How to Get a Good Rating in QA World 2021 | MK VLOG Official

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okay so i'm gonna try to uh record while i transcribe uh an audio oh failed i haven't used this platform since april of ever since may so i stopped working here last april so i'm not really sure if i could still remember anything or everything but i'll try to give you a glimpse of how i do the job so this is my profile so i'm i'm silver i'm on the silver level i have six to eight calls or transcripts that were rated five and then i just need 72 to get to the gold level okay where are the calls oh there was a call but i wasn't able to get it okay let me add like let me add volume master where's my volume master here okay so details okay okay all right so i think i have my volume master here all right so let's wait for another call because i wasn't able to get that it's really really fast guys so be sure to like focus on your screen if you really want to get you know when i get like a call to transcribe hopefully i could get one so they said that once you're already inactive for more than a month they'll deactivate your account but on my case it didn't happen like my account is still active that didn't happen at all so that's good news actually so you can just go back and work do the transcription as normal if you're not busy where are the calls for christ's sake this is really really stressful yeah because i am really an impatient person and i don't want to wait that's why i i chose not to work with your with qa world anymore yes i couldn't just sit here oh wow there was a call i wasn't paying attention oh no no okay well yeah i couldn't just you know let myself sit here for the whole time and just turn scribe and then just get underpaid you know what i mean so i don't wanna settle here that's why i looked for other jobs oh my gosh oh wow i already got one yeah perfect all right it's the moment of truth so i have 14 minutes so start editing whoa so i'm just gonna edit those that are not graded out but those graded out already i don't have to worry about that anymore so yeah let's start i hope you can hear now now i'm going to read to you the truth and blending act and what that is about mind you this you're not going to be paying today the only thing you're going to pay um the problem here is that speaker label error none adherence to faq so let's see now i'm going to read to you the truth and sending act truth and lending act let's see so my best friend here is google truth in lending act see but what's transcribing here is and so let's change that to in truth in lending act and what's about it now i'm gonna read to you the truth and funding act and what that is about mind you this you're not gonna be paying today so sometimes if it's too fast for me uh i'll use the volume master around 250 i guess and then i'll slower the speed set it to slower mode and then let me see now i'm gonna read to you the truth and bending act and what that is about mind you this you're not going to be paying today the only thing you're going to pay is now i'm gonna read to you the truth and funding act and what that is about mind you this you're not gonna be paying today the only thing you're gonna pay is one dollar starts programming okay okay okay so you hear that okay for the customer now i'm gonna read to you the truth and funding act and what that is about mind you this you're not gonna be paying today the only thing you're gonna pay is one dollar to start the program okay these two hundred dollars is the finance charge when you decide to do monthly you know how now i'm gonna read to you the truth and funding act and what that is about mind you this you're not gonna be paying today the only thing you're gonna pay is one dollar to start the program okay these two hundred dollars is the finance charge when you decide to do monthly you know how full pay is 7.99 monthly is 9.99 so it's just giving you a difference between each and it's explaining this paragraph that i'm going to read to you the truth and lending act it's explaining now i'm going to read to you the truth and bending act and what that is about mind you this you're not gonna be paying today the only thing you're gonna pay is one dollar to start the program okay these two hundred dollars is the finance charge when you decide to do monthly you know how full pay is 7.99 monthly is 9.99 so it's just giving you a difference between each and it's explaining this paragraph that i'm going to read to you this is the lending act it's explaining why there's a 200 charge included in the 999. that's not so the thing is don't worry too much like don't overthink whatever you hear just transcribe it as what i have heard here she said it's explaining why there is a 200 charge then after she she said charge the customer uh already answered okay when in fact she's about to say included in the 999 dollars so on the faq guidelines guys it says there that whenever the representative is not yet done with the statement and then the customer already interrupts um you add this three uh periods i don't know what that is but let me check its term okay i haven't been working with qa world since three months or for almost three months so um you know i already forgot those terms so let me see here there's a certain rule ah ellipses or three dots so do use an ellipses or three dots to indicate an interruption in the sentence or if a speaker trails off and doesn't complete a sentence when the sentence is resumed started with an epi ellipses to indicate its continuity told ya all right so let's play it one more time now i'm gonna read to you the truth impending act okay another tip is um do not use contraction like when she said here now i'm gonna read to you so it's you are not going to put like ghana here because they won't accept that you have to use the uh full word from the contraction let me show you uh it says here here so they said that do not type in gonna wanna kinda shoulda woulda coulda soda gotcha donca da no cause he all etc and the likes okay so those you have to always expand and informal contractions accordingly all right keep in mind that because i know every one of you don't really have that time to read the faq guidelines because there is a lot to digest so there are a lot of things to like remember so i'm just gonna like try to tell you exactly how it's going to be done that's not going to change your 55 dollars a month that's already included in the 55-year pay every month and it's okay three the same pair of rocks insurance free so that's already included in the 55 you're paying every month that's going it's not going to change your 55 dollars a month that's already included in the 55 dollars you're paying every month and it's insurance you'll be able to reach later marriage you this is a lending act it's explaining why there's a 200 charge included in the 9.99 that's not going to change your 55 a month that's already included in the 55-year pain every month and it's interesting the same paragraph you'll be able to read later when you sign your enrollment agreement okay okay okay here it is before we can okay here it is before we before we complete your enrollment i want to let you so you can choose where um you can choose if you you want to play the snippets like this only like the one that has the play button or you can play continuous and then you have to like you can just freely adjust where to listen to and then hit play if you want before we complete your i want to let you know that your payment plan includes an interest-free finance charge interest-free oh so it has a dash so small details guys like this like interest free so it says it has a dash on it so we'll put a dash there okay go back before we