Can I MAKE $1,000 Flipping This Honda Civic In ONE Day?

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what is going on guys I watched chair ago and I told myself I wouldn't do what I did to say you know the channels gotta focus on the Audi and the tractor now and we're gonna kind of fill everything else with the rampage in the exp but I bought this Civic for 300 bucks last night [Music] so this is my 2001 Honda Civic EX it's got the 1.7 it has 220 mm some odd miles on it it's quite a few miles it doesn't have any spoilers any wheels and the exhaust is stock and super quiet we got a cracked windshield right here headliners falling down and you can see all the paint's coming off the trim there a little bit of hail on the trunk here this taillights got a crack in it and we've got some you know it looks like somebody rubbed on something right there other than that the body looks straight and it's missing one hubcap we went to pick this up last night and the battery was completely dead see if I can find the key for you guys there we go left it unlocked and it drove home after we jumped it with the Volt and I pulled the battery out last night stuck it on the charger all night long and I just put the battery back in and I think it started the first time what a champ is the mileage I'll show it to you guys to two to three nine five gauges working that's required light it feels like there's a dead coil pack and it is pouring oil out pouring oil out like gallons I did find the radio code last night too so that was nice always good to have music speaking of music that has a stock radio what 2001 Civic doesn't have an aftermarket radio look at that I'm sure you can tell the headliners trash probably the worst headliner I've ever seen in my life I did wash it last night so it wasn't quite this clean it have been sitting for about a year and I wiped everything down and washed it with some waterless wash again after the car wash here's the engine bay it is a legitimate disaster with a mess it flings oil all over the top of the engine and you can see that like probably 10 gallons of oil have been dumped on the side as its ran over the years so that's all kind of solidified we're gonna replace what I think is the issue which should be the rear cam shaft seal I'm hoping that's the problem there it should just pop out and it's a super cheap part put a coil pack in it we'll listen to each cylinder figure out what's going on with that and then get this over to the car wash blow all this dirt out of here spray some gunk on all that a little to get rid of it and move it on down the road I want this gone before the end of the day that's my goal here and speaking of absolutely terrible oil leaks this is what it did while I was idling in the driveway for maybe maybe five minutes five minutes is probably overestimating it we literally put some power steering fluid in it and refilled some of the oil because I was worried about how much it was leaking and yeah that's how much it leaked we were driving to a honda dealer for the first time in I don't know how long was last time it's 180 like okay I assume never because Honda's never die and there's actually no need for new ones to be produced they could literally have live on infinitely if everyone just stop buying new Honda's but it's also weird to buy Honda parts because all the OEM I mean all the aftermarket ones are usually really good I actually want to go in and check this out just because I've never been in this dealership since they I don't know if I've ever been in a Honda dealership in this city yes we got a Civic with the HDMI port do you have an HDMI cable we can plug into this thing oh it doesn't have the HDMI port all right you tricked us Honda his dealership is freaking the halls nice in here 72 z 600 it's your perfect car they say Hector is gonna be rocking three Honda Civics with spoon engines mission accomplished we have the OEM camshaft plug it's a one two five one three - p7 - - zero zero three little tiny plastic plug with an o-ring on it all you need to stop your Civic from leaking let's get to work all right over at least time let's go buy some parts what up X I need stuff 2001 Civic DX I need the coil pack whatever the lifetime warranty house for n1 is and also a set of spark plugs go uh you know let's see what you got in GK is probably anything else that's it man thank you 47 23 all right let's put this camshaft in seal in first use my head prop thank you hit magically oh I got some gloves because this can be a disaster let's get the hood prop on there for real awesome okay so according to the internet you can remove this camshaft cover without pulling the EGR yeah it's try to pry it out alright so I'm gonna grab my long screwdriver here you have to do the blow alright let's get in here I'm gonna pull this connector too so I don't have to deal with anything in my way just give this thing a slow pry as we move around to here honestly the valve cover doesn't look that bad hey EGR valve is so in the way it's not a big deal you can do it without removing EGR I say - eg ours are two screwdrivers I hope I said two screwdrivers I think it's covered in oil there's not even a oh there's that ok the o-ring is there I was a little concerned alright there's the old one this is the dreaded camshaft cover and that oring is trash it is absolutely flat try to work this new one down into the hole here genuine Honda parts we that one looks much better now to get it in there without getting it dirty right underneath the EGR under the lip of the EGR is where you're going with this and it's definitely not the easiest thing to get going okay so all night cover you've got four fingers that are about like it's hard to hard to do but they're they're equally offset right you've got four fingers and a square kind of arrangement on that circular plug and if you take