How To Fix Shoulder Pain- (The Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Injured Shoulder)

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hey guys today we're talking about strengthening your shoulder if you have a shoulder injury or if you in pain in your shoulder if you haven't seen my previous video about understanding shoulder pain I recommend you go and check that out and now once you've checked that out come back to this video to learn how you can strengthen it I would suggest you shouldn't really start to strengthen your shoulder until you're largely out of pain now there are many reasons for shoulder pain and it's worth getting a professional diagnosis before you try any of these exercises but essentially any of these exercises you do the key is to not push it too far into pain you don't want to be making your shoulder worse now depending on what the shoulder injury is some exercises will be more beneficial and some will probably make it worse so the exercises I'm giving you today are based on my experience of the most common shoulder injuries such as inflammation of the tendon compression through that that tunnel where the supraspinatus runs so it took on bursitis or tendonitis rotator cuff injuries or joint instability but there are some shoulder problems that probably won't get better until you've had a further diagnosis or treatment from a qualified professional some of those injuries could include changes in the the angle of your chromium it could include lable tears arthritis so it's definitely worth getting it checked out before you try these exercises right so every shoulder injury has a range of motion that you can go into without feeling pain for example if you had a inflammation of your supraspinatus tendon or bursitis around here then you will have pain between here and here so any exercises you're doing you don't want to be pushing your shoulder into that range and like waves you probably be feeling pain if you're doing something like a shoulder press whereas if you had something like a biceps tendinitis that would probably be okay whereas lifting your arm force would probably her so the first thing you need to do is to figure out what ranges of motion you can do without experiencing pain also it's worth figuring out what was causing your shoulder pain first before you start to do any exercises because the last thing you want to do is to do the exercises that are making it worse so in my opinion there are three phases to treating any injury the first phase is to get yourself out of pain get your pain reduced go and see a therapist do some massage self stretching self massage juicing lacrosse balls phase number two would be to re-establish the flexibility so most people I see are very tight in this extension range so it definitely benefits most people to stretch the third phase is then to strengthen now most injuries anywhere in the body usually has a lack of stability so when doing shoulder rehabilitation the first phase of that strengthening is to regain the stability in the shoulder so the exercises that I'm about to show you are not necessarily specific for the shoulder but what they will do is to train your shoulder to engage those stabilizers those rotator cuff muscles and deltoid pecs to stabilize that shoulder so you get that control from there we're going to go into training exercises that work around the shoulder so we're not talking about necessarily shoulder press or lateral raises we're going to be talking about maybe strengthening some pecs strengthening some rotated crafts and latissimus dorsi a bit of deltoid and then we'll go into more specific short exercises so first things first is to start building that stability in your shoulder now all of these exercises can be done with bands at home personally though I prefer dumbbells or cables because the resistance is is the same all throughout the range of motion whereas with the band's it gets more difficult than more the band strips so you're changing the way the muscles having to work anyway tricep extension is a great one to start with because the shoulder is in a new to position so grab your ropes or grab your band bring it elbows into your sights and from here pull down straightening out with your elbows and bring it back up now the reason I like this is because as you're doing this you having to force your shoulder into this position if you can maintain that stability then you're not lifting your elbows forwards and backwards you know having to jerk their their weights down so you're building strength without putting your shoulder into any ranges that the shoulder doesn't like so tricep extension down slow on the way back up so that's your tricep extension for building stability through your shoulder I would do about ten repetitions rest and repeat another two times so three sets in total now I've also set up a band just to show you you can do the same thing with the band hook the band up onto something like a banisters over stairs or if you get the access to a gym then on a bar doesn't matter what you hook it onto something strong enough to have you pulling on it grab the band again put your elbows down to your sides and the straighten your elbows now it's going to get harder at the bottom so you have to engage the shoulders a little bit more and then control it back up so again ten reps three sets next exercise for the stability will be a bicep curl again same as with the tricep extensions I like this because it forces you to bring it elbow into your side and engage the stability in your shoulder so choose a weight that's fairly easy you don't to be doing too much especially at the start bring your elbow in to your side and bring the bring this dumbbell up towards your shoulder pause and then lower it slowly back down when you get to the bottom straight back up pause and down you can bring your other hand onto your arm just to make sure that that arm is pulled in to your side up pause and down what you'll often see in gyms and this is one of the reasons why people get injured is because the weight is too heavy and as they get fatigued they will start to swing the dumbbell up so you're disengaging the bicep and using other muscles to swing so you're cheating you're not using the muscle that you want to use so you end up putting a lot more force through the joint and inevitably you're going to cause injury so again ten repetitions start on the weak side you can obviously do the good side but start on the weak side first so that you know that whatever this arm can do the weak arm the strong arm is going to be able to do as well do the same number of reps on the strong arm as you can do on the weak arm so ten repetitions and three sets nice and slow now we're going to get more into the actual exercises themselves as I said earlier this will really depend on what you can actually do with your shoulder if you can't do any of these ranges of motion don't do them wait until the pain goes and then retry them at a later date but there's no point in you forcing yourself to do an exercise I need to find out that it's going to make it worse so let's assume that you can go into this range here without pain unless just assume that you can go up here and that will cause you pain so you don't want to be working into the range of pain you want to be working into a range that isn't causing you pain so I can go from here to here with no pain so we're going to strengthen that range first so I've got a cable here I've said it fairly high so that the direction of port is going across now in a normal lateral raise the hardest part of the range of motion will be up here because the gravity of pulling down so we're not working this part of the muscle this this range of the muscle what we want to be working is this range so we need the direction of force going across so I'm going to grab the handle take my arm across my body because in theory this isn't causing me pain right now and then from here I'm going to come out to about here where I'm still not having pain but if