'Alex Honnold Is Overrated'...Cedar Wright Doesn't Hold Back! 😆 Climbing Daily Ep.2076

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Alex Arnold is overrated let's just say it yeah cheers epic TV live in person that tastes like a long day the office hi my name is Cedar Wright and I'm a long time climber filmmaker and I am currently hanging out here in tucino Switzerland and I came here to host or slash MC this kind of ludicrous climbing event called the Red Bull dual ascent and it's this six pitch um race up the verzoska dam it's a six pitch multi-pitch climbing race and we have some of the best climbers in the world and I'm emceeing and kind of hosting the event and yeah taking my first stab at being like a TV personality so we'll see how that goes before I found climbing I was a pretty lost soul um just you know drinking doing a lot of drugs I was in college and uh really sort of a deadbeat with just no passion and no real aim in life and in my second year of college I was going to school up in Northern California and I was at the beach and I saw these people climbing on these Sea Cliffs I just thought ah that looks so amazing like I'd like to do that and my roommate happened to know a climber and she introduced me to him and I was like oh man I'd love to go out and climb if I could just get the opportunity and so yeah this guy Scotty Brown took me out and introduced me to rock climbing in my first rock climb he gave me a pair of uh Boreal Aces I think some old school climbing shoes and he was like okay try to walk up this like slab without using your hands and so my first rock climb was like a no hands like slab climb and and soon I was hooked you know I got just classic right you get chalk bag climbing shoes and a harness and I never looked back [Music] climbing used to be for like adventurers and for like strong and Hearty spirits and now it's it's a bunch of like friggin protein shake drinking like calorie counting you know fingerboard hanging freaking Knuckleheads yeah it's it's travesty man no I mean I I poke fun a little bit but yeah for sure I mean it's been wild to watch the way that climbing has evolved you know and it really you know I think for me was as much a lifestyle as it was a sport and it was about being outdoors and about like being in beautiful places and having adventures and going into the unknown and suffering a little bit you know and that type too fun and now there is like let's say probably the majority of climbers who predominantly climbing gyms who if they do go Outdoors want a pretty sterile and safe experience they certainly don't want to be like run out on like some like chassis fist jams you know looking at like a 30-foot whipper or onto some marginal cams or whatever you know they're just like they're just not real rock climbers they're pretend climbers [Music] claim from a creative background I studied creative writing in college um I I've loved good stories you know I loved reading and so yeah I appreciated a good climbing tail a tall tale you know I used to love reading John long and then I just happened to be at a time and climbing at the Advent of like you know modern HD slrs where suddenly you could have like you know cinematic looking footage on this little tiny camera you could hold in your hands and so I remember thinking that was really interesting I started to mess around with it I was like uh you know I did photography during High School I was like the photographer for our yearbook and stuff and so that was just like oh man it'd be cool to like you know start documenting my Adventures a little bit and uh yeah I started there and then I was like got into iMovie you know and taught myself to edit and I made like like a series of like atrociously terrible films that I'm embarrassed to uh admit exist and uh but yeah it was cool I mean at the same time I'm proud of them because I worked hard to like figure out all the nuts and belts of filmmaking and I was just like excited to share my Venture I was also like trying to have a professional climbing career and I could can see that it would be helpful to be able to like bring back stories and like add some value to my sponsors and stuff and so that's how it started and at the same time I was climbing with her non-oz turkey bunch and um actually one of my like claims to fame is that I was like showed Milan osterk like how to like you know edit an iMovie and then like a year later Vernon was like oh check it out I made like this film and it got into the film festivals and like the uh yeah the teacher became the people very quickly and then Vernon taught me how to use Final Cut and then yeah just like one thing led to another and and um I started making uh movies and eventually I stopped making movies just about myself and my adventures and started making um movies about my friends and the things they were doing and um yeah it became a way to make money too which was you know that's a dirt bag who'd been diving in dumpsters I was like oh maybe I'll just dive in the corporate dumpster instead and get paid to make art you know and so that's that's what I did and I've uh yeah I'm very proud of some of the films in the last uh 10 years that I've made um they've been featured in real Rock and yeah it's been an interesting uh trajectory and uh yeah yeah I love filmmaking it's such a such a dynamic way to tell a story Alex Arnold is overrated let's just say it oh yeah here we are oh yeah here we are we are oh yeah here we are oh yeah here we are oh yeah it's actually kind of a crazy schedule I uh was lucky after some of my climbing expeditions to sign on as a North Face uh climbing team member and um and that was what precipitated my whole ability to go on these climbing Expeditions and you know North Face funded all these amazing Expeditions and they brought on this like young kid um up and comer at the time named Alex Honnold and uh so yeah there was just this new young kid on the team and I kind of I knew who he was from the Yosemite scene you know I'd heard about him soloing the roster at the time and being like oh wow like we got a real bold kid in our head our hands you know this is sort of unusual like seems like some like Peter Croft level stuff is coming onto the scene and so I you know I immediately had a lot of respect for Alex as a climber um as a soloist myself you know I have a tremendous amount of respect for what I consider the ultimate art form and climbing and uh yeah so we hit it off we became Fast Friends and we had the same sponsor and so yeah we came up with this