How To Fix Microsoft Office Error Code ✅ Unable to Start Office Error Code 147-0

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Hi there! [Music] in today's tutorial I'm gonna be showing you how   to fix your office error 147 and  other issues easily step by step [Music] welcome back let's first have  an idea about the issue which is after   opening a new file of Microsoft Office any  Edition you may face this issue which is the   resulted or caused by the presence of more  than one installation file in your system   as you can see here it is  taking too much time to open and unfortunately at the end we are facing  this error message which is enabled to start   office and it is showing you the error  code 1470 some causes which are claimed   to be for updating adding or revolving programs  within your office but the case is that there   are more than one installation file within  your system that's why you need to repair it   great that being said let's  move on now to the first fix first I don't do your Star menu from it search for  services good next star or run as administrator a new window will open and here you will  have all your services which whether you   are they are running or they are disabled  next you just scroll down until you find Microsoft Office click to run  service right click on it and select   stop right so it's being stopped as you can see  it has stopped but still have automatic within the   option in here next you right  click on it and hit properties   good run properties we scroll down to the startup  type and select disabled next hit apply and okay   next we will search also for Microsoft Office  click to run service if you check it again you   will notice that the option have been activated  which is disabled in here and is not running   on the right here you have some description  about the functions and the use of these options   good let's hit back to properties again now we'll  make it to automatic but with delayed start again we'll change to automatic but in this instance  we have delayed the store instead of automatic foreign next hit apply and you notice that  this star button has been activated click on it and this will start the service  good now let's hit OK and exit   as you can see now it is running with an automatic  delay as the first fix let's try to open the   office file and check if it has fixed the problem unfortunately this fix has not worked with me  let's move on to the second fix first head on   to the Star menu the same next we hit settings or  your system settings right next we head on to apps from Maps we hit the installed apps wait few  seconds until all the apps are being loaded   great to find your app you can just search or just  sort it by A to Z okay to scroll down until you   find your software the office right so that's  one next we hit the three dots on the right   and select the option whether you uninstall or  modify it will want to modify not and install   it so hit and install wait a few seconds and  a new window of Microsoft appears here you   will be asked how would you like to repair your  office programs whether quick repair or online   repair the quick repair fixes most issues quickly  without the need for any internet connection and   like the online one right let's hit store  ready to start a quick repair hit repair   and wait until it turns the issues you may  be prompt to close the open apps so just   head to close or you can  also restore your computer   and try again if that does not work he will  just stop all the apps that we have and continue now it is repairing The Office  programs so just be patient and   wait till it finishes all the  fixes as we said that's a cool   a feature which fixes most of office issues so  just try it before you uninstall your program great done repairing it has finished   let's head on now to the file and check if  this has fixed our issue let's open the file [Music]   foreign your file opens faster and normally  without any issues and you can just try typing   and saving without any problems that's it with  this we have reached the end of this tutorial   keep tuning for our next tutorial which  will be dealing with other common office   issues you might encounter till  then this your hostessed in peace and with this we have reach the end we tune  it for our coming tutorial thanks so much for   watching I hope you have a great day and if  you have any comments or suggestions please   have them below and subscribe if you want  more helpful videos like this see you around thank you for watching if you like this  video do consider sharing it click on   the like button and go ahead and leave  us a comment below we'd love to hear   from you and don't forget to subscribe  to our Channel and the notifications to get the latest tutorials that will inspire  Empower and connect you [Music]
Channel: Raqmedia
Views: 24,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raqmedia, Office Error Code 30015-1011(2), Fix Microsoft Office Error Code 30015-1011(2), Fix Microsoft Office Error Code 0-1036 (0), Office 365 Error Code 30015-1011(2), Office 365 Error Code 0-1036 (0), unable to start Microsoft office, ms office unable to start how fix it, ms word not working, ms word not opening, ms office not responding, something went wrong we couldn't start your program ms office error, something went wrong we couldn't start your program ms word error
Id: 1sfLtSjaCao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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