How to fix white screen of death, imac, 2011, i7 3.4ghz, amd radeon hd6970m

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we're where to begin my iMac took a dump on me the other day and it's not the first time I've had an iMac pack up on me my first one which I'll have a video here on uses about was the black screen where I diagnosed it myself is the the GPU which is the graphics processing unit no I heated that up with a naked flame of a soldering iron and that's brought it back to life that the two years ago when a computer is used a still and it's still working surprisingly enough but this this one here now this computer this is a mid 2011 five seven three-point-four gigahertz and six months ago I was just of it of employment clock color products actually and the screen just flick at a couple times with input white screen and a tunnel usual this is six months ago reset the PBM in northern come on V and obviously with come on being the end which all decided to come back to life and the other since then it was fine so I just ignored it now six months on it done the same the screen flip it a couple times as if the screen was starting to break up should be not I mean the graphics are still in broke up and then but white screen well what do you do obviously you switch it off and then you reboot it but what was happening when you switch the power button back on it will start on the white screen with the Apple logo we get a little Oh below that long ago which was loads of that halfway then it would go off it got black and then completely white screen you can hear like a computer what's it is inside it grumbling as it works the food is the screen went completely white there was no more sound from the computer apart from the fenders on it so just let the bit up no matter how many on Troy the hundred times or tried everything all the commands come on oh come on this old all sorts everything like the find the Internet I tried it and nothing worked it would not come back to life no matter what I tried even slap in the back of the case we have an idea but anyway so I decided to take it apart and I went for the graphics card because I thought some people with same hard drive and equipped will be but I want to go to the graphics card first for the simple reason it's a big tear down to get the graphics card out so I'd rather go for the more difficult of the two jobs first do that hopefully if that Q is it lean great if it doesn't cure anything well that they know and moreover hard drive after that the problem with this computer what's really really annoying it is all computer now but a new graphics card for this computer brand new is going to cut watch 700-pound they selling them secondhand or eBay as refurbished so what the hell can you do to refurbish one in graphics cards I do not know but between four and five hundred pound some of them selling a dull to 70 quid it's like I'm paying there you know the computer leaked off the 800 and I was just go and get another computer I'll be able to lose this one 9 you get it's quite fit that model we've got man you know if it's the HD 6970 graphics closet or something IMD yeah I know they had problems back unfortunate ones not under woollen please them all I can no one was really out to color out this window it's a far too expensive for what it is but anyway as you'll see in the video I've taken it apart does not shine a complete stripped down I've done that before but I'll show a few bits and I'll show you in this video me actually heating the chip this time and for how long I took to eat it and I already fired it up it was a bit like that but it seems to work now powered it back down again I've moved it here in the living room own or be six now I'm going to press the start button and fire it up again and see if it works because before I strip this them each of that chip up while water is what I'm going to get this thing working again so I here goes on by the way the whiskey is what's called a Dutch coach right it would start off with what screen like that which is normal Apple logo loading bar the loading ball would go to halfway then it would stop it was flash black and then go completely white the computer would go silent and that is it instead it was just a white screen I can hear the computer with a minute making it going noise so we're going to see what happens this is in real talent not white but the complete is still currently there we go full bar and it's gone back to our login screen which it was never gonna do before you never reach this point it is with white screen and they can do it one time what we could here with it was the fan Kelly but here like the little noises the computer it makes not the families but yeah little noises you know you know I mean I haven't bothered to screaming yet or the the front glass because there what's the point if it's gonna play out the get ourself on I'm going to leave it obvious for a few items here it goes but so far this is the second boat up from being unplugged since I fixed it and the display is back and before I took this apart after it went wrong I leave it like a day unplugs then go back to it and no matter what I've done everything nothing was done was right it wasn't going to work it is dead so I'm glad it's working now it was I practically bought another one a larger shrimp anyway I'm happy there with minute but I'm going to keep an eye on how long forgive a lot considering more at the last time I burnt the VGA or one of these computers but it was a turn I three of God's tears 21 and a half each I think you at the light 2009 only 2010 model I've burnt that VGA and that's two years ago and that computer we use every single day and it's still going strong and you know what the worst about the other computer is I'm going to put my phone and paste on the chip so I'm going to take it parking put some firm inflation in now do some good but I did put some place and chip on this one anyway that's it if it goes wrong again I don't know but so far so good anyway I'm out of here Ellie off you'll keep that flame turning keep it moving Wow [Music] yeah this could take a little while I'm waitin till I can smell the solder as long as you keep that flame moving don't let it stay on the chip in any one place keep it moving so it other words you will damage it we are holding this boarded and Hogg's circuit boards quite worn out your feet up a little bit I'll give it money laughs little [Music] suddenly I can't lever the folder that's it right there not going no more than that all the smells you can smell soldier now and let that cool down for a little while and put some thermal paste back on the chip put it back together and and see what the result is for now I will clean the chip up and put our paste on it now this is so that the heat from the chip can be transferred to the Mac and I say there the heatsink with no air gaps might be a bit too much me so that's it that's all right board or bolt it back together hopefully the thermal paste is spread out underneath this and it'll transfer the heat from the chip up through the heatsink to the earth the fan can blow it through here and hopefully this will cool the computer nicely all right and then put off temperature sensor connector back into place push it in there that's it little goes back together cool then this year's wire is ready what do now is sitting another board back in that's it all back together so now all the wheel or do is put the monitor back in we will display I'm pretty sure I've connected up all the connectors and there's a lot you know there's like dead - there's another one two three four there one two three four five six seven down there oh my god and there was quite a few behind the motherboard as well well plus sitting yeah cd1 harddrive backing two connectors so I'm pretty sure connected back up but it'll develop board actually went in slot it in nicely actually it didn't really take much messing around to get it to fit nothing lined up so I'm going to put the display back in now and then my Sean Bolger to slow down I'll just put it back in and lay it in and and fire up the weapons
Channel: Alan Howatt
Views: 172,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imac white screen of death, apple imac white screen of death, apple computers, 2011 imac i7, amd radeon hd 6970m, imac 27 inch, graphics card repair, video card repair, mac, how to fix mac, apple
Id: s79O09xL-Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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