How to fix Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC... Start up issues

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all right this new game out that's been something well folks is probably not aware that Red Dead Redemption - one of the most anticipated games for PC is finally out now but I've dubbed it the troubleshooting simulator because of the amount of people myself included they can't really get it running too good but I did get it running good at least on one of my computers so we're gonna do today is we're gonna kind of show you some of the basic troubleshooting methods I use to get my system running maybe so I thought that I was gonna be bringing you guys a video of how to get Red Dead Redemption to working on your computer given all of the issues that exist unfortunately it didn't quite go as planned but there's still something to be learned from this so anyway good wish me luck the new pure base 500 from be quiet brings enthusiasts more of what they want at a price that they can afford to pre-installed pure wings to 140 millimeter fans ensure proper case ventilation while installation mats ensure quiet operation for the optimal balance of noise to performance the spacious open layout design means there's plenty of room for airflow but also plenty of room for custom water cooling loops with radiators up to 360 millimeters in size to see everything that the new pure base 500 has to offer from be quiet click the link in the description below so you may or may not have seen my tweets on Twitter where I was just like Rockstar what the frig is going on you promise to smooth lunch and to the point where even board partners started reaching out to me giving me some tips and stuff on what they have found has gotten there so you know how sad a state of affairs have to be when the board partners are having to do a crap-ton of internal testing themselves just so they can deal with the troubleshooting and emails that are never really gonna get from people thinking their components are the problem well anyway I've got two different systems here my test bench which consists of an 8700 K 16 gigs of DDR 420 atti whatever GPU we end up sticking on there right where the Maximus motherboard but this if you recall is our budget build this is probably what more people are trying to play on a system indicative of this this is an AMD 2700 X I think something like that 16 gigabytes of ddr4 we're on a very basic micro ATX m4 motherboard and that we've got 5709 xt in there here is why I think that this is going to be more realistic in terms of what people were dealing with is because the most common reports that we're seeing of Rockstar launcher not working or disk crashing tends to that AMD systems but all the problems I encountered yesterday which took the entire day for me to finally get through the first hour of the game without blue screen crashes system lock ups just kicks to desktop all sorts of crap we're taking place on skunkworks my ex $2.99 based Intel system so that's why we've got two systems here we're gonna test with I've got fresh installs on both neither of these have been updated or even turned on so the game is installed not first launch so I don't know how this is gonna go but what I'm gonna do regardless is I'm gonna show you some of the things that we that I was able to do anyway to finally get the game working now in terms of our install it was purchased through the epic game launcher however the game is still a rockstar title that uses the Rockstar launcher so when you launch epic and then or steam even when it's I don't think it's out on Steam yet but when it's available on Steam just like GTA 5 you click it it's then going to launch the Rockstar launcher to then launch the game so myeon happens to just be through epic which seems to kind of be the more indicative like the the more people are complaining about it through epic or even through Rockstar than anything else but that's the problem it launches Rockstar so I'm gonna go ahead and just I'm gonna launch the game for the first time here to see what happens I don't have the latest Nvidia drivers on here which is problem number one because when I'm trying I'm trying to induce the problems here I'm trying to recreate them when I worked in software testing this is what we did they're called repro steps reproduction steps we're trying to see what causes the problem first and foremost both AMD and NVIDIA are gonna have their like game ready drivers where you're gonna have the latest profiles for this game for your graphics card so that's the first thing you should do I haven't done it yet because I want to see how it responds but that's what you should do first the other thing you should do is make sure windows is updated which really kind of sucks because I means you probably to go through and redo all your privacy settings and all that stuff but make sure windows is updated so those are the two things you should do first all right so the very first problem we just encountered is Rockstar trying to install the C++ runtime and redistributable x' says the path can't be found verify I have access to the location I do have access to my computer now one of the things with this title 2 is it does launch by default into the Vulcan API which I've always told people Vulcans amazing because of doom but it seems like maybe this Vulcan implementations not very good because it's also the engine it's not just the API but the engine matters to a lot of people said that running dx12 gave them quite a bit of increase of FPS when I in switched the API DDX 12 on my system back home I then started pretty much all of my major issues where I couldn't even get the game launcher