complete your enrollment i want to let you know that your payment plan includes an interest-free finance charge of 200. for electing to pay over time with a corresponding apr based on monthly payments you may cancel at any time and may be eligible for a refund or a cost reduction depending on you have you what agreement includes your payment and cancellation term and can be reviewed on your student portal would you like to proceed with your moment carol carol yes okay it's um 7 6 1965. all right so in this snippet it says here problem is non-adherence to other faq guidelines so i think it's about her birthday so if it's about the birthdays or let's say important details okay it's restricted personal information or rpi so if it's an rpi we have to put a replace it with like this if you can see that okay i don't know what that call this but a slash with a slash inside the two brackets you have to replace the restricted personal information with this symbol all date of birth for an email address replace with email for phone numbers replacement phone number let's go back and replace it okay so zero seven zero six nineteen sixty five yes ma'am okay perfect okay um you can stay on the line with me the uh vlogging yes you're gonna go to the site [Music] okay so she's she mentioned um their website so all about websites or domains or urls um are to be transcribed in their valid format going so valid format so example here is the one that's wrong is the one that's images like when you spell out those information but the correct one is just the ones that are really the url itself so be mindful okay uh okay um you can stay on the line with me okay so you heard a filler she said um you're not supposed to transcribe that let me show you okay so do not transcribe fillers example aha um as well as words acting as fillers when used excessively example like you know so right okay how to determine fillers they are short meaningless words or sounds we used to fill the little pauses that occur while we decide what we're going to say next so that's it okay uh you can stay on the line with me the uh okay so i don't i couldn't really exactly hear what she said here in between so if it's an inaudible sound or an audible word you cannot hear it correctly or completely you are allowed to use this symbol right here every two minutes and 30 seconds if it's inaudible you have to replace it with this sign one two three that yes you're gonna go to the penn site if you're not there yet it's t e okay so it's speaker label error so that's it this is where she started so let's see and in all right so if that's the case about spelling let's see so it's a good thing that we have the faq guidelines here so if it's about spelling like if they are about to verify the spelling of a word um observe proper and consistent spelling of words do use capital letters separated by dashes when a word is spelled out so let's see here let's start it's t e in p p e n n then she stopped here then next is p e n n n f o s as in sam p as in tom b e b you like education okay let me write that down end okay let me write that down let me know when you get to that okay now let me know when you get to that site all right then okay now it says my username is doing it red it says use your name at the max red it says use your name at the maximum it says you shh username must be maximum of six so can you see here six letters so it says it has a number so let's see if how to transcribe a number okay so it says here do use numerals for all natural and counting numbers these are what we use to count physical objects in real world world it says username must be okay so i'll leave this this way because it doesn't say here that it it's not adhering to faq guidelines okay so i'll leave it that way okay okay speaker label error okay let's do it this way and you can have any spaces um you can't have okay that's what i was doing wrong okay okay so that's yeah that's probably it [Music] okay so we'll move on it's been a pleasure carol at the end of the call there's gonna be a short question survey about your experience short two question survey if you could answer that for me i would appreciate it and my name is danny if you need anything you can always reach out all right it's jamie danny okay so when you want to like interchange um because say for instance you want this or this this is supposed to be for the representative and it's under customer you just click this and it will correct the who's the speaker for this line okay so be mindful a and i okay perfect thank you it's been a pleasure carol at the end of the call there's gonna be a short to question survey about your experience if you could answer that for me i would appreciate it and my name is danny if you need anything you can always reach out all right it's jamie danny e-a-n-i and i would appreciate it and my name is danny if you need anything you can always reach out all right it's jamie danny okay i'm right next and so uh when they asked me the question and i can put your name in there thank you jay you done great thanks okay i'm writing it down so uh when they asked me the question i can put your name in there you done great thank you thank you so much you've done great so okay so i'm now gonna submit the transcript i already have the score with the transcript that i have transcribed earlier this is where you will see june 27 2021 passing minutes is 3 minutes and 59 seconds the amount earned is 22 cents and the quality rating is five guys can you believe that it's five okay let's check the call id see that see that so when you see this part right here if you could see this one you can check it out these are the previous rating reasons why it was um it it it has to be redone so when i was able to get the call and this part right here is the rating reason for me and as you can see there's none on this column so everything i did with this transcription is correct guys i can't believe it again don't overthink whatever you hear just transcribe it and whatever is in the faq guidelines just follow it and you'll definitely get a rating of five so this is like some sort of a tip or advice try to listen to first three to four snippets and then if you are not like confident or if you're not comfortable to transcribe it you can flag it or you can just um you can opt to not transcribe it if you're not comfortable but if you feel that you can transcribe it then go for it because the main reason why i i am telling you this is because it will really affect your um rating say for instance you feel you're not con comfortable but you still continued to transcribe it and then it turned out that you got a zero or a lower rate for that so it will really affect your um rating overall yeah so i guess that's it for this video i hope you learned something that is how to get a five rating for a call that you will transcribe if you have any questions please don't hesitate to leave a comment on the comment section below i'll be more than happy to answer it and to accommodate you guys if you want to know more about qa world just let me know leave also a comment on the comment section okay that's it have a great day
Channel: MK VLOG Official
Views: 10,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QA World, qa world, qa world review, qa world transcription, How to Get a Good Rating in QA World, qa world tips and tricks, qa world transcription tricks, qa world 2021, online transcription job, is qa world legit, QA World Review 2021, QA World 2021, qa world call transcription 2021, qa world call transcription, work from home, online job, how to pass qa world, how to transcribe a ca
Id: B8_9lHDC1fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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