How to Fix Recoil Spring on a WeedEater

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horrible part oh my goodness oh my goodness don't you just hate that okay okay we have your typical cheap weed eater that you buy from a local big-box store what we're doing is replacing removing and installing installing is the important part the recoil spring inside there so I'm going to take that out there and first thing I did was get a bit a Torx bit that looks like this and you're able to get inside those holes to pull that out and also get myself let me show you cut seen got an umbrella that way I got shade all right guys are standing straight up and just want to take each bolt out how to eat some of those holes well fasteners or whatever and and unfortunately I got to take this part also take those fasteners off right there oh hey taking that thing off you'll see all right it's all because of this one here is bolt so nailed fasteners right there and right over there now just a matter of taking this off right here and let's get all you got hold the other in the other end looks like this it's another one of those Torx bits but I think I already have at least enough some we'll take that off there okay okay I got that off an important thing not to forget on this particular creator is this little metal piece right here it just slides right it'll fall out like so I have to remember it looks just like this when you put this back together the shaft area is going to be a little tricky and you might take some trial and error depending on the model you have but there's also another metal piece in here too so it's just a little tiny there I'll show you what it looks like it's just a metal piece too and just remember how it went in look at this there's two of them I lost one on but there's one of them so you slide it in there and you put this piece in there all right there are some two bolts on the back end of this right here and right here so get those out and finally this bolt right here that's fastened okay you take a spark plug out if you want to but he really don't have to take that off and then take that front off and now here's where you want to this is the main action goes down underneath the Greenes part there's where you're wanting to go right there that's the top of the recoil spring and the Rope is tied to the back of that so what I'll do right now is disconnect these electrical wires to make it easy to the oh the pull string just take these electrical parts off just pull them off there we go just like so and now you have access to what you've been wanting to get all along this right here and demonstration I'm going to take this out and you can see where it connects back there look back here there we go now back in here Oh see that metal clip that folds back that's oh there you get that metal clip right down in there and it slides in there and then it coils around behind here and then I'll show you here I'll show you I'm gonna take this out it sucks taking this out but I got to show you how it's done so I'm taking this out shoots really horrible part oh my goodness oh my goodness don't you just hate that so you might find it would you do like this you think you think it's game over because that's happened but it's not game over yet there's a metal piece in here this is going to be your helper this is the main deal without this thing your hoop down the downstream stream anyway you want to recoil this back in here and I'm going to do that right now now now now now looking at this world recoil spring this part it's going to be on one end this part right here it's going to go through this and then it snaps the bottom just like I showed you and then the top part it's going to be the other end of the coil it's going look like this this part is going to go Snug them inside here so you can kind of see see how this flips down and that one part should the last part should use on snug on like that it's going to be inside here just like so so so I'm going to put it together here alright so I started with this and right here I stuck it through that hole and then I just started see how this one to fall out you got to hold it down while you're twirling this in here get back in there piece of crap just when I hit record it wants to be stupid put it back in there and then twirling us around oh you piece of crap here I'll get together okay I'm getting a nice little pattern like this and then once you flip it down on the other end you're going to have to turn it you're going to have to put tension in the string this is the tensioner thing this is the spring this coil is coil with the rope on the other end I'm not it's not picture is what gives it that feel when you're pulling the string that tension and then it's the rope the pull string goes back to normal because of this spring right here this recoil spring hence the name recoil it recoils and just going to do this until you get it all in there and I'll show you how to get this is pretty rough on the fingers if you ask me I can feel that I could feel it hurting the fingers right right in here all right so just I've got it it'll probably flip out on me but hope not this is all tangled up get into the end all right now now that we got that all against camera now that we got that all in there this part this all goes together that's bottom part and then in here and here that metal part goes in that place I showed you earlier down here before I do that I want to flip it flip it over onto here see a little gap right there this middle part I'm trying to come out of a hand I feel it coming on wound this part I'm going to try to get in there show you all right so he goes in there like so when this goes down like that this goes over like that so we're gonna have to get this in here without it coming coming undone and then he is gonna have to drop it drop it right on there see how I'm holding like that that's going to do it like that there we go now that's one there like so you want to hold pull it together and this part goes it's really tricky and that hole down there and it's one of those deals where