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hello computer what's the uh what's the plan for the day the plan today is to climb up to the sun which looks amazing right now and then uh pioneer a try climbing top out to go to the top of the actual mountain because the route ends on top of a tower so uh to try to go from the top of the tower to the top of the mountain hopefully there will be some kind of straightforward trad route which a little bit of optimism we'll see we'll see well if not we're gonna do an extreme sport rappel back down a big wall with a rope that's too short [Laughter] so i hope it works basically oh god i'm getting all hot i don't think you need to shoot this [ __ ] what's the uh no i i i specifically have orders to shoot this [ __ ] oh i'm carrying your jacket too what's the uh what's the what's the plan for today honold the plan for today is to climb up the mountain see how it feels and uh you know basically just go rock climbing acclimate to limestone big walls and see how it feels for what i don't know what do you think what do you what are you thinking about with this mountain i'm thinking about climbing it and seeing how it feels seeing how it feels for what all right no comment and we've got some folks heading up the mountain above us nice dude [Music] that's pretty cool it's like cool edges over there i thought about saying watch me but i didn't want to interrupt your art update does your camera even work no but the camera doesn't work but let's just pretend okay we're just playing they're just pretending the front is so scratched up have you just been hitting it against rocks no it's not scratched dude are you kidding me it looks like he dropped it into a house field no that's from the supper fest but what's uh what's so update um so here we are halfway up the mountain we are continuing to ascend the mountain making significant upward progress unfortunately cedar's arms are tired i think i'm just gonna leave this move this on i think it's a terrible idea yo the difference is that i'm not even gonna break a sweat on it pull myself off the mountain by accident that would suck [Music] ronald's getting up to the crux of the route and he's walking it he he's climbing right now he didn't uh he wouldn't tell us but he's thinking about soloing it and that's after my experience in this round i won't be soloing it let's put it that way but he seems pretty damn solid [Music] here we are on top of sendero we're uh we're looking up at the wall above thinking about trying to climb to the true summit of the mountain it's a pretty gross looking looks kind of terrible yeah it looks like so many cactuses it wouldn't look so bad [Music] looks a little bit awful yeah it's not ideal i mean i guess we're gonna dry all right [ __ ] yeah it's all you yeah cool all right sounds good do you want to lead it yeah sure oh now you want the helmet well if i'm gonna well certainly for this part it's fine but if i'm laying in the chimney and you're leaving that i definitely want that no no i'm i'm joking you can have that like a freaking shooting gallery yeah this part's a little like pumpy it's time to actually open the chalk bag take this seriously so what's going on we're uh climbing to the very top of the mountain via what we thought was going to be a horrible travel boot that would be new and it turns out they're bolts and it's actually pretty good do we want to keep someone no we'll just solo from here okay i'm gonna put on my shoes yeah my shoes okay having fun yet yeah this is awesome the thing is like if i hit the thing that i'm holding on to i can feel my feet shaking this whole thing is like a rotten pillar doom oh great yeah don't worry you'll be fine there's where we have to go up that what i could only call [ __ ] above ah anything i'd rather climb this [ __ ] with like the death drop on the one side than like stay in the bushes [Music] all right day two on the route and uh alex is down there cleaning we're just gonna try to clean up these bottom five and get them nice and pretty and uh you know get all the loose rock off and all the uh all the vegetation of the cracks so that uh so the climbing is more bomber and more fun actually i mean this ship might be like a little bit hard but i don't even remember actually this part's a little more it seems like a little like sketchier for soloing okay so i think this part's the uh the crap climbing stuff [Music] so what are you doing right now right now i practicing the route a bit i'm also just climbing up to the ledge and what are you practicing for i'm practicing to see if this is something that i would ever want to solo well i want to solo see if it's something i can solo and how's this pitch feel so far pretty solid but all it takes is one little part that's not so solid to kind of be a deal breaker [Music] oh i just like hit my funny bone on my harness when i like oh this is the crux of pitch two and probably one of the crux is the root let's see if i can maintain full narration all the way through then you'll know that i'm looking in there so this is one of the mental cruxes of the route you'd say i wouldn't say mental i would say this is like one of the physical parts of the root it's a but not mentally cruxy at all that's good [Music] so [Music] it's interesting because wearing different shoes they have slightly different strengths it's like these i just stand up on the edge and then just stand here yeah totally in the solutions you feel like you're slipping a little well you're just a little more like you stand on different kinds of edges you know gold away [Music] do [Music] so that thing feels twice as good on the tcp that's killer [Music] [Music] that's a little bit of a thank god moment right well a little bit still over there i did the feet differently that time huh but i'm gonna have to do a crimp bike right under your foot okay cool okay i'm gonna go yes i'm about to stand up on this right little bum that i broke that jug in half yesterday yeah it makes a little a little less awesome what makes the hole like way nicer but it uh just makes you worry you know yeah oh yes all right so it's been a long day clean the rod up getting it ready alex is seems somewhat confident that it's a good solo definitely not a good solo in my mind but it's all relative he's looking pretty solid um his foot did pop once on the crux pitch while he was rehearsing and he fell that's a little disconcerting in my mind but um i think he found a better way and now he feels pretty confident about it so yeah pretty crazy if he goes for this thing i mean it is big and sustained and so technical and just such a it's a badass route it's an amazing route and uh definitely around i was happy to climb but uh i'll just leave it at that all right i am ready you're right climbing climb on [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so huh [Music] [Music] so you good yep [Music] [Music] um so well that was easy with the rock coming oh yeah casual would you recommend that just pretty much anybody yeah for sure so um i don't know recap what happened up there i mean i basically went exactly i was supposed to i went and sold sendero it felt uh i felt pretty straightforward you know a little a little nervous a little excited you know whatever but um yeah honestly after like the first two or three pitches like you sort of just trust your feet my i didn't i didn't blow a single foot on the whole route i stuck to everything even the little tiny ones because i added tons of like little tiny feet just to like for subtle body position stuff because when you're sewing you just want to be a little more solid and like everything is perfect it's kind of nice let's kill her it was like yeah like a ballerina so it was a good good experience yeah maybe one of the best so anybody you'd like to thank for making it possible i would like to thank cedarwright for uh you know supporting and what's that i don't what's the head space you know on a i mean what's the what's you know i mean what is how do you i don't get it honestly so i'm kind of curious like how the [ __ ] do you stay calm i don't know when you're ready you're ready yeah you know when you're when you're psyched like yeah no worries i don't know you just gotta practice dude i felt like pretty solid yeah yeah totally but i just got a little like oh this is it and got a little like shaky you know like over gripped just a little like because it's all exciting yeah but it was kind of good though to get that at some point because then for the whole rest you're kind of set i mean it's thin right there yeah um let's hear what else might as well take this opportunity to yeah i know for sure that later i'm gonna be all like well i was already oh dude you're sitting on a couch [ __ ] that hurts oh this is the kind of place where you could die you stepped on a boulder like this and it would just blow yeah totally jump into the bushes but still you or not probably make it i mean what's the worst case scenario with the solo like that worst case scenario is you fall off and you [ __ ] trundle all the way down the mountain and you splat i mean or like you slide all the way down and i mean yeah there are plenty of horrible horrible scenarios i could division but the worst case is that you die in horrible pain by yourself at the bottom of the wall [Music]
Channel: Cedar Wright
Views: 241,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5oaoRDR5leY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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