How to Fold a Fitted Sheet: Our Best Method

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[Music] hi I'm Jen hunter the home editor for wire cutter here's how I fold a fitted sheet you'll want a large flat surface click your bed or table start by laying the sheet out so that it's elastic faces up position the shorter edges to your right and left the longer sides on the top and the bottom it should look like a rectangle now turn to the left and with your left hand grab the corner that's closest to you if your sheet has a second elastic like this one you can ignore it flip that corner inside out over your hand so the ear thinkers are poking the corner seam now grab the corner that's farthest from you and put your right hand inside until you hit that corner seam slide your left hand to meet your right tucking one corner inside the other let's show you that one more time left hand grabs the corner closest to you flips it inside out right hand goes into the pocket farthest from you your left hand corner tucks into your right-hand corner keep your left hand stuffed into the sheet and straighten things out a bit with your right hand maybe shake it out a little set this side down with the elastic corner at the top left move on to the right side and mirror the same process find the corner nearest to you and with your right hand flip the corner seam inside out your left hand goes into the corner that's farthest from you tuck your right hand into the left [Music] straighten and shake it out a little once again try to lay it out as flat as possible you should have a rough rectangle it'll look slightly curved where the elastic is and the bands should generally line up now slide one hand into each of the pockets at the top bring your hands together so the tips of your fingers are touching and flip your left side up and over the right here it is again with one hand in each pocket bring your hands together so the two corners touch and flip with your right hand still in the pocket try to get all four elastic seems to line up it helps to shake it out a bit and get the fold down once more lay it on your surface you have a loose square you may have to do a little straightening from there fold it in thirds rotate and fold it in thirds again now you should have something that fits nicely in your closet or drawer and it'll look a little neater too for more videos reviews and advice head over to wirecutter comm if you like what you see don't forget to subscribe
Channel: NYT Wirecutter
Views: 860,768
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Keywords: fitted sheet, how to fold, how to, bedding, sleep, sheets, folding a fitted sheet, how to fold a fitted sheet, wirecutter, advice, home, bed, folding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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