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hello guys today I going to show you how to solve the black screen problem on power I'm Brazilian so my English not very good but I hope this video can help you before I start we have two conditions first one is you need a SSD card to play power and the second is this solution is just for NV users I'm so sorry I don't know about MD okay so come here in in Nidia side and download the latest version of your drive okay but don't use yes don't use probably you have seen this before Solutions like oh just download the latest version of your driving it'll be fine it'll been okay but it doesn't work because it's not about the newest version the latest version of her drive but a version that works for power okay so a version that I recommend you to use to play power is this one from 2021 okay okay download this and you'll be fine but why I ask you to download also this one CU if you want to play other game that's not powered it is okay to use other version but for power this is the best one after download this driver version we need to go on the power local files okay so click here in pul B windows and right click here properities compatibility and make sure that your settings are the same as me so click here Windows a click here and this one apply and okay after this don't start the game from E okay play power from this okay double click here to play the [Music] game it probably will show this to upow your driver resion so click no so it'll be fine so guys if you work it for you leave a comment if don't work didn't work it for you leave a comment here okay so let's help each other so bye
Channel: Yuzo Miyamura
Views: 124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld black screen, black screen palworld, palworld black screen how to fix, palworld black screen how to solve, palworld black screen issue, palworld not launching, palworld black screen error, how to fix palworld black screen
Id: IGYpbfZauag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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