your screwdriver and use it to start the ends of two of them get one side in and start the other two ends it goes in no problem at all so this should be the last couple prize to get it set back in there oh yeah that looks nice let's plug in these connectors and figure out what's up with the quell peg coil packs let's start with spark plugs I want to do the spark plugs in the quell bag these are a quarter turn to get the valve cover cover off pop that bad boy off set it aside it's plastic won't matter where you set it and these should be a ten I assume I grabbed a 10 because Honda loves to use tens and it is amazing oh yeah pull all the coil packs wiggle these out so I can get the connectors off easily there's one keep these in order at least I would suggest it you can do whatever you want these also look like they might be OEM can't really tell Denso probably that one that's probably our misfire Oh valve covers feels bad this one is also leaking here full of oil well I didn't want to do a valve cover gasket but at the same time I'm really not against it what's it gonna take five more minutes let's go get a valve cover gasket change these plugs out real quick should we wrap my impact Wow these might be factory plugs that gap is terrible this engine ran so well my mind is blown let's take a look at this one I think this one's about out all these spark plugs are old and trash just toss the new ones in fast as we can here proper gap worn-out gap this one's probably double maybe more there's a lot of oil down in a smart plug hole 1 & 2 there and we're just gonna go ahead and remove everything superfast and do those I also should have brought my cordless impact back pull all these bolts let's break them all loose all right so we should have the wiring harness loose now nice and quick throttle cable cruise cable harness is off I don't out of this bracket and bring it forward a little bit should steer everything I shout out to Gabe for having a solvent tank and I'm just making my valve cover cleaning mission incredibly easy I got the spark plug seals spark plug stem seals out just a minute ago and that was a lot of fun Ida prizes out flyers this wimp way farther than I ever expected it to go this morning it was supposed to be like a 10-minute fix okay so we took the solvent tank got most the dirt off real quick at least everything out of our mating surface we got that out with a brush and all of our spark plug seals right there I'm going to go ahead and blast off car cleaner real quick just to make sure it's clean oh yeah a little bit of CRC cleaner carb and we are good to go hit it one more time it's almost perfectly cleaned down to the paint so I might as well keep going a little bit more oh yeah [Music] [Music] okay I went ahead and stuck the spark plug tubes heels in there where I go ahead and tap them down make sure those are nice and tight you go ahead and set the gasket in here put it right where it needs to be oh so nice using modern stuff that has nice gaskets we this I'm not going to lead now we'll grab our little seals for all of the bolts put this thing on all right so I'm gonna do the bolt seals as well they're actually pretty easy to do you pull the metal off the rubber kind of like that take some kind of wire cutters Lyman's whatever you've got and just cut through the rubber so after you get a couple nice cuts in there should be able to get this separated all the way up to the middle get in there that's some nice cuts in there right now we're gonna pull all this old rubber off right up until it separates which is right there once the rubber is off you've got a nice empty bolt or a bolt with no ridiculous seal on it wipe it off really well grab your new one which is right here just push it through I have maybe that is there we go nice bolt new seal and repeat 6 times or whatever this is five times six times there's a few of these bolts you'll need to cut all the seals off of [Music] freshly-cleaned valve cover new gasket is on let's install it's time for an install also I honestly forgot how I got this out it was a it was on our deal to get this thing out of there you will definitely have to finagle this back down onto there once you're in it's no big deal let's see if we can get everything lined up again of course the important part here is these tube seals I got the valve cover wiggled back into position let's drop all these bolts in and get finished with this project all these ones with the seals it's pretty obvious where they go you should drop right into place and start and we're gonna run them down and set them to the 83 inch pounds of torque that I got the torque wrench set to you there there's another one almost there there's another one double-check them all good good good good good as you all know you can't actually work on a car without dropping a bolt so I did see if I can recover here it's underneath the radiator oh no I pushed it farther I got it yeah I dropped the bowl on the ground so that's that's totally fine with me we're finally good everything's back together new valve cover gasket it took quite a bit longer than I wanted but hey I'm going to sell this for considerably more with no oil leaks at all so let's finish up the spark plugs the original job that we started on should take a few minutes now take the same bit car wash rinse out the engine bay put it up for sale oh yeah that thing's nasty covered in oil these leaking seals are the worst yeah of course there's no point in even looking at that wow so much oil came out of that thing and one more coil packs going back in oh yeah these heels are great that still looks kind of bad flowers it is not that coils definitely working found the dead one swap it out look at all that oil burning off this thing burns oil no no run haha flip civic is complete look how smooth it is I cannot wait oh yeah no more leaks around the