Don't Beg For Love | Buddhist Wisdom | Zen Wisdom In English

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have you ever felt like you were begging for love or validation from others what was that experience like for you do you believe that external approval and love from others can bring lasting happiness why or why not how do you handle the challenges of craving or wanting things too much especially when it comes to love and [Music] validation life is like a big puzzle and love is a piece that many of us seek to complete it Buddhism a way of thinking that helps people understand life has some good ideas about love instead of Desperately asking for Love from others Buddhism suggests looking inside ourselves for happiness in this story we'll explore these simple ideas that Buddhism teaches to help us feel complete without begging for love understanding why we shouldn't Beg For Love buddhis ISM teaches that wanting love from others can make us feel bad when things change people change and so do feelings if we rely too much on others to make us happy we might feel sad when things don't go the way we want Buddhism says don't worry too much about what others think of you let's look at why begging for love might not be the best idea external approval doesn't last Buddhism tells us that everything around us including feelings from others changes all the time depending on others for love can be like building a house on Sand it might not stay strong when the Winds of Change Blow instead Buddhism suggests looking for happiness inside where it's more stable craving causes suffering Buddhism talks about something called craving which means wanting things too much when we beg for love we are really craving it according according to Buddhism this craving causes suffering which is like feeling bad or sad to avoid this Buddhism says we should try to be happy without depending too much on what others think of us cultivating self-love Buddhism has some easy tips for finding happiness inside ourselves let's explore a few loving kindness meditation this is like a special kind of thinking that Buddhism teaches it helps us feel love and kindness for ourselves and others by doing this we don't need to beg for love because we can generate good feelings inside us understanding that things change Buddhism teaches that everything changes including how people feel about us instead of feeling sad about this we can accept it and find happiness inside ourselves it's like knowing that even if it rains today the sun will come out again balancing taking care of ourselves and others Buddhism says we should find a balance between taking care of ourselves and caring for others this is called the middle way it's like sharing toys with our friends but also making sure we have some toys for ourselves transforming attachment into compassion Buddhism teaches that we can change how we feel about love here's how seeing we are all connected Buddhism says that everything and everyone is connected we're like pieces of a puzzle that fit together when we see this we can feel compassion which is like wanting everyone to be happy we don't need to beg for love because we understand that everyone including us wants to be happy compassion comes from being happy inside instead of depending on others for love Buddhism says we can find happiness inside ourselves when we are happy we naturally want others to be happy too this is called detached compassion where we care for others without expecting anything in return the role of mindfulness in feeling better Buddhism also teaches about something called mindfulness which is paying attention to the present moment this helps us feel better without begging for love in a few ways noticing our desires without getting upset mindfulness helps us see when we want things things too much like wanting others to love us instead of feeling upset about it we can just notice it and let it go this helps us stay calm and happy focusing on the present sometimes we feel sad because we think about things that happened in the past or worry about the future Buddhism says to focus on the present moment like playing with our toys or enjoying a nice meal this helps us find happiness right now the wisdom of spending time alone Buddhism also suggests spending some time alone away from others to understand ourselves better here's why learning about ourselves when we are alone we can think about what makes us happy or sad it's like having quiet time to figure out what we really like and don't like being friends with ourselves Buddhism says that we should be good friends with ourselves this means treating ourselves kindly and not depending too much on others for happiness it's like being our own best friend the balance between Detachment and caring Buddhism talks about a balance between not clinging too much to things and still caring about others here's how it works caring without expecting anything back we can care for others without expecting them to love us back this is like like sharing our snacks with a friend because it feels good not because we want something in return being smart in relationships Buddhism says we should be smart in how we build relationships it's like using the right tools to build a strong house we can care for others and ourselves in a way that makes everyone happy Buddhism gives us simple ideas for finding happiness within ourselves so we don't have to beg for love from others by understanding that external approval is not lasting cultivating self-love transforming attachment into compassion practicing mindfulness spending time alone and finding a balance between Detachment and caring we can feel complete and happy on our own Buddhism teaches us that the key to happiness lies within us waiting to be discovered
Channel: Meaningful_Life
Views: 24,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, wisdom, # wisdom #dontbeg #love, buddhist story in english, don't beg for attention, wisdom of zen, buddhism, ancient wisdom, don't beg someone for love, the silent wisdom of ravi, stories in english, what do buddhists believe, short buddhist story, ancient buddhist story, buddhist story, sadhguru english, buddhist teachings, buddhist, buddhist story in hindi, if they don't love you back watch this, english tales, sadguru speech in english, zen buddhism
Id: Mv7QUQYolq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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