you to buy an office chip card and you can get an overchip card at tourism office or at train stations which have a service desk as well as at kiosks you know those places at triple airport for instance so the ov chip card is you know regard the size of a credit card so you can use the overchip card for every public transportation service in the netherlands so you've got buses trams metros trains yeah just remember that flexpose and those kind of things those are not part of a public transportation system so if you've got yourself an overjib card if you want to use the train you need to have at least 20 euros on your card otherwise you cannot check it and if you want to use the busted trim it's usually for metro it's usually five euros that you need to have on your card so just make sure that you always have enough because otherwise you know just imagine you're rushing and you're like oh my god my dream make a day and you want to check in and you cannot answer because you don't have enough money on it so that sucks but yeah i've been saying quite a bit of check-in things with the card so if you want to let's say you want to enter a train then you enter through the train station some training stations have gates and then you need to put the card in front of a little circle that it has which is over the chip and then it makes sound that it checks you in and then the gates open and you can walk through it and you can catch your train however some quite a lot of stations do not have those gays they simply have a poll a poll which you need to check in and check out never forget the chicken no chicken because otherwise you'll get fines that's enough they're expensive fines if you do not check them so those poles they are standing on the platform always on the platform you can always see them checking when you want to catch the train check out when you want to leave so you get out of the train you walk onto the platform and you check out for the trains in the netherlands you can also get an e-ticket for which you need to have a specific date because otherwise you can't use it so then you also need to check in check out with e-tickets you can now walk through the gates but there is no need to check in check out with any tickets got a ticket from a specific destination for a specific date from a specific destination and to one so there's no need for that there's a train in the netherlands that is called the intercity direct and it goes from amsterdam to russia between amsterdam scribble airport and rolls down you all need to pay an extra fee and you need to validate that fee on your overchip card or if you buy a ticket at the ticket machine so for the intercity direct if you need to use the the part of between amsterdam's ripple and rollstone central then you need to walk onto the platform and you will see another poll and it is a poll with a red sticker on it red round sticker on it and then you need to tap in and it will you will pay for the extra fee so you need to do that because they check it quite often and if you do not do it then well the fines are not fun so there's another thing that doesn't always make it easy but ns is the biggest train provider in the netherlands basically but ns is not the only provider that we have so for instance we also have the company of iriva sometimes you need to change trains and if you're using an ov chip card then you need to and you start your journey in a train from the ns company and you need to transfer to a train from ariva for instance then you need to on the platform where you need to change trains you get out of the ns train you see two poles one pole of ms and one pole next to it of arifa it will say which one it is you will see the the names of the company on the polls so you need to check out at the ns1 i need to tap in so check in add the arriva one and then you can go into the rivet train if you do not change then you can get fined too it's not always easy that especially if you're not used to it so if you transfer train companies this is just about trains not about anything else just trains if you transfer train companies do not forget to check in out and check in again for the other company so buses we have buses in most places in the netherlands even in the smaller villages in the city of arnhem you will find trolleybuses which is the only city in an atlanta still has those kind of buses but in the rest of the netherlands you will just find regular buses these are regular too but you're just you know trolling so in the smaller towns and villages we have something that we call blue person those are small buses they're driven by volunteers and they usually start their shifts around seven and their last shift it depends on the on the area but it's roughly between six and seven indeed so those are there and they run usually once an hour then you've got the regular buses that are big but sometimes run once an hour sometimes run twice now in bigger cities buses are everywhere but if you want to head to the countryside really checking in forms on the 9292 website or app that i told you about because you do not want to miss the bus and wait another hour or more hours so that's not fun we also have quite a few long distance buses i know the netherlands is exactly what we call long distance but for us it is so for instance you've got a bus that runs directly from augma to the city of leowarden which is found in the province of fishland which is the capital and that is a faster bus and it's also more expensive but it's the fastest way to get there so we have a few of those buses that are really fast but you know it saves you time but it costs you more money so it depends what you want and we also have night buses but night buses are mostly in the big cities and often more expensive but cheaper than a taxi so so metres in the netherlands we have two cities that have matters one is rotterdam the other is amsterdam in rotterdam and amsterdam or mainly in rotterdam the metro stretches to some towns that are essentially nowadays connected to rotterdam in amsterdam it heads to the outskirts of the city but not much further to some places that used to not belong to i'm stunned but nowadays it's part of amsterdam so but yeah just amsterdam and all to them they have metros so in bigger cities you also have trams and trams together with cycling are often the quickest ways to get around cities in the netherlands so we've got trams in cities such as amsterdam boston the hague and utter and it often stretches to you know the really connected towns to the cities as well but yeah it doesn't go much further but it's really convenient and really fast but yeah so we've got five airports in the netherlands we have maslift ahem which is down in the south barcelona we've got eindhoven airport which is in the province of north bravo the city of einthoven then you've got uh rotherham the hague airport what's nominated airport amsterdam and you've got horny and elder airport which is in the province of hronian the main international hub is triple it's the biggest airport in the netherlands and it is also the place where most people transfer to other destinations in europe to other places in the world if you want to travel a bit cheaper and you want to use budget airlines transavia is a really good dutch budget airline a klm is a royal dutch airlines and they fly from amsterdam but uh tanzavia flies from we fly from eindhoven and hostel on the hague and it's a really good budget airline and roalton on the hague and eindhoven are both really good airports for all not just the budget airline of tanzavia but there are other budget airlines there as well such as ryanair and luis air yeah we've got five airports in the netherlands amsterdam is the main hub i hope this was useful this was it for this week's video i hope it was useful and that you've learned something and that you're hopefully not getting a fine in a train or something like that really hope that these tips will help will not leave you clueless when you're traveling around the country because it's not always a nice feeling to have you know when you think oh it should be so easy and then it is but you don't know that it is easy so now you know you're welcome thank you so much for watching this week's video about public transportation in the netherlands and how it works etc anyway i hope you liked this week's video don't forget to like comment share and subscribe with the little notification bell and you can now also subscribe to my patreon to get your name in this video well not this video the next one but yeah and plenty more other things so yeah a big thank you to my patreons and i will see you next time you
Channel: Visiting The Dutch Countryside
Views: 59,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: netherlands, public transportation, travel card, trains in the netherlands, public transportation in holland, public transportation in The Netherlands, Public transportation in Amsterdam
Id: NGEkooNU8lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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