to go so what would happen here is you would see this screen a little rockstar logo outlining and there it goes it just it just turned itself off so the other thing you can do is you can you verify in like files but we just installed maybe that redistributable could be a problem but I doubt it considering I was having this problem on a system that had the redistributable installed no problem through its own installer I'm gonna also go ahead and do the Nvidia graphics update because we're on 4 for 1 0 8 4 4 1 1 2 which is technically the Red Dead Redemption game rady drivers on here I don't think it's gonna have any improvement whatsoever because of the fact that we're not even getting into the game the game launcher is crashing prior to even getting into the game so I don't think this is gonna be a fix but you know you've got to start with the whole did you try turning it off and on again ok so finally finished verifying files but we already knew that the files were fine because they were just installed we also found where that redistributable installer was we might try that one more time I really don't think anything's gonna happen here I don't think anything's gonna change yep there goes C Rockstar crashes it's rockstars launcher that is crashing so let me try reinstalling this says uninstall so it means it obviously installed let's just repair it it's a deaf successful okay can i lunch just the rock star launcher rock star I don't think ever actually logged in and I think that's what was happening is epic was like hey launch the game and rock stars like hey access denied you didn't login rock stars up that's a good sign error the rock star game services are unavailable an offline play could not be verified alright so here is my next step I'm gonna try right here if you go to your Documents folder and you go to Rockstar Games there is a Red Dead Redemption 2 folder right click delete just delete it boom done so the other thing we're gonna do now which this was actually recommended to me by from the board part well one of the more partners was to update your efi or your BIOS on your motherboard apparently it matters ok so here we are in the new BIOS and I really don't expect any anything to improve quite honestly I don't think it's gonna work nope Rockstar Games services are unavailable in offline alright fine ok so you know what it's not ski working on this system so now let's just see what's gonna happen with now something to keep in mind is most of the complaints that people have been kind of compiling data has said that it's the Intel system that runs fine and the aim of these systems especially be 350s that are running like crap so let's see if we can even get it to run on AMD now if it is broken on AMD this is not AMD's fault this is rockstars fault Rockstar owns this problem and so I this this starts his argument do you still come in close better this is nothing to do with AMD versus Intel this is everything to do with Rockstar vs. everyone else we got a little bit farther unable to launch game please verify game data now this this one gave us something like let's say you're not a power user you just and still and I were talking about this we think that this is what strengthens and bolsters the argument over this is why consul is better because you just want to deal with these kinds of problems well problems do exist on console but the thing is like if you're just a regular average Joe who doesn't know a lot about computers like you don't follow channels like this you're not a power user you go you buy your prebuilt you like I want to buy this game and I play it it won't work what the heck these are the things that obviously are turn-off unable to launch game at least this one's on an MDOT too because that one was on a hard drive so this is the problem this is this is unacceptable I don't care how vocal Rockstar could be about we're fixing it we're trying to fix we're trying it we're trying to who cares the problems here it's here now it's a $60 game $59.99 USD for the bass game if you want the first DLC pack it's seventy nine ninety nine if you want the full premium pack whatever it's $100 $100 for this piece right now this was a very anticipated game and it's said because this is this is why developers constantly feel like and I should know if I should say developers this is my publishers are constantly at war with the the buying market because you deliver [ __ ] like this expect to get reamed expect to get just completely hammered by the public about this this is not acceptable for anyone now sure there are people out there who've tweeted back to me and said Jay it's been working fine for me I've been playing for five hours six hours no problems whatsoever that's cool and all but that doesn't negate the problems that do exist you guys are the outlier at this point the people without problems they're the abnormal outlier in this there are look three systems now one I spent the entire day yesterday finally getting it to run what I use to get it to run doesn't work with these a fresh install even a fresh install of Windows 2 at that is a very clean copy of Windows a fresh install none of it works so this is why you're always gonna hear me preach don't pre-order don't give these pieces companies your money before they've earned it the problem is they'll give you these these these rewards that people will go I got 50 gold bars or whatever that's like 20 bucks or whatever it is does it matter when you can't use it and you can't play hopefully by the time this video goes live and and you know the next few days past it will be past all of these problems but I've made these videos when they happened with GTA 5 when they happened