valve cover gasket I can see it all burning off around the header there oh what a car August I don't know if anyone's told you guys but you kill the game every single time it's a racecar all right killer let's double check the oil I just added a little bit send up 30 right on the bubble that's what I'm talking about this car is ready to ship take you around the block if you want dude this is a champion bred supercar andhe's the king man yep all right how's the door goes nice I wish this would stay up we we just pulled the change compartment or you know storage pocket out of the front end it was hanging down the pins that pushed out of it we pushed the pins back in with the Robo grips took it out with a Philips screw put the spring back in place fixed all the storage the car starts like a champ runs amazing now let's go to the car wash spray all that oil off of it sell this thing for $1000 it is a good running Civic spray down all of this oil is all over the transmission and an engine all of them the EGR okay there is oil on everything power steering pump reservoirs I think we're just going to spray everything down get it on that timing cover so much oil heavy-duty foam for the win okay we were gonna run back to Tyler's abandoned Road and take some pictures to sell this thing we just got under hood fully detailed it looks I think it looks brand-new and maybe we can do burnout let's see what this old one seven has in it we've got the ebrake locked up alright there's no traction four hours later here we are oh one Civic EX runs perfectly new valve cover gasket new seals all the way through the top in there that new coil pack spark plugs we've got NGK I think that g-power double power platinum in there runs like a champ engine base cleaned I got a watch last night got the trunk put back together the spare tires back where it belongs we got all the leaves out of this so it'll stop leaking sunroof works great everything works except the passenger side window I think what a awesome car for $300 the same it's gonna go to the distance for somebody and that somebody owes not me let's pop the hood so you can take a little look how clean we got this open the hood up you can see our detail work on the engine there we're still burning off some of the oil obviously I didn't want to bury the high pressure washer down in there and blast all the oil off so there's quite a bit down deep in there but it looks new this is all wiped down everything's been wiped down we used interior detailer and a rag to make sure we got the nice Sheen on all the plastics it's not perfect but hey for a thousand dollar car that's going out the door it is flawless this is somebody's like school car for the next ten years so that's it Civic is wrapped that was one ugly under hood earlier today and now it's ready to roll be cool if somebody did the headlights I'm not gonna mess with the headlights that's that's too much I like to have them sanded and clear cutter and everything we walk around the whole car you can see it we've got some little door deans here and there scratches this thing doesn't actually close completely it does work we got the cable working probably needs a little bit of lube and it will finish popping out to lock the gas cap in place but it'll sort of stay just a little bit Trunks good to go I'll have the key on me I do have the key there we go the floors all warped but I got the tire back in there and we cleaned the carpets vacuumed everything out and I think this will set back down over time you can see if they'd let so much dirt build up inside this that it had stopped the water from escaping and you know it goes in the trunk so worked hard got it all cleaned out it'll drain it might not be perfect but it will drain there we go that's good missing a hubcap it's had a little run-in rub-a-dub on some guardrail I don't know that's tough guardrail height and the front one looks like it might have rub - time for a hubcap there but the rest of it looks pretty good it's doing Honda things right here typical Honda I'm not too worried about it that's it the Civic's wrapped up we're gonna take pictures right now to try to get it sold tonight I'd like it to be gone for the end of the day so that's a quick short flip if we get it sold I'll follow up with you if not that is it for today guys please like share subscribe do whatever you want to do and I will talk to you next time that is the end of the tale of the Civic Zachary's buying it but he brought this awesome mr2 over let's take a look under the hood here this looks amazing what a huge intercooler is that an electric fan hidden under the intercooler - yep - huge thiele blow-off valve wastegate man what a monster how much how are you making out of this 480 in high boost this car must move out and the emergency is awesome what a cool-looking car alright man well enjoy the daily so you can stop beating on your 500 horsepower monster here I know you've been dealing this for a while so unfortunately it's such a cool car man did you paint it or less wrap oh it's wrapped yep gotcha so you guys hairy okay okay yeah cuz I look like a wrap color I was pretty sure it was a wrap blue it's three in perfect gotcha look sweet juice yeah it's yeah yeah which that happens after two years honestly the Miatas one was lifting after two but in Oklahoma City claims my front lip oh man it did didn't it well alright man thanks a bunch enjoy the daily [Music]
Channel: WatchJRGo
Views: 791,223
Rating: 4.7719388 out of 5
Keywords: 2001 Honda Civic EX, Change Coil Pack, Test Coil Pack, Change Camshaft Plug, 1.7L 4 Cylinder, 4 Cylinder, Honda VTEC, VTEC, Car Flip, 1 Day Car Flip, Clean Engine Bay, Honda, Civic, Honda Civic, DIY, Repair, Replace Valve Cover Gasket, Stock Honda Civic, Flipping Cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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