idea after having done a trip uh to Chile together um um and uh climbing in uh in in kochimo together we were like oh man maybe it'd be cool to do something like a little closer to home but like human-powered Honda was kind of getting on his environmental kick at that point and so you know the idea of like not using motor vehicles and like using bicycles instead um and like having some sort of venture and we just were sort of throwing out ideas and I was like well man it'd be cool to do like so maybe some of the 14ers or something and Hannah was like well what if we did them all by bike and thus the supper Fest was born just kind of maybe start a film yeah like it's time to begin the movie you start with that faint dream of like someday I'd love to bike really far and climb stuff and then eventually it like morphs into this concrete like here's this goal that we are going to achieve we've basically taken kind of like the Alpine style dirt bag minimalism and then applied it to biking our objective on this trip is to uh is to climb all the 14ers in California all the 14 000 of a Peaks but we're trying to do them by bicycle yeah we started up at Mount Shasta and we biked our asses all the way down to the Sierra Nevada with zero idea what we were doing as far as bicycling goes we destroyed our paints destroyed our freaking knees we should be there hopefully in five or six days we've never rode biked before we've never done a bike tour we had a lot of uh a lot of questions getting our bikes rigged up and hopefully this all works and hopefully we make it a good time yeah and we had like an amazing adventure and I like just like did a bunch of handheld storytelling along the way um was lucky to have this young kid Sam Crossley uh hit me up and be like hey I'd love to come out and like shoot some interviews and so he shot some interview footage and we we put that all together and then at the time epic TV had a bunch of money and so I was like oh man like we got this project like let's do it and yeah so uh supper Fest one was born um it's a film that I'm still really proud of it's like uh it has that Spirit of Adventure it has like that sense of humor um that I hold dear to my heart 24 miles in to day two think you're wrong but I'm 100 sure that I'm right about this you can see what we did day three my thighs are burned to a crisp I shoot upon sunscreen oh it hurt soloing is about eliminating one of the most expensive pieces of climbing equipment the Rope so it's a cost a cost-saving analysis really now I'm totally joking I mean I came from that Yosemite culture of climbing you know and Peter Croft was God to us and I still really feel that Peter Croft is one of the greatest climbers of all time and that he what he accomplished was you know incredible like free soloing the Astro man I think is one of the most iconic you know rock climbs of all time and so yeah I just have a tremendous amount of respect for that level of mental control and that ability to execute flawlessly and also I mean like straight up just that commitment to the sport you're like I mean there's nothing more committed than risking your life for climbing you know and that's like some hardcore Warrior stuff you know it's it's a lot of people man they are so fixated on safety and on you know like people are so concerned with like surviving at all costs you know but like what about like that old school badassery you know foreign yeah I became a search and rescue member and so I saw something man I like you know was there for body recoveries and they're for really gnarly accidents and um and yeah I think just the way a paramedic has to kind of laugh at like the the gnarliness of what they're experiencing I you know I learned to to to have a pretty sense of humor and um yeah I mean I think that's one of the reasons that uh Hannah and I have had like a somewhat fruitful climbing partnership is we both have that like morbid sense of humor and that ability to sort of you know laugh in the face of death or whatever but you know just to like kind of like you know be like totally getting beat down and yet find the humor in it because really that is it's hilarious you know there's nothing more hilarious than getting your ass kicked Vlog 6 24 mark 13. today we boldly went into unknown territory that's the quality of the dirt roads are they pretty smooth run this dirt road [Music] pack an entire large pizza Into the Wilderness on your bike the climbing world do I still fit in um yeah I guess so you know what I mean I mean probably I fit in because I you know am willing to talk a little [ __ ] about all these like young punks but the same time like have a lot of respect and love and you know and watching like you know some of these these uh World Cup climbers and just the level of athleticism you know as much as I'm going to talk about how light duty they are because they don't have the balls like at the same time I actually have a tremendous amount of respect for just like how far the athleticism has come and um you know I just have a I have a deep deep love for climbing climbing saved my life I have a love for climbers I think that just as a community it's an incredible community and yeah you know build a moon board in my freaking backyard I like still train I still care about staying strong you know on a paragliding trip I'm always going to whatever Climbing Gym there is and just checking out the funky scene I was just in South Korea and going to like the weird little climbing gyms and just you know just feeling the vibe of the climbing community and just just like sort of taking it in like just how much climbing has grown and and you know in in so many directions and so many disciplines and you know people are specializing and yeah I'm very grateful they've had a career out of climbing and um excited to keep pushing it and definitely looking forward to more climbing adventures and also taking paragliding and um and climbing and putting them together into into something uh unique and maybe even push some limits still in my uh my middle age foreign [Music]
Channel: EpicTV Climbing Daily
Views: 39,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: climb, climbing, rock climbing, bouldering, gym climbing, indoor climbing, climbing wall, chamonix, mountains, extreme, muscles, fitness, adventure, pull up, climbing training, climbing video, which climbing shoes, epictv, epictv climbing, red bull, cedar wright
Id: XR1w6N7nNkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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