How to Fix Knee Pain [Is It Patellar Tendonitis?]

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nchlas27- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you so much

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zyrau1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you extra much

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MyGfLooksAtMyPosts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn thank you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kingsmartday πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys I'm doctor in Horsham and today we're going to talk about how to fix patellar tendonitis now here's the deal you've been experiencing pain around your patellar tendon is it truly tendinopathy the first thing we need to know is that true patellar tendonitis or tendinopathy will be painful right at the tip of where that patella in tendon meet or at the tip of where the tendon meets the tibia usually it's not gonna be painful right in the center unless you've hit your tendon on something so that's number one yes or no do you have true tendinopathy the second thing is is it load related pain if you perform a bodyweight squat how much pain is there let's say it's a 1 out of 10 pain but you do multiple tuck jumps now all of a sudden that's a 7 out of 10 pain 7 is obviously much worse that's showing its load related pain you see your tendons speak the language of load and I like to think about your tendons like a thermometer let's say you've worked hard most your life you've been a strength athlete for a long time your tendons maybe are fairly strong thermometer wise they have a degree of 80 degrees okay let's say you've had one really hard workout here you wouldn't play basketball for 10 hours one day and you put so much load from the constant pounding on the ground or the constant amount of box jumps that that tendon load went up to 90 degrees what that means is that you exceeded your load tolerance that day or that strip of time and because you exceeded your low tolerance your tendon becomes angry calls becomes reactive that's when pain sets in the first step in fixing true patellar tendon pain tendinopathy is a Spanish squat isometric now here's what this is going to do you're going to grab a band it's got to be a thick band and put it around the base of your knee this is a monster' band from rogue just about four inches thick I think the purple one from rogue fitness I'll have a link to this in the description of the video but you're gonna back up a good amount now these Spanish squat is basically a reverse wall sit you're not squatting down like this you're not hinging it's a reverse wall set so picture there's a wall behind you and you are literally going to sit back like this and you're just gonna hold it see my chest is vertical research has shown that true tendinopathy pain can be greatly decreased and you can regain some of the activation of your quad muscles by doing five sets of 45 seconds now in order for this to truly happen this needs to be very difficult and I promise you holding this for 45 seconds my quads are burning like crazy in order for an isometric to decrease pain and improve what is called cortical inhibition basically the pain decreases how active your muscles can become thereafter so improve your performance regain your muscle contraction ability it needs to be a very heavy isometric upwards a 70 to 80 percent of max voluntary contraction what that means is that your simple wall sit for most people most athletes this is too easy if you can sit here for a minute two minutes it's way too easy it's not gonna have the benefits that we're looking for with true tendon pain even a single leg wall sit for most athletes is too easy so it needs to be a very heavy isometric in order to do two things like I said decrease pain thereafter and improve your ability to regain muscle strength that is what an isometric does five sets of 45 seconds now what this does it's as only the very first step true tendinopathy like I said will do because you overloaded your tendons you exceeded their low tolerance capability in isometric only decreases pain and cortical inhibition allowing you to regain some that strength but it doesn't address load on your tendons because that's a very low load movement from there what we need to do is modify your training decrease a little bit of stress in the short term remember we don't want to completely stop training because all you're doing if you just take two weeks off is you're slowly lowering your thermometer back down your current low tolerance was 80 you exceeded it by going to 90 if you just take time off it's slowly going back down to 70 or so so that the next time that you do a normal workout that's your body's used to being able to tolerate 80 you're gonna exceed it again the problems going to continue to be a cycle so what you need to do is trying to do some strength exercises that it puts a load on your tendon but doesn't continue the pain cycle so what that means is that we want to do heavy slow resistance training now the Bulgarian split squat like I've demonstrated before is a great exercise for this you're going to load your tendons but because we're going very slow three seconds down three seconds back up it's going to allow your body to improve load tolerance at that tendon without making anger your tendons are like Springs so the faster you use them and the more power you put into them the more load that's gonna be placed on them that's why a big box jump where I'm coming up pop because I just landed and use them as Springs that's placing a ton of load on my tendon so early on that's gonna be pretty painful but if I do a very slow even weighted hold a lot of weight and go slow down into a Bulgarian split squat this is okay so if I can slowly improve my low tolerance and improve how much strength capacity those tendons have with that and then slowly integrate with some light box jumps or tuck jumps eventually I can get back to doing full box jumps loading it like crazy because I'm increasing my low tolerance capabilities without making things worse now here's how you know if you did just enough let's say during your training 5 4 45 seconds on the Spanish squat come over maybe do 3 sets of 15 slow tempo down and back up Bulgarian split squats you see how you feel the next day 24 hours later do something that originally was painful do some tuck jumps is it better worse than the day before if it's a little bit better you just did enough the day before in your rehab to improve your low tolerance without making things worse if it's worse you did too much you need to scroll back on how much load you're placing on your tendons do less weight on the Bulgarian split squats do a little bit less weight and amount of volume total so things like that can be very helpful if you want to learn more about how to work through tendinopathy paint check out my website squat university comm click on the blog article tab at the top scroll down how to fix patellar and quad tendon pain because the treatment is very similar between the two check out that free article for much more information so that is it how to start fixing patellar tendonitis pain with the Spanish squat today I hope you guys liked today's quick video if you did please like comment share the video with your friends subscribe to my channel and if you have any other questions aches and pains that you want me to address in future videos let me know and I'll try to address them until next week guys happy squatting they say that energy flows where attention goes so I pay no mind well waste my time with all these negative cat stretching so caught up in their egos is people
Channel: Squat University
Views: 3,808,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knee pain, Best Exercises for knee pain, pain in knee, knee pain exercises, how to fix knee pain, knee pain treatment, knee pain treatment without surgery, physical therapy
Id: w5fXd5FCS_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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