with battlefield 4 point being this is not OK I and I've dealt with these sorts of problems for years and I know how to sort of navigate them and work around them but these are I can't fix code that's broken and that's what this is so just a little bit of a rant while we're waiting for verifying game files there I'm gonna do what Phil suggested which is when this is done go back to this system try reinstalling those redistribute wolves manually because it's only installing the x64 64 bit which is fine but x86 is also needed for many things so I just want to give it one less effort to see if I can get it to work if not then I'll close out this video but I just wanted to make a warning piece to people to say look this this is not okay it's not okay to release crap like this and when you do expect to get beaten up for it and for anyone defending the publishers and all this well I can't even talk to you because clearly we're not on the same wavelength and unfortunately you're gonna continue to support this crap and I never will so anyway let's see if this works well unable to launch game please verify your game data clearly that it make any difference whatsoever so I'm gonna go ahead shut this down so this system is a wash that's now over to I'm trying to get this game to run on fresh installs trying to get your money back before you even cashed in or even proved that it was worth the gamble that's just stupid and pre-orders were only a thing when physical copy was and this wasn't necessary to play games before you know DRM and logins and launchers and all that crap a guarantee that you can go to Game Stop or EB games or wherever to get your copy on the day of lunch now they just fool you into thinking you're getting something with your pre-order by giving you some free digital sparkles engineering your game or some stupid camo or whatever the and then people think that they're actually getting something worth their money they are contributing to this problem oh my god they've finally created the folder I don't know if you should have clicked enable cloud saves because what if it corrupts your system at home I don't really care I didn't do anything I didn't do anything did you trade your knee though how many times did we do that though we reinstalled the drivers we reinstalled the BIOS remember when it shut down last time was cuz it blue screened it only took us an hour and a half to get to this point right now horse give him a horse whoa okay so let's do this then no not cotton it defaults to Vulcan that's what I said and I wanted to see if dx12 was any better so I did this I applied changes I held that to restart and then what happened back home was this started all of the problems you saw me starting here with today was the launcher crashing immediately like you see the icon come up and then it would just shut off still yeah let's see now it okay let's try safe mode no what I still can't figure out is how we suddenly got it working without doing anything I'm gonna go back to documents go back to Rockstar Games and then I'm gonna delete the Red Dead folder so we're installing the latest bios here on the de gigabyte motherboard which a lot of people have said the latest AG ASA AG ESA or whatever which is very similar to Intel's management engine is apparently what's fixing a lot of people's problems on AMD anyways and so the board manufactured that reached out to me it was basically like look the latest efi for AMD is like a must when it comes to getting it to work no I think it's do it again yeah it's just crashed again okay so as you can see the latest BIOS made no difference whatsoever on this one the Rockstar Games launcher exited unexpectedly please visit support dr. Gaines for more information this this is just sucky I'd love to put this this is not okay I've already gotten in my little rant this is I mean look two completely different systems very similar issues different errors one decides to work one is this like nope I had intended to make a video to help you guys get your games running but unfortunately I have no idea what fixed that one and I couldn't get this one running again so at this point we've got to wait for Rockstar to fix their crap and this just further strengthens why I will always preach don't pre-order hopefully this video is obsolete quickly because they will hopefully get this all sorted soon and those of you saying well that's why I waited for steam hahaha it's still Rockstar launcher you're gonna be using and that's what the problem is steam is just hopefully what their delay gonna give time for this to be fixed before it ends up on Steam so with that said I'm gonna go defeated and somewhat I think we're gonna install it in our office alarm machine in there to see if it works but if you've got dx12 working on yours cuz you could see I still can't get mine going on the machine that's sort of running is it performing better than Vulcan I'm curious because that's what I really wanted to test so I dropped I dropped my pokey thing I gotta go now guys alright thanks Mike because if you pre-ordered welp you and if you didn't well you're probably now I don't know what's everything I've tried whoa what am i voice
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 775,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget build, water cooling, pc build, pc, overclock, red dead redemption 2, red dead redemption 2 for pc, red dead redemption 2 problems, pc problems, rockstar launcher problem, rockstar launcher issues, red dead redemption issues, be quiet preroll, how to fix red dead redemption 2
Id: 1vIn8dtvMs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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