How to Fold Flat Sheets ALONE (and Save Space)

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welcome back to my series on bedroom organization today i want to show you how to fold these flat sheets by yourself exactly like this if this is your first time watching my channel i'm thor and i love to make folding and organizing type of videos so if you want to fold flat sheets all by yourself uh it is best to do it standing up actually so we're just gonna start with the sheet all stretched out we are going to start by finding two of the ends so the first thing that you want to do is take the two ends that you found and put them together like this from here you just want to stretch your arm out until you reach the other side of the end you just made give it a little bit of a shake so that the rest of the sheet also lines up from here you won't let go of the side with the without the two ends in it grab the ends with your other thumbs and slide your other hand down all the way until you reach the other side where you will find the other two ends lined up so next you want to grab hold of the other two ants as well like this so now you have both ends in your hand and from here we're actually going to join them together like this right so now you're holding four of the ends in your fingers and we're just going to slide our hand down the middle like this until we reach the other side so now we have four ends in one hand and the two folds in other one just giving it a little shake again like so and from here just let go of the side with the just the loops so that you're holding on to the four ends okay so from here we're just changing hand again we're gonna let our fingers go all the way down to the end here where we will grab hold of the other four ends so again it's really simple you're just gonna line up these two little sides together and again stretch out right and just give it a little shake so that everything is nice and lined up now from here it gets a lot easier so we're just gonna join these two sides together like this as you do this try to just like stretch it out and line it up a little bit so that everything is even a nice so that they're kind of running um parallel down so we're just going to grab the side with all the ends in it and we're going to slide our hand all the way down to the bottom where we'll grab hold of all the little folds here and we're also going to line this side up line all the little side folds here up together grab hold of everything again stretch it out give it a little bit of a shake and we're going to join these two sides together as well and again stretch out on this side and here we're just going to put our knee up a little bit and we're going to fold the entire thing in half over the middle all right so you grab hold of all the different corners from here like this put it up and from here you have two options you can either just fold it together be done with it or you could do it a cool way which is by putting it down on a table like this now for this method we're actually gonna need to fold it over the other direction so i'm just gonna open up the last fold here stretch it out a little bit so everything is even nice and i'm gonna split it over and fold it in half this way all right so once you've done this we're gonna take this side with all the little folds here and we're gonna fold it about a little bit more than one third of the way up towards the middle from here we're gonna take the other side while opening this little flap here on the top the very top we're gonna stuff the rest of the sheet inside and once everything is placed nicely inside the fold like this you will have this beautiful folded flat sheet here now this is a part of a series on how to organize your bedroom so to check out a lot more juicy tips head on over to my video here and you will learn a lot more
Channel: Organizing TV
Views: 53,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fold flat sheet by yourself, how to fold a flat sheet by, how to fold a flat sheet by yourself, how to fold sheets alone, how to fold sheets to save space, flat sheet, folding sheets, how to fold sheets, organizing tips, linen closet, flat sheets, space saving, 2020, fold
Id: csp0PGd7TSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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