it's gonna it's going to be one of those where you have like an inch gap he's got to drop it and then you just kind of literally hope but what you kind of want us to do in the right place and there's a direction of which way to want wide it right here's a little arrow on there so you should wipe it on there a direction you go up attention on this once you have it wound up so you don't want to wine this towel right all right all right this is where you get your tension just want to keep turning this until you can feel the tension in it or get it feels like it's really tight and as you can see it's quilling up that's where it stops that's where that one end of it stops on that plastic wheel you want to do this until it's real tight and then you're going to want to sit down and to enter there we're almost lost it and started the uncoil so get this tight this is what makes it so when you pull the string it goes back it recoils so you want to get this really tight before you set it in there all right now that it's really tight in there you can see how tight little metal one you are inside there now's when you want to put this metal piece into this whole little hole down here so put over the shaft line it up as I'm going down and at one point you're just gonna have to let go and hope it goes into the hole okay I got it put in there now oh shoot anyway a lot of Sun and this part now you got tension see how it goes back in there now it's because when you wound that up there I got tension that metal piece we see if I can get in yeah there it is see a little metal piece that's where it goes and you had to slide your fingers down there heaven it held together and slide it in there this is wonderful as you can see it's how the Rope is tied behind there it didn't come out I didn't want to take it out so that's how it that works but now when you pull on this pull string it gets back how's that twisting action you put the tent and put the tension tension it now we want to put it back together on top of that shaft and these little notches right these little water wheel notches right here connect up with those metal notches right there and there so whenever the this starts self exciting the magnet or whatever should spin in and copper magnet whatever electromagnet and it uses the fuel put this back on there without it falling remember inhale I give out a spark plugs the spark plugs over there so this little gap hold right there just want to put that down there okay this is the part that I had to take the whole thing apart again except forgot to hook up to there's that and then there's the other part is right here and you're wondering which one goes where so the ground you would think that this one to be the ground and this was the hot wire so the hot wire is so on this switch just shut it off you push this down so that's the negative one so let's get the negative one which is kind of a guessing game I want to say it's this one and then you put that one on and then process of elimination you put the other on that back on there we go we get that hooked up and now now we just need to put it all back together if you really want to make sure you get the right one on the positive and right one on the negative terminal what you do is take a multimeter you put the to the positive and you put a negative and if it's reading negative negative whatever then you have the backwards switch them and then if you get a positive polarity then you go you get the right way okay I put this to the two halves back on there put the four bolts onto the two four fasteners on the two fasteners on and then as you can see you can actually run it right now if you want to but I really don't run no a closer look at this is the metal piece kids down put a little metal piece in there goes in there it was already sitting in there and then this piece goes there and then this slide bolt holds that metal piece in there see and the only one to do it one way we got the square block of a fastener they can't put in this way and then you want to tighten it tighten it down okay then that'd be super crazy in theory there we go snap and now just a matter of um you got this weird assembly right here and this make sure this is still attached because it's trigger this comes out this will fall out I'm not taking it out I just being a painter but but I think see this part right here see this little mechanism here it's truly truly magnificent it goes like that and you want to keep this little ball that goes inside okay so this wire you just follow this magic whole Road just follow the magic whole road and you'll see that it leads out that way and then I like all right you want to snap it in there and then put it underneath like so and then you want to put the rest of this with this part snaps in right there now I'm dripping sweat onto my view screen so I'm constantly having to take the sweat off that but anyway it's not anywhere near this video the put the point of the video anyway we're just putting this all back together and then we're going to try it out see if it works now I might have with the bolts all mixed up all these bolts were looking different but now for whatever they're all the same torque Spithead but they're all slightly different oh well okay moment of truth full choke pushes down probably five six seven eight I'm I probably flooded it because I had it upside down right side up to the side and I want to pull it will run for a little while and I'll and I'll fit it to a half choke and then let it run for a minute and then put it to run but let's see if we put those wires back back right you
Channel: MattHumanPizza2
Views: 529,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fixes, repairs, prepare, plan, calibrate, improve, mend, troubleshoot, sharpen, How, how, To, to, Tutorial, teachings, Education, Learning, Learn, Teaching, teaching, teach, lesson, Lesson, constructive, leisure, recoil spring, weedeater, weedtrimmer, pullstart string, rewind coil
Id: 2fbs8Xp_AO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2015
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