How to fix the RTS genre

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hey how's it goin guys it's your retro future boy Ricky summer here and today I've come back in time to talk about the state of the RTS genre and how I think it can be fixed because I think we can all agree that the RTS genre has seen better days now I grew up with real time strategy you know yeah it was a demo of Age of Empires the first one with the expansion I think we've got it in a cereal box or something and I was hooked you ain't need twice now I'm not an addictive personality I don't typically get addicted to games this was an addiction I just I couldn't stop and it just it started this this lifelong obsession with RTS and you know Age of Empires 2 Age of Mythology and then it was any RTS I could get my hands on with the exception of Starcraft we don't talk about Starcraft this video brought to you by chrome Stallions armored mercenary company no job is too big all right so I think we can all agree that the entire genre is is it on its last legs very potentially and it's really a turning my soul man it's been a long time since we've had a really good real time strategy game but what's the issue could be a bunch of different things you know the dodgiest is typically a competitive multiplayer experience that's where the focus has been for a long time and you've got Starcraft 2 it's just sucking up all the air in that regard you know regardless of how I feel about the game you can't blame people for flocking to where the multiplayer community is plus you know we've had just a lot of subpar RTS lately and then we've had some really good ones that have flown under the radar just haven't clicked haven't found their audience for example gray goo is a game that I loved I've actually put 200 hours in it it's one of my favorite games of all time I think the polish is incredible I think it's this beautiful balance between old-school feel and modern features quality of life additions that just make it really nice to plan I love the asymmetrical factions it's it's great I love great group but very mixed reception he didn't really do hit and I think that's because it was marketed it was they were intending for it to be like the next big eSports you know multiplayer thing the Starcraft 2 killer maybe not baby that's being a bit ambitious but they very no very much focusing on the on the multiplayer wrap up which is a very typical route for RTS make no mistake but I think that is the issue everyone's trying to compete with Starcraft and they trying to be the next big RTS eSports extravaganza but there's one very important issue that that they're just missing there's a huge number of RTS fans that have no interest in multiplayer and they say they like the silent under them the majority but they certainly a silent throbbing mass how many times have you seen you know a post a comment somewhere if this doesn't have a good campaign I'm not interested if does this have skirmish mode if not I'm not buying it you know and I can't tell you how many times I've talked to people both in person and on forums and whatnot that tell me they love real-time strategy but they never play online why could be latter anxiety that's a very real thing it could be just a complete lack of interest in competitive multiplayer there are some people who are just not competitive by nature it could also be an issue of people wanting to control their gaming experience and as soon as you're playing online with others it's not controlled and semi related to that my biggest issue with competitive multiplayer here in the real time strategy is you know I'd love to get into it I'm actually really interested in it I have a little bit of a competitive streak and I'd love to have to test my mettle and get good so to speak but the strategies change in multiplayer you know you play skirmish and it's fun I have a lot of fun up to a certain point then you get too good and and the computer can't keep up with you and then while I'm basically done with it you know because now we just go through the motions so you can you go online and the strategy is completely different and it's not an element of oh now I have to learn something else the strategies required a multiplayer for me personally I just know fun you know for example let's look at command & Conquer three Tiberian was one of my all-time favorite auntie guesses I love that game fantastic campaign cheese's or hell but it plays right into my wheelhouse so I tried to take it online back in the day and it just wasn't fun it's just tank spam rock rush rush and you know I don't blame people because you're playing to win I understand that so you gonna do whatever it takes to win but what is required to win just isn't fun for me that's not why I play out - yes I play out - yes for the armchair commander fantasy you know I want to be the general and well let's set up mining operations here Riven forward outputs to protect the mining operations and then we'll make a little forward base off to the side that they can't find that stealth and then we can send attacks from there you know it's a little bit of role play involved maybe that's weird but that's what that's what I'm into I get I'll get off on that sort of let me know in the comments down below you hear where I'm coming from maybe you're the same way you win today that arm chain command a fantasy and for that reason supreme commander was fantastic you know even the multiplayer yes sure it's still for the most part played into that you know that that same competitive mindset you know you got to do certain things to win you got to you