Eng. White Screen turns on no loading iMac 21 Late 2012 A1418 Redesign of the Wi-Fi module #imac

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hi people my name is mark i'm from kazakhstan almaty city so today we have an imac inch 21 2012 year of release brought to you with such a problem the white screen turns on on loading this problem is related to the failure of the wi-fi model at the moment i do not have a wi-fi model for this imac but i will conduct and experiment and install a wi-fi model from the macbook pro 2000 of the 15 year of release this problem is common is specially in kazakhstan perhaps it is because of the climate that the wi-fi model fails sometimes this problem occurs which the following image turns on black screen no image this can also indicate a manufacturing of the wi-fi model earlier it was taken to another service center but they could not defend identify the problem and said that they would you need to replace the entire motherboard so we begin to disconnect the imac remove the power cable then take a speed cell knife for cutting off the two straw knit tape of the display here the ssd disc is already installed we take the tweezers and fasten the antenna cable of the wi-fi model with a screwdriver t5 we unscrew two screws for con veins you need to unscrew the right speaker which a screwdriver t10 now you can get the wi-fi module we connect the display glue a paper tape around the perimeter turn on the imac check that the operation system is loading now right now i have connected an external ssd drive and will boot from it you also need to check the status of the smart internal ssd drive the status of the smart ssd is yellow and there are a lot of errors on it it is advisable to replace it too i will also check the video card which the heaven benchmark program and now while the gpu test is going on you need to redo the wi-fi model from the macbook pro for the imac i will solder the antenna connector from the wi-fi module from the imac we actually a little flux and drink out the [Music] connector [Music] we repeat this something [Music] the remote antenna connectors from the imac are soldered to the wi-fi module from the macbook pro this is what the end result looks like now you can install this wi-fi model in the imac you will also need to deploy the 3n cables which the connector on yourself look and the wi-fi model itself is installed by connectors inside somehow it looks like this let's clean the dust inside the case a little [Music] wi-fi work it i connected the modem mode on the iphone now i will go to my youtube channel and turn on some video for checking wi-fi works fine and sees many available networks the imac has passed all the tests now you can glue the display case to do this you will need to remove the old double-sided tape you also need to remove the tape from the display i will use which double-sided tape from another manufacturer not native it is necessary to glow three times around the perimeter of the double-sided tape on each other it peels off from the bottom of one ribbon of double-sided jumping connect the display you need to make sure that is exact exactly install it at the level of the case and nothing bulky so now we connect the power cable turn on the imac before sticking we save that the images are the red the display backlight work now we glue the display the job is done now you can give the imac to the onwear thank you for watching
Channel: Remontapple
Views: 1,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remontapple, Mark remontapple Almaty Kazakhstan, the gray imac screen turns on, turns on does not load the imac, replacing the imac wifi module, turns on the black ecoan imac, disassembly of imac late 2012 a1418, imac repair, turns on the stripes on the imac screen, slow running freezes imac, Upgrade iMac 21 late 2012 a1418, iMac 2012, iMac a1418, iMac 21 a1418
Id: MaIpYRywAC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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