I was to go further there would be pain so from here across pause and slowly back in again out pause everything wants to be under control it wants to have a slow tempo and you want to be feeling the muscle working well you don't want to be doing this jerking it so it has to be so in control so I'll pause and in and you should do the same thing with a band you could just wrap it around a chair leg or door handle and do the same thing obviously it's going to get more hard as it goes out and it's getting easier as it comes in and obviously the more you step out inside the harder it's going to get as well so you can adjust the resistance based on where you stand so again out pause and controlling it back in so this is starting to strengthen the outer part of the middle part of this deltoid muscle the next one we're going to do is to work the front of your shoulder so again same thing you could use a band and let's just assume that this range here is okay well if you start to go higher that would cause you pain so you want to work that range that's pain free so you grab your band start with your arm slightly behind you and pull forwards pause and back out and again same thing can be done with a cable I would probably not do it with a handle on this one grab the cable by its own and just pull voids pause and back in exactly the same thing go into a range that is pain-free don't push it into a range it's going to cause you pain so we've worked the middle part of the shoulder it would work the front part of the shoulder now we want to start working through the back one of the biggest muscles around the shoulder is the latissimus dorsi that's that kind of wing muscle you can often see on bigger people so we want to start to strengthen that because that's going to help to pull the shoulders back if that's not stable and that's weak and this is all too strong at the front then that's going to put your shoulder into a bad position so that could have been one of the predisposing factors for your shoulder pain perhaps so you're going to grab a cable much like we did with the triceps pull yourself back lean forward slightly chest up now from here keep your arms straight and pull the cable down touch your thighs pause and then come back up again you're not taking it too high up you're not taking it into pain you're working into a pain free range of motion really so here pull down pause and come up again one thing you don't want to be doing is jerking you don't want to be pulling down too hard and you want to keep the rest of your body absolutely still so you don't want to be doing any of this or this so none of none of this everything stay still only thing working is the shoulder joint and again you could do the same thing with a band set the band up high grab the band and pull like I said earlier though with a band it obviously gets harder as it gets further further into that stretched position so choose a band that's right for you okay so what about the back of the shoulder the back of the deltoid the rotator cuff the next exercise again you can do at home with the dumbbell we could in the gym or I'll show you afterwards with a band so this is a single on row there's two ways you can do it the first is quite a neutral position so you're going to set yourself up onto a bench or a bed at home anything that you can do on have one leg out for support grab your dumbbell chest up back straight and pull the dumbbell up keeping your elbow into your side pause and slowly back down if that feels okay and you want to more specifically target the rotator cuff you can turn your hand and bring your elbow out wider like this but again that depends on whether your shoulder can handle being in that position if it can't don't go into it keep your elbow in a fairly neutral position it should be okay down here all of this is strengthening the muscles around the shoulder I'll show you now the exercise the same thing with the band and then after that I've talked a little bit about rotator cuff specific exercises the other way you could do it obviously is with a band at home so put the band up around sort of shoulder height chest height and grab the band start here pull it elbow back pause for words if that range that range up here causes you pain don't go into that range bring your elbow lower and have a more neutral position even pulling back like this that kind of goes into the similar sort of action as the last exercise we did the pulldown so have a little play around at this one here put a rub out why pause forward with control now you may have noticed I haven't so far talked about these rotator cuff exercises you know the ones where you get the band and you doing this external rotation and then you're doing this and you're doing coming in personally and this is just my opinion I don't think they're very good I don't think they are as effective as they're made up to be I feel like though most of time they're done with bands so first of all let's say you're doing an external rotation most of the time from here to here there's not that much resistance then you get to here it's actually hardest part of the movement anyway and you're now under more stretch so more resistance so the resistance is variable throughout that range it's not necessarily teaching that stability in your shoulder that's why I've gone into more sort of traditional bodybuilding exercises or weight training exercises because I think you can learn a lot from them you're working on that stability you're working on control in tempo those exercises will work your rotator cuff anyway if you're training your upper body your chest your shoulders your your back you will be working your rotator cuff and if you're focused on stability you'll be strengthening them anyway I think if if you're doing these quite often you're especially this one you're putting your shoulder into a bad position anyway and you're you're shortening and lengthening muscles and you're creating this sort of shear within your joint so you're probably going to be irritating your tendons this one probably not so bad but again you're working those muscles by doing other things anyway so I think there's more effective exercises than the standard rotator cuff strengthening exercises let me know what you think I'm open to suggestions I'm open to your thoughts if you disagrees me please tell me it's just my opinion I've tried to show you exercise this today that are probably a bit different to what you've been shown in other videos so take this information what I've told you take what you like try the exercises if they don't cause you pain then stick with them if they don't feel right don't do them look at other videos see what they do see what other exercises you like from those videos and start building up this kind of library of exercises that work for you at the end of the day there's so many things that can go wrong with the shoulder that these exercises will be appropriate for some and not appropriate for others so you need to figure out first of all what the short problem is that you have and then start fixing up see a therapist first get their advice then get rid of your pain then build the stability then start building strength with tendon problems one thing I've noticed is that you need to be working them to some degree the old advice was rest it will get better on its own but with a tendon you really do need to be stressing those tendons and I'm not talking about hard core exercises I'm talking about they need to be worked so don't be afraid if it is a tendon to to work it a little bit obviously just don't overdo it so I hope that helps check out the last video if you haven't seen it already let me know what you thought of the video drop it in the comment section below subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Precision Wellbeing
Views: 438,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shoulder pain, osteopath
Id: 1U_ctTDiflU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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