got to be fast but the nature of the game was much slower it was it was kind of almost like a grand strategy was very macro manned not about micro I understand Mike no no no micro has a better place and some people really like micro but I think micro strategy how - yes that's being such being serviced that's out there there are there were good ones or at least ones that people are satisfied with so I just want to talk about macro for a second the supreme commander was was almost perfect for me because it's it's about the big picture and the strategy is required to win against the AI were that different to the strategies required to win against a human that was great that's what I want so Rick you taking me down this delicious tasty illicit little rabbit hole but where are we going with this all right we'll look you've been very patient so I'll tell you all right so last week I got a press card for game called Mars it's in early access a husband-and-wife development team which is kind of cute it's a zombie space tower-defense thing on Mars so yeah little rocket your shuttle comes down you have to fill turrets to protect it you know it's my kind of thing I like defensive strategy games I love tower defense and I would recommend this game you know check it out put a link in to the steam page in the description but it got me thinking you know it's it's pretty like it's giving me vibes of they are billions remember that game I would definitely classify that as an RTS you know it's a base building defensive kind of horde mode are - yes very unique and that's what I love about it and I've had this thought before I've gone down this rabbit hole hole before but I'd like to get on record and get some of your thoughts on it I think that is where RTS should be focusing not in its entirety there's absolutely a place for competitive multiplayer focused RTS but that's what you could do lean into a buddy you know if you want to take on Starcraft to lean into it and give it everything and and daren't hedge your bets because as soon as you hedge your bets I feel like you're not gonna please anyone that's the issue you can't please everyone so when you try to you're just not gonna please anyone does that make sense so I think we can agree that the competitive multiplayer market is for the most part covered so what needs to happen to service all those people who are not interested in multiplayer but still want to experience an RTS I think we need to look at games like they are billions and what specifically it is that makes it such a satisfying experience and why is it unique so as much as I praised supreme commander I still think that's not really the perfect solution you know I feel like that's the pinnacle of getting the hedging their bets right but in order to really focus on the single-player market I really think dads need to look into this asymmetrical competition with the AI asymmetrical skirmish you're not a guy with a base fighting another guy with a you're a guy with a bass fighting a bunch of zombies or a horde of this order that or some opponent that has a unique rule set that doesn't play the same way you play the game so the AI can really focus on its own thing theater the AI isn't trying to mimic a human playing by your rules it's playing by tauren rules and you have to learn to adapt to that that's where it's at in my opinion that that's it that's how you solve it because then what you have is not a multiplayer competitive RTS that didn't take off and never really got a multiplayer community but don't worry it's got a skirmish mode now but it's actually kind of terrible codes tacked on and it's trying to mimic the multiplayer experience and just can't because the AI is not that good you don't have that you have a game that committed 100% to its single-player skirmish game play and it Nilsa and it's unique and it's not just trying to mimic the same tired old multiplayer competitive experience that we've had for however many years Omega that's my thing that's that was my thesis that was my rant this is I've been thinking about this for a long time this is where I want real-time strategy to go and I think yeah it's different but I think it's the key I think that's how we can keep the real-time strategy genre going rather than you know keep going in this cycle of oh let's try and beat out Starcraft 2 but we can't and then it's gone and no one plays it and lean into it dude lean into that community of the single-player RTS fans and just just give it all you got and make it fantastic alright guys let me know in the comments down below what do you think is this is this in your wheelhouse yeah do you feel like this is the kind of RTS you would want to play tell me what is your issue with realtime strategy as it stands traditional realtime strategy could you ever get into them into the multiplayer if not why let me know guys let me know thank you very much for watching taste the game be excellent to each other and I'll see you next time Ricky summer out [Music]
Channel: Ricky Summer
Views: 46,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to fix the RTS genre, ricky summer, rts games, rts games 2018, real-time strategy games, real time strategy games, real time strategy, real time strategy games 2018, starcraft 2, starcraft, starcraft 2 killer, starcraft killer, best rts, modern rts, grey goo, supreme commander, forged alliance, supcom, age of empires, aoe, they are billions, marz rising, base-building games, base building, base building rts games
Id: y7Fzj1-DTXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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