How To Fix Steam No License Error | Beginner Tutorial (2024)

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hello YouTube today I'm going to show you how to fix the steam no license error so first off guys what you have to do is just open your um file uh manager after that you have to find the game you have installed that you have to crack um so after this you just copy everything after that just put it into the Steam games uh folder after that you make a new folder uh just name it what whatever you want to name it just uh let's name it game after I put everything in into the folder after doing that the crack is in the folder and everything is all right so after this uh I forgot to tell you guys that you have to uh close Steam so close steam guys um you can also uh look if it uh steam is closed in the task manager like I don't see uh anything opened so I think everything is all right so after this you have to um open the steam uh location so here open the file location and you have to find the steam launcher after that rename it you can rename it however you want but I'm just going to leave it with an S after that I write EXC and that is it so this way the file cannot uh find the steam uh application and after this you just open your game and let's see if everything is all right yeah yeah guys everything is all right and that was it for the video guys I hope that I've helped you and I'll see see you guys in the next one goodbye
Channel: Ghosty Help
Views: 12,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o-aP2ZaYK1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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