Eng. White Screen turns on no loading iMac 21 Late 2012 A1418 Redesign of the Wi-Fi module #imac
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Remontapple
Views: 1,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remontapple, Mark remontapple Almaty Kazakhstan, the gray imac screen turns on, turns on does not load the imac, replacing the imac wifi module, turns on the black ecoan imac, disassembly of imac late 2012 a1418, imac repair, turns on the stripes on the imac screen, slow running freezes imac, Upgrade iMac 21 late 2012 a1418, iMac 2012, iMac a1418, iMac 21 a1418
Id: MaIpYRywAC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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