How to Froth and Steam Milk for Latte Art, Cappuccino and More

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hi I'm topping a whole latte love calm in this video I'll show you how to froth and steamed for the popular milk based espresso drinks be sure to hang around at the end of the video and I'll show you how to pour some basic latte art like a heart Rosetta or a tulip when our customers ask how to froth and make the various drinks I think about it in four parts first is a taste that comes from the coffee in the milk second is a definition of the drink third they'll need to learn how to texture the milk by steaming and frothing and fourth it's just the presentation it's just fun to do a nice looking drink good coffee there's properly brewed is always on the top of my list next is the type of milk used whole milk can be really sweet and give it texture the results in a smooth and creamy mouthfeel it also mixes nicely with the espresso you start lowering the fat content you lose some sweetness but the milk will hold more air so a lower fat milk will be okay for a cappuccino the ratio of milk to espresso is a personal preference we'll talk some general guidelines but in the end it should be what you like here's a tip if you have a very good and fresh coffee you may want to have more espresso and less milk if a coffee is not so great then you may want to reverse the ratio and use more milk so let's define the drinks a standard latte is normally made in a cup that is between 8 and 12 ounces it consists of a double shot of espresso and some steamed milk with a little bit of froth on it we'd like to froth the milk in such a way that we inject only a small amount of air into the milk I recommend frying to a temperature of about 140 degrees for the best flavor if you get much hotter than that you'll lose the texture and the flavor a smaller latte which I really like is called a flat white which is a latte made into a cappuccino cup I like this because I do a few of them throughout the day and my doctor really doesn't want me to just 24 to 32 ounces of whole milk every day a cappuccino by definition is 1/3 espresso froth milk and steamed milk made it into a 5 to 7 ounce cup frothing of milk for cappuccino is almost the same as a latte the difference is that with the cappuccino you inject air into the milk for a longer period of time your final milk temperature can be the same but you get it done you'll have more air so the milk will separate a little bit better remember don't forget that taste is the first thing that we are worried about so think about the espresso to milk ratio a cappuccino can have a single shot or a double shot try both and see what you like best by definition a caffè macchiato is an espresso marked with foam this drink is normally appreciated by those who are special drinkers and want to add a little sweetness and texture from the foam since there is so little foam is especially important that surpress will be of the highest quality and brewed just right the phone we use is normally a cappuccino type foam but it's okay to use a lot a type foam if you prefer there are two parts to properly texturing the milk for the drinks are about to make when texturing your milk you always start with cold milk into a cool frothing pitcher of the proper size with your proper amount of milk start by adding milk up to where the spout starts I like a 12 ounce rattle where latte our pitcher for any drinks under 7 ounces for drinks from 7 ounces up to 12 ounces I'll use a 20 ounce pitcher always do the frothing part of the milk by jetting air into the milk while the milk is cold and you get the desired amount of froth then bury the tip and just steam it up to your desired temperature okay we're making a latte first induce always purge any water for condensation out of the steam wand then you put the wand into the pitcher use this spout on the pitcher against the wand as a guide put the tip just below the surface then open your knob all the way now lower the picture down and you hear a little hissing sound is stretching the milk now that hissing is injecting a little bit of air in the milk now I'm feeling the pitcher here waiting for it to stop to get warm when it starts to get warm I'll bury the tip underneath there keep the milk rolling and then we'll want to bury the tips both going to actually stop frothing and we're going to just be steaming at that point okay so you get a little bit warm here's a little more okay I'm burying the tip I raise the lever over here start brewing my coffee always want to have a coffee fresh keep the roll going here nope no more okay we're about 240 yourself so I'll turn this off and I always wipe your wand and give a little purge coffee's done they're always a little swirl here if you have any bubbles hit it that'll break up her bubbles now we'll start pouring the milk right in the center start high so the milk goes underneath the espresso then bring it down just work it back and forth hold at the end for a little bit and swipe it across the center and that will give you a latte now we're going to make a cappuccino always per to wind out get any condensation out of there tip well blow the surface open the knob we do you lower the pitcher down you hear that hissing sound get a nice rotation in there that'll mix the milk together it'll stretch it really nicely when you do that and lower the pitcher down keep going just a little bit to keep the air get being ejected we're good go more air in than we did with a latte so we're going to make it a little bit hotter before we bury it it's pretty good there now I'm going to bury it and start my coffee okay we'll wipe our wine down purge that out take you see this is thicker than it was for the latte that's what was done and this we're just going to kind of pour it right down the center I'm not going to make any fancy designs on it and that's the basic cappuccino I like having the coffee rim around the outside of it like that now that you know how the drinks are made and how to froth for each let's go over some basics how to make them look nice first let's do a latte based on my many conversation with customers I know that most folks want to make a Rosetta or maybe a tulip or a heart I'll walk you through these three types so I'm going to show you how I do some latte art I'm not a professional I'm not a barista on the bar all the time basically I'm a hobbyist I do this maybe two or three a day maybe three times a week and so you can do this yourself you can learn how to do it so take a look here's how I like to pour a basic Rosetta Solo go hi come to the center work on the back and forth hold at the end and swipe it across here I'm going to pour a basic tulip all right low go high and you start a little bit of Rosetta and you stop for a little more stop the more and stop this will be our finisher and raise it and go across the center here's how I like to pour heart start high in the center and you'll bring it down low and hold and swipe it across with the cappuccino I like to port in such a way that the foam fills in the center and leaves a ring a copy around the outside this will require some practice in the milk texture has to be just right the caffè macchiato is very simple drop the milk to the texture you want and then pour it and you can also try and make this one look nice that's the basis of the latte cappuccino and the caffè macchiato just remember these four considerations and you will get it nailed down pretty quickly first make it taste really good use good coffee brewed correctly second decide what drink you want to make and focus in on it third really pay attention when texture the milk and I mean really focus in on it and forth and probably the least important try and make it pretty I'm Todd with Whole Lotta Love calm thanks for watching and hope to see you back here soon for more on everything coffee hey why not subscribe now for easy free access to more videos on everything coffee brought to you by whole latte love calm
Channel: Whole Latte Love
Views: 4,694,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: latte art, Espresso (Beverage), Drink (Consumer Product), Coffee, Milk (Endorsed Product), latte art heart, rosetta, how to pour latte art, how to steam milk, how to froth milk, Latte (Beverage), Cafe, Starbucks, How to, Tutorial
Id: 0vD--H7poxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2015
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